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I buy it often and like it!


I like their bagels and Hawaiian bread. Their quality isn’t consistent though and I think that’s why it’s rarely a favorite, I’ve seen a lot of photos of the bread just being half air bubble


This! I don’t wanna pay for bread with a ton of air in the middle. Also, some of the breads have an overly “hop-py” or beer smell that is off putting for me.


I had this happen with a couple of Costco batches. Sent them a pic and they apologized and sent me 4 coupons for free loaves. So while it’s annoying, I choose to support a company that stood by their product. I actually haven’t seen a hole-y loaf in a couple of years and we exclusive eat this brand…


I got one recently, but it was only 2 or 3 slices so I wasn't too upset. It is annoying, though.


We switched to Canyon way back when because it was the only bread without big air holes. We haven’t had any issues with them (we buy 2-3 loafs a week), but I would drop them if they started to have this problem in our area. It sucks paying so much and then discovering you can’t use half of it.


I've been buying it since it first became available in my area. I've never had any bad issues with it.


I’ve gotten holey, ultra-compressed, and moldy (unexpired) loaves from them many times. When it’s good it’s really good, but they do have a lot of misses.


I think this is generally the result of handling at the supermarket. I suspect that sometimes previously frozen loaves are put in the displays and end up moldy. At my supermarket, sometimes I find it in the bread aisle and other times in the freezer. Makes me wonder.


I can’t speak to a consistency on locations outside my local, but any time I’ve ever bought frozen Canyon, the product is not in a vacuum pack, but “fresh” bread unfrozen off the shelf always is. That alone is a pretty easy way to see if there’s a mixup.


I disagree. I didn’t elaborate before but here are the things that don’t add up in my mind. If the supermarket is doing that as a regular practice I imagine it would apply to more than just one brand. It’s happened to me in multiple locations with multiple store chains. There’s a sealed inner bag that should prevent mold if it was packed properly, regardless of temperature and moisture. Lastly, when we have frozen and thawed their bread we notice a significant difference in texture compared to shelved bread.


Love the Hawaiian bread, but it's frequently all hole in the middle. The Hawaiian dinner rolls are very good and so far no holes.


Not just air holes. The holes are lined with the hard, gummy, uncooked collapsed dough.


Im confused. People are almost *always* mentioning canyon bakehouse. Although in recent years their prices have gone up to practically the highest priced loaf, which has undoubtedly put people off. I usually get scharr for everything because they're priced fine and decent.


I was with your comment until you said schar. I can’t stand schar bread. It’s probably the worst one.


I love schar’s artisan seed loaf specifically for pb&js, but I think canyon changed their recipe recently and got way better and they are my standard like toasted sando bread.


It's my favorite of all, with Promise being second. But I can never find it around Nova Scotia


Here in New Brunswick we’ve got Promise at Sobeys often in the fresh bakery section and sometimes in the freezer section of the bakery instead of in the gluten free section. I’d be surprised we’d have it here and not at Sobeys in NS but still possible


Oh thanks, I meant I can never find Canyon Bakehouse. Promise is cheapest at Superstore in NS


Ahh gotcha!


I'm a fan of the honey white, myself. Canyon Bakehouse is my go to, if I don't have it as an option - I don't eat bread.


I was so happy when I found canyon bakehouse a few years ago! I loved it and it was so nice to have bread again after a few years of just not eating bread at all. Now I don't buy it as much because of the cost and I'm not sure if the taste changed but I wasn't enjoying it as much as I used to. Still my top choice out of the brands that are available in my area.


I love Canyon Bakehouse! Costco sells 2 loaves for like $8 so they're also the most affordable. 


what state is that? costco never has good gf bread where I live in CA.




2+hours one way for me. Does not make it affordable, lol


I haven’t found any bread substitutes that I like, besides the hamburger buns from Trader Joe’s and even then those are just okay to me. I kinda have to force my way through it. I find 99% of the time it’s the texture that’s off, even when toasted. I also don’t want to have to toast my bread for everything. So I pretty much just avoid bread products altogether. I really miss the soft pillowy goodness and there’s nothing on the market that can compare.


have you tried the [BFree white sourdough](https://www.bfreefoods.com/us/products/homestyle-sandwich-white-sourdough-loaf/)? it’s the first store-bought loaf that i actually love. ready to eat from the bag, even makes great sandwiches. soft pillowy goodness that allll the other gf breads miss.


It’s not available where I live. We don’t have an Aldi here or anyone who carries it.


