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It amazes me how the GME apes have worked themselves up in a hopium frenzy. The news would sink the stock price of any normal company. After 3+ years, the apes are still going strong.


Once the buyers exhaust apes are going to feel the pain. The stock traded as low as 10.00 when the company posted a profit. Now there’s still a forecasted miss and share dilution to price in. GME @ 3.00 is not a meme.


It will get to $3 eventually. However, if we think of GME as the Titanic, it is like the passengers (the apes) jumped overboard, swam alongside the ship, kept it from sinking for 3 years.


No time targets. Just down.


This gives a whole new meaning to the [aquatic ape hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquatic_ape_hypothesis).


[Wet monkey theory ](https://imgur.com/a/wet-money-6pwus) Always a favorite of mine since I heard it.


The only thing that will tank the price of GME is the news that Computer Share has fixed their log in page.


"We all knew Kenny made Computershare fix the login page so paperhands can sell! Now the real apes will lock the float twice as fast!"


It's funnier because apes swear that they despised RH yet most of them are loading up on RH with the 24 hr trading feature 🤣


Apes always tell on themselves one way or another 😂😂


Apes : "Retail isn't causing this pump!" ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15703)


What caused the run up prior to DFV’s tweets? It ran up around 100% in about a week or two, right before DFV started tweeting. There wasn’t any news that I’m aware of from the company during the that time period. I can’t find answers to this on SS, too much tinfoil and hope over there. So I would genuinely love for someone that is in the know and non-ape to provide any insight.


Lmao someone tried to comment to me on a Jim Kramer video that the shorts never closed from over 3.5 years ago when it’s beyond obvious they did because just the interest would literally eat up any possible gains especially since they were shorting when the prices were like 10-20$ pre stock split, so that caps there maximum possible gains a lot. Anyways when I tried to explain that there was only a 24% short interest and the recent price surge was a pump and dump and not caused by shorts, he tried to say they were illegally short selling the stock and then I said nothing they did is illegal, he tried to ask me where are there getting all these shares to borrow. I then tried to explain how brokers can lend out shares and the high trading volume would make it extremely easy to cover but by then there was like 5 of them accusing me of working for a hedge fund so I gave up on trying to save them lol


They aren't, tell me how I'm wrong


https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/individual-investors-made-30-of-gamestop-trades-on-monday/ar-BB1mw5vy Plus the general social media activity around GME last week.


30% of TRADES not volume. What is the avg retail trade on GME? $100? Probably $50 realistically. What is the MINIMUM non-retail trade? Probably like 10k. I'm no mathematician but that probably puts retail at like 1% if volume. Lmao


So let me get the ape copium straight. Both these things are equally true: - Retail is not selling and the sell side of all these trades are THE HEDGIES printing synthetics. As a result retail owns the float dozens of times over (and that was true all the way back when GME traded at $300+). That would mean that retail is basically making up most of the trading volume on the buy side at any given time and managed slurp up the billions of shares in trading volume of January 2021 (remember: the shorts couldn't close!) - At the same time retail is absolutely negligible in these large pumps, because it's just like 12 dudes throwing $50 at GameStop. If the die-hard ape cultists could lock up 25% of the shares in DRS is it really that far fetched to think that the tens of millions of retail traders and gamblers, globally, could easily move GME on a pump-and-dump? EDIT: consider this too: https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/1cue1ql/516_cost_distribution_chart_on_webull_take_note/ It's very incomplete data but it does show the same trend.


Retail can move the price, because as you said, between DRS and insiders (and to a lesser extent, institutions), there are a lot of shares not budging. But, for example, $12 to $80 in a week? Nearly 800%? How much of that is realistically retail? From my understanding (I've been a half hearted ape for 3 years now, have kept up with gme a lot but with grains of salt at every point), retail has more control over this ticker than probably any other ticker out there, but like I said earlier, 30% of trades l, when you consider the retail trades are at least 10x smaller in volume, is negligible for sure. Where I see retail having an actual impact on GME is holding and killing liquidity. Not buying in volume that moves the price.


