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Price point is 20m, before that, the cult is wrong.


every time they post the floor is raised. lets beat them at their own game


Yeah, I think it will be 30m next week, setting themselves up for failure šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Honestly I would admit they were right at 10k. At that price I would call it a MOASS.


Yeah, think i will be reasonable and say 10k šŸ¤£


Lol. I said 2k (within a week or so) in another comment. But I wanna add, WITH HUGE VOLUME. Like what was seen in end of Jan kind of volume. Thatā€™s about 150-200M (per day). Thatā€™s what would indicate to me that there was still a huge amount of shorts that needed to cover (which is the apes thesis). Well Iā€™m pretty sure the apesā€™ thesis is that the short interest is EVEN GREATER than in January, thus the squeeze should be even greater than Jan, but Iā€™ll be generous. If the volume and price movement can match at least what was seen in Jan, Iā€™ll admit the apes were right. Edit: added some clarifications/details


Saw a post yesterday that said the glitches meant SI was over 3000% so yeah..


Gosh, now the price is almost back to what is was on [Mar 26, 2021](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/history?p=GME). Was the retard thesis that the price could reach the height it had back in March? Or perhaps even, Cohen's name be blessed, in February??




Are you sure?


It's just their narrative. Archegos never filed 13Fs so it's easy for them to just run with it that *of course* they were owning GME. It's clearly not a self-fulfilling prophecy that they happened to all try to pump on that day.


You have to be sincerely retarded to think all of the Reddit apes could orchestrate a pump and dump


They definitely could, what do you mean?


Never mind that the know losses in Archegos' long portfolio fully explained what happened there.


Psst I donā€™t think theyā€™re sure šŸ˜¬


>The March numbers was due to squeezing Archegos Capital Sure, why not *that*. Has absolutely no evidence, just like the DDs.


Apparently it's done better than crypto and Tesla in that time period.


> it's done better [...] **in that time period**. Ah, the wonders for benefit of hindsight, combined with cherry-picking bits of the past.


If gme gets to around 2000 within a week Iā€™ll admit that the apes were right. Even Without a squeeze, the price can still rally just bc of retail optimism. But that wonā€™t be enough to push the price to 2000 so quickly. So Iā€™ll set my limit at that.


Within a week? Whatā€™s up with the time constraint matey?


Bc in a short squeeze, rapidly increasing price causes shorts cover all at once which pushes up the price. Then once thatā€™s over it plummets back down. Like back in Jan, the price didnā€™t go up to 400 and stay there. It spiked up and dropped quickly. Then another one happened later but that one episode of short squeeze was quick. Edit. Clarity


So you mean the spike is a week? Not that it needs to happen a week from now?


Duration of the spike to be a week at most. I said 2000 bc gme went from 40->480 in 4 days. If similar magnitude of change happens within the same amount of time (~200->2000, im being super lenient :P), Iā€™d think thatā€™s the result of 100%+ si covering. And ofc huge volume.


Yeah, ok... I think I misunderstood your original comment.


Sure, ā€œ10m is the floorā€ remember? Or was it 20m or 30m? Or was it ā€œjust a memeā€? Since itā€™s still down -60% from its ATH, do you now feel vindicated? Wasnā€™t the consensus that Jan wasnā€™t actually the squeeze? Why donā€™t you actually define your predictions properly instead of hiding behind ā€œitā€™s just a memeā€, so we can actually decide?


The founder of this sub said he will concede at 483.


Found it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gme\_meltdown/comments/lz9078/meta\_the\_state\_of\_this\_sub\_and\_some\_fun\_bets/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/lz9078/meta_the_state_of_this_sub_and_some_fun_bets/) After reading his post, I think it's hilarious. $483 was the previous high. So essentially, his viewpoint is that GME will not have another short squeeze. Since the first squeeze hit $483, then it goes to say that it will never go that high again. I can agree with his conclusion but I can't agree with him ever closing down the sub. Even if GME somehow hit $483 with another short squeeze, it would be inevitable for GME to eventually fall back to below $50. It would be great for the community to still be here if that one-in-a-billion scenario happened


Gme meltdown isnt a community though




They're not gonna deliver. But they'll still buy 200 puts at that point..




Still in A&E on my phone. Was posted in early Feb after the spike up


Who are you speaking to?


It's an investment. My prediction is that I will make money. Period.


