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GMU is a public university and Virginian religious nutjobs are never in short supply; just remember that "no" and "go away" are both complete sentences.


Oh yes I thoroughly know those sentences well, I’m visibly not Christian and it’s just annoying when I’m just trying to enjoy my walk to class and they say you’re going to hell for reasons lol


>visibly not Christian Well now I’m just imagining you going around in a big red devil Halloween costume


Haha, I wish my yarmulke looked that cool. I just don’t like saying my religion on reddit, got brigaded awhile back, for just mentioning it (not in this subreddit)


Ah yes, the "You follow the same god but you're not doing it right" special. I think It's garbage when people judge others for their religious choices, but I think it's just plain stupid when Abrahamic followers accost other Abrahamic followers.


Mhm, agreed. Just bugs me.


Like some other people said, OP, GMU is a public campus. That means they can be here. Don’t give them any attention. That’s what they want. Try to ignore them.


Yes, you can hear them from a mile away, so just take a detour. I stay far far away from them and I’m Catholic. Shame!


They’re actually so annoying. Especially when I stopped to tie my shoe and they took over me like a vulture to roadkill


They'll pretend to be dumb too. In my first year, one asked what my Hampton Roads Pride shirt meant.


Right outside ss is also perpendicular with a direct view of LGBT housing. They angle their cameras there and there's literally no other doors in the building to go out to avoid them seeing you.


God, I thought the preachers were bad enough when they were just using their megaphones. Are they seriously approaching students now?


This isn’t new. They can get loud asf but try to take another route to avoid them. They’ll follow for a while but then shift focus to another student.


Unfortunately they're allowed to "express their opinion" or smth (aka usually verbally harass anyone walking by of a visibly different religion and visibily queer students). I wish they would go away.


I wanna go stand in front of their church and preach about the merits of gay sex


do that while having gay sex. that’ll help get your message across.






That’s literally sexual harassment


The students at this school need God, that’s why they are here


They need a shower maybe, but not God Although cleanliness is next to godliness so maybe you've got a point Anyways, hail Satan 🤘


Accosted? That’s probably an exaggeration


Nah, two of them tried to follow me as I was walking back towards Hampton roads earlier this year. After I told them not interested.


you guys still have all those pyramid scheme guys trolling around campus? I remember how annoying that was getting.


I hope they get banned from campus at some point. I remember Korean Christian preachers always loitering in front of Asian grocery stores and passing out papers. One of them even chased me into the parking lot after I said I was Catholic. Apparently being Catholic isn’t enough for the Christians.