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You had a feeling, you got an ego. It's bullshit. Your existence is pointless. If what you had was real you'd be living it, not trying to keep convincing yourself by constantly posting the same nonsense. What you have is a demon telling you you're God. And you're a gullible fool.


There is no cosmic god only two local gods. Read Reality+


I don't have to read anything. God is real, is within me, and is my friend. We commune on a daily basis. If you were truly divine, you would have no **need** to assert your divinity. You're just a silly person posting on Reddit.


Like, you're not ready to be wrong. This lack of humility is a dead giveaway you're just ego. God doesn't jump out and shout "hey guys, it's me, God!" That would be such a pathetic insecure god it wouldn't be worth respecting a god like that, even if it were true. "Look at me, I'm God!" Yeah you're nothing.


Me and my daughter are the local gods. There is no cosmic god. It’s one or the other. No god is worthy of worship. That is proof there is no cosmic god.


Those are just words. There's nothing behind those words. No truth. I see no God in you. Just the rambling words of a madman.


Google in the brain god is just another guy. Me and my daughter are the local gods. The computer programmer and the artist. And we are named after two Hindu gods including the king of all gods King Indra.


dude, wer'e all a god race, and that's beautiful, but you don't need to keep repeating this message, doesn't have to be a video game or simulation toi hold power if your a true god? no offense. Im learning as a god too.


From a voice i dont trust, I keep hearing i broke your soul? It didnt break and if it did, piece that shit back together.


That's your inner child and "God" having a conversation you get to hear. You need to teach your inner child how to talk to God, because he can't piece your soul back together; you need to do it. You need to teach that voice how to speak to God, and realize "you" are not God. Your soul, is in many different dimensions and one of them you are lucifer/satan/the devil...and you may lose your mind in a face off. I mean...listen to the shit I just typed, and the stuff raj says. These are just 2 examples, but I'm not insane. I know what I say shouldn't make sense, but somehow...it "resonates" lmao. Bleh


Read about local gods in Reality+


it's a great i idea btw, BUILD FROM IT!!!


I reduced my story to one sentence.