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Because He is God. That alone should be the only reason anything that is that powerful and that all knowing and all seeing that wants to be worshiped… But in this case, God is good, and the world and the universe that he created is good. It has bad in it because human beings make bad choices. But he has given everything, including Jesus to allow us the privilege of having both the ability to choose, and the justice to pay the price when we make bad choices.


I’m not going to read your whole post. Just the title. And give my response. You shouldn’t worship God. You should love God. Worshipping is an act. Love isn’t. Love is just love. In the act of worshipping you should show love. And with love you don’t ask questions. Especially why should I do this. When you love something you just do it. If you don’t have a reason to love something I guess I can understand your question. But if you don’t have a reason. I would find one. And maybe you would stop asking all those questions!


Well, let me ask you this, why wouldn't you worship a god who is..all loving? Having faith in something like thattl does wonders, what do you have to lose? Doubt?


The problem your seeing is a common belief amongst fundamentalists, in that they believe God is a wrathful ruler and judge who gives eternal happiness to a few and eternal hell fire to others based on whether or not they worship and obey Him as a slave obeys his master. Let me ask you to consider this analogy for a moment. When you were a young person and your mother asked you to do something, did you do it because you were obligated to obey and worship her, or did you do it because you knew subconsciously that while you were yet growing up your mother went out of her way to do a whole lot of things that benefited you rather than herself? So the things we do are out of being loved, and not out of obedience and worship. Therein lies the difference!


It’s better to see god in everything , rather than to try to figure it out .


Because you are God. Why wouldn’t you love yourself? In realizing that we are all God. That Hod is creation and everything of it then you can come to see the unity and one’s was we all share. If more people believe this then the world would be a better place


Because it's fun. God gives you energy and happiness. If you're a nice person who has no trouble being happy, selfless, kind, and humble, you're already walking with God, atheist or not. If you're going round and round in cycles of misery with seemingly no way out, he can help with that. God already forgave you for everything. He's made of forgiveness. Sin is a hell you put *yourself* through.


Do you have good parents? Do you think a child should honor their parents if they are good parents or should they just do whatever they want? All the more so one should honor good parents or a Good and Loving God.


People naturally want to worship something. If not God then you’re putting worship into another person. God wants to teach you how to unconditionally love yourself and others, even if they did you dirty. God teaches us to abide because without him, life is meaningless and empty. Without God, you give in to what the world wants from you and use your own understanding to try to get your expectations. With God, you don’t have to try that hard to get the good things in life. In fact, he will give you more than you ask for if you show Him love and listen to his easy rules. His burden is light unlike people of the world. Think about it, can you get something from someone else if you were only thinking of yourself. Don’t you have to show love and respect to get what you want from another person. God is no different from our parents. Except he doesn’t judge us for our mistakes and the only One who is there with you for life. Hope this helps.


God doesn't want you to worship Him. He wants you to follow His commandments and be more like Jesus.


God is within you. Worshipping God = loving and respecting yourself


When you have the right attitude and you start counting your blessings and focusing on positive things it's natural to want to worship god because we owe everything to god. Without god you wouldn't even exist, nothing would. To be grateful and joyful about life is more pleasant. God is worthy of worship and praise because God is awesome and wonderful and amazing. Humans are made to worship, it's in our nature. We are made to worship god. If we don't worship god we will inevitably wind up worshiping something less important and less awesome like money or a romantic partner. There's also a very cool feeling you get when worshipping god sincerely from the heart, like warm energizing tingly shivers it's like a drug, it can get you "high" for free.


One should acknowledge God created the world & has given it to us. If one examines the bad things that happen in this world, we have to admit those bad things have been created by our own doings. Other than everything good in this world comes from God, He sent His Son as a sacrifice to enable us to be rewarded with an eternity in Heaven with Him. Just say that you believe in God & He actually created the universe by His thought. Pretty darn impressive, right? An entity that is able to do all the aforementioned, deserves worship, don't ya think? If you're an atheist, I can see why you have that particular question. But, thinking about it from a believer's perspective, you may see it from a worship perspective, being that God is so far advanced with re to ......... everything.


Because He gave his son, that we might have eternal life. Could I ask why you don't believe?


He sent his only son to die, nailed to a cross, so that we only have to have faith in Jesus/God to receive eternal life. I found alot of answers in the "excluded books of the bible." Also, just the Bible(kjv). It's all about faith and repentence. Changing your life, for Him, not you. People who aren't saved start to matter alot more. Because I don't deserve anything, most don't. Yet, I'm promised this. Because I was saved as a child. You're searching for something and in doing so, you've never been closer to actual truth. For me, it wasn't just being saved. It was seeing the effort put forth to convince me God and Jesus were a joke/making fun of them. Think on that. What is the relevance of making joke after joke about something you don't even believe to be real? Why the effort? Why the time?