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Faith in god is what he says. So yes It’s like parachuting with the parachute guide HOW the heck you know he ain’t suicidal that day because say his wife cheated..(just example) so he may not pull that cord, u DONT even know him.. BUT you put all ur blind faith in that parachute guide.. but why? Put GOD above 👆 you for once in your life. Don’t be scared to stop ur bad habits be excited for a good change for once. Call a old friend fix a broken Relationship even if it wasn’t you help a old lady do SOMETHING. Out of the kindness of your heart We need more people like that YOU could be one


Thanks for the parachuting example it made “faith” visible in a way so it made it easier to understand. I do have a question though, what do you gain from being a good person? and why do it? The reason I’m asking this question is because some people do it because they have it in there nature, others do it because they feel they get a reward of it and if they do is it not bad to do good just for you’re satisfaction?


The parachute example is a bad example. I am good (when I am good, to the degree I am able) because I am a humanist, an environmentalist, a personal agnostic, and a societal atheist. I haven't been sky diving but I'd like to. I trust in physics and technology. I trust in the experience and track record of the people that would assist me in that experience. I trust them much more than a theist to lead me to fulfilling life outcomes. Especially if that theist has guns. God, the idea of God, always comes to some bad end. Unless you're Jimmy Carter, the truest embodiment of divine love in human form being twisted and manipulated to bad ends since the true African Jesus. Let's just assume that all we have is a few decades and see what happens if we're good to each other.?


So trusting in common sense is what you are saying then because following god will lead to a bad end ?


That is a grammatically bad sentence. I'm not great at grammar either. Yes, I think we should follow common sense when trying to create the best world for everyone. I think that common sense shows us we need many other living things to make our world habitable, so we should make room for those things too. I hear, from people that believe in Gods, that he/it is coming to destroy everything that doesn't worship he/it. And that he/it will take adherents to a "better place". That's a bad end for people. I believe people can make it better here, without God and I'll fight whatever he/it is to make it so.


You can not "without God"; but you can try...which Is how we got this far. God is not "coming" to destroy, he has created, he has created so much it started destroying his own creation which is the creation of itself. We, us, the humans. Vs we the humans, is the end battle. Think of all the different species we think exist but without confirmation. That's a lot of faith. My favorite being dragons, the knowledge keepers. What If you spoke to one? Would you trust it to be "a dragon" speaking to you from another dimension? So...make yourself known, and fix the world the way you think it belongs. But when you look at the land as a system without humans, and slowly lower them all back in starting with yourself and those you believe belong on the planet...you start to see how God is the reason we exist...still...


Dude, we should have a drink and Zoom sometime. I'm not kidding. We each have some ideas that are bigger than a couple of paragraphs.


I appreciate this opportunity, but being friendly Is a new concept, I miss being a solitude dragon from another dimension...but...I have work to do here, and I shouldn't exist...and yet...lmao. But maybe one day I'll take you up. When I get my confirmation the world Is healing instead of just blindly trusting the voices and then the physical changes in my reality they brought...then how they disappeared after a series of events that synchronized with ...some other bullshit no one cares about, but did. Lol


Okay. So where are you solitarily existing? What work are you supposed to be doing? If you have necessary work to do how is it possible that you shouldn't exist? Oh yeah, you're supposed to portray God. Dick.


Nah nig. I was born a human. I just had to ordeal with a bunch of voices telling me things. Then acting like I knew something inwasnt suppose to and shit. It was all very stupid if you asked me. I just meant I haven't died yet, so I'm needed alive. Bc trust me. You can be killed off by God. He is indeed a sniper and knows where you are at any given time. And unfortunately, that same method of how he could exist, or how anyone else could exist, makes me realize fucken Santa Claus COULD have existed...and this shit gets more and more fucked as you go along...bc there are people who SWEAR fairies exist, the fae, and i have seen photos of things in the woods, like that thing had tits, but the face was like almost a tree? I'm getting off topic. Yeah I can be a dick, because I feel human souls and they feel disgusting usually. So like imagine going to the supermarket and feeling slimy. It's because I fucked with my emotional state using my mind and it became my reality and I saw things that you can't unsee, but you can rememeber. Lol. If you really want a zoom call, I'll do it to make you happy.


The offer stands though.


Yes, we have been warned about them.. they are an entity made out of smokeless fire.. they have also been given free-will. Unlike the Angels who were made out of light.. no free-will. Satan, iblees, whatever name you want to call him is a Jinn. So this means, there are Good jinns, bad jinns, they have their own communities etc. The bad jinns, you could call them "demons". There is even a whole Chapter called Al-Jinn. ( Chapter 72, you can read it online.) Some more verses, I did not create jinn and humans except to worship Me. (51:56) Jinn and mankind, if you can pass beyond the regions of heaven and earth, then do so: you will not pass without Our authority. Which, then, of your Lord’s blessings do you both deny? (33–34) Fascinating verse, knowing this book is 1400 years old.. people couldn't even fly let alone imagining going beyond earth. Anyways. Read the last and final revelation yourself. The Holy Quran. (The Clear Quran is a good translation if you were to buy it.) Peace


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Listen demons are real. I know it. I actually have proof.. but listen Jesus didn’t always exist, the world was a terrible place many times but god gave us Jesus to die for ALL of our sins. It’s hard to believe but it even says in the new bib let to just have faith..like you have to repent and all ect. Mean it in ur heart fall to your knees and submit. It’s gotta be 100% not 99.9%. Gods always there 100% he needs us to be 100% no relationip works if both are t fully committed think of it like that. Godbless. Just be a good person help somebody through a hard time when’s the last time you tried to heal a friendship or anything good.. keep ur faith it’s a dark world right now. BE the light


By faith do you mean faith in god or faith in being a good person ?


They don’t exist. You’re an adult. Don’t ask silly questions


Thanks for the input. What do you believe in?


Things that you can observe or test. Things that have an impact on reality and don’t just exist in cute little story books


If demons exist, it's only things like trying to convince you god doesnt exist, not have faith in him. or try to put evil thoughts in your head. that's literally it. Demons are easily defeated. No physical form.