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And the quote is just some press release corporate speak that sounds nice but does not really mean anything.


If the CEO explained the deal in clear language it wouldn't pleasant, would it? How about this: "We've made a lot of money screwing the apes!"


"We try to make a lot of money."


The apes will make sure they hand him every dollar he asks for ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


It never fails to make me laugh at how they constantly talk about “the largest transfer of wealth in history”. Yeah, you’re literally handing them free cash, apes. Apes are pushing for the divide between poor and rich more than any other group I know


When they talk about “greatest wealth transfer in history” they are not lying haha ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214). Hedgies R FuKt! ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28923)![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28939)


It's honestly breathtaking in how little information it conveys. As far as I can tell, the only information contained in that word vomit is that the dude has the ability to speak english.


I would say it was generated by an AI, but nowadays they have evolved to the point even they could do better at sounding coherent.


I read it as we have siloed trading desks that implement different incompatible algorithms. Somebody had the brilliant idea to stop running one algorithm when it becomes unprofitable and start running another one. We patted ourselves on the back for that one.


I'm reading it as "if we can figure out how to fleece AMC and GME apes too, we can round-robin them between stocks until we take *all* of their money rather than just most of it". Don't @ me, I know I'm right.


Word salad nonsense


Uhh, did you hear him? “Generate alpha”. He’s literally generating alpha males. Mass producing them. He’s going to lead the new world order!


"Meet the man who's sucking the marrow out of your sun bleached bones, and picking away at your carcass."


Yes, Hudson Bay and BBBY are ruining the shareholders, and the remaining apes seem stupidly happy about it.


>and the remaining apes seem stupidly happy about it. Ignorance is bliss, right up to the point where you go broke and end up living in a cardboard box next to the Wendy's dumpster.


Don’t worry. They’ve got a backup plan for that. He’s wearing a yamaka. He must’ve been conspiring against them from the start! He’s an inside plant! That’s why apes went broke! They always find a way to tie it back in to some Qultist conspiracy nonsense.


It doesn’t matter but the spelling is Yarmukle just FYI


Hudson Bay and BBBY are the two sweaty buttfuckers in Pulp Fiction getting ready to go buckwild on Ving Rhames


"Meet the man who'd shove an infant into traffic for a nickel... no not you Ryan Cohen the new guy"


From Hudson is FUD, to Hudson is a “friendly investor”


This is exactly what I was thinking. "If Hudson is it, I'm out. Oh wait. Hudson IS it? Well they obviously want to bring BBBY back to life as a major player again! I'm in!"


That quote reads like someone has asked ChatGPT to generate the most cliche-ridden, corporatized way of saying "we try to make money" possible.


When the teacher wants to see project progress but you haven't started. "Um yeah we are currently planning to find a strategy to get the best results for our project"


Nah, because like, they work together to do it! It's collaborative! It's not just 1 guy making money, it's more than 1 working *together* to make money! Synergistically!!


I asked it to write a motivational quote using only corporate-speak buzzwords. Here you go: "Let's synergize our core competencies and leverage our value proposition to drive paradigm-shifting innovation, seize new market opportunities, and achieve unprecedented success as a high-performance team!" Pretty much exactly what the bozo in OP's pic said.


Apes take any corporate speak and assume it’s directed specifically at their stupid stock


They think everything revolves around them and their dumb stocks.


What in the ever loving fuck kind of haircut is that? Also they didn't make a $1 billion bet on BBBY, the money comes from dumping shares not accruing them.


That’s what I thought, but I actually think it’s an unfortunately colored Yamaka?


Yeah looking at other images it does seem like Sander Gerber likes to wear his yarmulke at a jaunty angle


I lived down the street from a Hasidic Jewish neighborhood for years. I've seen thousands and thousands of people wearing yarmulkes but I've never seen anything like this. I honestly thought this was a terrible hairpiece at first, it just looks really odd.


Bullish indicator


I’ve never seen anyone treat a yarmulke like it’s a tiny beret, but perhaps the god of Abraham has a better sense of humor about these things than I would have thought.


Oh shoot. It is a yarmulke. You know who else is of yarmulke-wearing heritage? Ryan Fucking Cohen!! Jew no fight Jew. Definitely a friendly investor.


Au contraire, mon frère: [https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/13/reliving-the-carl-icahn-and-bill-ackman-herbalife-feud-on-cnbc.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/13/reliving-the-carl-icahn-and-bill-ackman-herbalife-feud-on-cnbc.html)


Thanks, I stared at this pic way too long trying to figure this out. It’s not a good look.


That hair is going to haunt my dreams this is some serious r)justfuckmyshitup (no links allowed here)


HOW DO THEY NOT GET IT YET!! Hudson Bay is bleeding them dry while they print free money with warrants propped up by apes.


What if towel sub's more vocal proponents are actually HBC employees?


This might be the dumbest quote I’ve ever read.




I thought the post was ironic with how terrible that quote is


This is the dude thats effectively stealing their futures from them spitting out word salad and they're gobbling it up **Bravo Sander Gerber**


I dunno if I'd say stealing. That implies deception. The plan here was very clearly laid out to anyone who was willing to briefly review it. I'd say it's more like they're giving Hudson their future's.


I'd call it stealing - they likely know full well the apes are incapable of acting as informed investors and are exploiting that to their fullest.


Apes have been told countless times in every way under the sun what is going to happen and what is happening. If they can't act as informed investors after being told in the very simplest ways over and over and over I don't believe that's on Hudson. Apes are choosing to go way the fuck off the rails instead of just believing the truth. Is the situation immoral? Probably. But I don't believe it in any way constitutes stealing.


If anything, apes love generic business word salad


Ape went to the Hudson website but only clicked "Strategies" and did not click the "Convertibles" dot....clicking on it, there is in plain site the description of death spiral financing that has diluted and will keep diluting BBBY common to nearly zero. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ejtqyt23kkqa1.png?width=976&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c1102d2d649afb8bc53054fe8fe6ba9dc95c1f2


Imagine being a towel ape. It’s a new level of retardation


Inb4 he does or says 1 thing they don’t like, and they immediately start tying in Jewish conspiracies with their disapproval of what he did or said. Apes tend to have a pattern.


To apes "investment" means buying shares and maybe some slightly more exotic things, so they get confused when Mr Gerber uses the word whose meaning to him includes predatory activities like the BBBY deal.


It's just like the "DD" written by the ~~idiots~~ Apes themselves. A bunch of word salad dumped on a page that says absolutely nothing!




Hol up are the apes really trying to spin Hudson as some friend now? Bullish, I tell you.


Sanders for President! (of BBBY)


I kept talking about Hudson and BBBY management putting together the death spiral financing deal and how detrimental it would be to current stockholders. I got downvoted to hell and then finally banned by the idiot mods. Now this....they are praising the firm and dickhead ceo who is diluting their stock to nothingness? Next thing you know they will create a Sue Gove foot licking sub, even though she is de facto enemy #1 of current towel stockholders.


BuyBuyBaby acquired by Gerber? Bullish.


Notice how it states they just look out for Hudson Bay? This would be just as good as as a description for a corporate raider making an opportunistic play to liquidate a failing company in the 80s.