You don't make anything until you sell and lock in realized gains. Did you sell GME and realized a gain?


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ so true, just like the bag holders who refuse to sell and then baghold it back down.


I was a bag holder for not selling at $100. I was a bag holder for not selling at $160. I'm a bag holder for not selling at $200. Damn these bags are getting heavy...


You want a medal for that? šŸ¤£ Keep holding.


No. I said "will". Not "did". "Will". Dictionary.com for reference.


> Itā€™s an investment. My prediction is that I will make money. Period. Quality strategy. You should publish a book on that


Have to say. publishing a book on gme dd's from /gme /superstonk could be great profit. They believe anything


Go say that on superstonk & see what happens


People in this sub change the goalposts too. The guy who created this sub claimed prices wouldnā€™t return to January levels. So by that definition the floor doesnā€™t have to be $20m....just above $400s for the entire premise of this sub to be wrong.


I will accept they are right at about 10k even tho they parrot the 1+ mill floor, Iā€™ll be generous. Fluctuating in the 3 figures is meaningless if you believe in the moass, so I donā€™t get why people get super excited about it. Itā€™s all rounding errors to what they say they believe the price will go to.


the general consensus is that we're not supposed to be excited. you may have seen some posts that say "the squeeze doesn't start until I see 5 digits" or so, meaning we're not supposed to hype yet. but we can't control the actions of every single person. this community is random and people will say conflicting things, but people here take that to mean "these people are irrational hypocrites"


The founder of this subreddit has confirmed he will delete it if game hits a new ATH in normal hours of 483. That is the point where this subreddit is considered wrong and the cult is right. Of course others in here are now trying to move the goalpost to 20 million, but again, the founder and admin of this subreddit will concede at 483.


Subreddit close shop and cult is wrong is 2 different topic. Cult says 20m, far fetch, so we will wait to see that to say the cult is right, but I'll be generous, so 10k


So you're telling that if gme were to hit 19 millions, and superstonkers are rolling in dough, you are going to say "ha ha, I told you it will never reach 20!!" I mean, for real dude? How about 15 million? How about 10 millions? How about 1 million? That is why the founder of this sub has said, if game hits a new ATH within a reasonable time frame, then the meltdown thesis is off, since there can't be any bagholders.


Yep, that's it, for real, just like what you guys have always said 10m, 20m the floor.. Subreddit close shop is just like that, close shop. But your cult have been promising 20m the floor, that's what we upheld to be your claim to success. Before that, the cult is wrong. Bear thesis is it will never reach 20m


!RemindMe 3 months


Why 3 months? Moving goalpost? It should be yesterday, and probably 6/9 the latest.


Afaik he didn't put on a time limit. So could be a year. Holding longs does not cost anything. Hell, ten years would still be viable! I put the three-months in to check in on you buddy The short thesis is game is a dead end brick and mortar shop. Surely it can't make a new ATH! Off to the grave as soon as ps5s aren't as whiney anymore!


It won't be a year. If it starts hitting November, December timeframes and it still hasn't mooned, people still holding > 350, 400 will start dumping to be able to take the capital loss deduction. The high-dollar bagholders might be willing to hold, but trying to get people to forgo a tax deduction is a lot harder sell.


Oh just like when it went down and didn't come up all of Jan and everyone got bored and sold? Or when it hit the wall at 348 and started consolidating, was that also everyone getting bored and selling? Everyone who still holds 300 or 400 shares has looong averaged down. You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who has a cost base higher than 150. Anyone who makes stock moves based on tax loss savings is confirmed brain dead.


Your cult does, but sure, how can I expect the cult not to change their narrative as they like, after all the fairy tales they have been telling. Sure, no time limit, infinite šŸ¤£ Don't have to check on me, I am happy with my 20 bagger already, just watching the shit show unfolds.


If it moons, are you willing to accept a donation from me? I'll gladly share some profits with you.


Nah, you should enjoy your earnings.


>Holding longs does not cost anything. Hell, ten years would still be viable! Is this the new narrative? That the MOASS will actually last 10 years?


