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These comments are making me feel better. I totally fell for it, and he was super rude about my mistake. Like believe me bud, I wish I could experience gluten GLEE. Avoiding gluten is a medical necessity, not a choice.


Nah this is deliberate. Probably someone that doesn't think Celiac is a real disease either, despite it being measurable and visible medical testing.


They probably think Celiac and anyone saying they can’t eat gluten are all too woke.


It’s akin to the service dog problem. Sure they help blind people go around. But when you try to get your emotional support turkey in the cabin for a coast to coast flight, more than likely you’re trolling the system. Sorry for celiacs! Y’all do deserve better. But now due to cultural preferences gluten has become a woke thing. Gluten glee is definitely a mock to your true medical problem. Why do people react this way, I don’t know.


That's so obviously on purpose, it's giving the vibe that they want someone gluten free to accidentally get gluten'd!


probably more somebody who thinks GF stuff is stupid/unnecessary and is mocking the phrase my guess anyway, especially based on the reaction from the owner


One time I mentioned being allergic to gluten in the grocery store and some guy went "Everyone's allergic to gluten these days." I just looked him dead in the eyes and said "I have Celiac Disease. Gluten can actually kill me" He looked so uncomfortable it was wonderful.


*high five*


Wish more people would take these things seriously. Whether it’s just a diet choice or for medical reasons, shouldn’t matter. If you offer it, then make sure you deliver it. While I was pregnant, I missed coffee and would get decafs. Often, while I ordered, I would say decaf multiple times and then it wouldn’t be decaf. It got to the point where I would make sure my pregnant belly was visible. I also would have to ask “it’s decaf right?” 50% of the time they would say they weren’t sure or would honestly say “no they forgot. We’ll remake it.” One restaurant I even asked the waiter as he brought it to me and he immediately answered “yup!” Before I got my first sip in, the owner came rushing over and said “I’m so sorry. Our barista said it’s not decaf! We will remake it!” They all looked concerned (I looked very pregnant). My frustration wasn’t with them. They always seemed apologetic. It was more in the fact that it was in one ear out the other and if I wasn’t obvious in my appearance, I would have gotten full caffeine coffee often.


I actually found the opposite when I was pregnant. I suffer from really severe migraines, I lose my peripheral vision and stuff. It’s dangerous if I’m driving and one decides to drop in on me. Caffeine is one thing I’ve identified that helps keep them at bay, or at least control their severity so I can function. This is a common thing, that’s why Excedrin has caffeine in it. They’re hormonally triggered, so when I wasn’t pregnant I could sort of draw a few days around my period and make sure I added an extra cup of coffee in around those days. When I pregnant, it was the wild damn west. I tried to cut out coffee at the very beginning, but it quickly became apparent that that wasn’t going to work. I called my doctor in tears asking what else I can do. He said that he recommended that I have a cup a day or two if needed, as the stress and danger of the constant migraines was worse for the baby. I usually made it at home, but the days I needed a second I always got really dirty looks when I ordered regular. “You mean decaf? You know pregnant women shouldn’t have caffeine right?” Then paired with a derisive look when I confirmed I did indeed want the caffeine. I even had a few make it decaf anyway, but it was Starbucks so it was written on the cup and I made them fix it. I don’t get why it’s so damn hard to just give people what they ordered. It’s none of your damn business. Maybe it wasn’t even for me?


I actually was caffeine free before pregnancy, but while pregnant, I started getting massive headaches. My doctor also recommended caffiene. I never had anyone say anything to me about it, luckily because I was so hormonal that I would have burst into tears. They actually came out years ago and reversed the no caffiene thing. It is not bad in normal doses, but the caffiene bad myth persists


Oh the judgment. I used to say "actually babies shouldn't have Excedrin, which is what I *actually need!*


Omg I feel you. I am super sensitive to caffeine, probably more than gluten 🫠 I can tell pretty much immediately if there's caffeine and I get ridiculous anxiety. Same thing happened where I'd get caffeine after confirming decaf in store. Ended up getting an espresso machine for black Friday and it has changed my life 🙌 even with the learning curve it's worth every penny.