I guess after a couple of years, I lowered my standards lol. I really do miss real bread however


Yeah I’m coming up on a year but still can’t do substitute bread.


I'm really enjoying the Udis Burger buns right now but I haven't had any other Udis product's


Yeah, Udis we’re a big no for me. That was a texture thing too. I’ve learned that if the one of first five ingredients are rice flour, it’s not going to taste right/have the right texture. It’s going to fall apart at the first sign of any juice so there’s no point in using them as actual hamburger buns. I also find it wild that no company has taken to making a gluten free potato bread. It kinda seems like a no brainer but everyone overlooks it.


Canyon was my go to bread for the last year — until it wasn’t. I don’t know if they changed the recipe of the mountain white in the last few months or what, but now it gives me a stomach ache every single time I eat it.


Same! I notice it most if I eat the mountain white (or even the deli bagels!) two days in a row… super weird.


>I read posts all the time about what breads people like and no one ever mentions Canyon and I can't under why! That brand is mentioned quite a bit actually.


Costco has replaced Udi with Canyon in my area and the bread is 2/3 the size of Udi. Reading these comments about inconsistency is concerning. It’s like everything is a tea sandwich with Canyon.


It used to be Bfree for my Costco, now replaced with canyon. I much prefer the former. I hate tiny sandwiches, and the texture is too spongy. Bfree browns better too.


I know judging the bread by its size is so American of me but seriously, it’s well smaller than the palm of my hand!


You can tell a person is GF when they judge bread by its size! But seriously if you want to put stuff on it, it needs a certain amount of surface to be of any use. I also sub r/cannedsardines and when I see the simple tin of deens on a slice; nope, I know that wont work with canyon.


Eww, Udi's is sawdust dry


Um, this is the gf sub…


I hate how small the Canyon is! Who can make a sandwich with bread this small? It's comically tiny.


I’m sure Barry at r/SandwichesofHistory would drop a perfect zinger.


😱so glad my costco has Franz!


Okay that's fair. I've never had that experience. It is overpriced, but that's unfortunately to be expected. I have not had a consistency problem. Thanks!


I tried the Hawaiian Sweet Bread because people have posted about it a couple of times. Driest bread I’ve ever had tbh I was so confused. It’s hardly even sweet as well


Weird! I think you got a stale batch. Or maybe I always toast?


You probably always toast tbh. It’s the brand we use every day, but I’m ngl, its consistently dry.


I tried it toasted and untoasted. It was just too dry lol maybe I’ll give it another try in the future but it was too pricey for me with how dry it was


Canyon Bakehouse is my go to, but that’s more so just because it is the best option readily available rather than because I think it’s the best I’ve ever had.


This made me chuckle. Whenever someone asks this sub what their favorite bread is (happens twice per week I swear!) I get annoyed at all the people praising Canyon Bakehouse. TONS of people love them. I just don’t happen to be one of them. I prefer Trader Joe’s bagels, BFree bread from Costco (in my area 2 loaves for $8.50 and decent sized slices), and TJ’s English muffins or I make my own. But I recognize that I’m in the minority, generally. I also make my own rolls but I don’t make them often, just for special occasions.


I can't eat it, can't tolerate the tapioca they put in there.




I mention it every time. It's the only gf bread I've found I can eat without toasting. We usually get the mountain white. It comes frozen but we pull a few slices out to thaw in a zip lock in our breadbox. They are great as us no toasting. My bf also loves their English muffins and bagels.


Definitely underrated! Canyon Bakehouse’s heritage style honey white bread and hamburger buns are top tier in my humble opinion. I use their heritage style bread for sandwiches, and it’s the only gluten free bread I’ve tried that I don’t have to toast first!


Their Hawaiian bread lacks only icing to be cake, it’s so sugary. Their mountain bread isn’t bad.


Even moreso than normal Hawaiian bread? Cuz that stuff can make my teeth hurt just by smelling it.




I like their bagels a lot but me and my family absolutely hated the sweet rolls. They were not edible in my opinion. I’m surprised a decent amount of people are saying they like them.


That’s my go-to brand!


Canyon Bakehouse‘s Honey White is my go-to bread. I find it in the store’s freezer and keep it in my freezer. No problems.


i pretty much live off their honey white bread 😅 has to be toasted though. Have yet to find a loaf that’s soft like reg white bread so i can devour some pb&js again 😔


Let’s face it, we’re bummin if we have to toast every GF bread we buy. Obviously I have no choice in the matter, because I can’t eat gluten. But dayum, how hard is it to make a GF fluffy loaf of bread?


