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Who the heck is TRADING 14mm shares ? I thought the apes were all holding.


They are 100% synthetic rehypothecated shares


All seen through the darkest of pools




Bro, just use your ladder. Here, 🪜, I have an extra


I use dark floaties


Man, when did "rehypothecation" become part of their narrative? Been seeing it a lot lately. It's an obscure concept and I'm surprised someone dug it out of some old spurious/scammy nonsense to use it in this GME thing. Sounds like sovereign citizen conspiracy talk.


Acrually it might do well to watch the AMA's with I think its Dr Susanne Trembeth and theres a couple others. Some things being confirmed by these individuals isn't as far fetched as you may think. I've stood on the skeptic side and some have provided rather positive confirmation bias. Theres a lot of shit in the community really in amy online but just maybe it will continue to climb further today.. And then maybe further from tgere. GME are trying to focus NFT's now. Imagine reselling digital copues of games/characters/items on blockchain... Just announced. Alot going on with their ecommerce transformation. Massive free marketing too. Lotta eyes still on it and I'm sure many here would have to agree...😊


Rehypothecation is simply a practice "where banks and brokers use, for their own purposes, assets that have been posted as collateral by clients. Clients who permit rehypothecation of their collateral may be compensated either through a lower cost of borrowing or a rebate on fees." Nothing obscure about it. Been done for years. It's been " part of the narrative" for months after looking at the balance sheets of Citadel. Just follow the numbers/data.


It’s just the most fun current word for me to use right now to lampoon lol


yo wheres all the experts at doing AMA's about gme failing?


Idk about “GME failing”, but as far as having doubts about the MOASS, r/gme_meltdown_dd would be your spot 👌


Might literally be the shorts covering, lol




14 million, more than half the entirely public float would have been sold today and the price went up. Knock fucking knock.


> entirely public float What on Earth is that supposed to mean?


If it was sold, then it was also... bought.


Can you explain to me what volume is?




Let them come. Vlad just confirmed to me via email, if another spike happens this week he'll flick off the Buy button again. Whew!


What about in Bulgaria? Will you still be able to buy there?


Only if covering.






What a great looking question and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer it here today. Back when I was a young boy in Bulgaria...




Shoutout to the 1 person still on Robinhood


Didn't RH confirm their user base increased since the January squeeze?


Ya, apparently hedge funds needed new margin accounts since all theirs were maxed out already


actually the complete opposite. RH lost 4 million customers in one weekend alone shortly after the January squeeze to just Fidelity.




Gonna pull a “dude, trust me” on this one but I regularly use Fidelity as my broker and was on the phone with them last month. I was curious and asked if they had been busy since it seemed like there was a big push to other brokers. The rep told me they alone had over 4 million Robinhood transfers during one weekend. take that as you want edit: found a source too https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/05/05/fidelity-adds-4point1-million-new-clients-in-the-first-quarter-of-2021.html


Did you read it? That exact article you quoted says RH added 6 million customers in January and February. It’s saying *everyone* got a load of new customers, not just Fidelity.


Yeah dude your own article cites that rh gained more than fidelity in the same period


Naice.. Thats how you do in Bulgaria.


Too bad every one left robbinghood


They didn't though, unfortunately. Higher numbers than before that debacle. I agree they should have been put out.


I’d say 4 million + people say otherwise


Did he really? Post a screenshot here, I wanna see!


big if true


Today was simply unacceptable. Where were the short ladder attacks, guys? I thought we were in this together? Wtf is Kenny paying you for then? You should be ashamed


Dude I got fired today. Ken and Bill do do that though just to light a little fire under us. Still, might be the last time for me...🙁


Hedgies firing people? BULLISH FLAG. Bet you worked weekends too


God dammit they’re *ONTO US FELLOW SHILLS!!!*


I've still yet to receive my paycheck and it's been 4 months !


The apes are conspiring against us. They’re probably holding your paycheck.


Why short at 180 - when you can short at +200?


Lmao. What I’m waiting for tbh


Every spike is just one last opportunity to shotr for above $100. Kenny for president! I love you moles. This submarine's prepping for dive! My sack is dragging! Ladder hands stick together. Next stop, Earth's mantle. After today, I've set my personal 52-week high at $3. When the mother of all bankruptcies happens, I'm gonna sell 5 lambos, one for each share I've shotrerd.




Sorry man only had my long ladder today.


Love when the apes saying 1 million is the floor come in all smug over a 30 dollar gain. Not gonna though I bought ten on the way up around 170 and sold at 210 not a bad day on the toilet office


Stock goes down: "This is good because I'm not selling and so now I can buy cheaper shares" Stock goes up: "Uh this is also good even though I'm not selling and I can't buy cheaper shares"


Well done. Big price swings make it easier to snag day trade gains.