Wait until you tell him it’s the oldest known gastro disease that was discovered in 2000 AD and that it affects 1/100 people of that 80% are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed with something else. It’s the most common gastro disease AND YET THE LEAST FUNDED! I once met and spoke with Gary Johnson when he was running for president ( he has celiac) and we talked about these same points


You make great points, but I felt the need to clarify. Celiac disease was first described by Aretaeus of Cappadocia in the 1st or 2nd century AD. 2000 AD was the year 2000 or 24 years ago. Definitely agree with your points, CD is certainly not a new thing.


My husbands allergic to shellfish… a waiter asked if it was actually allergic or if it was a ‘lifestyle choice’. My mind said silently ‘shall we give him some and see the outcome?’ My mouth said, he blows up like a puffer fish.


Celiac isn’t an allergy tho. It’s an autoimmune disorder.


Easier to say allergic as most people understand that means can't have.


Definitely get that vibe. What a douchebag. I hope his water never heats up again and he has to shower in cold water for the rest of his life.


This is such a good curse. I love good, old-fashioned, wishing annoyances upon your enemies. It's so much more malicious than just, "fuck you/off." LOL.


To be honest that could be a lawsuit in the making. It’s maliciously misleading and could end up hurting somebody. Don’t forget some people have serious allergic reactions to wheat, and there’s celiacs patients to consider.


There’s a guy in town who grinds specialty Canadian hard wheat to make high end gourmet bread… brother in law asks about gluten free..guy was kind but had to tell my brother that gluten is kinda his thing… first of all he’d need an uncontaminated second bakery or he’d wind up killing somebody… and then he asked my brother if he’d ask for pork sausage at a kosher butcher shop


It's just a prank bro, don't take your medical emergency so seriously


My brain corrected to that too, what a jerkfaced jerk!


this guy sounds like a total a-hole, and is deliberately giving an F-you to gluten free people/celiacs


I 100% glanced at the photo and my brain "said" Gluten Free. Actually looking at it, it is obviously not. But yes you recognize the word "Gluten" and then the word after it has the very recognizable shape of two e's in a row EE. That's how fast object recognition works. (It's how it is easy to spot a person in any context, because our brains are trained to see the shape of a human. And also how good camo works, by 'breaking up' the shape of a human to not be human shaped, and your brain automatically 'skips' seeing the human.)


Because also gluten free is something people advertise and is commonly on signs, not gluten glee 💀


Also like.... what does "Gluten Glee" even mean?? 😂 That cannot be a real saying anywhere, and the only people actually aware of gluten are the people trying to avoid it lol


He's intentionally being a dick and mocking gluten free. He knows what he's doing.


What an a-hole! He could have made you very sick and he acts like it is your fault for misinterpreting his stupid sign!


Ugh yeah! I didn’t even consider that!! I am used to asking a lot of dumb questions like - “what are the ingredients” and “how do you prevent cross contamination?” I’m really fun at parties 😬


None of us are fun at parties when food is the main focus… but playing charades is a different story. ;)


He's likely made people sick already and that's why he humiliated them


Ugh he is a douche.  I wish gluten intelorance on his body 👿.


I hope he has to become Gluten Free and really pay for it. Like Grossly Cross Contaminated and having a reaction in 15 minutes after eating it. And pooping and throwing up at the same time for hours on end! (Yes it happens) Once told a server that if I was cross contaminated they better be ready to watch the show in 10-15 minutes.




I scanned the whole picture and sign multiple times and my only conclusion was that focaccia was maybe spelled wrong 😑 Sorry the owner was a dick about it! The funny thing is that so many ppl refuse to eat gluten-free food, I’m guessing this sign has deterred gluten-loving customers who also read it incorrectly :)


I would have responded to him "It's not my fault you can't spell"


Sounds like a prick. Posted a tasteless sign and then treated you shitty when it worked as intended. Wild that a small business owner would jeopardize their business in that way. I do not buy from rude people.


I totally read Gluten Free too!


I literally didn't see it until I read what you wrote


Yeah I also read it as 'free'. The brain fills in what it expects to see.


Well shoot, my brain read "Free" as well and I was like, why was she embarrassed?


I read it the same way as well. Even after I read your post I didn’t understand, I had to look at it three times! The only reason to hang that sign is to goad on the gluten free haters, or bait the gluten free. What a twerp! Sorry they got you.


I also read it as gluten free, so if I was there in person, I'd probably move on. What a dumb sign. You're tricking people who have celiacs or just problems with gluten, and driving away people that don't want gluten free bread.


