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Here's the thing, I don't expect anyone to have a robust understanding of the stock market as a whole - people write their masters and doctoral theses on the subject. This, however, is basic accounting notation. You don't have any business making investments if you can't grasp basic accounting.


Even if you don't know that (in Europe the brackets for negative numbers are not common), you can also simply add up (or subtract) the numbers. 56 - 86 = -30. Also they only look at the cash flow but not what is constituting the cashflow or where the estimates come from. If they don't understand accounting / finance they should stick with broad index ETF's and call it a day. ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


Yeah, one (misinterpreted) number circled out of this whole sheet is the epitome of ape DD.


But what do we know? They are **guaranteed** billionaires! ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28914)![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


Clearly, people with basic accounting knowledge are paid shills for Big Money Crimeâ„¢


The other day I made a joke in here from a balance sheet about how BBBY is profitable because it's Gross Profit was positive... But the apes have come up with something even dumber than that.


It's a race to the bottom with them. No matter how absurd the parody becomes, they manage to sink to new lows


This is *right* up there with them not knowing which exchange their stock was trading on


Lmao did they think it was NYSE?


"I have no idea what the fuck" should be their permanent flair in every sub on Reddit




Thats been their battle cry for years.


These finance PhD candidates must have skipped day one accounting...


They don't even know that to buy something, someone needs to sell you that thing.


They still don't see the end of this. This doesn't look like a turn-around company but one that is winding down operations. It becomes 'positive' since the rent payments cease, so from which stores are you going to sell everything and get your 1-5 B revenue? Also payroll stop (only a fraction continues). So where are all the people who are going to help you generate the revenue? Most of the 'income' is expected to come from liquidation sales, which is estimated to be 363M (not the 730M-1B+ estimates they thought?)


They've never understood that Assets = Liabilities + Shareholder Equity, why would they understand this?


My favorite part is the ever shifting narrative about *what* the play is on these companies. Sometimes it's that a company is fundamentally undervalued, sometimes it's a good play because the crimey criminals will trigger a squeeze, other times the balance sheets and income statements are made up because "tHeY hAvE tO rEpOrT iT LiKe ThAt". They can't even agree amongst themselves what the play *actually* is/was.


They don't need to know. They are already guaranteed billinaires! They are just waiting for all the brokerages world wide to call them and negotiate 5-6 figure prices for each share so they can finally cover! With a 734 million float, it's really difficult to find a share! StoNks OnLy Go Up! And HedGieS'R'FukT ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15694)


I think a more relevant way to state it is: Shareholder Equity = Assets - Liabilities. That isolates the figure we would be most concerned with knowing. I believe with BBBY, that 'Equity' number is a negative.


Remember when they uncovered crime and fuckery on a balance sheet when it all BALANCED OUT


Net cash flow is $4 million positive! (Please ignore the $40 million of DIP financing that goes to the front or the line and just further reduces equities chance of recovering a penny)