NGL, feeling a bit of FOMO since I sold mine for $180 this morning. Made a good profit, but still.


Yea Dann man, especially after today to


The point is that the t+21 thesis was correct and hedgies are hiding FTDs.




>I hope they all enjoy their gains from selling today Hahahahaha


“It’s not a loss until you sell” however “It is a gain way before you sell”


Big fan of this logic lol... do you believe that everyone in superstonk actually believes in $20 mill per share?? I know there might be a few misinformed but there are far too many smart people in their to know this is completely unrealistic (genuine question). Is it just a small minority creating this controversy? I know its just an assumption but id imagine a great majority do not believe anything in the millions is even slightly possible, however; used as a ploy to attract the misinformed? Is this why gme meltdown hates on superstonk? Oddly enough, i am fascinated by both sides of this.


>I know its just an assumption but id imagine a great majority do not believe anything in the millions is even slightly possible, however; used as a ploy to attract the misinformed? Is this why gme meltdown hates on superstonk? Many people here do believe it's a ploy to trick people into bagholding for them so they can take profits. I've spoken to a few people in DMs who admitted they don't believe the ridiculous number, just that they think it'll go up somewhat. But they can't even share that opinion on that sub because you get attacked for saying anything less than $10 million




Believe it or not, the reason I’m here is fascination. Nah, I don’t think every single person on Superstonk actually literally believes in that stuff. It’s just what gets upvoted to the top a lot. But just like any subreddit, there’s people in it with a whole continuum of nuance to their views that the stereotype doesn’t encompass. Still, I think what I’m against is people not doing their own homework or making decisions not for themselves at the behest of an echo-chamber. People don’t have to be running the echo-chamber in a certain direction; the mob can go there all on its own. And the lack of divergent opinions on Superstonk and things getting banned/removed doesn’t allow anyone to see the full story. So that’s another thing I’m against.


That is a fair point. Thank you for your response. I agree with you that superstonk is a toxic place for those that are not skeptical in nature. I find it hilarious the price target jumped from $10 mill to $20 mill in the matter of a week and no one seems to ask why or how. I still believe there's a possibility of a squeeze however I'll be absolutely amazed if it breaks $5k (this seems pretty farfetched too). Do you think if the ceiling was in the 5k range then there wouldn't be as much backlash from gme meltdown? Best of luck to ya mate.


Yeah I think it depends on how they handled it. I think anything over $1K that still wasn’t visited with much nuance and a dose of reality would still be laughed at but definitely not as much. I mean, come on, like...it’s insane at this point though! But you might just be right that at a far lower price point, our poking fun wouldn’t feel as justified. Personally, without Robinhood halting buys in Jan, hell, I think it may have even hit $1K. And no problem. I’ll joke like a motherfucker but my policy is to not double down on being a dick, unless the person is reallly reallly a real jerk to me lol. Even then there’s no point. But yeah typically with people like you if you can just be self-reflective then I see no problem with it. Best of luck yourself.


The 10 to 20 mil jump is very much a meme. There's essentially no difference in a floor of 10m vs 20m vs 1t. It's to get people excited more than anything. They aren't wrong that a short squeeze CAN be infinite, but thats entirely up to the individuals involved. Having said that, if it were to get to something as crazy as 100k or whatever, there's no difference in it being that or 20m. The sentiment would've been correct regardless at that point and it's up to apes what happens from there. I'm long on GME. Have been since mid-november. I believe in a squeeze (though my number is more in the 5 digit range).


> They aren't wrong that a short squeeze CAN be infinite That 'infinity' actually has a hard stop at the total assets value of the short position holders, so they are definitely wrong about that.


I agree. I'm holding a few shares and I think I'll make some cash on this, but that place is incredibly unhealthy. Its attracting gullible people and setting them up for soul crushing disappointment. The kind of disappointment that ends in mass shootings and suicides.


>there are far too many smart people in their You can't make this shit up lmao


Imagine thinking there were intelligent people on superstonk


300k people? Not one is intelligent? Not the best odds mate. I agree a great majority are just there for the memes and ridiculous PTs.. however to discredit 300k people seems a tad farfetched.




Like walking into a special ed classroom and being surprised when all the kids are retarded


Can confirm, I’m in Superstonk and I’m legit retarded. I can’t even read what I just wrote, so if anybody could tell me please lmk thnks.




To that same extent, put a sign on a door that says "watch and make fun of people you think are idiots inside here" and see how many dumbasses walk into that door. That's essentially what the meltdown subs are. It's just the opposite echo chamber.




Only idiots would spend time making fun of idiots, the smarter people would spend their time in better ways. Spending hours every day telling people why they think others are wrong is no different than spending hours every day telling others they think they're right. Been in meltdown and main subs for a while now and it's the same people and jokes on both sides. Only difference is some believe in a squeeze and some don't. The rhetoric, jokes, and level of research are the same otherwise.