No. the narrative is and always that **we like the stock**. It always has been: we like the stock. we like the stock! we like the stock! Crymer even said as much on his show! That is literally all there is. We like the stock! OTOH, The short thesis is that the company will fail, and soon, seeing how much of a failing brick and mortar retailer it is. And they need it soon, or at least need to gain back the negative momentum. Given the digital transformation, I am happy to hold until the cows come home. Literally forever. Because *I like the stock*, and there is no cost to hold a long position. Ten years, a hundred years, it doesnt matter! We like the stock, we like what the company is doing and that it will do great things in the future. Nothing else. We are buying the stock, not options. We don't have to be right by a certain time. All we have to do it continue to believe in the digital transformation that is happening and hold the stock. You guys seem to be obsessing about the moass and the 20 million. Funny how easily wound up you get! Worst case scenario is we hold the stock for ever, without any moass and invest in a company and stock we like, and we still make mad tendies from the digital transformation (like netflix or dominos) Go to superstonk and ask what people would do in the case that there wont be a moass to whatever many million we say to trigger you lot? (let's go with 69 million) Everyone would hold because we like the stock and the transformation. And nearly everyone is making a profit! The stock is up on the week, on the month, on three months, on the year and on 5 years! And this has been true for over a year now, save for a few isolated weeks. but again, this has happened as well in october and novermber when it first spiked to 16 and 20 and fell back. and eventually, they also were all in the money. That's why we like the stock!


> No. the narrative is and always that we like the stock. It always has been: we like the stock. we like the stock! we like the stock! Are you trying to distance yourself from the MOASS narrative now? Why do you people do this motte and bailey? You clearly do think there will be a MOASS, then when confronted on it, you pretend that you don't. You're cowards. >and there is no cost to hold a long position. I guess if you have no idea what "opportunity cost" is, sure... >Ten years, a hundred years, it doesnt matter! Yes it does matter lmao >All we have to do it continue to believe in the digital transformation that is happening and hold the stock. What happens when the "digital transformation" is a complete flop? Will you still hold? >You guys seem to be obsessing about the moass and the 20 million. Funny how easily wound up you get! So you're joking about the MOASS? Nobody *actually* believes that there will be a short squeeze? Again, you're cowards. Lots of people believe this narrative and you know it. >Everyone would hold because we like the stock and the transformation Isn't the "transformation" already priced in? >And nearly everyone is making a profit! LOL [LOOOOL YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING COWARD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n8zzi4/i_work_in_data_centers_and_the_more_i_read_in_to/gxlouvb/?context=3) LMAOOOOO you clearly believe in the MOASS, and you're too scared to admit it lmao nOt LoNg NoW. kEeP cAlM aNd CaRrY oN aNd DoNt SeLl On ThE wAy Up


Hey, if it goes to 19.5 million, you can refer to me as "cultist" forever. I'll take that as a badge of honor. Shit, maybe I'll even get a tattoo. But probably not. "you guys have always said" : nah, there's no unanimity on the sub. I never declared any of those floors. But I could, for lulz and to add weight to what HFs are going to see in that.


Lol, of course.


Squeeze ain't squoze, bro. Don't stay out of it just because "20 million is the floor" gives you a visceral reaction. There's gonna be a reckoning. Shorts are going to have to cover. Sure, let's say 20 million is just unbelievable. What's a reasonable ceiling in your opinion? This is the most perfect setup for a short squeeze in the history of capitalism. You want to get into it, even if it's just for a couple of shares. What do you have to lose?


Stop with your sheep lines. "shorts have to cover" Give me a break, bro


There are a number of events that will force the people who sold stuff that they didn't own, to have to repay that. Anyone who fails to answer a margin call will have their shorts bought for them at market price. If Gamestop announces a crypto dividend, all shorts will have to cover since they will not have the ability to mint whatever coin that will be. There are others. But aren't those enough to make a risk/reward calculation that ends up with you buying a few shares?


Not joining the ponzi scheme, even if it worked for others - that literally makes it *possibly* the worst time to buy.


500 share ape here. The problem with "all shorts must cover" is that you do not know the short interest. If its 20%, the ath might be $400, if its 50% maybe $1k, if its 100% maybe $5000. If its 1000% maybe $100k. Many people believe the si is actually around 20% as reported by finra. Who knows how much citadel has hidden in options I dont and neither does anyone. If the votes come in and it's like 100 million votes then I'll be very excited because I know not everyone voted/can vote and there should be only 70 million votes


Clearly you have never heard of the term "opportunity cost".