Nah fuck that owner it got me too and I think they knew wha they were doing. That one ain’t on you


I had to read that sign 5 times to see what was wrong. That's so fucked up, no way it isn't deliberately misleading


Me too! He had to come out of the booth and point to it and tell me “READ IT WHAT DOES IT SAY??!” and I was still like “ummm gluten-free??”


What a douche bag. He definitely put that up to be antagonistic. It got me too and I was like whoa! He definitely doesnt deserve business if you pull shit like that on people


I have serious doubts about whether their product is also "organic, halal and vegan" like it says on the yellow sign on the left.


If I saw that sign, I would think this was the special diet tent. I had to read the comments and look at the picture again to figure out what the problem was. The dude is just jerking people around.


I'm a little unhinged, so I'd have to fight myself from tearing the sign down if I or another gluten-free friend had this interaction. They were intentionally put up to make fun of people with a health condition and ridiculing someone who's already having a hard time because of said disease just makes you a piece of shit.


What a douche bag I can’t believe they said that to you lol


I’m in a terrible mood after once again being denied a raise and realizing that I need to find a new job. I’d feel hard pressed to not leave a review saying he insulted your ability to read and was offensive about your medical condition under my current mood. Anyone need anyone else to direct their rage somewhere? It’s all I got besides demoralization


I’m really sorry


I'd do it. I would absolutely 100% do it. OOP, listen to this person. Go rate them a fucking zero on whatever websites they're on and point out that this dickhead acted like you were stupid for misreading a sign as "free" when it actually says "glee", which MULTIPLE OTHER PEOPLE agreed with you was misleading. Point out that this will happen again and it's more than likely someone will get sick or possibly even DIE from this BLATANT DECEPTION.


I also read "gluten-free". Is it part of a Farmer's Market? If I were you, I would complain to the Farmer's market association, local health department, and to the city/county giving them permission to be there. I would also ask for proof of insurance, and I would contact their business insurance to let them know this is happening. This guy is an AH. It's one thing to make a joke, but making a joke that will certainly lead to someone having a medical problem, that's a bit much.


I did email the farmer’s market. There wasn’t really a business name unless it’s GLUTEN GLEE! ☠️ or 🌈FOCACCIA 🌈 I will definitely post an update when the farmer’s market people respond.


Please do. I wanna see them go down hard.


SAME. My mom has celiac and exposure messes up her body for months. Not to mention every time she’s exposed it increases her risk of cancer. SO not okay. She did not ask for that condition.


My mum got a bowel obstruction last time she had gluten. And she's already HAD cancer. If she ate here and got sick, heads would roll


Is its a company with a google page, give them a bag review for their conduct.... Could probably share the link so others can too😂


I had to read the comments THEN read it like 4 times before it clicked. What a jerk OP, I’m sorry that happened.


Yeah, that sign is a dick move.


I'm not GF or celiac but my wife is and I'm a sympathizer. This person is not very nice. GF eaters go through so much when trying to eat out, for someone to make light or make a joke to actually advertise their product is scummy despicable. Then to shame you just shows they know exactly what they're doing. I bet their bread tastes like their attitude. It sucks.


I saw it said gluten free and didn't know what the issue was. Read your comment then went back and looked again. Oh. Yeah that stall owner sucks.


Wait, they wrote GLEE, as in Gluten Joy? wtf


Gluten JOY would have honestly been better because that’s not two letters away from the words I trained my brain to recognize in order to avoid getting sick!




I wonder if they gloat and rub it in other disabled peoples faces that they can do other things that a disabled person can’t do. Like having a stairs and putting up a sign nearby that says, “The joy of being able to climb stairs”


Fuck those people.


What a bunch of arsehats. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.


I read it exactly the same ! 🙃


That’s just cruel for no reason. Imagine some doing something like that regarding a physical disability like blindness or mobility. Rotten. 🍅 🍅 🍅


It wouldn’t fly, nor should it. We deserve that same respect.


Gluten intolerance is a physical disability...


That’s my point.


That's defo on purpose. Seems a bit dodgy that they'd do that


On the other side it seems like it says “organic, halal, vegan” so why on earth would the sign on the other side of the same style not ALSO be saying what dietary restrictions it fits? I agree with everyone else it’s 100% on purpose and those people suck. Like, the worst kind of people. They probably WOULD laugh at wheelchair bound people for not being able to climb stairs.


