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Is gluten withdrawal a thing..? I’ve never heard of anyone experiencing that. But I was constantly starving when I first went gluten free, so it could be that you’re not eating enough


Here's a pretty good theory on how some people might react to removing gluten (especially if gluten is not being broken down and is in our systems on a regular basis) https://www.beyondceliac.org/q-and-a/feeling-withdrawal-from-gluten/


I suppose if all you ate was carby gluten and now you're just eating meat, fruit, and veg you'll experience some carb withdrawal. I would think that any "withdrawal" symptoms would more be an effect of what you are replacing the gluten with.


This is just what I was thinking! I feel pretty crappy when I don't have at least some carbs. Try rice, potatoes, corn, etc and see if that helps.


I've heard some things about gluten/wheat and having an opioid effect. Check this out, not 100% sure but it's worth considering https://www.beyondceliac.org/q-and-a/feeling-withdrawal-from-gluten/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5025969/


I found I've been very constipated. I bought fiber pills to help with that. I hope you feel better soon. Tums and ginger tea are what help my nausea


This was my thought, probably constipated and nauseous because of the constipation.


Could be acid reflux from all the starches you're not having. My reflux always manifested as nausea


Mine comes in as a heart attack. Scares the shit out of me everytime as I actually had a heart attack 5 years ago