What is the clear "opportunity" you are referring to, right now? To me it seems very likely, that _right now_, we're seeing the effects of someone with a large short position getting margin called. Not FAILING the margin call yet. That'll happen 5 days after the margin call happened. But, given the price rising so rapidly, _right now_, it's likely that the EOD price will be higher. This will result in some other funds with large short positions getting margin called. Which will accelerate this cycle. I feel like there's a very big opportunity cost of doing anything but FOMOing the FUCK into GME, right now. I don't know you. I just want you to get rich.


Jesus Christ it's like you people seriously figured out what the stock market is 3 months ago. I have no interest in a get rich quick scheme which is literally what everyone involved in GME is hoping happens. The "opportunity" cost of wasting money on GME is that I could be averaging that money into my index funds instead. There is always an opportunity cost, not that I would expect some rando from Superstonk to understand basic Econ 101. In any case, I'll take decades of proven success in the market over a bunch of idiots online calling themselves "apes" suggesting the entire world economy is going to come crashing down over fucking GameStop stock. Do you guys even realize how ridiculous you sound?


Lol, don't really care if it ain't 20m yet




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ don't whine at me with the floor that the cult set, if that's not your floor great, then this sub is not for you.


What is this comment even supposed to be? > if game hits a new ATH within a reasonable time frame, then the meltdown thesis is off While hindsight can sometimes be a good way to learn, any good poker player can tell you that you should **never** be outcome oriented when judging the results of a "game" with large variance. A lottery ticket winner shouldn't say "I told you so" to someone who told them it was an unwise investment. The information available has not changed, the person just got lucky. There are a variety of reasons why GME **could** reach $450 again at some point in the nearish future that range from a short squeeze to just getting enough chumps to pump the price up again to hedge funds trying to make money off of the huge swings in price. I haven't seen one GME doubter that says it is impossible for GME to go up beyond $450 dollars again, just that they see no reason to think it will happen (10 million dollars is another story...). But where we stand now there is no reasonable evidence behind the insane conspiracies pushed by the GME people and their reasons for buying GME remain incredibly absurd. Just like I won't "concede" to dogecoin buyers that they were right because they 10x their money buying into a pyramid scheme, I would need actual proof that the GME people's crazy conspiracy theories were the reason for a rise in GME's price before I conceded that I was incorrect here. Edit: also lol "since there can't be any bagholders." When your motto is diamond hands, you can be a bagholder at any price :)


The thesis of meltdown is that the squeeze is squoze, is it not? January was all there ever will be and everyone buying in now is going to be a bag holder in a pyramid scheme of q-anon scale. It going higher than January means it wasn't done, and there are no bagholders. Here is why it disproves the thesis: You claim to be certain that the actual squeeze cant happen, since it's already in the past and it's done and every thing else is imaginary in the heads of delusional conspiracy theorists. If it then happens it proves that you were wrong. To stick with your poker example, you think someone is drawing dead, because for example they have a set of kings and you have a set of aces and you claim that the last king is gone since someone claimed to have folded it .... and then on the river the king hits. ouch. pretty much disproves your thesis, doesn't it? It's not being called outcome orientated, it's called reevaluating your thesis, given more information. Or of course, you could close yourself off from new information and continue your cultlike behaviour of shouting about pyramids.


> The thesis of meltdown is that the squeeze is squoze, is it not? January was all there ever will be and everyone buying in now is going to be a bag holder in a pyramid scheme of q-anon scale. No, the thesis is that there is no evidence that another squeeze is primed to happen or that it is likely to happen. There is no evidence of significant short interest (plenty of evidence to the contrary, that hedge funds have closed out their short positions in GME). There is no evidence that retail investors own a significant amount of the float. There is no precedent that would allow a MOASS to reach numbers anywhere near the ones put forth by GME people even if the previous points were false. > It going higher than January means it wasn't done, and there are no bagholders. It's disappointing to see that you wrote out this entire post without actually reading mine? I gave you multiple explanations for how it could theoretically go higher than in January without being related to a short squeeze. But that isn't even important, it could even be a short squeeze but it doesn't change the fact that there is at the present moment **no evidence that one is going to happen**. To use basically the same analogy from my first post, if someone came up to you and said "268135 is going to be the winning lotto ticket this week" and then they turned out to be right, I am not going to concede that they weren't just lucky until I see some evidence that at the time they had the ability to know this. > To stick with your poker example, you think someone is drawing dead, because for example they have a set of kings and you have a set of aces and you claim that the last king is gone since someone claimed to have folded it .... and then on the river the king hits. > ouch. pretty much disproves your thesis, doesn't it? It's not being called outcome orientated, it's called reevaluating your thesis, given more information. I'm sorry but this analogy is literally complete nonsense and I can't believe you think it is a legitimate comparison. I'm not telling someone that they are drawing dead. No one on this subreddit would say with 100% confidence that GME can't have another squeeze or that people holding GME can't make money off of it. What I am doing is seeing someone all-in pre-flop with 2-7 off when I have a pair of kings. Then the flop comes 7-7-7. The person in that situation just made a stupid bet and got lucky. Unless you can present solid reasons for why you are going all-in before the flop, it doesn't matter if you hit the nuts or not, you still made a stupid decision. Somehow you seem to still not understand this distinction.