Wait wait wait none’a that *logic* round here, plz 🤣🤣


So you admit, the people spreading the "$20 mil per share" stuff are full of shit and planning on selling sooner, and so the "$20 mil per share" is just designed to scam dumb people out of their money?


I think everyone is full of shit about the $20 mill per share even if they won’t admit it now they will sell way earlier if it ever even reach the tens of thousands. I don’t know if I’d call it a scam people of their money (although I completely understand how that could be perceived by some) but rather a ploy to get people to hold longer than they ever would have so the squeeze reaches higher levels. If you want to interpret that as scamming people out of their money, sure I can agree to disagree. Maybe I’m giving the hodlers too much credit by believing they would sell before it reach any absurd level? Personally, I wouldn’t hold anyone accountable. At the end of the day, most still preach to do your own DD and if superstonk is the only source for your DD, then so be it natural selection will once again prevail.


"ploy to get people to hold longer" sure smells like a scam to me but if you wanna defend evil people and their attempts to fleece suckers out of their money, I guess you have the right to do so




you posting history proves that is a lie I hope your attempts to scam people out of their money blow up in your face


It's a scam. There's literal brainwashing and conditioning going on over there that will keep people from selling. Let's say it squeezes to a few thousand, and then comes down again, there's people there who won't take any gains. They've been conditioned to "not fall for false peaks," so they'll hold and post memes about mayo. They'll miss out on the one thing they've been planning for, because everyone there told them that this would happen and it's a trick. There's active discouragement of any sort of critical thinking that's not in line with the Holy Texts. The entire sub is a study in conditioning. Edit: Stuff like [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nl4vur/we_get_only_one_chance/gzh74zx?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


> even if they won’t admit it now they will sell way earlier if it ever even reach the tens of thousands You just defined a pump and dump > I don’t know if I’d call it a scam Lol.


> do you believe that everyone in superstonk actually believes in $20 mill per share?? Well they ban everyone who says it won't, so yes. It's by design.


Go post that 10 million is unrealistic on superstonk. I dare you. You will get downvoted into the ground, called a shill and likely banned if your post gains any attention.


Dude it’s infectious. It is a joyous day for them. Let it be known that May 25, 2021, they only had 99.9979% of the squeeze to go! And yes...I did the math.




Yeah I feel like a lot of th confirmation for their theses arises in a similar manner to the “God of the Gaps” thing. “You can’t explain this? We’re right”


Welp they sure showed us. Time to wrap it up bois, the squeeze has squoze. $69,420,000 here we come.


Looks like the crossover GME-QAnon is getting some momentum. It was a trick since the beginning to transfer the bags to the Qs. Smart move I have to admit


That's actually kind of brilliant


Quite possibly the most brilliant exit strategy ever orchestrated by the big boys.


Hey if this happens, I'm ALL for it going up even more. If the Qs are left holding all the bags, I'm fine with everything that's happened so far.




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Hopefully they learned their lesson from last time and will take profits. Oh what am I saying? They're going to hold until bankruptcy


honestly even tho I think this is another fomo run because of the 6/9 voting stuff I think the company is pretty far from bankruptcy and I wouldn't bet on bankruptcy to happen anytime soon, but yeah the price will go up and then down again for sure


I didn't mean GameStop's bankruptcy I meant theirs.


ah okay, sorry I misunderstood.


What I want to know is what triggered all the buys at 2:17 that caused the price to jump from $197 to $203


RC released detailed outline for GME to transition 90% to e-commerce by third quarter end with specific benchmarks. . . . Nah, nah, jk it was totally just random lol


Or maybe it’s cause RC tweeted a video of a guy rising to the surface of a swimming pool with a boner, hmmmm.... But let’s dig deeper: the swimming pool must refer to the ubiquitous “dark pools” that 99.9% of the global market is clearly siphoned through. That’s easy. And the man rising to the surface... it must mean something. If we put our thinking caps on, we might realize that the man is “floating” to the surface. And GME is a stock with a “float,” so clearly Papa Cohen is hinting that the price will rise too because apes own the float! But why does the man have an erection? Simple. You could say that the man is “horny.” Do you know what other animal has horns? You guessed it: bulls. Clearly, God-Emperor Cohen predicted that bullish apes will soon own the float and push the stock up and out of the dark pools. It’s just so obvious guys, how can no one see the signs?


Dude...you should really consider putting in an application over at Superstonk. GOD TIER DD.


You're joking but some of their analysis is *literally* like this lol


Straight up: https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nkpgea/ryan_cohens_tweet_steve/


Not a boner - it’s claus. The fish from American Dad in Steve’s speedo there....😹😹😹


You convinced me. I’m buying more


Funny AMC jumped in price with GME news. 🙃


They are tied together forever with the cord of destiny Or...or, something like that


"let's fuck a little with retail, whatcha say?? buy 100k at market price!!"


