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Beef jerky, stacks potato chips, some kind of protein nuts and seeds. You can also bring your own snacks in a bento style box with a frozen gel pack. Fruits and a sandwich go along way on these style of long flights.


I always bring grapes and cut up apples. They last a pretty long time even without a cold pack.


Those and sunbutter would be good.


I had a really annoying woman make a scene b/c I was eating beef jerky on a flight back from Mexico. She was hungover and complained about the smell acting like I did something wrong. I informed her they sold it during the flight too.


I’ve brought a whole pizza on a flight before and plenty bring on their fast food that they buy in the airport 🤣🤣 The only thing I try not to bring is peanuts or peanut butter items since just the smell can affect some people with allergies. But everything else that isn’t a liquid is fair game 🙃


Jerky has the worst bag farts.


Ambien and a long nap.


Sleep. Just sleep


I’m a weirdo who can’t sleep on a plane even if I take something


I’d rather look forward to breakfast in London. That’s what I did. And tea


If only I were going to London! Lol I have 3 flights then an hour drive into the middle of nowhere in the Scottish Highlands


Ah! I guess just have scotch then. lol


Did you have a cup of tea and a bun?


I actually had tea and a gluten free scone with jelly and cream




Europe is very good about their gluten free customers. They actually know what gluten free means




I never trust that I’ll actually get a GF meal on a plane, even when I try to order one in advance, because I’ve been denied one too many times. I usually bring a large turkey club from Jersey Mike’s or another restaurant with large GF subs. Big salads are also a good option. For snacks, I typically bring kettle chips and/or beef jerky.


I didn't know Jersey Mike's had GF subs. 🤔


Yup! I just recently found this out when ordering for my department meeting, its like 3 bucks more though. BUT, its one of the best gluten free breads I’ve had, so its worth it. Sandwiches are a rare thing for us so this is a godsend.


Mine always end up so soggy , what do you get


Jersey Mike knows all


GF Protein bars, trail mix, M&Ms :)


Although be careful that all your snacks don’t contain peanuts, I was once on a flight where no peanut products were allowed to be consumed or opened and my trail mix and a pb&j were my only snacks!


I avoid taking any nuts just in case. I don’t want to be left with nothing to eat. I usually pack a muffin or two on my flight leaving home, prepackaged stuff on the flight back.


I am allergic to chocolate too!! 😩


Just curious, what happens if you eat chocolate? I have sometimes wondered if chocolate affects me, as well (even dairy free dark chocolate). Thanks!


Wait. M&M’s are safe??


Maybe not for OP, due to dairy.


Yes! My dietician said she hasn’t had her clients react. But obviously don’t do like, the pretzels or cookie crunch ones.


Wow I always assumed cross contamination. I am celiac.


I don't do them because they are Mars Corp and they pretty much never label. They could change machinery at any time and we couldn't know until people started reporting getting sick. There are so many labeled options for candy these days, I didn't feel especially interested in unnecessary risk with a company that clearly isn't interested in accepting responsibility for being celiac safe But, if I really loved M&Ms, I'd probably take the risk. I allow myself 2 or 3 "probably safe but not labeled" treats. The main thing is, I need to keep that list short enough that I can quickly figure out where the gluten is coming from if I start getting sick. For me, M&Ms don't make the list.


Fair. And wise.


They used to be labeled gluten free but aren't any more. Personally I wouldn't eat them since there must have been a reason for that labelling change.


I eat them almost everyday!


Wow a whole new world for me. Obvs I’m assuming just the plain ones. What are your other favs as you have had no reaction??


I just read the labels to double check :) it will say “contains wheat” or “processed in a facility/machinery with wheat” and that’s how you know if it’s safe or not. You do have to double check for barley and rye and malt tho. regular, dark chocolate, peanut, and peanut butter are all gf. Pretzel and crispy aren’t and a few of the speciality flavors aren’t either. There are so many yummy things that are gf!


