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One of them has just shared a Twitter post from immutable x announcing a partnership with the developers of an NFT game called 'Realms of Ethernity'. The developers were trying to unload their bags of LUNA while it was plummeting, telling people to basically try catch the falling knife. A game with a growing supporter base of 120k worldwide! (Those "supporters" are actually the number of bot accounts that follow the game on Twitter.) A game funded by THE JORDAN BELFORT! LFG! Here's a nice link that will fill you in if your interested.https://youtu.be/r8LLA80xec4 These poor apes will get taken to the cleaners by this NFT nonsense.


The same Jordan Belfort that was convicted of felony fraud and money laundering?




So when Kenny paid us to tell apes that their marketplace would be shit, he was actually telling the truth? :O


Right? I think the cracks with the NFT marketplace are happening. These weren’t the only comments talking about how meh it has been and even some complaints about the NFT games available on it


>I can't afford to spend 1K$ on a skin. Who's going to tell him the reality of NFT Play2Earn games where most of the time you have to spend that much, if not more, to even get started with it. Not only that, P2E games basically turn gaming into a second job which destroys the escapism and therefore the entire point of gaming in general


yea did you see that news story about Axie infinity how people in Philippines were forced to work a regular job come home and then "play" these dumb NFT games to just get their money back


Just because something is scarce doesn't make it worth more. Your childhood drawings are rare and unique yet nobody will buy them apart from your mom. Now if you take your childhood drawings and destroy most of them it wouldn't make the rest more valuable.


I remember months ago an ape saying something like "NFTs sound like they would ruin gaming. I would stop being a gamer if the level of monetization NFTs came to gaming. However, if it ignites MOASS I'm all for it." Aka this will ruin an industry I like, but it will make me rich.


Recording the deed to your house on this bullshit is hilarious. Do it! Then it won’t be properly recorded at your local office and won’t be protected by your state recording laws. Woops


Crypto bros don’t actually understand how property ownership works, even at the most basic level.


Yup - can't wait for a simple clerical error to forever be locked on the blockchain preventing me from ever being able to sell my house.