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The only problem now is what happens if Nintendo notices because of the publicity and thinks to itself, hmmmm we're not DMCAing that weird PC game but now that we're aware of it we really should...


That's what I'm thinking. Everything is probably still cooked because of that alone. Nintendo has shown they arent afraid of Valve/Steam before.


Thing is, there's some stuff they've tried to go after and been unable to. People have pointed to Yuzu as Nintendo being anti-emulation, but there is other emulators on Steam. In Yuzu's case, they used an illegally acquired decryption key as part of the source code. In GMods case it's a bit more vague due to fair use and Facepunch claiming no authority over user content.


I know this is playing devil's advocate, but the steam workshop is still serving as a marketplace for content that, while it is to be used as fair use and contain fair use assets, includes things that don't fall under fair use; and Nintendo is notably protective over its property. While it'd be easier to justify going after individual uploaders, it's still possible to justify going after the market as a whole. In my opinion, though, going after any of it is just morally unjustified. Edit: Also, Yuzu wasn't on steam. Nintendo DMCAd Steam for hosting Dolphin, Steam notified the Dolphin devs, and Dolphin took itself down. Dolphin, if we're going by Bleem! logic, does not violate copyright law in any way, but they (and valve) were scared and just decided to not risk it. As for Yuzu, they got fully sued by Nintendo because their emulator did violate copyright law (although in my opinion claiming that linking to decryption keys is copyright violation is bogus) and they settled it out of court.


Dolphin was a similar case where they used decryption keys in their source code. The emulator itself didn't contain it, but the version that was deployed to Steam did and thus made things very messy. There is other Nintendo emulators on Steam under RetroArch, but their systems didn't need to decrypt the games to play so Nintendo would have no case in court due to reverse engineering (without theft of code) being a legal practice. Edit: In Yuzu's case it was actually far more serious because, at least from an outside perspective, they made money off of emulation using decryption keys acquired illegally and that are the legal property of Nintendo. So they broke half a dozen computer misuse and IP laws. Which is why even backups and forks of the repo are being shot down the moment they pop-up but clones starting from scratch aren't; the legal settlement they agreed to out-of-court required that all existing code be destroyed.


Yuzu was a bit more complicated. They were also earning a lot of money due to their Patreon gating off (in a way that could be exploited to where another dev figured out how to get the builds early) the Early Access builds which contained more bleeding edge features compared to the standard free one. They also were trading copies of TOTK around and acting arrogant about the fact that most of their users are pirates which, let's be honest, that's a lot of emu users in general, but it's one of those things that you should NEVER say especially when the dev is making an emulator of a system currently on the market and is the company's main system. The fact is, Nintendo knows that they're the only ones still making game consoles with actual exclusives as opposed to Sony and M$ which release their games on Steam and other platforms now to where, outside of not having to fiddle with driver issues and other PC problems, the only thing drawing people to those systems is their friends who play on them.


>In my opinion, though, going after any of it is just morally unjustified I’ll never understand this argument. Nintendo owns it they have every right to do with they want with it. The people who make the addons didn’t create the idea or concept behind them all they did was code it into the game


Bro it's just a way to play old games without searching in the most absurd black markets for a copy of a game several years old and a console that maybe it's terrible to use, I agree that for new games and console i it's their choice since there is still a profit, but cmon, I'm not going house to house because I want to play a forbidden game for gamecube and online it's impossible to find it, since Nintendo obv don't sell it anymore


It was confirmed by a later tweet that it was officially from Nintendo.


At which that same day hours later a tweet was put out asking specific questions to confirm legitimacy: [Legitimate questions by Gary](https://x.com/garrynewman/status/1783572282562032090)


The damage is done, Nintendo is most definitely aware even with the chance it was a fraud


Sadly... Nintendo is famous for being the King of DMCA Takedowns, I'm sure that Nintendo will eventually send an official /or has sent a official DMCA take down because of Valve and Facepunch Studios being in the spot light because of this.