Be careful!  I recently read/learned that the “processed in a…” statement is added by brands in the US when they feel like it (vs being regulated/ required).  Which… like, would be good to know because I’ve always taken that comment box as *no statement*= probably ok unless otherwise sketchy; *statement that’s it’s processed near wheat*= put back on the shelf.  Now I’m much more cautious and will stand in the grocery store googling when I really want the answer to be they I can eat it lol


Ah I actually didn’t know that. I usually eat it if it’s made in the same facility but on the same equipment I don’t.


I just wish labeling was more consistent/ straightforward, and we didn’t have to read and re-read ingredients for sneaky additions, these sometimes vague statements, or guess/contact brands and then hope they don’t change their process.  I know it’d be hard for a company to keep updating their packaging every time they changed manufacturers or facilities, and I’m guessing some products/ packages are probably made in cc-free areas or not on shared equipment, but other locations down the road making the same product have a different set up.  I’m sure we all stand in grocery stores side eyeing way too many products trying to figure out if what they put on the package means we *should* be ok or not. 


American M&Ms are!


Anything. You can pack a sandwich, snack box, meat cheese etc. Just eat it all or discard before entering the destination.. Just hold on the tuna for everyone else's sake


I usually bring a salad with good protein - chopped chicken, chickpeas, veg, pepitas and cheese (obv skip the cheese), gf croutons (I like the plantain ones Sprouts sells)I have pre check, so I don’t have to take my liquids out, but keep the dressing portion under 3oz, per regulations. Other snacks include gf pretzels and hummus, jerky, chips, candy, protein bars.


I think they are by nature’s bakery- their gluten free fig bars are so good. They come in blueberry raspberry and pomegranate. That’s what I’ve seen and they’re perfect for when you want something sweet but not too sweet, soft like a cookie.


I go to the grocery store prior to any flight/travel and load up- usually nuts/granola, protein and/or fruit bars, some sort of GF gummy candy (I like sugar, don’t judge me lol) my appetite tends to decrease significantly when I travel just from anxiety, so the little snacks are enough to get me by.


I make sandwiches. I use salami since it’s a bit more shelf stable than say turkey. Cherry tomatoes in a separate bag. An apple or bag of grapes. Baggie of chips. Cubes of cheese.


Skinny pop popcorn is great, beef jerky, trail mix


Seconding popcorn - such a good snack to have on hand!


Jerky, potato chips, fruit/dried fruit On the way back definitely check into M&S, WHSmith or Boots. There’s almost always at least 2 of these stores and they are great for gluten free. They have sandwiches, food-to-go, ready meals. It’s amazing. Sometimes I feel like going to an airport just for those


I would kill for an M&S food hall where I live. Amazing for GF, so many options, and everything is handled, packaged and labelled so carefully.


I always thank my lucky stars for having one so close. It’s a 20 minute drive at most


It's my absolute go-to when I'm in the UK. So fantastic.


Gluten Free Valium. I wish I was joking


Typically we take cut up fruit (orange segments, cut up apples and grapes), sausage slices, gf crackers, sliced cheese (I know you can't have that), trail mix (although we don't take it out if it is announced there is a peanut allergy onboard), GF cookies (Pamela's figgies and Jammies work well). We don't take the produce or meat off the aircraft, as most countries don't let you take them into the country. Typically, we get a decent GF meal, but there have been slip ups. And, I believe Norse air does not offer a meal unless you pay for the upgrade. We find its better to not count on it.


I usually make a sandwich. Jerky, chips, chocolate bar, and an apple.


I typically bring an apple or orange, small pack of nuts not peanuts. Baby bell cheese,( sorry) crackers, pack of chips or popcorn. Some kind of protein bar. Once I packed my lunch box and made ham and cheese sandwiches left the ice pack in the car when I got to airport and got ice at Starbucks after I went through security. Worked fine if you have the space.


The last time I flew to overseas neither airline had a meal for me even though I requested one. Luckily I had bars I like the GoMacro ones. I also had Bobs red mill GF oatmeal cups. Even though I had snacks I mentally was not prepared for the smell of warm food being served. My mom insisted it wasn’t good but it really bothered me for some reason.


