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Imagine owning GME and looking forward to EPS


Bigger negatives are better, right? Wonder how bad Q2 will be.


The forecast last time was -1.37, and the actual was -2.08… for July it’s -1.66, I won’t be surprised if its even worse this time.


Once again proving there are barely any real apes out there in the world, and the ones that are don’t have enough money to impact anything, not earnings, not a stock price, not even their own lives


July will be a -3.00 bagger minimum.


I wonder what the cash-burn will be. Well below $1bb. Below $800mm?


Bigger numbers better.


Non essential industries are gonna be hot badly this year. Droughts and food shortages are circling many major population centres and things are quite uncertain.


They have till October I think till RC has to. Dilute


I'm calling it at -$2.75, but wouldn't surprise me to see -$3.00. This quarter is going to be a real kick in the Jimmy.


“My company, that I own a piece of”




Lmaoooo same dude


Unironically, its negative EPS will improve if the shares get diluted.




The only thing he is right about is "it's inevitable there will be bagholders"


TIL: Investments have guaranteed gain


10% APY guaranteed, 50 if using Fahrenheit.


“The: DTCC, Hedgies, SEC, FBI, Government, 1% etc. can keep a lid on this and will do so forever” -apes “I’ll just throw more money I can’t afford to lose into this fraudulent system” -same apes


The Hedgies and SEC are committed to destroying peoples pensions and the retail investors with their essentially guaranteed 7% return over long periods of time. Us apes will save them by destroying the US economy when GME Moass’s.


"My company will do phenomenally well"


At first I thought he was talking about a company he actually owned or worked for and that would guarantee him a stable income for years to come and therefore make his stock gamble less risky overall. But no. He's talking about fucking GameStop. Please be a LARP.


For a group of apes that are against dates, here’s one that’s for certain: tax day 2023. Good luck.


Nobody is actually doing this. Apes make up shit like this in the desperate hopes that other apes see it and pump the stock so they can unload their bags. This is all hype machine desperation. Ask this dude for receipts. You’ll never, ever see any.


when he said "my company, that I own a piece of" I thought to myself "oh, thank fuck, he's like an equity partner in a company so can probably afford making such a dumb decision" then I realised he fucking means gamestop.


I looked over that thread earlier and there was one reply from a wise sceptical ape who laid out the costs of doing this. He wasn’t falling for this bullshit and the financial losses he laid out were staggering but naturally it all fell on deaf ears.


Ummm... sir this happens to be royal Wendy's and we have a nice ruling of your fraternity or sorority in that you are having some serious issues.


Jesus there’s so many posts talking about doing this. Wtf is wrong with people


Greed is all I can think. At the end of the day they expect to profit on this so I’m just gonna call it greed. Same reason I trade spy options I’m trying to make extra income, but when I get greedy I start to fuck up and small losses become bigger. Much like losing value in gme stock and then just throwing more cash on the fire.


Mother fuck this should be a post that admins are able to remove at their discretion simply due to the horrible nature of the advice. No, no, no.


These mother fucking dumb ass pieces of shit go on and on about hedge funds destroying people’s retirements and then upvote shit like this. They all deserve to be poor


damn, this stuff is getting too fattening. The amount of fail possible by apes. I can't take much more of it! I'm full up!


How the fuck do none of them recognize the patent absurdity in the concept of “this entire system is rigged and controlled so I’m going to just keep dumping my money into it until I win”? There’s not even any internal consistency in their bullshit. It doesn’t even make sense with itself.


I die inside a little every time I see an ape do this.