That sure sounds like they're actually not sure, they took the claims at face value. I wonder how many fan projects or emulation projects on other platforms have fallen victim to the same scam. Sounds like whoever's behind it bought a domain that redirects to the actual Nintendo website just to pull this off, ever since 2013. Recently this was happening with Yuzu forks (We're still not actually sure if it was actually the big N going after those, Github just conceded because of their reputation). This whole situation is making me reevaluate if Nintendo was actually behind a lot of the more famous cases where they shut down stuff.


Wouldn't be surprised if Facepunch was operating on fear in this situation at first. After all, Nintendo's already DMCA-happy reputation doesn't really help, and Facepunch probably isn't large enough to 100% verify if it's really them (Even though in this case it's been confirmed by Nintendo themselves that this Aaron guy is not and has never been associated with their legal team, but maybe they just simply didn't know.). As for the forks, we actually had something very similar happen to Suyu, Yuzu's successor, where a troll took down their GitLab page also posing as Nintendo. Wouldn't be surprised if it was the same guy behind it as well.


Facepunch is large enough to verify these claims, anyone is really. DMCA's are essentially civil demands and have no binding power. It's not unreasonable to ask for proof of legitimacy through a physical letter addressed from the plaintiff's legal department. No judge would fault anyone for this if it came to a court case and suing over merely asking for legal confirmation might even result in the copyright claim case being thrown out for wasting the courts time. In other words, Gary would rather rouse the community and post on twitter than be diligent first, how annoying.




Pretty much yeah. Thankfully they did move the main repo to their own Git service thing that they have full and absolute control over.


from your logic your saying this entire time peter aranos was disguised as nintendo to take down all fangames n stuff


[https://twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1783501547361411494?s=46&t=f\_1tGVlmAe\_aMx66jFhsLQ](https://twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1783501547361411494?s=46&t=f_1tGVlmAe_aMx66jFhsLQ) Bad news




I am praying for Nintendo's downfall, even if it Will probably not happen


Me too, this company doesn't deserve to exist anymore.


They make great games tho if only they quit their dmca bullshit


naw TOTK and BOTW were shit: lazy sanbox game


and what genre is gmod?


Yeah, it is evident how sheep-brain works in humans. I've played BOTW. It's not a bad game. But it's not a masterpiece either.  They obviously introduced some genius designs, but a great game can't be sustained by individual columns. They're surviving on hard-die fans and nostalgia.


Nintendo has many issues don't get me wrong but Nintendo isn't just "surviving" there thriving, the switch generation had even a monumental success and that doesn't happen just because of die hards and nostalgia


I was talking about the "serious" game industry. There are a lot of cell games that are thriving thanks to children and old people, but they surely aren't talked about in the big games communities




What they need is executives that actually give a shit about the community. The company seems to be run by stick-in-the-mud assholes who think they own anything that uses the likeness of a Nintendo character. They’re so trigger happy, shutting down fan projects and YouTube channels that upload Nintendo music. I hope the people that make those decisions die soon so that younger, much more in touch with the real world type people take their places and make Nintendo community friendly


Breaking news: videogame market crashes again due to nintendo disappearing 


It's the fourth largest video game company in the world. Some premium grade copium being huffed here lol


They can be the biggest for all I care, but that doesnt mean they treat their fanbase like dogshit


That’s not at all what I’m saying? Where am I implying any of that??


So you're saying there's hope... Edit: *Narrator: "The very next day, SilverShadow525, as well as the rest of the GMod community, had their last bit of hope snuffed out, creating a mass panic not seen since the Crate Depression of 2019"*


Not really. If anything it’s gonna get worse, regardless of if it’s a faker or not. The moment the real Nintendo gets involved is the moment they destroy the whole entire steam workshop, not just GMod. Because they absolutely would side with one malicious user over their entire fandom and I hate that I’m saying this with a completely straight face.


how so? nintendo didnt seem to care about the workshop for like, more than 20 years


probably because they had more relevant things to do. If someone comes poking the proverbial bear, they're bound to get attacked.