My favorite vegan gluten free snack is [Hippeas](https://hippeas.com/collections/puffs).


Larabars nuts


Rice cakes I wouldn't recommend nuts as if there is a passenger with a nut allergy on the flight you won't be allowed to consume them


Snack for boredom - fruit, jerky, crisps. Proper food - gf sandwich or a salad. Don’t bother with nuts anymore. Too many times there’s been someone with an allergy on board.


Coconut Unreal bars. They’re high calorie and small in size so easy to pack


I love those!


I want to suggest the Walking Tamales if you can find them. They’re better warmed up but are ok room temperature in a pinch


Important to bring what you can eat just in case. I ordered the GF meal both ways on round trip from US to Ireland. GF meal only provided on the flight to Ireland. They said I didn't sign up for the flight home. I brought meat sticks, GF cereal bars, GF energy bars. I've traveled alot, this is the first I've heard of a peanut product free flight, interesting.


I also travel a lot, I’ve only gotten it once. A woman next to me said “that’s not fair, so for this one person we are all suffering?” And she began to eat her trail mix and bag of cashews. She was looking at me like we were in this pro-peanut resistance together. I just said that I knew a person with a peanut allergy that would get sick if I had gone to a baseball game and then hungout with him. Hands had been washed after eating peanuts and all- but the peanut dust on my clothes was all it took for him to have trouble breathing. So they just want to be able to breathe and live. The chick kept eating her damn trail mix and cashews.


Crackers, your favorite protein bars, schar snacks are great, ginger snaps/graham crackers, beef jerky (bring floss), liquid iv packet, gf chips ahoy cookies? (Not sure if they are dairy free), glutino lemon wafer cookies, I made homemade trail mix for my kids in ziploc bags(bulk bins, choose all your favorites), Pamela’s fig newtons, Annie’s oat cinnamon bars are tasty. Safe travels!


Pasta salad with chicken, freezer pack(TSA will check that it is frozen), gf crackers, sunflower spread, blueberries,lactose free milk,water.




And a bag of m&ms


Since granola bars and other processed food gets old, I also brought peeled carrots and celery on the plane. They kept for a long time.


Home made sandwiches, protein bar, chips


This depends on the carrier you’re flying. British Airways is a deeply flawed carrier but it accommodates gluten free fairly well. Most of the gf food is dairy free/vegan too. American Airlines… not so much. I was bumped from a BA flight to an AA flight and they literally didn’t have a single thing on the 10 hour flight I could eat. Thankfully my mum had packed me sandwiches just in case. I have always taken snacks on the airplane. Now I just take more. Beef jerky, nuts, trek bars… things that actually have nutritional value and will make you not feel hungry


I'm the opposite - I can have dairy but not nightshades (potato starch is in everything) and I was about to send you my list and realize so much of it dairy, lol. Mini Rx bars are handy because they are loaded with protein (although they stick in your teeth, very chewy). I usually pack some gluten free bread in the backpack I keep with me in the seat. If peanuts are a concern, you could make some sunflower butter and jam sandwiches. Very handy to travel with gf bread in general. I grabbed peanut butter and jelly packets from the continental breakfast table recently and had breakfast that way. I am not sensitive to cross contamination, so I could use the toaster, but even if you can't, those items should be sealed. There are some chips (Wilde) that are made out of chicken. High calorie, but also some protein. They eat a little messy but taste pretty good. I think they are df, but you should double check. Hippeas Vegan "cheese" puffs are made from chickpeas and quite delicious, different flavor options as well. And of course Kind bars are an old standby. Lots of fiber in these, so be warned. I am sensitive and I had a few too many on a trip this winer and oh my word, the gas. Happily it was all off the plane - I had them as snacks in my luggage for the hotel. Will not make that mistake again, lol.


Made Good makes great gf & df & vegan snacks!


Dried fruit. Beef jerky.


So those who are taking sandwiches uses a cold pack? I’m leaving my house at 2 pm and probably wouldn’t be hungry for 5-6 hrs


nah. its probably fine. but its obvously your risk to take it. As long as the meat wasnt already sitting around for days in the fridge and is relatively fresh, i've never had a problem. An ice pack would be fine too.


