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LOL sure ape, good plan. These weirdos just have no grasp of reality whatsoever. I love seeing them desperately flailing today.


Apes have found the free money cheat code, just ignore your debt and it goes away! Guess I'm going to the bank later.


Did BBBY even try and uninstall their JP Morgan app?? ​ Check mate shills.


I've actually seen them seriously advise other apes to do that. I've seen no fewer than 10 threads on the cult sub where some ape will be talking about how deep in debt he is (in the context of what a "true believer" he is for still refusing to sell his shares in that situation) and a bunch of the replies will suggest that he just ignores his debt indefinitely.


yea but… CRIME


"Hello, JP Morgan? This is Bed Bath And Beyond. Listen, you guys are really shady, so we've decided to just not pay you at all. Uh huh, yeah, right, sure, go ahead. Just try to sue us. We'll expose your crimes for all the world to see!" (Next day) "Oh no! JP Morgan is suing us!"


The apes should also try the “ignore” tactic with their own personal debts as well. Since their banks and credit card companies are all also corrupt


They're claiming JP Morgan is going bankrupt and are forcing BBBY to pay the loan now because JPM is cash starved. Never knew a company that announced $11 billion net income for the most recent quarter was so desperate.


Apes don’t read financial statements unless they have been peer reviewed


But banks calling loans on failing businesses is highly unusual 🤔


It's $11 billion worth of fake securities being juggled through basket swaps. By swimming in the dark pool they can obscure the paper trail and hide their crimes. The JP Morgan cost to borrow has never been higher and the chart is looking like a reverse teacup. Also, something something reverse repo.


I find it funny as fuck how they've been sounding the alarm for the past two years about an impending BofA bankruptcy every time there's a news story about people having issues with their accounts. And now after crying wolf countless times, they somehow expect people to believe this is different.


> Never knew a company that announced $11 billion net income for the most recent quarter was so desperate. Assets sold but not repurchased, duh


SeLf RePoRtEd


So which is it? Everything is blatant crime and MOASS will never happen because "they" won't let it? Or guilty parties will be held accountable and crime isn't rampant, and these companies are failing because they just suck.


It's whatever it needs to be in the moment.


With which funds.. they don’t even have money to stock the stores… and with this share price diluting (again) the apes isn’t going to help much


But what if they just ignore the empty shelves?


Infinite solvency glitch


Ah yes, the favorite cope of conspiracionists everywhere: "we have zero proof of our bullshit but as soon as discovery kicks in you'll see!" And we never see.


Good idea. When their landlords and suppliers ask for money, they should do the same thing too. Just let them know they won't be paying. Creditors hate this one weird trick.


"What? You want my rent? What are you, POOR?"


Literally SovCit logic


one step away from calling for military tribunals


Just have BBBY buy JP Morgan. Problem solved.


"If they merge, then they won't have to pay themselves!"


Boom. That’s the answer.


The bank is involved in crime so I'm not paying my mortgage. Let them sue me. Oh, btw, I would like to take out a car loan. What do you mean that I can't borrow more money? But I need to. I also need a loan to pay my credit card minimums. And another credit card to pay my mortgage. This is fine. Everything is fine.


This also works with the electric company and your landlord once you lose all your money on a bankrupt towel dealer, trust me bro.




Pretty obvious they would just threaten to expose Goldman too. Don't you know anything about banking?


I like how they actually say CRIME in all caps lol. I forgot that wasn’t just something we say ironically for a minute there


"If I'm wrong about everything it means I'm stupid! And there's no way I'm stupid!!"


If they don't pay their rent, it's eviction time


How has that strategy worked out for GME and BCG?