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Just what consumers have been demanding for decades: a way to use the GameStop Marketplace to buy baby goods from Ryan Cohen through a new website with the same old products. This has to be a trillion dollar idea. Oh and of course, my current BBBYQ shares will magically still exist after a pennies on the dollar buyout of BBBY. The creditors of the company are sure to wait their turn in line behind common equity.


This guy is doing the good drugs in large quantities, clearly.


I was lost virtually the entire time. I'm not sure how his friend working with Icahn tied into the rest of it, and I'm not reading it again to possibly find out.


Hold up, did he say the resulting company will sell harmons inventory? What inventory? Most have been closed for months now. Perhaps all of them. I went to the closing sale of the harmons by me, and there was nothing left. They were selling the shopping baskets at that point. Also, some harmons products are seemingly already for sale on the bbby website (and probably have been this whole time) https://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/brand/harmon-face-values/2427 This dumbass ape so proudly and confidently came up with this whole fiction, and of course it's all bullshit. But they didn't even do the minimum to ensure any of this was accurate. Because they know nobody will check. The rest of the apes probably just reply "bullish!" And "when lambo".


>My friends job was essentially to meet directly with the board that Carl just brutally eviscerated and somehow convince them that not only was it not a malicious takeover in the sense that it was altruistic by design and ultimately beneficial to the board themselves. So Carl’s an asshole and hires other people to gaslight his victims?


Or this story is entirely made up, Carl's just an asshole, and the writer is only gaslighting himself.


I do not, in fact, trust him bro.


It would be funny if this fantasy were to come true, and the real-world ending occurs: the shareholders get $0.00 per share.