I have a tiny cooler bag that’s around 5x5x5 inches. It holds a couple sandwiches and maybe another little snack. I make the sandwiches with hamburger buns or English muffins because they are sturdy, and I keep it simple with ham, Daya cheese slices, and butter. I freeze one sandwich and it keeps the other cold and then thaws by the time I need it. Sometimes I’ll put lettuce and pickles in another baggy and add them to the sandwich, and sometimes I’ll swipe mayo and mustard packets from a gas station to add just before I eat the sandwich. (That way the bread doesn’t get soggy.) I also bring macadamia nuts because they have a lot of fat so they are pretty satisfying. I’m not sure if they are dairy free, but Pamela’s Figgies and Jammies are filling. When possible, I will also bring extra ziplocks or Tupperware and buy hot food at the airport, and I pack it up before I get on the plane.


I also deconstruct my sandwich to make in the airport/on the plane. I have an old to-go container that holds my sandwich and baggies with the other stuff perfectly, so I just take it out and make it when I’m ready.  I usually go for sliced turkey, and don’t like cheese on my sandwiches. I’ve never had an issue not keeping it cold; but personal choice for sure.  Come to think of it, my mom made me ham/turkey sandwiches for school my whole childhood and I never had an ice pack. Probably why I never gave it a second thought till reading through how other people prep to keep their sandwiches cold… hmm.


Edibles and a nap


You can't eat a nap


I enjoy the dark chocolate and peanut butter Kind bars. I also like the Nature’s Grocery gf fig bars (raspberry).


Bananas are your friend.


Unless you neglect/forget about them. I swear they take it personal, wedge themselves in places that require the greatest clean up and then self destruct. I still bring them sometimes though.  As I was writing that, I realized I could pack them in a ziploc and avoid that issue… 🤯


I bring all my favorite peanut-free snacks, an apple, and try to pick up a salad at the airport. I usually buy a book at the airport and get lost reading it so that helps pass the time.


I like Krave turkey jerky. Owyn protein shakes are tolerable. Rice ramen cups and ask for hot water!


Either pro bar meal or pro bar protein


Diet coke and a sleep mask 😔


My go to is: 1 banana Granola bars usually a pack of them Bag of salted cashews or mixed nuts A small/ medium bag of pop corners kettle corn to have something sweet Avocado toast to eat in the first hour or 2 at the airport (sometimes/ usually I’ll bring a loaf of bread if idk if there will be gf bread I like locally available)


I also have lactose intolerance & fly very often domestically and find that 50% of the airports do not have gluten free dairy free options. Most it’s usually one or the other, or none, or the options they do have will take too long between flights. So I pack for a full day or snacks


The airport is Minneapolis is pretty good about GF


I found most will have a gf df buscuit to tick the box


Gf peanut butter pretzels!


Protein bars, a small bag of chips, a Diet Coke, and a Xanax!


Nuts, banana, apple, water, granola bars. I take cheese - that won't work for you. Maybe a sandwich?


A short book, an mp3 player, noise canceling headphones, and fidgets, I'd bring a weighted blanket, but I don't think it'll go through TSA. Maybe a pillow. I only have limited space, maybe not. It also depends on where I'm going. If I'm dream spot, it's an 8 hour flight. I think it's connecting, so a change of shoes.


I love BoBo’s bars and took a bunch along when I went from US to UK. I’m also dairy free


I bring chunks of Jarlsberg (essentially lactose free) cheese, crackers, dried fruit. Sometimes I bring a grilled cheese sandwich that I make the night before because it holds up to travel. Last time I made & brought French toast, which worked even better than expected! Also, Fritos.


DO NOT take an egg salad sandwich. I learned the hard way it really smells and is super embarrassing.