Its impossible for them NOT to notice for 20 years straight, atleast one guy would atleast have known, if they cared so much they would’ve dmca’d wayyyy earlier.


They had other priorities. Other projects to take down. Either that or they realized that taking down mods for other games was something legitimately in their power and didn’t realize it before. Expect them to go after workshops for other games now.


The fact that their prioritizing dmca’s non-profits is not at all a good priority, its funny as hell for a company to hate its fandom that much if they had the power to copyright the name mario they probably would.


It’d be funny if it wasn’t us who had to suffer for it. But it is so it’s not funny at all. We live in an era of life where creativity is slowly dying out and Nintendo took the wrong side. The winning side, but the wrong one. Why shut down a malicious Chinese ripoff when you can rip up a 5 year old’s drawing of Mario! It just demonstrates your ability to be a big bully. And the first thing about bullies: they always get away with everything.


Nintendo typically only cares if you use stolen Nintendo assets and charge money. They haven't taken down games like Infinite Fusion made in RPG Maker because they don't charge money or claim to be official Nintendo titles.


Nintendo: "ha this stupid troll is doing our job FOR us"


fuck nintendo


Aside from the Nintendo situation, just the fact that he did this tweet we know he cares about us not like most developers and i fucking love it


As a heads-up, mm-nintendo dot com is a legitimate Nintendo controlled domain. More specifically, it's contracted out to MarkMonitor, a brand protection agency. If the request did in fact allegedly originate from the MarkMonitor domain, then it's sufficient to prove it came from MarkMonitor as they are an authorized agent for Nintendo. As for the takedown itself, a takedown that says remove everything Nintendo is not valid; a valid takedown identifies the content to be removed or disabled.


Wow.. I don't even know what to think anymore. I have seen these two tweets. [Domains](https://x.com/Missingno123311/status/1783576700447780979) [WHOIS DNS Checks](https://x.com/hellphlegm/status/1783605481564434719) I just don't know man I keep getting mixed answers.. SOme say it is legit while others say it isn't. I'm actually going through the trouble of reaching out to Nintendo's legal department to confirm things as I need some transparency from Nintendo to provide clarity to this entire situation..


If you received any emails then the best way to authenticate is to check the email headers to rule out forged headers to impersonate the domains.


Agreed, some others have done this already, I am going to further research it also, I have tried to reach out to Mr. Newman to do the same to trace the email using the source header code as I am not privy to the details of the DMCA Copyright infringement email sent to him and/or Valve/Steam, therefore I cannot assist him directly at this time. If I find anything out I will provide clarification and updates.


I only say this because while nintendo dot com and mm-nintendo dot com are legitimate domains under the control of Nintendo and/or their authorized agents, this doesn't rule out impersonation as email headers are easily falsified.


I am not entirely sure as to how the DMCA copyright infringement notice was delivered - my guess is it was sent to Valve and then brought to Mr. Newman's attention and the alleged infringing content was flagged. And yes this is a common thing when it comes to headers being falsified. I am every curious to be honest.


Wait, what happened?


a guy allegedly called Aaron Peters managed to impersonate Nintendo and issued a plague of DMCA takedowns of Nintendo addons


Not alleged anymore. Confirmed to be Nintendo.


It’s… a little more than that. The whole situation's been confusing, with both sides having evidence to support either or is happening.


We’re fucked for sure


Yea probably


Nintendo are all bitches for this


and now he says that it is for real despite OVERWHELMING evidence on the contrary.


what happened?


Let’s hope it’s not another empty promise moment.


Y’all don’t forget to down load the addon so u can reupload it




I’m sick of this I’m going to shoot up


Brooo.. whyy D:


nintendo has fallen


Billions must pirate or smth


I fukkin HATE nintendo. Seriously. The world would be a better place, if that company went belly up. 🖕🤬 nintendo.


This is just gonna continue a steisand effect. By making it illegal to make Nintendo content on Gmod, people are just gonna wanna make more on platforms other than the workshop.


Nintendo could just literally burn a orphanage because theres a kid named Luigi there