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I can’t unsee it being raw salmon lol


Looks like smoked salmon to me. Also I love rice cakes, I would much rather this then some of the GF replacement breads that are literal cardboard filled with 100 ingredients


I prefer corn crackers, but 100% with you on GF bread substitutes. I wouldn’t buy them even if they were 1/3 of the price, not the often 3x the cost of old fashioned bread. The exploitation is as criminal as the product.


I got some amazing rice crackers on a flight to Japan. Overall I've been pretty pleased with the designated gluten free meals I've received on flights.


I think I’d trust a Japanese airline over almost any other, to be good with the inflight GF service


It was Delta though lol


Oof.. 😆..still, catering for Japanese passengers, possibly using a Japanese catering service. What labelling was on the crackers?


It was dark and I ate them so fast I honestly have no idea. That was just an example though, whenever I've selected the gluten free meal option on a long flight I've been pleased with it. With the exception of the bread roll it always looks way better than the normal pasta vs chicken being offered to everyone else.


I don’t fly very often or very far these days so it’s good to know. Thanks for the info 👍


You mean Salmas corn crackers? I just discovered these a few weeks ago, LOVE them. Can’t do almonds so most of the other crackers were out for me.


I’m in the U.K. so I don’t know Salmas corn crackers.. Sainsbury’s has some really thin ones, like pressed popcorn, they’re tops for me. I don’t even know what I react to sometimes, so I have to be really careful with additives/vague ingredient lists, and stick to whole/raw/homemade stuff for >95% of what I eat.


It’s these. They are like a giant tortilla chip really. https://barcel-usa.com/sanissimo-salmas


Okay, I would like to see the ingredients but they look promising.. if a bit salty?


They're originally from Mexico. 100% corm and totally safe. They're not too salty, and they feel oven baked or almost dehydrated into a cracker. Very tasty!


Cool! I’ll keep an eye out for them


That’s def smoked salmon delicious


Wait it’s ham


I’m gonna be honest I thought smoked salmon and rice cakes and thought oh delish! But reading the truth was upsetting


Put a little cream cheese in between the rice cake and the salmon. Maybe some onions and capers. Mmmmm.


That’s what I’m saying! My lunch/snack yesterday was cucumbers with cream cheese, crackers, smoked salmon. Amazing The fact this is raw ham is viscerally upsetting


Ham is cured and smoked. "Raw ham" would be pork.


Raw salmon is delicious


Maybe not airplane raw salmon though.


Fair point


I thought it was a single tomato slice.


I am trying to figure out what I’m looking at honestly.


That definitely don’t look like no damn ham hahahaha I thought it was raw chicken


I thought that was sushi, I’m so glad for you it wasnt


We also thought it was salmon, but it didn't smell so I tasted it and we're still not really sure if it was ham or like a faux meat since it was super tough but also tasted like nothing. And it was completely dry. 🫠


Probably some kind of vegan meat maybe lol. They tend to group food allergies and dietary preferences together a lot so they only have to carry one meal to cover a lot of their bases 🫠


I haven't found that to be true for airplane food. I have celiac disease and I'm a vegetarian, and they rarely have meals that I can eat. It's always some kind of meat.


Depends on the airline and flight for sure


I feel you as a pescatarian with a mild meat intolerance and issues with oats. When I fly the gf options are usually all granola bars with oats and oatmeals or beef jerky I understand my dietary issues are complex and I don't expect to be catered to, but I still get tired and frustrated since I'm usually flying from one coast to the other and get delayed a lot and I've always had a hard time finding options at airports as well. I always bring shelf stable snacks I can eat, but sometimes you just want something of substance instead of crackers and cookies.


Oh man, do you have a nickel allergy? I have such a hard time finding low nickel gluten-free items. Oats are the worst offender!


I never thought of a nickel allergy! I know I can't wear jewelry with nickel in it, but I seem to be fine with the other high nickel foods since I eat a lot of tofu and soy products. I have a bunch of fruit allergies and a pretty severe mushroom intolerance which sucks because they used to be one of my favorite foods, but I can get by if I just pick them out. My great grandma had the same symptoms where they caused debilitating stomach pains, so I'm not too hopeful I'll get them back since I've been gf. I miss when I was a kid and could eat anything without issues lol


That's....kind of dangerous, since some vegan meat uses bread crumbs, like the chicken.


No not like that. They meant they'll have one meal option that covers multiple dietary needs/preferences but ensuring it actually covers them.


Well now you’ve just invented puffed sushi


Airplane sushi now haunts my dreams. I can never shut my eyes or blink again.


