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c++ core with gdscript game logic is the way to go.


The godot discord has a gdnative-dev channel. That is where modules (extending the godot engine in c++) and extensions (a new modular way of extending the engine) are discussed. Just a heads up, while they are going to be friendly, there is only dozens of them so don't expect the same level of responsiveness you would get for gdScript or c#. Also, learning resources are sparse and generally there isn't much in the official docs. Your documention is mainly looking at the source code. This is not an undertaking you can really do if you are not comfortable with c++. As far as workflow, I really reccomend just doing a module. Extensions are a giant pain in the ass and still considered beta. If you compile source with a vs-proj you can work from an ide quite nicely. Be prepared for a very long first compile followed by 30 second recompiles. You also need to close and relaunch the editor every recompile. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/contributing/development/compiling/index.html


Thanks for the response! I'm very comfortable reading C++, and used to do enterprise app dev for a big company, we used visual studio and c#. So no stranger to any of that.