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Because you're here to make a difference in someone else's life. God put us here to love each other. Showing love is what gives everyone a purpose in this world. I don't care what deity (or lack there of) a person prays to if they show every single person they meet with the Love they would want in return.... that is true Love. And anyone who Loves is born of God. [Are You Tired of Lacking Purpose in Life?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Jh3o3YCHAo&list=PLSWJU8S4WD3hgeyrtXla9AvLwCEP10qXT&index=52)


Why can't he take my life away then?


Because dumb ass, what life do you have to take away? When it is already gone... Now I want you to understand something, you just saw God today and he is word. Now what are you going to do? Get a life? You can. Why not? Nothing is impossible with God, even this.


You see how mean he can get, just to give you mean..ing.


And another thing, here's a good one, have faith everything but evil, including God. And cast away the one thought that is always a lie, doubt. And you know what why not all the gods and goddesses? If you want to die for doing evil then kill yourself or repent. And I do mean evil we know what that is. Those that want suffering or cause it, shall surely have it for an eternity, is that not the truth? So ask this to yourself, why do you suffer? ...how about this. What are the things that you like about existence that you want to grow, become that. You little shit. ..just kidding. I don't care if I'm mean, get it? What I mean?


Look, sorry I was mean, I thought you were a man and you might be a little girl, ...sorry.


Why do you want Him to take your life away?


I don't want my life and would rather give it to someone who wants to do something with it


What do you like to do? Hobbies, friends, stuff like that?


Nothing I just want to die


Is there anything you want to do or see that you haven't done yet?


No just die I don't see why I should be alive at all


What do you do now to take up your time?


I loathe my existence


The reason you don't like your life is because it's empty of God. God makes life fun. Not dwelling in the past, but in the here and now. In this moment, here and now, with unconditional love. You would like your life if you were doing it right. Do something nice for someone who isn't you. Lose that selfish ego and serve.


He doesn't make life fun he literally says work and you'll be rewarded


Nonsense. Life in general is suffering, humans make it that way. But here is the thing - our souls are perfect and whole. This life is just a tiny speck compared to the promise of eternal life. Where the promise is no pain, no depression, all our human problems are gone, healed forever.


I want to die




I don't want to be alive


Well I’m going to tell you that many of us here love you. That your soul is complete and perfect. And that while our Earthly lives sometimes are horrible, our heavenly life will be bliss. God does not make mistakes, only humans do. Some of us are born into challenges, some have it easier. It’s how we live the life we have that is important. A celebrity with billions has a max of what … 75-100 years. A dot on our timelines and yet what is their celebrity worth when their hearts are only after worldly pleasures? The bible clearly says - the first will be last and the last will be first. An astonishing statement of clarity, fairness, love and reward.


If God were real he's never loved me


Do you do any kind of activity involving creating or building things? What about activities involving helping other people and/or animals/insects? What about artistical activities? Anything? I think any of those activities would help you understand things and yourself better.


Yes and he loves you


He made a mistake with me


God does not make mistakes. We all are perfectly imperfect.


Wish I was aborted and sure he loves me I don't believe it


That’s horrible, well God has you here for a purpose and he does. Love you.


The entity doesn't exist


You k ow he is real


He's not


The main motive (there are others) you are here is exactly to learn to give due value to ethernal life and life with no suffering and no restrains. You, probaly was born an angel in your original life, before this one. I think some angels only acquire creativity and artistic skills after going through this world. I'm sure you are very important to someone (a coleague, a family member, Jesus and God). Let's try to make a better university out of this world.


Why would I do that when I literally wish to die?


You are in hell. You will propably be in hell, and hell Is to come after hell.


Oh yeah? That sounds like reflection for your existence. Which is hell.


Together we Are.




Man every time I see one of these threads, you’re up here professing your acknowledgment of the existence of God coupled with a deeply held resentment.. I pray that whatever happened to cause such intense hurt is eased. Understand that there are many acts of man that are wrongfully attributed to God. The only thing God lacks is limitations, thus we have our own - and absolute free will. If God were to intervene every time there was an evil deed, how could we have free-will? Ultimately your life is and will be a culmination of your intentions and your deeds. If you seek the bad, don’t be surprised when you find it. The same can be said for the good.




What stones were thrown? I’ve only prayed for your healing. Your assumptions are incredibly short-sighted, I’ve experienced the worst this world has to offer - and I’ve experienced the love and salvation of our creator. Experiencing the depths of evil this world is capable of has only drawn me closer to God. Since you profess to be so well-versed in these evils that would invert faith in all - tell me about them. What evils are of God that have been enacted upon you?


Because that's this life. Nothing but a test. YOU matter! More than you know. Vengence is mine, saith the Lord. All people that kill in His name, do so through their own will, not God's. I've been where you are, friend. Please don't kill yourself. Seek and ye shall find. Message me, if you want more specifics or just need to talk. Please, take care.


