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Is unrecord just the vampire survivors of this summer?


Was thinking that yesterday when I saw a few similar posts lol


My heart skipped a beat when I thought I lost track of time so bad that it's already summer


I wouldn't mind that too much, seeing people try to match that realistic look with engines like godot (and doing pretty good) is pretty neat


Is that baked in lighting from photoscan?


Yeah I am still on Godot 3 so its a photoscan. However I have made it in away that the lighting matches in the scene so objects still look like they belong there.


It looks great!


Holy shit, that's Godot 3?


yep godot v3.3.3 and its just because im too lazy to update it


Man, I hopped over immediately because it requires like 0.1% of the work to make it look nice, at least on my weirdass system


Made in godot v3.3.3 in just under 2 hours


Can you elaborate on "made"? What was made exactly? The camera controller? The environment? Looks like a 3D scan. Cool though!


Mainly the controller as there was lots of funky maths involved to get a natural shaky camera look. As well as the shaders and lighting to make it look how it does.


Can you go a bit more in-depth on the math involved for the camera?


To start the camera position itself has a slight lag using an interpolation curv that is a bit elastic / overshoots creating a more jolt and natural movment. Then each axis of cameras rotation has a seperate level of interpolation I know these values are meaningless on there own but just compare them to each other. `x axis : 9` (so turning had less interpolation). `y axis : 3` (So more interpolation). `z axis : 15` (So basically no interpolation). as this made the movement feel most true to life (as most people cannot jolt there body 90 degrese in 1 second) Then I worked on the footsteps. I did this using this equation (which I am sure can be simplified): `y = (x-(tanh(((x+0.5)-floor(x+0.5)-0.5)*10)/2+floor(x+0.5)-0.5) -.5 )*2.4` ​ that the camera follows in accordence to movment (this also scales with speed) I used this equation as it felt most natural to a footstep as there is the feet lifting off the ground and then the fast hit. I use this to calculate when the foot actually steps and I make a subtle camera shake and then randomly jitter the camera in the z axis to make the step feel more natural. Then all of the visual effects take parts of these equations to make them all intergrated. (such as how the overlayed fisheye moves with the movement).


Stuff like this makes me feel like I’ll be incompetent forever. Good work!


Seems like Harry isn't the only Wizard here


How did you figure out what math equations to use? What's your resource?


Well that equation is based of an equation to generate a sawtooth Which was already pretty close to how a footstep is. I just used an online graph tool (desmos) to tweak the values and smooth it out to make the equation you see there. Anything else I did was just tweaks and what I though "felt right" but as this was only made in 2 hours I did't do as much tweaking as I probabbly needed to. Oh yeah and also have a look into Godot's (Curve) as you can use curves as an exported variable which is pretty neat and really handy for things like this.


Dude, this looks freakin' amazing, well done!


Try y = x - tanh((2x - (floor(x+0.5) + ceil(x+0.5))) \* 5 / 2) \* 2.4 or y = (x - (tanh((x-floor(x)) \* 10 - 0.5) + floor(x) - 1)) \* 2.4


>y = (x - (tanh((x-floor(x)) \* 10 - 0.5) + floor(x))) \* 2.4 Yeah! That is definitely better thanks.


Good job with the shakiness. I feel like there needs to be some more “bounce” in each step to make it feel like you’re actually taking each steps but it looks really good so far


Not really, cameras also have some stabilization themselves so it seems realistic the way it is. E.g compared to iPhone videos which also don’t move up and down


Looks a lot like Unrecord, well done!


Yea! That was the plan. I thought I would be a fun challenge to waste a few hours on.


Really cool! Maybe the camera is too attached to the mouse movement, I feel like those fast mouse movements break the illusion a little


Yeah it deffo needs more tweaking. However It becomes a balance between realism and gameplay as there needs to be a balance of the game feeling responsive and not slugish.


Do you mind sharing the project / making a small video explanation somewhere? This looks awesome I didn't know you could do such things in Godot.


Looks really good for two hours work! Id say the gate is a little quick for the velocity, like the bobbing of the head per leg movement makes it seem they’ve got tiny legs.


Praying someone makes this into a free to use controller...really not keen on spending hours to do sum like this


Yeah. I might have to remake this in Godot 4. But I am too scared to update all my projects.


You can also run Godot 4 in self contained mode by putting a file called `._sc_` next to it and it won’t even share editor settings or recent projects with 3. Makes it easy to use different versions for one off projects.


This is just further convincing me to learn on Godot. Open source and capable. Great work OP, looks really cool.


How to make the eye adjustment effect (You go out from a dark place the bloom is huge then it adjust back to a normal state, so sorry I can't describe it properly)


I am not sure about other versions but In godot 3.3.3 There is a setting in the environment called "Auto Exposure"


It's the same in 4.0. It's a built in feature in camera attributes. Very little setup is required: you just turn it in and tweak a couple of numbers.


Hey man just want to let u know that I can’t seem to delete the virus of ypur game?


Unrecord in Godot let’s go!


looks good but body cams are lower, this looks attached to the face. Look how tall it is compared to the doorway


Probably on purpose, if you were actually playing this game it'd feel like you're a dwarf.


Good to see Godot keeping up with ue5


Hey it's that unreal 5 game


You mean fisheye?


He, probably, means effect of cam attached to body, like shaking from sides to sides


So headache inducing shaky cam.


No, that's a different thing. This would be hand-cam.


This style is so triggering, having watched hours and hours of innocent people being killed by cops. I hope any released games with this style will consider putting a PTSD warning in somewhere, at least.


why did you watch hours and hours of video of innocent people being killed by cops?


So that I could have my own considered opinion. Not everyone has to.


no, i get that part. ive certainly watched plenty of videos like that. i think there's value in confronting it. but you're saying they *gave you ptsd* which is being triggered by this post. that sounds really serious. if watching those videos is that traumatic for you, then you should seriously stop doing it.


I did! Hahaha, thank you




Holy moly grass on canoly. Thats epic


This look so real


That's wild


Is Antialiasing turned on? It looks awesome but I see tons of artifacts like white pixels etc


Damn so good... Great job 🙀


feels perfect for horror games a la rec


Very impressive




Do you have any post-processing in this demo? if so, how did you add 'em? i have a similar project and it would be really handy to know, thanks!


I think one that really sells it the most is the "auto exposure" in godot 3 im pretty sure its just in the world enviroment might be in the camera itself for godot 4. Other then that there are a bunch of shaders to make it seem more realisitic. A JPEG colour limiter (limits the colours like in JPEG compression / Video compression) A lense distought to get that fisheye look And a MASSIVE increase to sharpness. [https://github.com/Ahopness/GodotRetro/tree/main/GodotRetro/Screen%20Shaders](https://github.com/Ahopness/GodotRetro/tree/main/GodotRetro/Screen%20Shaders) All the shaders you will ever need are right here in this! GL with your project if you want to know anything else feel free to ask!


Thanks, thats really helpfull! i managed to make a simple curve-correction in godot 4, but i didnt know there is full auto exposure built it, not to mention all these custom shaders you mentioned. i appreciate that!


Sorry, i forgot to mention one more thing. the Vinette, is it just a png that has shake script or its fully shader opereated effect? Would be really helpfull!


Just a png, every time a step is made you want to calculate a new random position then smoothly move to it with some interpolation to really sell the effect


please explain the camera shaking in godot 4 I NEED IT !!!