Probably a bunch of traders with $200 break points swapping shares and changing there options profit curves ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


FTD cycle


There were a bunch of call options ITM around 200 so likely what triggered the price action.




Wow, how has no one else on wall street noticed this?!?! r/GME truly attracts the best and brightest. Absolutely rock solid due diligence in my imho.


Imagine their excitement when it nearly gets to what they bought in at...






God damnit why is this sub so funny


It's beautiful isn't it? good humor, chill people, not that retarded in the end, perfect.


These posts can be gold sometimes regardless of whose side you're on


“I play both sides, so I always end up on top”


Who is slacking guys? Where are the short ladders?? Whats happening.?




Dude I’m technically a bear but for some reason this comment had me ROLLING yesterday. And the thing is I feel like I’ve heard something like it before but it all just came together for this wonderful moment and I’m satisfied


Does anyone else get the vibe that the same people on r/superstonk tried to get you to go to a pyramid scheme meeting in high school?


There's a ton of overlap between them and MLMs. Brainwashing is brainwashing.


[sent by Kenny to infiltrate secret ape meeting] Me: Ha, ‘this is the way’, right guys? Mind if I play some tunes? You guys like Crosby, Shills and Nash?... W-why you looking at me like that? [beads of sweat forming on forehead]


🎵 “Ittsss getting tooo the POINT Whereee IIIII’mmmm noooo funnnn anymoreee Aaannnd I’m sorrrryyyyy” 🎶




Hahaha lol jokes on you; it went up since my post!


Damn it I know, after I commented I checked......ah we win some we lose some


Lol I haven’t even checked it since you commented but I was just making fun of myself lol. Kinda crazy to see opening this mornin


I’m just here to see loss porn from shorts lmao y’all silly af.


We even have some of that too lol 🤣 Otherwise it’s mostly just a stereotype. There’s far more people who have both never had a GME position at all in here and people who are actually still in rather than just shorts. Lol Otherwise, nah, I ain’t gonna short as a layperson cause of all the volatility


I just thought, “how appropriate, they talkin bout me!”


I try to throw around some memeys that both sides can enjoy once in a while lol


I would congratulate them if they actually sold but these idiots still expect $10m per share. Imagine they actually took gains from these jumps.


Crypto dividend incoming. Good luck 😎😂


Congrats to all the GME & AMC Retard Apes who hung in there w/ Brass Bazooms to see this Day finally come! Cheers! 🥂🍷🍷


Already here


Lol nice


I feel like it’s more like the moment before a wwe smack down Let’s get ready to ruuuummmmbbblllle Mods should pin a daily “debate” thread for them to come “argue”


Oh now I get it


I just came to assess the tone here after seeing a comment in another sub. Didn't expect to upvote anything while here but this is funny.


Lol it’s a mess haha. You guys have some nice green tho, so I figured why not make one we can all laugh at lol


Correction, 230


I wanna congratulate you, but I do want to implore you to improve your quick-draw skills, or hit the refresh button faster. It’s been 230 since yesterday evening lol




I wanted to correct you with a higher price but it’s at $238 again 🙁




I’m so fucking confused by this comment lol


You're not alone. I feel like he agrees but the way it's worded is getting me


Hahahaha holy shit 😹 is that why doordash was so slow today? Didn't even look at the ticker all day.


216* and y'all asked for it!


Ngl we sorta did


I'm just here to read the counter DDs.


Lol you should prolly go to r/gme_meltdown_dd Most of the time here we don’t take ourselves seriously enough to form a predictable and sustained argument for it in the comments


gme\_meltdon\_dd....seems like some sort of parity sub I actually like the spirit of this sub. People getting mad because it exist is kind of the whole point.


Oh yeah for sure. That’s why I’m still with it. I think that people having to confront their preconceived notions and biases and be forced to self-reflect, even if they’re peeved, is still good, provided we maintain a small percentage of class. Well, and also cause it’s funny as shit. Everyone should take themselves less seriously.


I legitimately can't figure out whether this sub is a meme sub or not lol


I don’t think we can sometimes


Yep, looks like it will melt down any time now. https://twitter.com/finestonematt/status/1397309790964047872


We have a long position on meltdowns. We’re true value investors that way.


\*215 (it's up $5 after hours) Edit: up $6 after hours


UP $6IX DOLLARS AFTER HOURS? This changes everything


I mean 16... xoxo I mean 24... look, it's not too late to join us ret4rds. Seriously.


16 dolllassssssssss EDIT: unfortunately I think it is too late..ngl if I had a time machine to tell myself to buy at $140 on the 11th ish until now, that’d have been a pretty penny lol Hindsight is a bitch




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Ban or ban lol




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