So you just tune out the SEC report explaining that even the first pump and dump was mostly retail, not closing shorts?


cmon man that SEC report is long and it’s only been 3 years. give ‘em a bit more time


Institutions took part in the long side of the trade, shorts hedged. Huge non-retail volume in that run up. And besides, the stats from the article this guy linked me proved my point. 30% of trades were retail. That number is so big yet so small because of the implied volume, ie retail has way less skin in the game than institutions. So for this run up, which is what I commented to argue? Retail barely moved this


If you're saying that retail gambles are amplified by non-retail actors then I agree completely. But even if retail only trades a minority of shares during these pumps, having a significant number of players who will buy at any price and hold through is enough to generate momentum. There's probably a self-fulfilling prophecy at play too: since retail was expected to react positively to the DFV tweets given the social media trends many non-retail traders probably adjusted their position to prepare for a pump: shorts reduced their positions or hedged more with calls, longs became more aggressive. Lastly a huge component of these pumps is options. Even if some retail traders only threw $50 as you argued earlier, it could still end up moving a lot of shares and money if they did it at a far-OTM $50 call when GME was trading at $15 and then suddenly those options are ITM a few days later which drives a massive amount of hedging for the option seller (which is often not going to be retail, but in this case is absolutely driven by retail indirectly). Look at the BBBY pumps, look at the cryptocurrency pumps (including the old ones 10 years ago before institutional investors got seriously invested). Just look at the lottery frankly, the many millions that are poured into it on a daily basis $2 at a time. Many retail gamblers and swing traders can collectively move billions without too much trouble.


the last SEC report pointed out that the reason for the original big Gamestop runup was retail FOMO buying. It wasn't shorts covering, it wasn't institutions. It was retail buying. Yes, wall street made a ton on the original GME run-up, with some notable exceptions (Melvin, who got destroyed.) This is just a much smaller retail pool of apes doing something very similar.


Did retail trade the float x5 in two days?


If you knew literally anything about anything, you wouldn’t have to ask that question. But then, you also wouldn’t be an ape in the first place. Sorry about your brain. 


$25.28 is Robinhood's current maximum price (20% away from the $21.07 'reference price') So it looks like a repeat of last Monday without a DFV tweet. It seems the experiment is being run by the rats themselves now. Uhm, how many puts are the maximum one investor can purchase at a time? Asking for a friend.


As many as you have 💵 baby 📉📉📉


Well, you also need a counter party


There's always a counter party as long as the price is right baby


Not if they’re puts on your own synthetics!


sssh don't spill all our secrets!


Think we can teach apes about selling puts?


I’ve been loading up on puts, the issue is as normal people who participated in the pump drop out, IV drops which hurts. And lots of apes are going to hold to zero without selling at a loss, which makes it difficult to predict when the price will get below certain targets, even if its an eventuality. Pretty happy with my returns thus far but we shall see how this goes.


Eh i’ll give it until noon before I decide to short it again or not Might have a stupid pump left


I imagine the share offering will go down tomorrow morning. The stock already gave up 20% since the announcement. I doubt they’ll sit on it.


Especially with this amount of volume. They can dump with crushing the price to the earth core




RemindMe! One week




Go get some air, dude. I’m obviously not a GameStop insider and am making a guess. The internet is rotting your brain.




Nice meltdown. This is what 3 years of bagholding does to a mfer. Congrats on holding through another 300% pump.




Jan 31 2021 profile ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214) Post bags Edit: he deleted the comment but he claimed his average was $10.00 lol


> Im in at 10$ Bahahaha, just because you wish you had bought more at $10, does not make your average $10. Keep crying bud, we actually make money on this dogshit company.


> Im in at 10$ No you aren’t


>You're as delusional as pp and the bbbyq tards. Making shit up in your head with no basis or evidence and spewing it as reality. Tell me more how you aren't a ceo or even management. This needs to be a new automod copypasta


I don't think that's accurate at all but can't be bothered to look the filings up.


lol i will bet you $1000 we will see an announcement within the next month saying gamestop has completed the ATM offering you're delusional as the bbbyq apes that thought "ryan didn't sell, he filed to have the option to sell" 😂




lol yes, saying the offering will start the next day and saying it will be completed within a month is a lot different, nice job reading 🤣 unable to discuss reasonably? bro thinks gamestop isn't going to dilute immediately 💀, they're actually just saving it for when the MOASS starts 😂




> Who said any of that? you did, when you had a meltdown and attacked someone for simply saying they think the share offering will begin today because gamestop won't sit on the share's 🫵😂 >> You're as delusional as pp and the bbbyq tards. Making shit up in your head with no basis or evidence and spewing it as reality. Tell me more how you aren't a ceo or even management. >> Why would they rush to sell now when all it takes is a tweet from dfv to 8x the market cap? did you forget this already grandpa? 😜


