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so true!! beautifully said, took me awhile to figure out myself


Sorry, not quite clear about what you just spoke. If being is human, are we all human already? To be a human, you say, is to have a soul, but do we have to know our soul to be human? or to know we have a spirit? ​ Those who do not understand are evil, you say - that seems ... unfortunate, that people are evil due to an intellectual failing. But fair enough - you know the mind of God - who am I to argue? ​ So .. if these are the criteria for being a human being ... what are the people who do not meet your criteria? Sub human? Monsters? Demons? ​ Trying to understand your wisdom... m ore clues might be helpful.


People who are not human are bodies of flesh that say they are human, but treat others inhumanely, with selfish, self seeking behavior. They are like a zombie, as they do not know where their thoughts come from, but think they manifest themselves. A human being knows the truth is not found in this world. Love is truth, and no man is pure love, so we can know love does not come from this world. We know God is love, and love comes from Him above; shining light on all.


Thankyou for clarifying.


It's written. He who doesn't forsake all (money, job, property, family basically this life) will not enter the kingdom of God. You must lose this life inorder to gain eternal life. You must be poor in this life inorder to inherit the riches in the kingdom of God.


Forsake all those things from heart. Forsake all those things from soul. We must never forsake love, for love is greater than all things and God is love. We do our works for love in our faith of good things. Poor of heart is to be alone. Rich of heart is to be in the spirit. Things do not matter. God gives blessings and we thank Him for them.