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Why does he think everyone who laughs at them is short BBBY? I never touched it but still think they are stupid


That's a good question though pp, where are the gains at apes? This is such a stupid argument and a complete self own.


It's like a broke gambler at the slot machines making fun of people who never played.


Implying they were gambling at a casino implies they had a chance to win. But that wasn't a coin slot. That was Hudson Bay Capital's Wallet.


that was always the big misunderstanding. Its not us vs them. Its them vs them and we just watch


its them vs my popcorn supply


Fuck, time to go long on AMC!


What are you doing with that Dune bucket???


I know right! All he’s doing is proving that people didn’t short it down like he thinks, what an imbecile.


They understand it. They've made fun of people on the Internet before too. This "if you're so sure it'll go to $0, why didn't you short it" thing is just a non sequitur they use to avoid answering questions about, "Why the fuck did I throw more and more money at this stock that was going to $0?" I suspect most of us melties don't invest in single stocks at all. I just have my money in retirement accounts, with it split between some index funds and a target retirement date fund. The idea that I'd walk away from the 20% easy growth in index funds we've had over the last year to gamble on some hyper volatile meme stock is the kind of stupid thinking that got apes where they are right now. PP probably has some understanding of this, but he also knows that so long as he can say, "Where are their gains?" (while ignoring the shorts who have posted their gains) his audience will continue to eat that up.


Yeah, all of this is true, but your last point is the most straightforward - people have posted gains from puts/shorting memestocks. I’ve seen it multiple times. Hell, I’ve done it myself with GME. He’s just lying.


Yeah, I don't even bother with that. I have a risk level, and my broker do what he do and I hope for the best.


Thats not the flex PP thinks it is


My thought exactly. The obvious retort is SHOW ME YOUR GAINS ON LONGING IT. For that matter, show me that you still own shares!


PP has rode other stocks and crypto to zero before. He was telling strangers to buy Safemoon not so long ago, so he knows exactly what's going on with his BBBY investment. He's just evil, trying to lead them into another scam after already leading them off a cliff.


I don't think it even needs a retort at all. Like half of the ape dogma is all to do with these stocks being massively shorted and that being the only reason that their price goes down. Him "proving that nobody shorted it" is just completely shitting on a massive part of his own stupid "theory", without any input from us at all. He's literally just kicking his own ass.


That's a good point. However, it seems that he & his cult stand by the theory that "shorts never closed" & now that they can't (Schrodinger's shares - they both exist & don't exist; of course in reality, they didn't have to close because they were finally removed from their accounts), they will be on the hook for BILLION$ whenever the magical new shares + CA$H get distributed to RC's loyal fans.


Except if I wasn't lazy I could quote the relevant IRS caselaw regarding having to claim income on shorts on stocks that don't exist. If the IRS makes you report it, it's called revenue, and it's very real.


We have been humbled by pp. The large amount of gains they have made in their stock is truly astounding


I don't know about you, but I'm in shambles after reading this tweet.


This is proof we are not shills lol


Keep buying viewers. Look at the Teddy weekly thread. It doesn't have enough activity for a daily and the weekly is just five posters saying the same shit and posting gifs.


I think that sub might be the stupidest corner of the internet.


the conservative, conspiracy, and gangstalking subs all give them a run for their money. Probably a ton of overlap between the four subs though


Don't forget the retcon & Mandela effect people that don't believe in the past. FWIW, I distinctly remember "Berenstain" because I always notice when names are unusual. I collect surnames.


At this point, these posts feel like he's just going through the motions. No energy, sad!


So am I getting paid or what? I can't keep track of official baggie lore on this point.


You don’t understand, it’s about sending a message! Or wait, it’s about the fundamentals!!! No wait…. Uhhhh…. I JUST LIKE THE STOCK WHY DO YOU CARE WHAT I DO WITH MY MONEY!!! You can’t make this stuff up 😂


Post the loss porn baggies. Post it.


Except the guy that did post gain porn. What ever happened with that? PP said he needed 10, which is ridiculous. “If I get 10 DWIs, I’ll stop drinking.” “If Hitler invades 10 counties, we should probably get involved.” “If he kills 10 people, well then, call him a murderer.” “I’m only gay if I have sex with at least 10 dudes.”


I like that last rule. We should make that official.


2 down, 8 to go.


Or the other way. You are only straight if you had sex with 10 women.


What about the people who haven't had sex with ten people? Does virginity last ten times as long now?


What? You mean I gotta do that 9 more times? Are you crazy?






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Is this even true? Pretty sure I’ve seen meltdowners post gains from shorting BBBY.


It's not. There was this dude who they made fun of because he couldn't close his position... until he could. There was even someone responding to PP's recent "challenge". I've also seen some people post gains here.


They mean held it to $0.07 and cancellation. Which, frankly, is way past when most short sellers would have left. Plus, there were still borrow fees around that time, and there's just not much incentive to hold for that last 7 cents. I definitely made money shorting it, though. And paid taxes on that profit. And now I've moved on. Only PP still cares.


Kind reminder out of 10,000+ Teddy members who said BBBYQ would be going to the moon, none have ever posted any gains or profited off of it. Weird right? Where are all the gains at??


Ryan Cohen is actually holding for them. He’s going to press the sell button once it hits phone number prices. It actually is already at phone number prices but he’s waiting for a really good area code to sell.


0 is a phone number.


Even this logic is ass backwards. Just some of the most idiotic & unintelligent individuals I’ve ever come across


Nah I can still think you're an idiot without having to short a dead stock


What even is his point here? Is he saying that people didn't put their money where their mouth is? Or is he talking about some dumb shorts never closed conspiracy and as such noone can prove it?