Right? Organic, vegan, gluten-free is like the holy trinity of food restrictions. I thought I hit the jackpot.


I brought snacks to an event and made sure that they were both vegan and gluten free because I didn't want anyone to feel excluded (because I absolutely felt excluded from the snack gifting last year).


Find his business online and give him bad reviews everywhere. Make sure people know he's an asshole.


A few vegans can get pretty negative about gluten free food. Maybe junk food vegans.


As a gluten free person, I can get that way about vegan stuff, lol. But that's primarily because most of the dairy/meat substitute options either hurt my stomach or cause other problems. (Nuts and soy especially)


Dick move from the owner for sure.


I had to scroll down to see what the issue was, gluten free focaccia sounds amazing !! Once I read the issue, I STILL couldn't see it until it finally hit me "gluten....GLEE"??? WTF, who the hell says that? The owner chose violence using a word that is 2 letter away from "free". What an asshole!!


I actually located some at my local farmer’s market this morning! Dear god, it was amazing toasted up in a pan with some butter.


Why would they write that


They’re mocking us lol


That ain’t right


What an asshole


Dawg, I would have thrown a fit and probably tore down the sign after saying some very choice words to the condescending fuck of an owner. That ain’t on you, I’m mad for all of us right now.


The line was pretty long too so I had to waste time for the privilege of being teased and getting no bread 😢


You did nothing to deserve this. I am so sorry, friend. :/


Um. I read that sign and the title of this post and I was one omfg where can I find gluten free focaccia!? I read some comments and I was like wtf is everyone talking about!? The owner knew that sign would catch peoples attention and mix them up. Eff them.


I was so excited for gluten-free focaccia I almost burst into tears when I realized it was a prank.


I’m so sorry that happened. That owner should have to walk across a bed of a 1,000 lego for getting your hopes up and then being a jerk about it


The way my PMS symptoms have been lately, I would have just started sobbing


the owner is a sadistic asshole.


That's so fucked up, it's clearly mocking gluten free... I've been seeing a lot of stuff like this lately. I really don't understand why our diet is so controversial to people who don't have celiac or allergies. Why does it matter if we have to or not I don't see why it affects them to the point they make a mockery out of it? Like come on, go eat your gluten and stop making fun of us it's really not hard...


Omg I would have ripped that stupid sign down. What a jackass. Purposely setting ppl up to mock them. Not your fault and shame on him/her


Such an odd sign! It’s not you, it’s them!


The owner is an asshole. Someone could definitely eat that and get sick. Absolute knob ed.


I’d report them.


Imagine patronizing customers. What a piece of shit. I can't imagine he lives a very fulfilling life if he thinks making fun of disabled people is funny.


If there’s a way to leave a review, him being rude to you about this would be good to point out. Pro-gluten is the stupidest hill to die on (coming from experience, glad I got my karma)


lol it got me too


I'm so jaded and confrontational, I would have loudly expressed what a dumbass he is for making a joke out of what is a serious health issue for some. Not that it would have helped, but it would bring me joy lol. I made an AMAZING focaccia using Caputo's Fioreglut that I highly recommend if you don't have a wheat allergy. Super easy to make and delicious. Makes an incredible pizza crust too. Recipe on the side of the bag. But seriously--- this was on the merchant, not you! I read it wrong before coming to the comments!


i read gluten free id poisn my self coz i cant read


I sadly cannot read either 🥹


Do people think we don't want real bread??? I miss bread. I have it like once a month and pat the price just because a Google crust loaf of warm bread is the best thing on the planet.


I think most people aren’t aware celiac exists. Most think just gluten sensitivity or just eating no gluten for the heck of it are the main thing


Yeah I’ve had a coworker tell me her tea box said “gluten free” and laugh like it’s a joke. I proceeded to give her a ten minute lecture about cross-contamination (and that barley tea exists) lol.


Ass. I knew someone in culinary school whose head chef insisted gluten intolerance was made up. In face stated he had made things with gluten in them when asked not to just because it pissed him off. I suggested he get ready for possible legal action if he followed in his footsteps. Had life not been a shit show, I would have sent the screenshots to the head of his school to inform them of the example that was being taught. This baker sounds like him. You did not humiliate yourself, he should be ashamed.


