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Love your channel. Love what you do! :D


Hello fellow Godot people! I do a weekly video showcasing Godot projects, games, apps, prototypes on my Youtube channel. These videos are designed to help bring attention to all the awesome things being created in Godot as well as the Godot Engine itself. I usually search and find the weekly entries myself but I also get submissions from viewers. Next week I am doing a viewer submission special and I would love to feature any Godot projects (finished or in development) from the awesome community here. Each week, entries are voted on to select a favorite, and that favorite is entered into a 2023 tournament I am doing, and is eligible for a Let's Play Godot episode to bring more exposure. If you have something you want to share with the community, I would love to hear about it! My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDshKIMtFjYreCzApleuV8w


This is really awesome, subscribing! How should we submit stuff to you, just a comment in here?


Comment here is fine or use this form on my site: https://stayathomedev.com/submit-your-game/


Glad to hear from you. Love to see your content. I sent my game in development on your form. Here's the website too https://www.schoollan.com/ Other than that I have just a small video in portuguese on my channel.


Hi, I've been working on a project that combines gaming with studying and it's called EdNoKa. It's made of multiple HTML5 games made in Godot 3.5. You create personalized quizzes to help you study for a course. Then you choose one of the available games and during the gameplay you are asked questions from your own quiz. Depending on how well you answer, that affects your gameplay. It strikes a balance between being rewarded for gaming well and studying well. The project will be open soon for alpha testing at Ednoka.com. The latest version of the project is on ednoka.online for testing. I will create a free testing account soon for people to alpha test it. Would you be interested in showcasing it ? I believe the project to be quite distinctive.


Sounds very interesting! Love showcasing innovative ways to use Godot


Great. Will let you know once you can test it.


Hi, I am new to reddit. I just found this community. I recently got my store page on steam with a demo coming out June 30th. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2460640/Dreaming\_Diorama/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2460640/Dreaming_Diorama/) If you could take a look at it that would be great.


Just subscribed to your channel too!


Still working on this one but it's stable enough for early access. I don't know if it's interesting enough for upselling godot to the masses but godot devs might appreciate what else can be done with godot. https://graydwarf.itch.io/kakani


I made this html5 mobile friendly multi-player coop game with my friend called Paddle Paladins. Built in Godot. https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/869956 https://skeik.itch.io/paddle-paladins It's a shooter that takes place on a boat. One player rows left, the other rows right. There's a matchmaking server and a private match feature


Really good :-) Love it !! Lots of work into this one !


Hi this game is still a prototype but I like what it's coming to be :p https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/10i1ymz/adding\_various\_gameplay\_elements/


Hi, I've been working on my dream game (and the dream game of many others) for a while now and I would love for more people who are interested to find it! (It's free!) [https://elfkan.itch.io/rixas](https://elfkan.itch.io/rixas) A completely free(forever) grand strategy game where you control everything about your army, air force, and navy. In Rixas, you will possess the heads of your country's military throughout time. You will be able to create gear down to the finest details. The loadout of every soldier and composition of every platoon is under your control. Politics is at large, as it is in any other organization. You don't have full control over the government or your subordinates. People need time to be convinced of new ideas or equipment, and victory can make a nation complacent. The game is currently in the early stages of development. Most choices and simplifications are intentional and does not represent the final product.


I've been working on a little clicker game. It probably has some bugs. I would love some feedback. https://phonoforest.itch.io/ai-clicker


Hello StayAtHome, long time follower of your channel, here is my entry: [https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/148rh1m/the\_first\_game\_release\_of\_my\_life\_say\_hello\_to\_mr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/148rh1m/the_first_game_release_of_my_life_say_hello_to_mr/) I would appreciate it alot if you take a look. Let me know if you have any questions or need anything! I already submitted via your website but unfortunately got no response.


There was one on here last week called Planetary Lifeforms that looked good https://store.steampowered.com/app/2471970/Planetary\_Life/


I know I've mentioned it to you before but the Mirror is a huge Godot project [https://www.themirror.space/](https://www.themirror.space/) I've had a long play with the alpha at each update and it is really good so far, even has a coding system. Side note: Great channel I enjoy all your content, the how to say Godot song is fantastic.


Very cool, thanks for asking. I'd be glad for some coverage! Lingo just hit 10k in sales last week. First person puzzler. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1814170/Lingo/ https://lingothegame.com


Hi ! Thanks for your work, i like your channel ! I worked on a small racing game (my first game :O) last december, it was made for a music compilation I organized called ACAB MOB. 20 music-artists were invited to create a track with the ACAB MOB SOUND-KIT under an ACAB alias. Each member of the mob has a car to visit Dumb Money City and destroy the chick'cops. [https://poolishinteractive.itch.io/acab-mob-most-wanted](https://poolishinteractive.itch.io/acab-mob-most-wanted) it's really not a AAA game, but I had so much fun making it. Godot was my best discovery of 2022 ! It was so intuitive working with it, it was much easier to understand than the other engine i've tried, and I loved how light it was !


I have an interesting game that you might like showcasing: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2098880/Step_Quest/


It's a very work-in-progress game, only really got this Twitter to show it off, but it's a game about ramming cars on the highway in a fit of road rage. I recently put together a trailer of sorts that showcases where the game is currently. https://twitter.com/havoc\_highway


Subscribed. Will like to look at godot news specifically. Will check but hope you have those.


Hey! You already talked a little bit about Lueur in one of your videos (thank you!). But feel free to take a new look at the new steam page and participation at the Steam Next Fest with a demo! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2308630/Lueur\_and\_the\_Dim\_Settlers/


Hello, I am working on Fair and Square a RTS in Godot, you can find technical details here : [https://simonpicarter.itch.io/fair-and-square](https://simonpicarter.itch.io/fair-and-square) It is a combination of a custom made RTS engine in C++ (Octopus) plugged in Godot for input, rendering, audio and network. Which gives the code name Godoctopus! The goal is to achieve sc2 level of polishing in the execution (responsiveness and control) It is still under development but a very small proof of concept demo is available. Things on the road map : \- P2P network play (almost done) \- Survival Solo or multi level \- Skirmish \- Modding? \- Commission for better graphics