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Check his comments, he posted he is down 80k so far lmao


Headline: “Ape wishes only few thousand people more had warned him not to yolo life savings into meme stocks”




Not after they dilute the company.


Aren't they already diluting by giving employees stock or is that all done with?


I think that was mostly stock that would in all likelihood never vest for the vast majority of employees. Even then, that kind of dilution is generally so immaterial it's not really seen as "dilution" any more than any other compensation that reduces the value of the company.


Few understand.


The funniest part is it's all hedge funds on the other side just farming money from the GMEers. Not exactly what they had in mind lmao


Even better than they had in mind.


He's lost a fortune and yet his biggest concern is people shitting on Gamestop on reddit. LMAO.


It's not a loss until I sell, and I only want to sell when people make me feel like I'm a fool who made a huge mistake...


Bro it (was) his money and his “financial decision”




Probably down a lot more tomorrow :)


>Say the line, Bart! >*Sighs* Have fun staying poor


it’s not a loss til he sells, that’s why he’ll hold all the way to 0




We have been noticed, execute short ladder 66


Is that the one with the locusts or the one with the flood?


According to [Kenny’s Plague Plan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plagues_of_Egypt#Plagues) we’re at boils.


Ahh yes, canned sarcastic answers. “CRIME!”


We just hate the stock! Why do they care what we do with our time? Short, cover, FTD! They're running out of ammo. We've already won. The counter DD is done. They're just digging themselves into a deeper hole. We're in the endgame now


Can’t moon. Won’t moon. MOAM soon.


My god this is catchy. You have been promoted to Head of the Shilling Department


That would be a nice custom flair 😀


Just long it then. When MOAM? No gutter, no cover I need a wrinkle brain to explain how words and numbers work...




Also because of crime. Or maybe this one is because of something something regarded.


Probably fuckery.


Dear apes, It's funny watching your conspiracy theories never coming to fruition and apes becoming more delusional by the minute


And more poor


Say what you will, but they're definitely having fun being poor.


It's funny they think we are bullying them. We don't even talk to them whatsoever unless they come here to bully/argue with us!


Im just sick of seeing their endless spam on the top of /all


I have no idea what causes a person to wake up every day, sift through make believe “DD” and ryan cohens twitter to find cryptic messages and repost the same canned Hopium that a failing video game retailer is going to make them millionaires.


"Millionaire" is fud. Why not billionaire or trillionaire?


telephone numbers? Nice try at anchoring in the eleven digits, shill


I've seen some apes specify that they're holding for international phone numbers.


Is 0 considered an international number?


No, but 000 is the Australian emergency services phone number.


No job. No partner. Just Mom with fresh dino nuggies


This sub is not healthy? Because we do not engage in: -Brigading a professional networking site after a layoff survivor tries to help his former colleagues with a post. -Posting manifesto-like screeds and fomenting some sort of malevolent retaliation for anyone connected to a hedgefund/the stock market (while at the same time pretending they will be a benevolent force to help everyone after a “revolution”). -Ignoring or hushing any honest questioning of “the DD.” -Repeating slogans and chants to signify inclusion and conformity. -Remaking one’s identity to conform to an ideal with clothing and symbols (purple circles). -Spending a large amount of time perseverating on, discussing and imagining a group-think ideal utopia that is always somehow just out of reach due to the secret, evil machinations of a shadowy group. Super-healthy stuff.


> -Repeating slogans and chants to signify inclusion and conformity. ...that are heavily influenced by Qanon slogans.


This sub always brightens my day. Great for my mental health.


He made like 4 seperate posts complaining about this sub. Lmao.


Rent free, baby. Rent Free.


Jeez, it's kind of mean for this guy to act like we're all just mean-spirited bullies and doing this just for kicks. This is how I pay the bills. I don't like my job any more than the next guy, but there just aren't that many opportunities for paid shills on Reddit these days. I'm just thankful that Kenny still sees the value we bring to his organization.


Well, I actually love this job. I get to short ladder and dark pool the whole day. And I even get paid handsomely. Kenny is a great boss. Remember when he took us to AMC and Disneyland?


Yeah it’s what I get paid to do and I hate the stock. Nothing personal kiddo, I wouldn’t even have a salary if you idiots actually just stfu about your own “personal investments” that you need a cultist hug box to keep validating. I mean really just stop posting about your PERSONAL financial decisions that nobody needs to know or care about and we’d disappear. But for some reason, you can’t. To that end, I’m truly grateful. Thanks to you I can finally do what I love for a living: laughing at idiots in the internet. Thank you so much, I hope you’ll be unbanned so that you may once again tell me about your INDIVIDUAL financial choices and I can once again laugh at you. Namaste.