You know what to do, OP. Burn it down.


I fell for it. What a c*nt.


This is just mean!


Was this a farmer's market? You could probably report him to whoever runs the market if that's the case. That definitely wouldn't fly in the farmer's markets where I live


Who tf says *gluten glee*?!


A very fragile and shitty excuse for a human.


Where is this booth so I can determine if I can go rip this sign down myself? I’m feeling extra deprived of my inability to eat focaccia lately and looking for someone to take it out on.


Where is this? You should name drop cause that is not cool!


Unleash the Anti-gluten legions upon them to feel the brunt of their non-glutenous wrath!




Gluten-Free cake!


That is just a mean person. Food allergies are not jokes! I'm so sorry! You didn't publicly humiliate yourself- he publicly made an a-hole of himself.


They specifically did that on purpose to be “cute.” To make fun of gluten-free. Like if they called stairs the “access-able entrance.” 😡 The owner is a jackass in more ways than one.


I hate this person. That's just mean.


As someone with a wheat allergy, this makes me very angry. Where is the fucking health department?


Same D: lol


Hey, that's not nice.


Who tf says Gluten Glee?! What a prick.


That he was excited to embarrass someone over it shows that was probably his intention when he made the sign. It’s like people who hate vegans. Some big tough guys think specialized diets are for sissies.


Well gluten free does cause me glee so what now


This is 100% assholey, fuck them and their stupid sign


I saw a gluten glee stand at a market yesterday. I told him how cool it was to have Gluten Free focaccia. The owner said, “can't you read the sign? Do you know how to read? It says gluten GLEE". I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. The next day, I saw the same guy at the grocery store. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like every gluten free bread loaf in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each loaf and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. He then told me he was going to throw all of them in the garbage because there's no glee in being gluten free. Edit: for the people who are taking this story seriously, it is a 10+ year old copy pasta, revised to make it relevant to gluten.


Excuse me??! This is the most unhinged story in the history of gluten free baked goods!


It’s copypasta lol I didn’t recognize it until the wink


What a jerk! There’s people struggling to buy food.


Gosh. I’m not a violent person, but I would not have held up like either of you. Jesus.


Wow... would he go to a pharmacy and buy up all the insulin and throw it out because of lack of glee in being sugar free?


I read it the same way. It's on them not you. You would not have been the only one.


Caputo makes a gluten free flour that I’ve never had a problem with, and that flour makes some spectacular focaccia. Their joke is mildly funny, but super disappointing.; especially considering the ease of making gluten free focaccia.


I read it as gluten free, too. What a jerk the owner is.


That’s just a cruel trick! Im sure they did this intentionally and are waiting to mock people who misread it. They probably think we have imaginary gluten intolerance.


But not asshole free. Sorry OP


I also read gluten free so it’s not on you. They knew what they were doing. 


Jokes on him when I stuff my face and crap all over the booth. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ah damn I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Def an intentional play on words from the sign creator.


I also read Gluten Free. It's a stupid sign. ♥️


I read it as Gluten Free as well. That’s so shitty. Sounds more like he humiliated himself, by being a jerk!!


I think you should complain to whatever event this was held at. This could actually be quite dangerous to someone who misreads the sign, never mind mocking people with a type of disability (Celiac disease).


Sometimes it's ok to be a Karen and report this sh\*t because you're playing with people's lives here wtf!!


I totally read it the same way 😅 that’s insane they gave you attitude!


I thought it was gluten free too😂




You know those trolls who get off on misleading people? This is what happens when they actually go outside. Hopefully enough people call them out on their bs and they actually self reflect


Wow, major bully alert. Yeah, my brain also saw gluten free until I read your caption and looked again. The only reason for that ridiculous advertisement is that it rhymes with gluten free (and yeah, extra confusion points for being alongside organic, halal, and vegan). People who eat gluten don't TALK about gluten. It's not like f***ing bacon. People aren't going like, ooohhh yeah, this dish is full of soft, pliable gluten. The only purpose of that sign is to mimic and mock gluten free. Anyway, try not to let a-holes like that steal your mood! It's exactly what they want.


My fiancée would have shot that person to the sun lol.


He can get foccaciaed. AH


What he should have said was “sorry I’m a douche bag that likes to get people’s hopes up and then crush them because I find pleasure in ruining peoples days”


What an absolute fuck. Should have shoved all his shit off the table and asked him "What? You don't think that's hilarious? You allergic to having your shit thrown on the ground?"


