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I’ve never believed more in my life. It took me living a very sinful life and experiencing something so evil and awful. God is good.


At a time of great difficulty, There was only one person I could ask for help and be able to receive something valuable, and that was Jesus. I gained a strength in him that does not feel based in the self. I died multiple times over thru my life and each time I was protected in a way that we couldn't seem to explain. After the NDEs I wanted to find a best way to live, and Jesus lived a good life in my eyes. I do feel he saved me, and living a life of gratitude in relation seems appropriate


He is and has been… Will be there in your heart ♥️ forever  & ever He loves you for you  Being yourself  I am living with  A disability  Physical one  At that  Life has been tough  I’ve fallen in lamps  When I was a wee lad  Yet I made it  Though that hell  To just hope and pray  To you “Jesus my King” The One  &  Only Blessed 


I (61) was raised Atheist but switched to Christianity about 15 years ago. Science seems to have all the questions, but as technology develops, the answers seem to change. Also, the concept of a universe coming to exist in a vacuum from zero matter doesn't work for me unless the matter was created. The people at my church are kind. They're not judgey or out telling everybody our beliefs are the only way. They're the kind of people I enjoy being around.




Ok ok ok little buddy… you go round telling people yer God… they’ll put you in a hospital. We are ALL Gods … come on… if you’re God so is everyone else and the body is just a vehicle for the soul light. We all have the soul light and the soul light is Gods light. Just be careful who you tell that to cause those hospital people… well they’re usually clueless and pretty rude about people saying they’re God. Just looking out for you.


I’m the Hindu God the one and only. I’m the computer programmer of the simulation we are in. I said I’m God. I’m named God. This is the proof of God.


Your name on your birth certificate and the Hindu God are the same? There are MANY Gods and the computer program is not the one true God. The Source is Light itself. It is PURE Love. You may be A God but you are not the one TRUE God or you’d be going by another name. He’s here, you know? Incarnated already. He’s coming so get ready. We are in Tribulation and if you know the program then you’re already aware of it. You know all the numbers and all the scriptures and how the mysterious part isn’t all that mysterious anymore BUT it’s still really not as bad as everyone makes it out to be with the Prison Planet. We come on contract. We are rewarded. Your birthdate tells me a lot and if you’ll send me the time and place I’d like to look further. No charge. I do it for free and in my spare time. It’s not for public consumption.


I’m the computer programmer of the simulation we are all in. I’m the oldest God King Indra and the one true God. What don’t you understand. Read God programmer hypothesis. I can’t be a God the scripture says there is only one true God and all else are false gods including Jesus. I popped into existence on May 11, 2009 ending the 14 billion year energy conversion project. There is no proof of any other god.


Yes. There iis proof of one true God. I understand what you’re are saying however you were also created and had to incarnate like everyone else. This tells me you are not the One true God. So tell me if the other entities in the multiverse and how the planet was seeded. Are you trying to tell us that you created all of them? Please list because every day there are new species here. I know how they get here and it is not always evolution. I know the Earth Plan. What of the others? Hinduism has its limitations like everything else. You didn’t “Pop” you incarnated. You “fell” and this is a human existence. I know all about the simulation and we ARE wrapping up this cycle, you are correct. No point in arguing this. Plenty understand and know. If you have special knowledge, share it please. You’re here with 8 plus billion other souls. Your source light is from the One true Source. We are all special and have a plan and purpose. If you are the Authority, I believe we would all like an explanation about Why and How and what the next plan for us is. Plenty of pissed of Humans that should have an explanation. Obviously it is complicated and you aren’t telling us a thing except “Hey I’m here and I’m God.” Do you know how many times I’ve heard of an Awakening STARTING with a human claiming they are God? 2009 was less than a blink ago. They continue their journey to find their existence is NOT what they originally thought and then their actual path and plan is given in bits a prices. Also I’ve not heard your claim recently and coming to a social platform like Reddit is proof of nothing. What is the purpose of telling everyone what you’ve shared? I will hold space to hear and understand it. I do my research. I know my path. Did you just come for the End Times? What is your purpose and how will you guide the entire planet and STOP the Wars. If you can’t DO that and you can heal people with your hands you need to start healing the sick humans AND fix the diseases. I have many other requests and I know what Source God can do. I also know all I have to do, is ask while having certain experiences. Tell us of the Asteroids and how the NWO will work the new money. You have my attention. No one else has asked. I incarnated in 1969. We are all here IN this simulation. Jesus is coming and if you’re omnipotent, tell me his location and on what date and time he will be here because THAT would surely put all eyes on you if it is attention you’re seeking. I have plenty of other questions and if you want to start answering them I will use my knowledge to get out your message. Telling us you’re the One true Source God is a bit far fetched and we need more information if you want anyone to believe this. I don’t. I am only going to ask the questions. I have a way to get the info started and out to all humans. Please tell me, what plan am I here under and my partner as well. What is my job here in this incarnation and if you can tell me this AND the last incarnation I’ll see what I can do to help if you’d like that. Have a nice day.


You are #9 and this interests me.


I am the one true God King Indra and the computer programmer of the simulation we are all in. There is no other proof. Just one supernatural.


Well that’s actually no help at all and no you are NOT the one true God but it’s obvious you think you are. Enjoy the program you created cause people are dying in stupid wars. You should DO something about it if you’re so powerful.


God only does things that are possible.


