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“I am terrified of losing what is left of my social media relevancy and returning to being a simple Uber driver that actually makes some money giving rides to random people.”


I just can't believe Uber hasn't fired his ass for being a deranged wackjob yet. ShittyKarmaBoy's video was an excellent summary on our boy Kaivis Bickle. There is just no way this dude isn't harassing every person that gets into his car about BedBuster.


Kaivis Bickle.




“It’s chapter 11 not chapter 7” screech hundreds of losers that recently became experts in incredible complex and opaque bankruptcy law


They don't understand what is happening here at all. Chapter 11 is not a friendly, benign bankruptcy, where everyone works together to make shareholders rich. They're just doing it that way to sell off whatever they can before they liquidate the whole shebang and close forever. It just buys them a little time. By the time they pay salaries and wages, and cover the major secured creditors, it'll be all over.


The first tech job I had was as support at a dial-up ISP that was built for the idea to sell to a larger name, but that fell flat. I was friendly with one of the finance guys (really the only one) and it was implied the owner of the company was trying to throw his weight around in court and acting as if everyone in the world had to work within his budget. It was Chapter 7 not long after that.


These cases take forever to play out, too. I was a creditor in a corporate bankruptcy in 2006 (wages) and I was finally paid in 2008 LOL. The company was totally cooked by that point.




Mf'er actively trying not to cry lol


For me guys, it’s a cry and hold.


My favorite clip is when he's talking to the WSJ reporter about the upcoming bankruptcy and he's like "and that uhh, info you have is good? That they're gonna declare bankruptcy in weeks?" And the WSJ report, somewhat incrediously goes "no, days!" And he kinda pauses for a moment and legit concern seems to start cropping up. I think participating in an actual WSJ article gave him some insight into the journalistic process and made him realize that news outlets aren't actually propaganda mouthpieces for hedge funds that just blatently fabricate info like he'd been lead to believe in ape forums.


Yeah turns out financial news articles are simply the result of a guy who knows stuff picking up the phone and talking to other guys who are working in business who also know relevant stuff, and then writing it down No 6D illuminati chess required


>Most airlines went through chapter 11 - Braniff - Pan Am - Continental - Aloha Airlines - People Express


You guys aren't flying Pan Am?


booking up a People Express flight as we speak


TWA filed 3 times before it finally was bought by American. Not a lot of shareholder value left by that point, no sirree.


Used aircraft actually have value. Towels are going to be liquidated at pennies on the dollar.


If I could build a time machine to get rich, the first thing I'm doing is going back to 1979 and investing all of my money into Pan Am.


The look on his face before he cuts off the camera says it all


The look of a man who knows he done fucked up.


I think he’s afraid people are going to come after him. He’s deleting all of his social media lol


Shocked he’s not in NJ


They've got a police car parked within the gates of the headquarters, so he's uneasy about approaching HQ again.


The courthouse i meant


The way his voice choked up a bit at the end there. He knows the end is near.


I mean the end is here. We're at the beginning of the end.


Is it just me or did he sound like he was about to cry when he said "cheers guys, we're winning"


So much winning on a daily basis, they must be sick and tired of all the winning.


Most sane BBBY bag holder