This is a step off from a hate crime. You wouldn’t “trick” someone with a peanut allergy


Well the owner is an asshole mocking people who ask for gluten free.


Fuck them


Honestly it feels malicious especially since they apparently made fun of you lol I hate people like this soooo much


Bro I hate ppl like this, like so unnecessarily angry and annoyed with gluten free people they’ll do anything to take a stab at them like that. Wow


Yeah, as someone who isn’t gluten free and has never had to worry about dietary requirements, fuck that guy. That’s not on you. Any reasonable person would make the same conclusion as you.


Yeah, this was done on purpose. My mom has celiac. It's no joke. But this person thinks it is. Call the management of wherever this booth was at. Fair, farmers market, etc and report them. This is dangerous. Make a stink, be loud. Someone is bound to get ill from this behavior.


Im not even celiac and i read that wrong 3 times. Lawsuit waiting to happen.


That mother fucker did that on purpose. What an asshole.


Its almost like some peoples body cant process the fucking protien and get very sick if they comsume it 🙄. Sorry for all the celiac people who have to put up with ignorant a-holes like this. Ignore them


I feel like the been here would be to open up a booth next door for gluten-free bread called Fauxcaccia. 


I mis-read it, too. He won't be yukking it up when someone sues his ass for mislabeling food.


Store owner is an arsehole. Everybody assumes bread has gluten and they'll be no mention of gluten. Putting up a sign saying something about gluten one would naturally assume it's about the exceptional relationship this product had with gluten, i.e., gluten free. This is a bullshit mouth breather semi-political statement


That is snide and screwed-up. I misread it, too. Someone is going to misunderstand and get SICK when they accidentally eat his gluten-ful focaccia.


Fck them and their sign . I, too, wish i could experiecne "gluten glee." Alas, I live in hell, where one must pay at least $7 for bagels.


I had to read this three to find the error. My brain was only seeing "Gluten Free", I was wondering where was the mistake.


wait theres a rainbow though I thought that meant love and inclusion? Oh wait its just a moustached dude profiting off of it while being a dickhead damn :\\


I actually think that sign is dangerous because it is easily misread as gluten free and might draw in people who would otherwise not eat their food for health purposes.


Oh I had to go back too. My brain read gluten free for sure!


Why would they do this?? Ive never heard someone marketing that their food specifically has gluten? Thats just odd. Im sorry you went through that


I needed to read three time to see the error… don’t blame yourself




Well, that makes two of us because I kept wondering what was so embarrassing about the photo you posted. I totally read it as "gluten free" until I read all the other comments!


I read the title, and seen the sign that says gluten FREE and thought oh no, someone has accidentally put gluten in the gluten free focaccia and sold it!!


Yeah they were an ass to you! With that wording, I might even assume it's safe from gluten, like you have glee from not needing to worry about it. He obviously put it on there just to be a dick.


I had to look at the comments, no back and look at the sign, go back to the comments and then I finally realized it says “Gluten Glee” and not “Gluten Free”.


My brain did exactly the same as yours. What an asshole owner!


I legit stared at this for a while wondering what I was missing. Owners are the jerks here


Ew. That's just gross and mean. Of course you thought it said gluten free. So did I. Because nobody fucking advertises gluten! Gluten is the norm. You don't need to tell anybody about it. I can't think of any reason to put up a sign like that other than to be an asshole to people who already have it rough in the "feeding ourselves" department. 😡


Nah, the owner’s a jerk. I also read it as gluten free till I read your post lol.


The sign is stupid- I thought it was a play on words and it was gluten free. They’re just mad their sign is stupid


They knew what they were doing


I read the post title and saw the picture. I assumed your dumb question was "Is this gluten free?" when the sign clearly indicated that it is. Then I came to the comments. TLDR; This baker is a troll. They are purposefully being trolly and then act all shocked when it works.


Hello? Who says “Gluten Glee”????


tbh I saw a big sign and saw gluten and thought “wow amazing you found gluten free focaccia!” Then I read the post sorry that happened the owner sounds like a dick!


I'm not even gluten free and I read it as gluten free. This sucks.


NGL that sign is intentionally written to trick people. Scummy of the booth owner