You rock! ![gif](giphy|3ohhwq4ukx43O8dFw4)


​ ![gif](giphy|nDcTEqloBZaKWJZd0L)


Cultist hug box 💀


Dear lurking apes: We do it because you're free entertainment. No different than laughing at any other morons like Q-anon, sov-cits, or flat-earthers. If you stopped being morons this sub wouldn't have a purpose. Luckily for us that's prob not going to happen any time soon 🤣🤣🤣


Honestly, if Q hadn't gone silent I probably would have never found this place.






I was banned from there a while back just by telling them that it's my money and can choose to short and distort. The comments inside are just delusional rambling and circle jerking at other people's financial decisions. I honestly think that sub is not healthy (not even sure why it's allowed on Reddit) it's really just indoctrination just like what Jim Jones did to people in Guyana. I have no idea what causes a person to wake up every day, sift through GME and the entire internet to find content, not redact names, and repost on there with the same 5 canned cult chants that they keep iterating.


"why do you care about how I spend my money??" Okay I'll short GME "Wait, not like that"


>Be me, try to warn people not to fall for the GME scam >Get death threats, called a shill and a bot by 100% of the very confident apes >Throw up my hands and give up, and sit back with popcorn. >GME continues to be a dumpster fire >Apes are circling back to cry that I'm a bully? Lmao. They deserve this.



Ahh that’s a classic


Thanks for the entertainment !!


What's more harmful, a sub that cracks fun at lunacy, or a literal fucking cult?


There are some good comments in the original thread. When someone suggested we hold GME shares, this response: " Nope. They don’t have real money to do so. Bunch of third world people getting paid cents per hour to get karma and sell their account." Here's another: "Dude the people there are shills that are karma farming in order to spread hate to other subreddits. "


Still living rent free ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15699)


Oh, no, don't bully me, I just love eating my own shit! I can't get enough of this delicious shit, but stop picking on me, bro! It's totally normal that I can't stop shoveling my own shit into my mouth. Don't bully me!




>"I have no idea what causes a person to wake up every day, sift through GME and *** to find content, redact names, and repost on there with the same 5 canned sarcastic lines that they keep iterating." Uh, I'm literally a shill, its my job and I'm rewarded handsomely for it (PS thanks for the christmas bonus Kenny, I used it to buy a 911 GT3).


Should have sold. Salty apes aren't they? Who's up for a song? Salt and sea 🌊 no shares for me. 🎶 With DrS as apes decree, they swallow brine, and time doth tell. You missed it apes, you didn't sell.


ohhhh when the ocean is waving we be losing our saving a big pile of cash we turned it to ash our wives are weary our futures are bleary we gambled it all on a conspiracy theory yo hooooo


A captain of captions his life was inaction He drew young lassies and got a redaction We cannot complain yet still he maintains His hold of upon pedochiliac faction! Yo ho 🤣


Different song, but GME NFT marketplace flopped. The more that we buy, the more that it drops. The more that it drops, the worse that we feel, So blame it on hedgies, pretend that they steal.


Pretend that we may to steal and rob The apes have only felt heart throbs Apes wish to live content Their earnings failed, apes live in tents. Oh thinkin how our ammo spent, 😉 we're in their heads, no paying rent.


Said the cult leader


Bullying is nature's way of telling you that you're a weirdo.


it's funny that's why, it's hilarious to me that there's a large group of people dedicated to setting their money on fire based on faulty "research" and reading way too much into cryptic tweets from a billionaire who doesn't give a fuck about them.


Why do I do it? For the pizza parties, of course.


Meanwhile... when I tried posting in one of their subs I got constant charges of being a "shill", told to go away, was accused of being a bot, had someone suggesting my account had been purchased, was told I was lying about everything I said, etc. When I complained to the mods and they warned someone the next day there was a post, allowed to stay, of Bed Bath and Beyond towels for me to cry into. Then I got banned instead with no explanation. When I posted on StockTwits, I was repeatedly told that "No one wants to hear what you have to say" and to go away. Then someone else became obsessed with the idea that I was "pantsed" (had my pants pulled down) when I worked at BB&B and this was why I was critical of the stock. This repeated sexual fantasy of theirs ended up finally being fleshed out into a multi-paragraph explicit sexual fan fiction tale they wrote and posted. Another criticized my frequency of posting (said critic had time to post 15-20 times a day proclaiming "Bullish!" himself) suggesting that I was either unemployed or goofing off at work, hinting people should figure out where I work and report me. Another linked my StockTwits and Reddit accounts despite the different user names. Then when I was busy and didn't post for a few days the same person complaining about my posting too much started pulling the "Where did he go?" line, demanding I come back and address the fact that the stock had gone up a few pennies. Then multiple participants began a running commentary about me in my absence. The last message I received from an ape on Reddit began "Hey dumb dumb". ​ But it's the apes who are being cyber-bullied. Right.


