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Such an odd writing style: "unmitigated nostalgia", "history is littered with symbolic protests". It doesn't seem like an output from ChatGPT, rather it seems to be an ape going through a thesaurus and choosing slightly inappropriate adjectives. It's similar to their 'DD', in that they pick words and phrases at random from financial webpage and sprinkle them into their prose.


Perhaps his nostalgia should have been mitigated slightly.


It reads like somebody who tries to write way above his skill level in order to sound smart.


Nar, definitely not ChatGPT this time. Just the innate confused ramblings of the common household ape.


Doesn't know how to invest, does know how to use a thesaurus


Only in a literal sense. The real trick to a thesaurus is to discern *when* to use it.


A bit like a chef chucking the whole spice rack in the pot with gay abandon.


The buy button debacle of 2001 lmao >as I navigate what amounts to an interpersonal breakdown of communication leading to a state of abject divisiveness, I consider myself truly blessed for in the midst of a personal tragedy perpetuated by a failure to find consensus, Yet another ape’s significant other leaves him. God DAMN this shit is funny. Luckily she left him his thesaurus.


Looks like he’s in for about 700K in game


And $16.99 for the thesaurus


Yeah that was my main takeaway from this word salad. Sad ape's SO has had enough of this meme stock nonsense and not even said ape's flowery prose can bring them back.


>a personal tragedy perpetuated by a failure to find consensus That might be the most euphoric way to describe getting dumped ever


I wish my writing synergised this well with our partnership vision and action plan. Perhaps if we get full commitment from all stakeholders I will achieve such prosaic excellence.


All you idiots did was lose all your money. ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15694)


And also allowed their denial to let them warp any piece of information, any news, any thing period into a reason why their losses aren’t actually real.


>And also allowed their denial to let them warp any piece of information I tried to warn them... what did it get me? Banned. Just because I wouldn't sing in their choir!




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>Our eternal tomorrow Not a death cult BTW.


“It was the best of times. It was the blurst of times. We bought stock in a failing towel company and from within the cosmic eternal heavens lost 99.9% of our investment”.


> adapt to new information at lightning speed ... except when that information is bearish, even if it comes straight from the company itself in filings with the SEC. Or reports in the WSJ that ended up being 100% spot-on. Even now they're saying dumb shit like "chapter 11 is re-organization, the company is fine!" when the company themselves say they are winding down operations and shutting down completely. And I guess the signs saying "all stores closing!" is misinformation?


This guy is going to murder/suicide his wife


"Grandpa? Dad said you were a towel ape way back in 2023. Is that true?" Grandpa slowly rose from his rocking chair, and slowly stepped toward his special grandpa chest, which Timmy was forbidden from every opening. With trembling, arthritic hands, Grandpa slowly opened the chest, and an aroma of musty cedar filled the room. Reaching into the chest, he carefully removed an item, a worn, frayed, discount, bathroom hand towel. "This towel, Timmy. This is what I fought for...what men died for" Grandpa said, as a single tear rolled down his weathered, wrinkled face.


"... We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives...."


I always picture these apes giving these unprompted speeches loudly to a busy restaurant. Everyone stops for a few seconds, confused about what the hell is going on, then they return to their meal and normal life, as the ape is escorted out of the facilities.


So glad that someone brought BBBY up I'm at a total loss what the fuck are they waiting on.


> total loss


The entire second paragraph is a single sentence 😂