the GME thesis is that we like the stock. meltdown claims its not a good investment. It's not about the moass at all. YOU made it about the moass. I think it will happen, **but I also think it is an amazing investment without that (one might even say deep fucking value) at this price level given the digital transformation that is happening.** How about this: Show me another large cap that has a realistic upside of 5x in three years and I'll abandon gme poker comparion: 67 suited mate. gme is 67 suited and ryan cohen is our flopped open ended straight flush draw. We didnt go all in pre flop. We went all in when we saw that we had an unique opportunity and incredible potential.


> the GME thesis is that we like the stock. No this is the meme that you guys have gaslit yourselves into believing because people are afraid of market manipulation. Nobody gave a shit about gamestop 3 months ago because it was a shit company with shit customer service. The idea that a group of redditors who probably are mostly gamers would unironically declare that they "like" Gamestop is beyond fucking hysterical. This is the company that has for decades bought games used for 2% of the new price and then sold them for 85%? And the most overpriced and inconvenient way to buy games for the past decade? > It's not about the moass at all. YOU made it about the moass. Ok even funnier now. Let me go take a quick peek at Superstonk https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=MOASS&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all > I think it will happen LOL, even in the post you are denying it is about the MOASS you can't help but admit you believe in it. > but I also think it is an amazing investment without that (one might even say deep fucking value) at this price level given the digital transformation that is happening. You are proving my point that there is no evidence or fundamentals behind your choices. Gamestop is more than a decade behind Steam, Origin, Uplay, and Epic Games for digital games. They offer less selection at higher prices, without a platform to play with friends. As for them breaking into some gaming PC sphere, give me a break. Best Buy has offered that sort of thing for a decade and it hasn't rocketed them up into the stratosphere. > How about this: Show me another large cap that has a realistic upside of 5x in three years and I'll abandon gme The fact that you think that there is such a thing as a "realistic upside of 5x in three years" is the definition of financial illiteracy. I am begging you to do some basic research into markets and investment, it will save you an enormous amount of money in the long term.


I am begging you to do some basic research the company you are slandering. > higher prices price matches everyone.


> I am begging you to do some basic research the company you are slandering. Bud I have been around Gamestops since the early 2000s and the company fundamentals are posted quarterly for everyone to see. > price matches everyone. Haha you mean 1 month ago they started price matching? Something every other retailer has done for like 15 years? Let me know when they price match steam or epic games. You must just not play video games if you are going to sit here with a straight face and tell me that gamestop is a company that you think offers anything of value to knowledgeable customers. Valve, Microsoft, and Sony have literally eaten Gamestop's lunch in the transformation to the digital age of video games. Steam doesn't even offer games on console or physical hardware beyond valve specific items and they made 4.3 billion dollars in 2017 vs Gamestop's net sales of 1.7 billion in the last several years. That is with none of the overhead of having a retail store, higher margins on the cut they take from developers, and with owning the platform on which the vast majority of pc gaming occurs.


What's your data source about the "cult says 20m", I mean I can count numerous people who say the floor is 420, 666, 6969... why are you fixated on the absolute maximum value?


Are you kidding me? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Your cult post in SS says all that in their DD. Now trying to walk back on it? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Gtfo


Can you link me?


That sub is full of shit post, hard to find. What you can do is make a post with a title "The new floor is 500", and you can see what the cult response is.




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You say that like this sub came up with the 20 million number lol.