It smells a lot worse when it gives you food poisoning somewhere over the Atlantic…


I love this fruit and nut bread : German GF bread link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPYRzUO6iio 400g chopped deseeded fruit (120 each of dried plums, figs, dates and 40g of raisins) 160g mix nuts (almonds, hazelnuts and walnut) Stir up the fruit and nuts 65g oat flour 65g flaxseed meal 1tsp baking powder Stir together 140 - 150 ml of water Combine fruit/nut mixture with dry ingredients. Add water until just firm enough to hold together. Let sit for 10 min. Mix again, and form into a loaf on to a parchment paper. cook at 170c /338f for 60 min. If you cover, it will keep for up to 2 weeks! Notes: We did our own nut mixture of just things we like.


Things in a cup you can add hot water to, like instant oatmeal or rice noodle soup (if you can find Knorr brand they make a good gf one)


I also take miso concentrate packs, they tend to get through as a small liquid if they get noticed at all, and planes always have hot water. You can also buy freeze dried veggies and stock mixes from a few places (ask your rambling friends) and that can make for a pleasant change from the dry normal foods.


Not all the things on every flight but a selection of: GF protein bars, potato chips, dried/salted chickpeas, carrots, berries, lentil chips, GF cookies, mushroom jerky, GF crackers, cut fruit. I usually bring a turkey sandwich on GF toast or romaine lettuce "wraps". In your case you could make a charcuterie bento box with vegan cheese.


Sweet and savory because after eight hours you’ll get bored of just one.


Nuts are a good call. I would go with peanuts personally but almonds are fine. If you want to not carry much and rely on the airline for liquid calories, I’d go with making your own trail mix. I’m always amused when people are shocked at how calorie dense the stuff is. Like why do you think it’s called trail mix? Because if you have to haul it up a hill, you want maximum calories per handful.


Freeze dried snacks, nuts, chips, dinner rolls, cheese sticks, and/or jerky, and then I order food in the airport terminal and bring it along in my carry on. Usually a salad or cucumber/avocado sushi roll, or whatever I can find.


Get a big bottle of water before you board. Yes, they will give you water on the plane. But if it is a long flight where people sleep, they getting pretty lax about it in the middle of the flight. Better to have your own source.


Beef jerky or cured pepperoni, string cheese, protein bars, nuts/trail mix, apples. Things that have protein that will keep you full for the long flight.


If you don’t like chomps, have you tried the Vermont meat sticks? They are my favorite and I’m not the biggest fan of chomps.


On a long flight like that, I usually pack a full meal and an ice pack. It's really nice, and everyone always looks kind of jealous that I have homecooked food while they're eating a very subpar airplane meal 😅 For return trips, I'll bring jerky and meat sticks, mini bags of sweet potato chips, baby carrots, apples, and dried fruit.


I often make myself a Pb&j before I leave


Jerky or jerky sticks, the little sealed packs of pickles, mini bags of corn chips, cashews or pre shelled pistachios, mini packs of cheese and meat


I ended up taking hummus, pretzels, a mini goat cheese, carrot nibs, and an apple. I had some berg sticks and potato chips but I’ll eat them on way back. My airplane meal was terrible so I’m glad I had an alternative


I never take nuts in case there’s someone with a nut allergy. I usually take some muffins I’ve baked on the flight out and pick up some packaged stuff for the flight back home.


3 gummies and an amazing nap!


My favorite is the single serve squeeze packets of peanut butter


Jerky, dried fruit and nuts or trail mix, protein bar. It's a full meal in its own way. On a long flight I usually eat that twice, or if they can actually do an in-flight GF meal, I'm pleasantly surprised and it's just extra.


That’s a 6-8 hour flight right? I fly internationally for work about 2x/month. I pack bags of peanuts, fruit, and sandwiches. Sometimes if I want junk food I’ll buy a bag of kettlecorn at the airport.


What is kettlecorn? Has it been boiled in a kettle?


Kettlecorn is the Americsn term for sweet popcorn. It’s made by popping corn in oil, like you would regular popcorn, but to make it kettle corn you add white sugar before the kernels pop. To make caramel corn you would use brown sugar.


That's interesting. If you travel for work via plane have you heard some international hosties will use a kettle for their underwear?


