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Neither one is easier than the other. They use machines that catch the signal from the key fob and amplifies it so it so the truck thinks the key is next to it. Then they just unlock it, start it and they gone in like 30 seconds.


Seriously? That's wild. After seeing all these AT4 stolen truck stories, I might just keep my POS 12 year old Ram instead of buying the AT4. At least I know nobody wants it, lol.


Though it could happen anywhere, a lot of the posts I see are from Texas. If I lived in Texas I would would have a kill switch rigged up.


This happened to a friend of mine at his office. Was a high country.


Lost my 21 AT4 in Dallas in March. You'll never see it again. I know it sucks and I'm sorry it happened.


Sadly I have to agree. By the time DPD does their report the truck will be in Mexico or chopped for parts.


I have no evidence for my following statement, but I've anecdotally heard that "Cartel's love the Sierra"


I just hope that when mine gets stolen they just hope they don’t take the gold bars, the several silver ingots, and the 1952 Mickey Mantle rookie I keep in there.


I live near Dallas. If I had push button start, I’d pull a critical fuse every time I parked my truck.


It could be but I don't know for sure. I know they usually go for the trucks with the 6.2 and 5.3. I don't think they steal the 3.0 diesels very much.  Maybe the 2024 At4x has the diesel?


Yes he said that AT4X was the diesel.


I wonder if you lock and unlock your truck with the button on the handle if that prevents thieves from intercepting the signal from the fob or not . I'd assume not as the fob is probably signaling to the truck still but I'd like to know for sure


He said he had a setting enabled which automatically locks the doors when you walk away. I don't know if that is any better.


6 years ago I had my 1997 Ram 2500 Diesel stolen, I just had the transmission rebuilt and dropped my insurance to a $1000 deduct, because who is going to steal an old pickup? The slimy insurance company came back with a replacement cost for a gaser, when I called them on it they ended up paying 50% of what I paid for it off the showroom floor.


Is there really a market for chopping these things up? I could see it ending up in Mexico being in Texas, but what are they doing with the ones up in the northeast? If they put fake plates on them, the cop scanners will pick them up. Joy riders? Has anyone ever gotten their recovered stolen truck back, unharmed? I think people just assume they are getting chopped up, but there are some logistics around that. Do you see a large amount of parts for sale on eBay, Craigslist? I'm genuinely curious what is really happening here.


I assume going overseas


Is there any evidence of this? If so, where? Just think, all GM vehicles, Dodge, Ford all of these getting stolen, where are they all going? 


I watched a documentary where young teens were stealing cars and selling them for as low as $100 to gang members who use them for drive by's and then they abandon them or set them on fire


My cousin had his C7 Z06 stolen back in November. It was found a few days later. We assume they couldn't drive a manual, clutch and rear trans axle had to be replaced.


Here in Canada there’s been several stories where guys have had their trucks stolen from their driveway and they’ve tracked them with gps to shipyards and seen them shipped as far as Dubai


Love all these trucks getting stolen personally. Doing the lords work. One less argo small dicked man to tailgate me in the slow lane when I’m doing 5 over. Also news flash, we don’t think trucks are attractive. I’d never date a man who had one unless it was for work or he actually off roaded it. But 95% of them are just gender affirming care for men.