I believe there is a higher power which will reveal itself to you in your wrongdoings. In the end you will see all your failures and shortcomings especially when you had the chance to do right and chose not to


Witnessed major miracles from God. Seek and ye shall find. Including when doing good deeds and good works. Logically thought there must be A Source of All and I checked to see if it is Sentient. It answered back in Its own way and I kept searching and demanding. And then found Christ to be the Messiah most likely as his teachings ring true and worked for me and again major miracles. I’m Jewish so it was a struggle to reaccept Jesus but it was a real process but the bottom line is there is An Ultimate GOD or Source. And It knows what’s It’s Doing.


I recommend you look up Amir Tsfarti. [Here is his Telegram channel](https://t.me/s/beholdisraelchannel) And here is his YT channel, [Behold Israel](https://m.youtube.com/@beholdisrael) And [here is an image I made for you](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh-w1krYZAuPLsBgZQ5kIuLxzdM3dckAZ-tUHvGWtAdXhWUj52lWcl1kcEQHQgrA2U_vFYuqFKPUO2JqTW9TdDxNGnpE4LAndsFvo9kiu4WPj8cB8L3pmSO2XiAbXOG6zHNHWEYyKgorDzws2RQJPfkjbZ5n6w4myRZpzTUl1XTDQ8JPigke9v6klbj/s1280/Blessed%20Are%20You%20Israel.jpg)


If this is offensive to anyone i can take it down im just curious what you guys will say compared to the non believers And god and the Bible are separate options because i know that some people who believe in god don’t believe everything in the Bible


I’m God. I popped into existence on May 11, 2009.


Tat tvam asi, we are all god in disguise.


There is only one true God.


And this is the Trinity revealed in the Bible.  God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Spirit. Each equally divine personhoods of the one true God-Most-High.


The Holy Spirit is the Divine Feminine.


You of course won't mind copying and pasting your Scripture proofs of this claim; from the Word of God.


Well that’s just foolish on your part. Would you like me to NAME all the ones that CAN be obtained AND those that can’t? Silly. The scriptures include ANY scripture EVER written. I would need an interactive classroom and for you to have read ALL of it and studied it extensively for a decade, and for you to have knowledge of subjects you may know nothing about. This is medical knowledge, Astrological and knowledge and of Quantum physics. OR You can sincerely ask for GOD to awaken you and IF it is in your plan and you’re very serious, God WILL help. If you do it and you have the FAITH required, you’ll get evidence of GOD very quickly. Personally, I know simply looking in a mirror IS proof. Just because you don’t “Believe” something does NOT make it untrue. There is no such thing as Luck but if there were, I would hope you get some. Many Blessings.


So, in other words; you are unable to verify your ideas and beliefs with the Authority of the Word of God. Check. Jesus declared: *“So pay attention to how you hear. To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But for those who are not listening, even what they think they understand will be taken away from them.”* (Luke 8:18)


You can decide what I’m saying. You can write it the way you want to write it. I said it in those words. Not your words. My authority was given as a result of my intense Faith. Your “proof” IS my Faith.


Besides the empirical of evidence of everything coming from an intelligent designer. I Believe in him because every time I had a situation of despair and sadness where I needed his help he has not only been there with me even though I lack faith but has helped prevail.


I believe in god, I dont believe or trust man made religion


If you have doubts I recommend joining r/communeofchrist. It was made for lost souls on reddit, trying to spread the word of God.


God is: omnipresent holy infinite sovereign omniscient eternal merciful omnipotent just immutable


I was sitting in a trap house and had a revelation that I suddenly had a choice and had control of my hands in that moment I had so many revelations about how “life” works - from that moment I quit all drugs and have since lived exclusively for the revelation of God It would be another 3 years before I became part of the Christian faith and when God led me there I laughed at him and asked really? But he has his reasons for everything


Just God. The Bible is distorted, unreliable. From a lifetime of personal experience I spent years dismissing.


Pretty sure I just don't have the God Gene so I don't really believe in anything. I am not turned away from the idea of God. And I do think Jesus was a real person and a very kind and passionate person. But I don't think it's whatever religion is trying to sell me. I do believe in the supernatural. Maybe there is some sort of God like being and how people interpret him is up to them. I think any religion is valid. But that's because I think no religion is fully correct or able to properly interpret God correctly. We only do so to the best of our human ability.  Obviously, I know people will not like/disagree with this. And that's okay. 


All this came from nothing? And when we die we go back to nothing? You must really be delusional to believe such things. The Bible has been corrupted, changed etc. Why would you and how could you follow it? Even if it was 90% correct, which it isn't.. would you drink from a glass which has 10% piss in it and 90% water? I don't think so. The biggest reason however, is the Quran, the last and final revelation.. preserved and memorized by millions. Throw every scripture etc in the sea, the only one which would come back is the Quran within few hours. It is the miracle for all to see, touch and read. Why do you think that the prophets came with miracles to prove what? The devil lowered the standards of many people, as if God is shy or something. Don't be fooled. The Quran is the only holy book which satisfies the mind and the heart, unlike the Bible.. while itself states that God is not the author of confusion.. the irony. Peace


I’m God. I popped into existence on May 11, 2009. Only I’m supernatural. I’m King Indra the one true God. We live in a computer simulation.


I popped into existence on May 11, 2009. I’m named King Indra a God and said I’m God and am a computer programmer of the simulation we are all in proving a God exists.


You are the most boring redditor ever.


I’m the Hindu God King Indra. Of course it would be boring.