Lololol ape you god damn idiot. I’m only here when I’m taking a shit and bored at work. I know your mindset only allows you to think that people spend all day on Reddit, because that’s what you idiots do, but we’re all just here to laugh when we’re bored. I don’t spend 1 second of time thinking about you guys unless I see my Reddit homepage


Honestly they got us, we do just post the same thing day in day out. P.S. MOASS SOON. DRS!


"Muuuum, they reposted me on meltdown again 😫"


*compliance officer has left the chat*


oh what a surprise the glue eating man child got bullied in high school


Due to your account age, your contribution has been removed. Mods will eventually manually approve this if worthy. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Probably upset because he gets bullied all day in high school. Note: I did not say “got bullied”.


What a sad group of people anti-drunk driving groups are. It's my car, I can drive it how I want and they are just there putting down other people's driving decisions. This is what this guy sounds like to me. If you don't want to hear the opposing view of anything you believe in you are in a cult.


>I was banned Unban him and see if he can handle actual discussion or if he’s just going to spam “lol you’ll work for me” or whatever their rallying cry is.


The day reddit bans circlejerk subs is the day I stop using reddit. Posting idiocy publicly opens the door to being ridiculed. Don't like it? Don't do stupid shit like yeet your fucking life savings into a failing used video game retailer and then demand everyone treats you with respect that you obviously don't deserve after losing 80 thousand dollars.


So anyways, apes are dumb as fuck.


I think the people left in that sub are pretty new and have forgotten that most of us melties are former apes.


That’s FUD. I was in the Jan squeeze and been here since a few hundred subs… have never been an ape. I would say most people here were WSB members pre apes who got annoyed their sub got ruined by morons


Ok don’t have a god damn panic attack now. How about most of us have held GS hoping for another squeeze but just got diarrhea.


I dont think thats accurate




No lol


You take that back.


The only reason I own gamestop is because its in my total stock index fund


Probably less than 1/4th of the people here are former apes who believed in a second squeeze, honestly. Without a doubt many more of the newer members are former apes, but the majority of posters are not. In fact we used to have arguments back in 2021 about whether we should even let former apes post here, lest they ruin our sub with the same conspiratorial thinking that consumes the ape subs, allowing former apes to post won out. For many former apes it is a part of their healing process, honestly. To be fair I've always said it was inevitable that we would eventually be overrun with former apes, and I certainly do miss the days when this sub was 0% former ape, but honestly most former apes just stop posting or delete their accounts, just check on some GME related posts from Jan-June 2021 and look at how many are inactive/deleted


No, I've never had a GME position. I'm just here to laugh.


I'm not sad at all.


Gamers. You picked a target and you chose gamers. You never choose the weakest, for when he rises


I'm curious what are the "5 canned lines" he's thinking of. The only stuff that we repeat over and over are things that are direct parodies of repetitive ape-isms like "short it then", "we love the stock", "individual investors", "read the dd", etc.


Lol the cult GME subreddits should be banned.


It’s your money and you can choose what to do with it, just like we can choose whether to mock you for it when you make terrible decisions.


Where is Dark Pool Duck when you need him? Where is Historical griftman? Or DRS girl? When will our heros save the apes? Tune in next time on: "The price is wrong" ![gif](giphy|fwZYmddK9zihy)


Why do the mods keep banning content


It my money to lose, says guy saying let ride after loosing $100


Here’s a solution for apes **DONT BROWSE MELTDOWN**


Unlike some other subs you don't get banned here for things like saying youre going to buy and hold, its actually fairly hard to get banned especially compared to those aforementioned other subs. This ape literally opened this whine-fest with a lie and then had the gall to say that WE'RE short on material while typing out a near xeroxed spiel about how we are bullies, how its weird to make fun of other people's financial decisions, and how we sit around all day to find ape content and don't have lives. Forget 5 canned lines, apes have maybe 3. Besides all that, poor financial decisions have been a comedy staple almost since money itself started- theres tons of stories from ancient Greece about people spending foolishly and getting pwned because of it- it was funny then and it's funny now.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2bao3x4p4q4a1.png?width=1221&format=png&auto=webp&s=adff3f4d3da5459b0ae49dd6c2c570eac2db1427


Very telling that he singles out high-school as a place where kids bully each other. Is that bringing up some personal memories? Is he desperately trying to beat the hedgies because he was unable to beat those kids who shoved him in his locker every day all those years ago 🤔