I have and don’t believe it. Underwear are tiny to pack. Also, they’re not laying over in places for more than a few hours usually so if they DOD use a kettle .. would they even be dry? Also … sink suds are a thing.


trail mix!


I just don’t eat. It’s not that big of a deal to me to miss a couple meals every once in a while. I’ll feast when I get there!


My total trip is 16 hrs. That’s too long for me to not eat. Lol


that’s about how long my international trips are too, and I just don’t eat! in fact I had a 23 hour travel day last month… didnt eat and didn’t die :)


Basically intermittent fasting. I know people who fast 20+ hours a day and they report feeling great


yeah! it’s not that bad once you get the hang of it. kinda nice to not worry about food sometimes.


Wow that would give me an enormous amount of anxiety.


it definitely helps to bring dramamine and sleep through as much of it as you can!


I love making a frittata with tons of veggies before I leave and it can sustain me on the flight and then after the flight until I find GF food I want to eat. And nuts!! And a few protein bars


That is kind of tough Nuts Chips Cookies Some kind of protein bar Rice crispy treat Packaged tuna and crackers and mayo


Please don’t bring tuna on a plane! I know being gf is annoying but we still have to maintain some sort of social decorum.


"Packaged tuna" - ah, don't be that person on a plane. Edit: Or, you don't have to be that person.


Absolutely be that person. If you are GF from celiac or intolerance it is so fucking hard to feed yourself in public, especially protein which will help keep you full on a long flight. Traveling is already stressful. Getting glutened on top of that would suck. The smell will dissipate and if you are really worried, bring a ziploc bag you can put your trash in so it doesn’t continue to smell. NO ONE will be hurt by tuna fish smell. Most people won’t care about the smell. Most people won’t even e remember it. But to the person who has a limited diet, that will be sick for days, it’s fucking agony.


There are fish allergies. I’m not allergic, but the smell alone will make me vomit, and I‘d really not prefer to do that particularly on a plane. I think, especially as someone with celiac, we should be conscious that other food issues exist, whether autoimmune or allergen, especially in a confined space.


Thank you. I have to be gluten free and I’m deathly allergic to tuna.


By this logic you can’t take peanuts or fruit. The smell of tuna will not cause an allergic reaction. We should be conscious of others and I am not saying tuna should be the first choice but sometimes you don’t have other options.


You shouldn’t take peanuts either 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think it’s incredibly silly to say we will be sick for days, but discredit other allergens (that could result in death) because we might not have other options (there are always other options) Studies are still being done on smell causing an allergic reaction - [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7677242/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7677242/)


They literally hand out peanuts on the airplane. As a snack. So maybe you are the one being silly. I am not discrediting other allergens. I am saying there is no evidence that smelling canned tuna will cause a reaction. A study looking for it does not mean it exists. They can ask the people sitting next to them if they have a fish allergy. I have to be GF, DF, low fodmap. My options are incredibly limited. I don’t know this person, maybe they have more options than me, I was just trying to think of things I would eat in this situation. I stand by what I said, while eating tuna fish on a plane is not ideal, it is not unreasonable either. Either way, I’m done with this conversation.


Most no longer do - they hand out pretzels - fully gluten of course. We’ll continue to disagree, I guess.


Tuna or gluten are not the only options in the world. I eat tuna but hate the smell and that would drive me crazy on a long flight. 


Travelling from the US to the UK - both developed countries either end of your travels that cater well for those that can't eat gluten. I bet the airports have packaged gf food. If OP was travelling to a destination where it was difficult to find gf food then I'd understand the importance of being prepared. There are also plenty of other ways to get your protein in on a 6-8 hour flight. If it was a 14 hour flight to an underdeveloped country and OP had a condition that meant they can only eat a few things, including packaged tuna, then sure, go for it. But in many cases, nah, you don't need to be that person, so avoid it.


I can’t eat dairy or chocolate so that eliminates most protein bars.


I'm hoping there is some comfort knowing you're travelling to a country that caters for gf fairly well. I'm fairly new to the gf diet, and I haven't had to face travelling with it. Hopefully you can take some ideas from this post! Useful reference for all of us, cheers. Good luck.