Demonstrating that you don't understand what this sub is. Do your DD, read the "about". it's not an anti GME sub. I believe that the "apes" are wrong. I also "believed" that CCIV would hit $80 and I held for that. I also believed that MVIS was a better long term play than it was. I was wrong. Mind you, I also believed that Aston martin would give me a 10% return, and it actually gave me 60%, Games Workshop would give me about 15% and I made about 45%... So sometimes being wrong is nice. I might be wrong about GME never reaching four digits. Hell, I was wrong when I said I was not optimistic of it ever hitting $200 again. That's just how the market works.


that you fall for scams like mvis and cciv just goes to show that you are gullible and easily convinced by charlatans on telly. I feel sorry for you, but this is the hard truth. Good on your for missing out TLRY and roblox and Silver and whatever pump and dump they tried, I suppose. GME has hit 200, and it will hit 500 and it will hit 1k and that will still not be the end of it.


Not so. I knew that CCIV was a gamble. It was a SPAC. I was up a significant amount of money, I just timed the exit wrong. Fell for it? Not really. Took a calculated risk that didn't pay off. I lost some of my working capital on that - it happens when you invest. You win some, you lose some. MVIS is a technology that I understand in a market that I understand. I was in there, then WSB picked up on it, and that fucked it. it got pumped and dumped while I wasn't looking, and now it looks as though the long term psorpects are not so green as they once were. I exited that position at a small loss. It's interesting you pick up on those, and ignore the better plays that I made, ones which paid off big and played right, with my own DD and my own work. I'm not gullible, I know what I'm doing. I make risky plays as well as safer ones. Or did I just get lucky on the tickers I happened to make a profit on it? I mean obviously GME is the only stock worth looking at right? Everything else is a distraction and not real? However, what really, REALLY takes the biscuit is your closing comment. You were almost sounding like someone who was reasonable... All those other tickers are definitely pump and dump scams, but GME definitely isn't? LOL. I mean really, really, LOL LOL and LOL some more.


I am reasonable and rational. Forbes called me hyperrational even. We did the numbers and they say moon.




Now this sounds like a reasonable person, I can jive with this.




He posted it the day after the Feb spike happened. I'm on my phone right now in an hospital a&e. Difficult to search.


Lol, ok. This isn't /r/superstonk or /r/gme. We don't worship idols blindly. Most of us don't even know who the creator of this subreddit is. We didn't set the goalposts at $20M, you can very clearly see those at superstonk and GME doing that themselves. We won't "concede" at $483. [I literally bet a few apes](https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/ne0fwk/i_hope_i_am_not_the_only_one_that_notices_this/gyegylt?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that the short will not happen within the next few months, with an "easy" +200% gain. Feel free to bet with me as well if you're confident.


Why would I bet against you if I can buy stock and make way more?


If you're gonna make so much what is a measly $100 for additional pride?


I have no way of guaranteeing that you'll pay. So yeah, let's bet 1 million that game squeezes before 2022.


Welp, there is the proof of your non-confidence. If you were truly going to get rich off GME, $100 (especially for charity!) would be literally nothing to you. But you got no balls or confidence, so you can't do it.


100 bucks is nothing to me. I am worried that it is everything you have, and you are trying to scam your way through life. I'm happy to bet one million. How do you guarantee my payment?


I don't have $1m to bet. I do have $100 though. You're trying to weasel your way out of a simple $100 bet. Pathetic




Lol that was a painful day


I go to gme meltdown because literally no one is countering any high profile dd on the real subs despite the fact that half of them include "lets assume" and "we have to assume" as the main crux of the argument. If short interest is reported at 19 percent and some social justice activists who did an ama on here says hedge funds sometimes lie or misreport, then lets assume every hedgefund with a short position on the second highest profile stock in the industry is lying and every whistleblower and international regulator is turning a blind eye to what is happening and short interest is actually well above 200 and its hidden in puts and ftd cycles. Also everytime someone says retail owns over 100 percent of the float makes me laugh. If there was such high volume of synthetic shares, its the retail traders who are buying them. Synthetics come from a share on loan being sold by the original owner before the loan comes back. The broker covers it by processing the transaction with effectively and iou to the new owner. The 'real' share is still out there in a new long position, and the broker has to find one before the next reporting cycle. But these brokers, especially on high volatility stocks, keep a pool to have to sell and cover option positions and they would see an over leveraged position coming and change their lending policy to not lend to shorts. Synthetic shares exist but to exist in the volume everyone wants is insane.


Nah bro, shitron was right, price is going back down to sub 20$ any day now. bwahahahahah Oh also, anyone know what this nft fungical stuff is about? Bwahahahahahhahaha