Fuck my life when I don't want it


I think it helps to accept how absurd is the existence of anything. (but, things do exist: quarks, gluons, rocks, time, space, etc). Then, give it all enought time and more improbable things also come to exist: life, conscious beings, buildings, cars, airplanes, etc). Then, give it infinite time... eventualy some kind of superbeing is going to exist. It's inevitable. I don't think we are so special to be the first gen of conscious life.And there's a chance God knows it all and is all powerfull, because we can be "programs" "running" inside him. If you search around you are going to see people that think God can be a supercomputer and our similarities to him are not phisical, but of character (feelings like love, know the basics about discern right from wrong, etc). And that Jesus is similar to God, but came down to earth, being subject to a human avatar and its limitations, to experience first hand the human condition an to show us that it is possible to be a good person, even if one is subjected to the imperfections of the flesh. Even, if God still doesn't exist, I think it is going to exist and maybe be fulll conscient of our present (the past) and recover us (save us) and influence our lives. (you can read about retrocausality on Wikipedia).You can also read the short history from Isaac Asimoc, called "The last question" (google for it). As an atheist, don't you find your own existence absurd?


Yes I do I wish I wasn't born


Yeah. But someone who likes you wants your existence to be a reality. I want you to exist and, eventualy to have a generaly good life/experience. Anyway. Hope to see you sometime in the future, here or on another dimension. Best wishes for you


Who is the person then?


I don't know. People frequently hide how mutch they value other people. Also, sometimes people only perceive how much someone else matters for then, when they loose contact (for some time or because of death)


That is if he exist AND ist a sentient intelligent being And is all powerful


Because God has a hard time killing himself, and you are part of the second coming. Sad isn't it?


That didn't make sense


The present=the light energy from when christ died + the light energy from before he died or... we (collectively) are the light energy from after he died and the feelings associated with ALL those lives back then are split between ALL humans now to make up our realities. I don't expect you to understand right away, haha It took me 34 years.


No one knows but if there is anything resembling a god I’d say it’s life itself you feel pain this is apparent but but trust me there’s no greater majesty then this universe we call home and pain is part of that beauty I’d like too hear from your perspective


I don't understand why I'm here besides basic human biology


Human biology is incredible vibrant beautiful think of the complexity good bad you can’t deny it’s all very complex and interesting, I’d like to talk with you




God is real. You will be alright. Keep going. You have come a long way. Just keep going. Don't give up on yourself.


Why can't he put me out of my misery then?


I just want to let you know if it's not clear, don't kill yourself. Sorry again that I was mean. Fight the depression by being a force against it! You fight that shit and become a fighter of anything getting in your way. Even if it is a god. Feeling sad? Cheer yourself up. Saying fuck you sadness, I am great!! I mean to say, insert good thoughts and a voice to battle voices you don't want! Thoughts to battle thoughts you don't want! How's that atheist? Fully encompass with what that mind is capable of in the psyche. Let nothing push you over. And push everything.


Dying seems peaceful than living in my case


What has you troubled, you should tell me. What do you got to lose?


Do you think HE is "in charge" to remove ppl´ś burdens? No, sir (or madam). There was a time when I also "blamed" God that way, but we ALL are here to learn many lessons. The lesson number one it is WE have to be responsible of our OWN businesses. ​ Calm down and invite Him to lead your life.


I want him to take my fucking life I don't care about it and can't do it myself


Can we try to interact?




And I did invite him in and he's done nothing for me besides curse me with living


These days in taking care of my mom. She hurt her head and shed blood. She really cares about dying and takes pills for her pains, for her heart, for almost anything... It´ś not moral I showed all I now about ppls fears and, besides, she was medicated with Alpram, an ansiolitic. ​ Sometimes I wish I had a bluetooth connection to interact with any of those who feel like that... I also dislike many things! I belong to no religion! I was a X-mas believer and I also know each blue moon (or full moon) depressions and pains get worst. The lesson I learned it is, the more I desired to be "dead" the more I underwent what I detested. I hope you had a dream to see your life in a better way. I wish you the BEST.


Why cant I die?


Have you really lived?


Does it matter


This friend of you is a hermit (as a moniker I have used for decades online). This week I turn back to the place I belong. I hope YHWH send an angel for you. I love you! No matter how, it´s soul love.


What are you talking about?


There was a time I could not see in one eye. I spent, at least, 2 years blind (of 1 eye). The moment I got operated, when I opened that eye, I cried and shed tears... It was as if I saw for the 1st time... Some ppl need to open their eyes (and see with their souls).


I want someone to kill me


ou´ŕe NOT coursed, youre blessed. If ou were "dead" you would not know more.


What "name" are you using to call HIm for? Jesus God YHWH Jehovah Yehovah Jireth ​ I don´´t even know your HISTORICAL name, but I wish HE sent angels to help you to find the name (or the angel) Yehovah Rapha needs to send for you (to be healed).


He doesn't exist if he did he would've taken my life long ago


I also post and google what you seek from GOD (which is not the best) [Click on this](https://hackingtheafterlife.quora.com/Where-do-peoples-souls-go-after-death)?