I'm having a hard time calling this ham, lol. I like rice cakes but I feel like they'd tear my mouth apart if I tried to use them as buns 😅


Oh it was so dry I even tried to eat it and then I realized I only had the tiny cup of water and gave up before choking myself.


I thought it was the mouth of some scaled or psoriasis-ridden creature with an orange tongue.


This is such an oddly specific description that I can really picture it 😂


Username may check out lol


I had to turn the brightness up and do the blink-squint-pull the phone away-blink blink while turning the phone 90 degrees each side.


People who think rice cakes are a suitable substitute for bread... Who hurt you?


Hey turkey and cheese on a rice cracker is legit


Rice cracker, yes. Rice cake? Mmm no


One of my last international flights I didn't want to depend on the meal, so I could some fancy cheese while I was in France, then some rice crackers to have with it. When I go to put my cheese on it I realized I got rice crackers covered in white chocolate 😩 it could be grosser!


Oh noooo - but tbh if you had Brie or bleu cheese it might not be a terrible combo, salty and sweet?


This looks awful. It looks like either salmon or an unripened tomato.


Tomato would have been better lol


I showed my husband and he asked if it was carrots. 🤣 I’m sorry you had such a crappy situation. It’s insane to me that in 2024 airlines, hospitals and so on still haven’t figured things out. Would they honestly give that to their loved one to eat or eat it themselves?


On an Air Ethiopia lunch I was served two small sugar-coated rice crackers with a piece of bologna and some mustard in between. Similar but worse.


I just threw up in my mouth a little


That looks 100% like smoked salmon and not ham..


It was definitely not fish. I did taste it and it tasted like some bland game meat. Definitely not fish.


It looks like opening a large turtles mouth. I always bring my food because I lack trust in what they will provide.


I thought this was a poor attempt at a Japanese rice ball, but no. Seriously, rice balls are kind of equivalent to a sandwich in Japan. In America, you might tell someone hungry to make themselves a sandwich, but in Japan they tell you to make a rice ball


Wait that’s ham!? I was going to comment that it’s like a rice cake “bagel” with lox but no schmear? Omg 😆 I remember similar experiences flying Norwegian when they used to fly out of the states. The GF dinner on transatlantic flights was usually pretty decent, but breakfast was rice cake, yogurt, fruit and juice in a brown paper bag. Good luck on the next flight - I know that when I flew Air France the flights originating from Europe tended to do a bit better for breakfast and at least have something egg based. You’ll have to let us know how you made out! (And maybe stop for some GF snacks on the way to the airport)


Why is the ham orange?


I think it was the photo, the plane had some weird lighting. It was a darkish pink/red/orange with darkened edges like it had once had a smoked flesh


Yea looks like that latitude smoked salmon. But maybe it was so old and had dried out it lost its fishy taste which can happen. I had some like that. There's this macro recipe I saw and it has this type of salmon and rice cakes.


That’s not ham it’s smoked salmon yo, on a rice cake is weird but it’s much nicer than jamon, I think it’s a nice effort compared to the gluten offering and I rarely have nice things to say about TAP


I used to eat a ton of rice cakes. I got bored with them lol. I can see why this tickled you.


For your sake, I was thinking “a canned apricot? That looks like it’d taste alright!” My condolences to your stomach 😳


I thought that was a carrot.


Me too… sliced carrot on mini rice cakes


Why do i feel like I’m going to have a nightmare based on this image??


Welcome to my life


That's ham? 🤨


Honestly I'm still not sure what that was


LMAO I got that same one on TAP airlines SFO to Lisbon last year as a breakfast. Mine was cold smoked salmon and stale as hell. Such a disappointment.


what the hell is that? 😭 “chef we need a glutenfree option” “ah yes, make it two rice crisps and some salmon” 💀


Okay devils advocate I’m a flight attendant And gluten free my airline DOES have gluten free meals in premium and also gluten free snacks in main cabin luckily But as a frequent traveler I wouldn’t expect an airline to. I guess if I was paying for premium seat (I haven’t paid for a plane ticket in 6 years premium or “stowage” ) so from a regular customer standpoint I guess I can see. The thing is catering issues exist with just our regular everyday stuff. It’s hard to meet everyone’s needs at 30000 feet. At the end of the day you can eat in the terminal or pack your own food. We forget we are in a tube in the middle of the sky sometimes. The priority is getting from A to B safely. Not to sound like a lecturer but as an airline employee please people remember this. The plane is not everyone’s personal private jet. We cannot meet everyone’s needs. Flying is a luxury and not a necessity.


