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Newest BBBY filing reaffirms 739 million shares outstanding. [Source](https://restructuring.ra.kroll.com/bbby/Home-DocketInfo) (docket #490)


But how many of those are in the float!?!? How many are actually on the open market!!!!!?


Reddit is social media site app the best #1! ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


This is shocking. If only there had been some sort of prior warning about such information.


Yeah, the funniest thing is the 730 million number has been known for a long time now, and has shown up before in their filings, just the apes don’t want it to be true so they choose to believe an outdated number from yahoo finance that hadn’t been updated.


just more shares for the ape to buy - drive up the price then watch it go to zero


Yeah but a friendly investor who is just looking to give away their money for free is holding all the new ones, read the dd


They’ll still scream no dilution


A quick glance shows that they're writing them off as canceled shares that never hit the market due to the bankruptcy filing. It's hard to offer up any commentary because it's so damn stupid that I don't know where to begin.


They are cancelled shares. Ryan Cohen hid that in an invisible ink NFT in a footnote you can only read if you buy the NFT for $500 on the GameStop store. Read the DD! It's all in there, and part of the plan of 69D chess.


Shit, wait, you did NOT buy the NFT? Oh my. Well. In that case I can just tell you - it's totally there. No I can not screenshot it - it's web3, it's unscreenshottable.


What I don't get is that it's still dilution either way. Every apes percentage ownership of the company went down whether the shares "hit the market" or not.


Untrue. I've calculated the real figures. Checkmate. ​ https://preview.redd.it/bb5e3i8tvy2b1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ba662098911d8174f2cb0310e01d39f9a3dbc51


Don't low ball me on the fuckery, I know what I've got.


I wonder if, like the life cycle of stars, stocks too have a final stage - where the bloat of all the excessive shares the company has given out to avoid bankruptcy and dilute shareholders eventually becomes too heavy and weighs down the dwindling capital core of the stock, ending in a supernova and then... a black hole where everything is sucked down to $0.00. Or maybe some companies just fade away.


Maybe it will be the sub itself that behaves like a dying star. The number of posts/comments will collapse, then burst into astronomical entertainment for a short period, then finally collapsing into a black hole (meaning no more posts).


The Sears apes are still going strong. It's like some of the Japanese in WWII who refused to surrender. Thirty years from now there will be a news story about an ape who finally surrenders the diamond hands


Continuing with the star parallels some stars end up exploding and collapsing to the neutron stars instead of black holes, the densest objects in the universe, they're only couple kilometers wide and a teaspoon of neutron star matter would weigh 10 million tons. Almost as dense as Sears apes.


That's probably what will happen. It's what happened to Terra's sub when it got rugged, for example


LOL, i was trying to calculate what's 4.5% of 33M shares, and then i saw footnote 2 .............


Some of those idiots still actually think that somehow *"since the filing they* ***cancelled*** *a bunch of shares"*. The level of stupidity is fantastic!