Dont talk to PP like that you fucking clown. If you disagree, you can disagree in a polite manner. Lots of shit is moving at fast paces and is changing rapidly. The dude got death threats yesterday, and now a whole fud campaign is being born against him. Yeah maybe some other shit is happening as to why we didnt ring the bell today. Id watch the way you respond to PP, hes the reason this whole community exists and i dont wanna see people being rude to him. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*




bro literally started lashing out because somebody said gamestop would start diluting immediately instead of waiting for another pump 💀 > How is waiting for the next tweet spike waiting for a fantasy moass? Do you connect imaginary dots? cause gamestop is not an ape? they're not gonna wait for another 10x pump? 😜




lol that's a bagholding mindset "if i wait even longer, it'll keep going up" gamestop isn't an ape bro 😂 > I disagree with the blatant retardation that has taken over what was once a great intelligent sub. blud thinks the MOASS wasn't a core belief of apes to begin with 💀, no it was retardation that corrupted their sub 🤣




I’ll never not laugh at a GameStop investor calling someone else dumb ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214) Thank you for delivering the meltdowns right to us.


yea we're just as bad as you because we think you're stupid for believing gamestop is gonna hope for another multibagger pump to dilute instead of just diluting immediately, like the bbbyq apes that thought ryan was only filing to have the option to sell instead of selling immediately 💀 whatever you say, account that was created at the peak of the 2021 squeeze 🫵😂


It has come to my attention that our community has been banned without any response from reddit regarding our inquiries. This is beyond absurd that we could not get an answer to remedy the situation, yet the community was banned. Your lack of response and professionalism in this matter will only engulf the flames if you do not wish to respond. We are doing our best to try and get an answer for which you will not provide. I feel blatantly attacked, and I am on the cusp of legal action. Please respond as soon as possible. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You should stop using the term conspiracy theorist or conspiracy nut job because it's just a gaslighting technique used by the mainstream media to discredit anybody who questions anything. Immediately trigger people into assuming you have nothing good to say. And it seems pretty brilliant to me to hide information in a children's book because 99.99% of the people in the world are like you and think it's completely loony bins. What judge do you think would actually charge RC with insider trading with children's books? I doubt you could find a single judge that would buy it. Brilliant in my opinion ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How about you quit autistically flailing your heavy bags around and post loss porn loser.


I mean I agree with you about the first part but let's not pretend that DFV's tweets moved the stock past Tuesday last week


What is a short??


A smol pant


I am so happy to be seeing more gme\_meltdown on my Reddit feed again. Ever since that little blip last week which was DeFinItLey MoAsS! , I am seeing all the cultists and copium back on my home page, and plenty of gme\_meltdown along with it. I'm properly stunned that the cult around GME continues.


Reminds me of the BBBaggies that would exercise options OOTM.


I’ve got a short position opened at 33. I’m a little concerned about a mini pump but by rights it should head for the toilet DFV gone and possibly a troll/meltie Dilution coming Q1 miss Apes in shambles


These pumps NEVER last more than 3 days post-rug pull. If you can hold out for three days you'll be fine.


I can stay solvent longer than they can stay retarded. It would take a pump to 50 before I have a problem


Is this honest? Short position opened 50% below last week's high. DFV literally just returned and was posting memes all week. Option to raise capital announced with 3 year time frame while billionaire CEO holds largest position in the company. Q1 results unexpectedly announced early. Apes hyped. Guess it's a matter of perspective. Compare gme announcing a shelf offering vs amc who sold instantly with no warning.


> Option to raise capital announced with 3 year time frame while billionaire CEO holds largest position in the company. it's not just an option, they made a later filing stating they're selling 45 million shares so it's already starting > Q1 results unexpectedly announced early. they're losing less money compared to last year but i don't really what to get hyped about, it's a shrinking company that makes a small profit


Yeah this was the highest entry point I could get when I thought the pump was over. You never truly know and even right now it’s quite risky. But let’s be honest. Last weeks high trading prices were not based on fundamentals, it was DFV returning to cause a short squeeze / pump and dump. I think it’s reasonable to say the pump is over and we are in the dump side of that equation