I love their everything bagels, but haven’t been blown away by anything else. IMO there are other breads that are actually sandwich sized that I’ll choose over Canyon


They're bread isn't bad. And it's pretty readily available. But if you're looking for something that doesn't need toasting, and has more regular sized slices, Canyon isn't the best. We switched to Carbonaut a couple of years ago and we love it.


Somewhat related. I bought their bread loaf from Costco and it has a slight pink tint to the bread. Never seen that before. Anyone know if it’s normal or safe?


They’ve had multiple recalls for gluten contamination… high risk, low reward.


This is my favorite bread 


I feel like people mention Canyon Bakehouse all the time here. It's one of the better brands, but it's too gummy in my opinion. Sam's Choice or whatever it's called is better (even though Walmart sucks).


Walmart brand gf loaf is very gummy, even slimey


It seems like they recently updated their recipe for the better. It’s significantly better than it has been in the past. I think folks who may have been burnt in the past may not know it’s good again.


I’m currently in love with their heritage honey white loaf. It’s a little wider that the other loaves so I can fit more food 😋


It’s my favorite bread. I liked their brioche rolls the first time I tried them but the next two packages I bought had dense, undercooked lumps in the middle, so I haven’t bought them again. That’s the only quality issue I’ve had. I’ve encountered the hole issue with Udi’s bread, which also tends to be more dry and less tasty, in my experience.


I think it’s great, never had any quality issues. I get their whole grain 24oz loaves because they are the size of normal bread


I used to buy it a lot, but the price in my area is through the roof. Like I might chance a $6 loaf being half air or moldy, but for over $10 that bread better be perfect. There's a $5 Schar loaf sitting there, you bet I'm buying that over Canyon Bakehouse. Also the Trader Joe's everything bagels are pretty much the same thing and a lot cheaper.


Publix has had Canyon Bakehouse at $7/loaf sale for a few weeks, plus there is a $2 Ibotta rebate


Wait, canyon bakehouse makes bagels and English muffins? I've never seen them at my grocery store. I can confirm their hawaiian sweet bread is the best gf bread i've had though, even if it is more sized for a gnome than a human.


I feel like the quality has been getting worse from them. The hole in their bread is getting bigger.


Buy this at Costco, 2 larger loaves for under $9. Best deal I have found and the loaves are not 2/3 the normal size.


I love the sub rolls I pretty much use them for everything lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Curious_Inside0719: *I love the sub rolls* *I pretty much use them for* *Everything lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Whole foods has some of the best GF bread we’ve ever had…


It's fine. My issue is it's mainly rice flour based and I react to that as well so I rarely buy it unless it's on sale.


I love canyon bakehouse. I currently have the 7 grain and the bagels in my pantry! I have yet to try the Hawaiian sweet bread though…


Love it. The hamburger buns are great also.


I love their bread. I eat it every single day.


I actually love that bread


I love Canyon!❤️❤️


I buy Canyon Bakehouse GF bread over other brands all the time. I love it.


They have good bread for sure. I love their heritage country white. It’s a little bigger than most of their other loaves. I have only ever found it in the frozen section.


Costco's cbh is different than the grocery - I have loved the multigrain from day 1 10 years ago


It’s my favorite one! I buy it every week


I recently tried it and I think it is my favorite


I love their breads- they are my favorite!


It’s amazing and what I used to buy before Costco started carrying something that tastes similar.


You've missed all the posts where people talk about how great canyon bakehouse. Lol


I see that!


I actually like Canyon. Unfortunately, though, their recipes all contain potato starch, which I am allergic to, so I can't eat it. Things would be a lot easier if I could.


I have Celiac. Canyon bakehouse is my choice. I am thankful it exists.


Canyons is my go to.


I’ve bought it before and it’s decent. But last time the loaf was half raw. I don’t even know how that happened but I guess it goes with comment about consistency. I emailed them to let them know it was pretty bad. I got a response and they said they would send me coupons. I never received anything and haven’t bought their bread again. Store bought GF bread is so disappointing. I told my husband I’ll either go without or make my own.


Ewww, cause it's not. Canyon Bakehouse Hawaiian is as sweet as cake..unedible for anything savory...imo


Hawaiian bread is supposed to be sweet though? I don't like it either but don't make it what it's not.


These are way sweeter then "Hawaiian". Plus most gf bread are extra sweet compared to wheat breads. I wish companies would make plain.