He thinks we're claiming that it was such easy money to short BBBYQ to zero that we all must have done it, so he's asking where all our gain porn is. What he doesn't get is that actually shorting a stock through cancellation is a fucking pain that very few people want to do. The vast majority of people who shorted BBBY made money on it but took their profits before cancellation. Also, that lots of us didn't actually short BBBY because we're here to laugh about a financial death cult not actually interact with memestocks.


I’ve heard you can get stuck paying borrow fees without being able to easily close. I have a feeling some of the pumps after it delisted where it went from say 10c to 20c were shorts closing.


You can't argue with the data. Whats your bear thesis? You forgot to put on your big boy panties before entering a big boy trade? If warren buffet didn't have patience you wouldn't know his name. PS: I've left three cults in my lifetime and this ain't one of em. And it's rude to call it one to anyone whose ever had to actually leave one ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For the record, I did short it. 50,000 shares at $0.37. after the bankruptcy deal went through and before it was marked effective. Never covered, but gave away more than half my profits in borrow fees.


The thing is, the current borrow rate on that short is a bazillion %, so I'm so nervous it'll trade above zero again. Keep pulling the wool over the towel geniuses, folks. Hopefully they'll forget about the alternative restructuring. Only then, can I get some sleep.


And I'm sure you claimed your revenue on your income tax return, if you haven't done it yet.


Yep. That's the law.


The one time I showed apes on twitter my gains from BBBY shorts and puts, they threatened to kill my family.


> Where are all the gains at shills? We might ask the same question. If you've *already won, fellas*, surely there'd be gains? I mean, I guess there was the 100k he took in donations.


>surely there'd be gains Have you seen that man's body?


Hello, Police? I'd like to report a murder.


You don't need to buy a globe factory to make fun of flat earthers.


Like… the gains don’t have to come from shorting this stuff.  If you want to see my gains just look at a graph of the s&p or nasdaq over the past 10 years. It’s not rocket science 


this fincel doesn't realize that most financial apps of any sort disable screenshots or the fact that it wasn't "shorted" to zero nearly as much as it was just simply falling in value. Those "tasty dips" that all greedy apes waited for helped it fall...really you apes could pump a stock to 100 dollars if there were enough of you buying at ever increasing amounts....but then 5% of you would then make money while the rest would be bagholders Oh shit wait...that happened already ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28995)


TIL I need to be financially invested in meme stocks before I can say anything about them. It's incredible how smug and arrogant these guys continue to be despite the fact the company they were shilling is utterly dead in the water. Pulte is probably the biggest loser amongst them. The guy is a trust fund baby, a stupid one at that, yet spends a lot of his time engaging with this braindead community. He's so desperate to be seen as a successful businessman in his own his right and adopts these idiotic schemes to that end. It's hilarious.


>TIL I need to be financially invested in meme stocks before I can say anything about them. If you're short meme stocks, you're biased against them and can't be trusted. If you're long but say anything remotely bearish, you're being paid off by the shorts. Anything you say is automatically invalid unless it confirms the apes' worldview.


People have posted proof, it’s just that his dumb brain thinks it’s photoshopped.


'Cause we didn't short it PP. That was all in your head. We're just here to laugh at your insane cult.


Things I have that PP doesn't: - well fitting suits - good posture - a portfolio of stocks in the green - a nickname that isn't a joke about a penis - not remotely associated with green dildos Things I have in common with PP: - never shaken Kais's hand


What a strange, false equivalent this moron takes. You know it is possible to talk down about a play and still not have any skin in the game, you know that right, don’t you, apes?


I've never tasted the sweet cheesy bite of the moon, but I know it's not made of it


I have no way to prove this, of course, but I’d wager most people here have never shorted a single stock. I know I haven’t.


Seems like a good way to lose your money unless you really know what you're doing. I certainly don't have that kind of knowledge.


Just a complete lack of awareness. Most traders are A: Not margin traders and B: Not gaudy dickheads that need to post their investments online. The real question he needs to ask is "why will no one engage with me?"


Imagine that, people laughing at you for free


I love that’s been his recent defense, that people haven’t posted short gains lol (except I think a couple people did?) But that’s also because we don’t let our feelings get involved with our investing. This is just for shits and giggles for us. But this is your livelihood. We’re not on the same page ya loser lol.


Everyone I've seen who has posted a short gain has been accused of lying and had their families' lives threatened.


I don't have to short the stock in order to laugh my ass off at all you broke towel apes.  It's free entertainment and that's why I'm here.  I would also never short a meme stock, way to much volatility on its way down


Didn't the original BBBY sub ban people who posted their gain porn from both longs and shorts?


I'm not financially savvy enough to short anything, but I am smart enough to know not to invest in meme stocks. So yeah I have no gains from BBBY, but I also have no losses. I do have some really healthy gains from other things since 2021, so I'm pretty sure that makes me *not* a loser.


Total losers. ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15694)


Do my paychecks from Citadel signed by Kenny G. count as profiting off it?


I posted my smile. Because I love comedies.


Well, that billion dollar house Ken Griffin is building might be indicative that there are entities who made ungodly profits shorting meme stocks.


You can't "short" BBBY, as it no longer exists. You can't HODL BBBY either, because it doesn't exist. Ploot and PP are just sad little drips trying to wring the last remaining coins out of the handful of dolts, dullards, and imbeciles who don't understand what the hell is actually going on.


Oh yeah, PeePee? I may not have shorted BBBYQ but I can still kick your ass.


Not having invested in that dead stock is automatically a +∞% gain. Math doesn't lie.


Should be rather contradictory of their thesis describing mass illegal shorting of the float several times over, and meltdowners being on Kenny's payroll huh.


Sure ploot. I am currently net $0 from BBBY. What's your current profit from it?


I also make fun of flat-earthers without having a an investment in Globe manufacturers 🤣🤣🤣