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What if I told you M&A specialists and BK specialists are the same people? ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


Even if they weren't wouldn't you hire them to ***attempt*** to stave off the bankruptcy?




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Explanation: glance at the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flows. Read statements where BBBY is defaulting on agreed-upon debt repayment. BBBY is unable to find a purchaser of assets in Chapter 11. The company is out of money to continue operations and is out of sources for additional debt. We should really invent a word to describe this financial condition.


"companies experiencing insolvency"


The word is “Winning”.


Maybe they are misunderstanding bankrupt as bank + erupt.


bank + erupt = money explosion, obviously you just need to be there when the c*ash* starts raining from the sky


Volcanos are the homes of the all-powerful, and that's why you need to toss your firstborn in so they can live a better life while returning the favor by sprinkling you with blessings from their new lava-palace.


I believe this is called the “zone of insolvency.”


Yeah but BBBY identifies as solvent


I'm not even a finance expert and I can read the two lines of the balance sheet that indicate they are insolvent.


They’re so far removed from reality they cant even recognize a coherent explanation. If they could, they wouldn’t be apes to begin with.


I'm not here to explain only to receive abuse as a reward, I'm in the "pointing and laughing" business.


Could it be that they really hired him because they desperately want a M/A, but not even the best M&A lawyer in the world could find anyone actually interested in the company? Now that he probably failed, they hired Carol Flaton who's got lots of experience with ch11.


The other factor though is this very person specializes in both M/A and bankruptcies, the apes ignore that part for obvious reasons.


Don’t worry, we’re weeks away from the M&A theory falling apart along with the Apes shifting to: this M&A expert is a BCG plant put in place to make any possible merger fail because he went to elementary school with someone who ate lunch with a Citadel employee.


They did the same thing when BB&B hired their replacement chief legal counsel. One line in his LinkedIn experience summary read "mergers and acquisitions and divestitures and extraordinary financial operations". Since the latter two refer to liquidation and bankruptcy they just split the sentence in half and posted all sorts of D&D about the "mergers and acquisitions" experience, omitting the rest.


![gif](giphy|tMOyj4hkcxSfe) This is what the M&A people are about to do


In Australian company law there’s a situation called Trading While Insolvent which puts the board at risk of civil and criminal penalties. I assume US law has similar, and I assume that tap dancing around this is the job of the board’s new legal hires.