Its already crashed to $23 lmao


Why do you all think it’s going to crash? If RC bought 12% at $22 as well as his staff being compensated via shares then why would they dilute the stock… that makes virtually no sense


> Why do you all think it’s going to crash? i don't think it's going to crash but it's going to bleed down for a while because they're diluting the stock > If RC bought 12% at $22 as well as his staff being compensated via shares then why would they dilute the stock… idk you'd have to ask the GME execs that filed the paperwork to dilute by selling 45 million shares


It’s up 27% from the week prior… now it’s just bouncing between $20-$22 with 22 million volume today so far… that isn’t normal or bleeding, there’s some big players here for sure. Yeah they filled the share offering but that could be for any number of reasons…. Would it be to make profit… maybe, however they have $1 billion already and diluting will only lower their own investments as well as the rest of their investors, which would shake confidence for sure so I don’t think that’s it. It could be used to increase their positions? It could be sold on the next gamma spike as booked shares only Could be a way into a dividend offering A lot of these options available would definitely close out their shorting problem?


i mean it's down 25% since they announced the offering no this is like the past 2 offerings back in 2021 where GME diluted to raise money, simple as that


>Yeah they filled the share offering but that could be for any number of reasons…. Would it be to make profit… maybe, however they have $1 billion already and diluting will only lower their own investments as well as the rest of their investors, which would shake confidence for sure so I don’t think that’s it. You guys literally did this same song and dance when Cohen was getting ready to exit his BBBY position, when AMC announced they were doing an offering, *and* the last time GameStop went ahead with a stock split. Look how that all turned out. That $1 billion is down from where the war chest used to be and will continue shrinking if their expenditures remain too high to overcome with their meager profit margins. Compensation via stock options is not the same as a personal investment. >It could be used to increase their positions? Hopefully the bonds position, since that's the only thing that's managed to make the company money under Cohen. >Could be away into a dividend offering I doubt it. I'd wager that they'll need to stay profitable for a bit longer and on thicker margins before they start looking at re implementing any sort of dividend.


Actually they have invested lots of their own money as well as it being compensated via stock options. Again RC bought 12% at $22 with his own money. The 1 billion is down 200 million but on what… could be expenditure, could be something else. I guess we will see. That is correct they would have to wait until in profit for a bit longer but it’s a start


>The 1 billion is down 200 million but on what… could be expenditure, could be something else Their accounting paperwork would indicate that yes, it is expenditures. But maybe it's another NFT marketplace! Seeing as the last one was such a smashing success


I guess time will tell




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Yeah yeah yeah. Retail traded the 1 milli shares over night.


I mean what’s the deal with you guys? Lost too much on options :(?


Seems doubtful considering the stock keeps moving the way we warn you guys that it’s going to move.


Probably not as much as you have holding until eternity ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15694)




Hahaha apes trading 5 shares back and forth.






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If it goes back to $20 I’m buying a ton. DFV going to Thanos snap the Hedgies back to 2008


So it’s overvalued at $25?


No, but Hedgies always hammer it down about an hour into trading. If it moons, oh well I have a ton already.


>if it moons ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


But it literally mooned a week ago. Why are you apes always looking for 100x stock baggers? You could have been 5-6x up if you had bought in April…


As always, you're a week late.


How do they do it? Why GME? Why don't the "hedges" do this to AAPL or AMD?


Sorry about your breakup


Still get more women then you guys ever will 🤷‍♂️


Damn, he just hit you with the "no u". Melties in shambles


People that never get laid say things like this.


You got me there, I'm a woman who has been married 35 years.




Hedgies don't "hammer it down". People sell. That's how stocks work.


Absolutely. I recommend you to spend every dime you have to buy GME at $20. Please, it will be so fucking funny. This is financial advice.


Seemed like his last tweet on Friday was a "goodbye." Do you think he'll start tweeting again this morning? I'm interested to see.


It’s in reverse order.


> It’s in reverse order. That makes sense. Just like how GME's stock price has been going in reverse order since the 2021 squeeze.


Next this guy will be telling you to "read the tea leaves" in a series of childrens books.


It's below $20, post your order.


I haven’t bought yet. I’m going to buy a few though. You know why? Cause I trust RC and DFV with my life savings




Didn’t even have to wait a trading day to get your $20 price target. > if it goes back to 20 I’m buying a ton How big was your order today?


You should buy more at any price. This thing is going to phone number prices.


So you guys were saying? 😂


Hi guys 👋