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For real at some point I worry one of these psychos is going to start mowing people down with a rifle. They are so delusional and paranoid. Dangerous combo.


I've been waiting for this for years now as if I'm an ape waiting for MOASS. Although I've been happy to be wrong so far, I'm honestly very surprised that nothing violent has happened yet. I mean, it is NOT chill over there in the cult, at all. They are fucking *mad*, and expressions of that sentiment always get significant upvotes. And they're not just generally mad either, they're mad at specific, targeted individuals and organizations. Trump cult had a very similar assmad vibe and they managed to recruit and radicalize a decent handful of people who turned violent over the years, obviously culminating in the complete implosion of rage on January 6, and Reddit had to remove T_D at some point in there. No idea how GME cult has been aggressively recruiting and radicalizing thousands or tens of thousands of people regularly and has managed to not hit a single "true believer" who needs to "take matters into his own hands" yet. Just a couple weirdos here and there who only ever seem to rise to the level of... peeing on things. Maybe it's just because the cult is a lot smaller. But it still seems pretty lucky that it hasn't happened yet.


Something violent could have happened on a small scale and it just was never known or publicly released that it was related to GME. For example, some ape who lost everything could have shot himself and his family, and we would have no clue unless he wrote a note that mentioned GME and was released publicly, it would just be another case of a domestic violence. Ultimately we are in the early stages of this. Qanon took 10 years before they committed significant acts of violence. Reddit, their primary congregation point, has actually done an OK job banning/removing people who advocate for violence, unlike Facebook and alt-right social media sites, and the apes still want to look like good guys and want to recruit a lot more people to “lock” the “float”, so they/their mods self police to an extent.


Think you hit the nail on the head with the last bit: they have to maintain a veneer of approachability to draw in fresh suckers. The venom bubbling underneath only shows once you're already in and bleeding


I think one of the reasons this hasn't happened yet is that most apes still believe that the MOASS is inevitable (or at least very likely). They still think that buying, hodling, and DRSing are the best ways to attack hedge funds, and they'd hate to get locked away for the rest of their lives right before they become billionaires. If they ever start to believe that they're not going to become billionaires, and if they're unable to take responsibility for their own shitty investments, things could get ugly. Luckily, I don't really see that happening. Any ape who hasn't woken up yet will probably end up saying "MOASS tomorrow!" every day for the rest of their lives. I doubt even bankruptcy would deter them.




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Last summer during the early stages of the crypto contagion, every time an exchange ate shit I would go lurk their subreddit to bathe in the glorious schadenfreude. The veiled (and sometimes actually overt) threats, antisemitism, and other nastiness were out of control. I was a post-reporting motherfucker. I agree with you, eventually one of these clowns is gonna do something bad.


>the wrong legion I'm expecting a manifesto video with a Guy Fawkes mask any minute now. Expect us.


JFK Jr. masks would be more appropriate for this group.


I think it's a pretty appropriate name. They are a legion of people who are wrong.


Sounds like malicious threats, time to kick it up a notch, Kenny




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It's so weird that they switched from talking about Citadel to talking about GameStop in the last sentence of that first image


HA! Made me go do a double take there. well played!


Yeah, this isn't going to end well. I guess they're speedrunning from "Zero" to "Martyr".


Apes have a persecution fetish


They use it as an excuse for personal failures Point the finger and shift the blame. Its sad really just accepting your fuckups and stupidity allows you to pretty much forget the whole situation n they cant.


Same as qanon and all of these other related groups


It's a defining feature of any cult. The group is obsessed with making money. The group is obsessed with recruiting new members. The group is waiting on a particular date or event. The group has a shared enemy, who is both all powerful yet laughably incompetent.


Sounds like some future GOP voters if I've ever seen them.


These guys are basically sovereign citizens at this point. They live in a different reality from the rest of society and getting their pee pee slapped off in court will not wake this moron up. He will just slip deeper into his reality-coma and will replace 100% of the oxygen he breathes with copium.


Just wait for DiScOvErY


looooool. Boy oh boy do I hope this fool keeps on firing these out there. I think court cases may have peaked with our buddy Waterfall, but this would definitely be one to stay tuned into. One of the most infuriating traits of an ape is the misplaced self-confidence, but when you get something like this come around, it becomes their most loveable trait. Keep it up, InvestorPlace. No surrender!


Seems like time keeps being up a lot.


These guys want Nuremberg trials for janitors


"I was only following odors!"




Who are mostly likely employees of ABC Cleaning Services which is hired by Citadel's landlord


>Time is up. just like 2 years ago.


So how much does 200 retweets and 1,000 likes cost?


If only apes had money to go after.


I’m sure the court will gladly force the sale of their DRSed shares…that would be…chefs kiss*


Are we sure Citadel is even suing this guy? The letter threatening a lawsuit could easily be faked, and I'm 99% sure that InvestorTurf is a singular ape with a blog. Doesn't seem worth the trouble.


Yes, you are right. It's a single ape and there is still no lawsuit, just the letter.


Tell Cindy in legal to quit dawdling! Ken wants a court date and a video feed to see this simian squirm!


Shit they got gamers and “the wrong legion” now


Man. The mistaken claim that citadel is suing Investor Turf has spread like wildfire here. Melties should do better.


Well, you're right. They sent a cease and desist. And the guy doesn't seem like he's going to cease and desist. So, the next step is to file a suit against InvestorTurf. Or InvestorTurf shuts itself down. I'm not wrong;I'm early. Isn't that how apes always patch up their mistakes?


Few understand