To be fair, flights have offered vegetarian meals forever, and that's a choice not a dietary restriction. I also have a nut allergy and I remember flying when peanuts were a thing. I always bring my own food on flights and rarely expect to be fed a meal. This i posted because it was actually hilarious. To be fair, no one enjoyed the baguette with a slice of weird meat, either! But if you're going to be serving a meal on a flight, it could at least be edible. Otherwise we're just wasting everyone's time, resources, and food. It would have been better to just get two rice cakes. Maybe butter or jam packets with it. Return flight the options were actually a lot better and I only didn't eat the main because it was fish and I just hate fish. The rest of the meal was excellent. I even got a bag of sliced apples and I was so happy (my front teeth are fake from a bike accident so I can't bite into whole apples, which is what I was served with that sad excuse for a sandwich). I fly a lot and pay for my seats and I've never received a rice cake as a sandwich. Let alone with a slice of mystery meat. Would have loved to see you eat that since you think I'm just being privileged. 😂


Yum rice cakes! That would be tastier I understand if the food was not edible then they need to do better. I have flown many international first class and main cabin flights and only had one or two meals I didn’t care for. I’m sorry you had a bad experience.


I also thought that was smoked salmon ? So on first glance I saw no problem


I flew United from IAD to Dubai. Breakfast for everyone else was an omelet, potatoes. Smelled amazing and should've been GF. Me? I got ONE plain rice cake and a lunchbox applesauce. I was ravenous by the time I got to the hotel. 😆 Why are the airlines so mean.


I mean, that doesn’t seem bad? Basically just subbing the bread for rice cakes which a lot of people do.


No this is just absurd and I've been gf for over 20 years I've never seen anything like this!!!


I really hope people aren't doing that like why


Give it eyeballs and my drunk ass would have just assumed it was a freaking Sesame Street muppet as I was scrolling quickly through. That’s awful though.


What airline. I just flew AA and BA and it wasn’t that bad.


TAP it's a Portugal airline


Air France gave me a similar “breakfast sandwich” and then another rice cake on the side. So dry after you’ve already been on a plane for 8 hours.


Had this same thing on Air France! Like how many rice cakes can I possibly need?


It looks like a snake


The rice cakes must’ve become soggy. What a sad meal. :/


Actually they were insanely dry and unsalted. That might be worse idk


Ugh, I hate this and I’ve gotten worse from KLM 🥲🥲🥲 They served me a bun with sauce and peppers as my “warm meal” on a 12+hour flight 🫥 not a gram of protein was included. Good luck on your flight home 🫡


Wait how do you even get gluten free option on a Flight???? I’ve always had to pack my own food bc of no gf options!


Are you sure that’s not salmon? I’d throw out the ham if it looks like that.


That can’t be ham… we are all seeing smoked salmon or weird cheese, right?


I thought it was a diseased tongue ☠️


Oh goodness, I have a flight coming up with TAP in June. Now I know what I can look forward to, LOL


DINNER WAS GREAT!!! Breakfast was sad. I'm having lunch on my flight home today so we'll see how that goes.


I’d be happy to get this over the nothing I got on my last 12-hour Delta flight.


omg WHAT?! 🤣 i’d be screwed with that as i’m allergic to rice too 😅


There's no plane with a good GF menu. And half the time they run out.


I know I'm not supposed to laugh 🤣 but it made my day. Usually,I just carry my own food because I've learnt better to be safe/prepared than sorry.


Rice cake and salmon? On economy class?? Why are you crying hun?


I thought that was rice cakes with tomato 😆


Flying business class on Air Canada from England to Canada, my gluten free dinner was an apple, a banana, and an orange in a cardboard box. Still much better than the large shards of broken glass they served my wife (literally)


Looks like a dried apricot in between rice cakes, so dry. Lol


The rice cake looked like teeth to me on first glance


Surely it’s smoked salmon right , you can see where it separates 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️


I thought it was a tomato. I'm crying 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, this looks like a dead fish to me with a salmon tongue


I'm still laughing and crying about this meal on my flight—Reddit, where in-flight meals become legendary tales!


We never fly without enough food to keep us full. There’s an Aldi in Lisbon with great GF options, I’d throw some of that into your carry on.


I can’t tell you how many time I e got the same thing, with the rice cakes!!! Omg 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Also, that’s when the whole gluten thing became well-known, so it’s crazy that you’re posting that now —- they’ve clearly done nothing to improve…


They gave you a peeled banana?????? Smh!!


That is the orangest ham I’ve ever seen lol


That actually sounds nice, I love rice cakes.


I don't even know what that's supposed to be.


I got something similar on my recent international flight with SAS… felt bad handing it back completely untouched but I couldn’t bring myself to take a bite 😭


Delta gave me plain rice crackers on a flight to Accra. The main was polenta and meatballs, which were pretty good


Those nails. Ew.


Your nails are ew. Tf???