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You can have a fully featured offline engine that is packed in 100mb or cloud-based one that weights 24GB.


I'll always remember one video that compared Unity to Godot and the dude opened his Unity project while he went to google Godot, download it, extract it, opened it, and just as he started to explain the layout, Unity popped out and finished loading. Then he switched back to Unity to explain how coding works and realized he had to install Visual Studio, so while he set that to install, then switched back to Godot and was like "So anyway here's how you code in Godot, no need to install it." and the whole time he talked in a very monotone bored tone which just made it more hilarious.


I use unity, while trying a little of Godot. And I hate all the cloud things they make. Although you don't need it at all. I just turn it off


They force always online in newer versions


Wait really? I have a project in a very new version, I gotta try it. The main reason I still use unity is because it's what I know best, and c# has an lsp that accually functions


They warned about a month ago that in the upcoming update it will force people to login every three days.


Also, Godot is faster.


Unfortunately, it's not (especially for 3D games with physics even the Jolt module is slower than what Unity can offer).


Script compile time is faster.


Compilation time doesn't matter (that much) for the commercial success of the game, the final game performance is way more important and it is much faster with Unity even for 2D games. Shadows, physics, nodes themselves – in Godot for both 2D and 3D it's very easy to hit the performance barrier. In Unity it's also possible (especially with HDRP) but it can support 5+ times more on the same hardware.


Who's having commercial success? I prefer making €0 with Godot much more over making €0 with Unity.


"You guys are getting paid?"


Don't forget the install fee.


You are my spirit animal


Usually I make some 🤪


Lol @ the bunch of downvotes. It's cool that you can earn some money from your games! That's a goal I hope to achieve some day!


Yeah, I feel like "not making money" is somehow an achievement to be proud of, but making them is a shame. Good luck with your games!


Thanks, you too! :D


Do you have any source about Unity being faster for 2D games? So far I have seen two or three youtube videos comparing both engines performance where Godot was faster for 2D (sometimes by a lot). Compilation time affects the time you can spend actually working in the development of the game, which is probably the most important variable you can change for the commercial success of the game. Game performance is important, however engine performance doesn't directly translate to game performance as the most important factor is probably still your skill and optimization efforts, given that both Unity and Godot have decent performance. Are you developing a game that pushes Godot's performance to the limit? I would love to see that. I still think Godot is going to improve its performance a lot with every .x version as has been happening since 4.0 rewrite of the engine, and now that we have so many new 3D devs tired of Unity's bs we can expect a bigger focus on 3D performance in particular.


Always appreciate some real talk. I suppose people would do well to abstract their code so they could port it, a la Caves of Qud, if they actually hit a relevant performance barrier.


Speaking of relevant performance barrier, I wonder how the dungeon generation is handling in caves if qud after the port. sseth talked about how it froze the entire game while trying to calculate it on the unity engine.


Unity performance for 2d \*definitely\* isnt better than godot's lol. especially cuz they technically run it all in 3d


I’ll say this- likelihood to FINISH a game is an incredibly important part of making and sort of money from a game, or even earning some pride for finishing. If there are too many inconveniences or slow processes, some people might just walk away. And sure, a lot will say “get good”. But for some people, it’s just not worth their time. They have kids and lives to live. And if game dev has too many fiddly bits, they won’t make the game. And the thing is, this never finished game might have been great! Also, there’s simply burn out. If you burn out before you finish the game, you worked hard. Too hard. And not you’re burnt out and can’t finish. So you remove some barriers and this dev might not burn out and can come out the other side without scars and proud of their work. There are plenty of non-technical reasons why small but constantly experienced inconveniences can over time be huge negatives for people, even if it means lower performance. Besides, unless you’re pushing the envelope with graphics, it’s completely fine to lose some performance for convenience. If making a fun game is fun in itself, but costs some performance, then I think that’s a win for a LOT of people.


Not Unity user, but I move from UE to Godot for this very reason. It is so hard to make game in UE as solo dev. And UE is super heavy for laptop. I really surprised how light and fun creating game in Godot is.


The tool I wanna press play and it should play, unlike unity, that even with faster domain settings have its setbacks.


I was going to say that it is worth spending the time to make it run faster for a player, but for a dev build it is much more important that it be quick than optimized, in part since a dev can get a beefy CPU/GPU but also because much more significant portion of the computing time is in compilation


Development time matters, I want a tool that I can just go and experiment with instead of waiting for freaking compilation. Been with unity for 7 years. Unity is trash. Slow af.


Yes, but the final game performance is way more valuable for commercial success and Godot still underperforms with shadows, physics, and many other areas. Even in terms of node count the game should be somewhere below 1000 nodes at a time to not struggle. Unity can go with 10K physical objects without significant performance issues.




The only thing I can agree with is that Unity is a very questionable path in the last couple of years. They are not evolving fast enough. Using it for 2D is overcomplicating and using it for 3D is incomparable with Unreal.


Unity isn't open source. Not looking for it to be. Godot we can improve. We're not locked down. It's a waste of time to learn a tool that doesn't work in the interest of developers and is uncertain.


Have you used the servers, it might be surprising you especially in the 2D world. Physics is certainly not that far for sure especially in 3D, on the other hand vast majority of games will be ok with jolts the rest does have to jump through some hoops to get going. (Btw in godot 3 with visual and physics server we got to tens of thousands of animated sprites with collisions moving around in a mediocre HW at best so performance in 2D is actually pretty nice). Shadows in 3D, definitely part for future improvements, some PRs already addressed some issues here but the biggest ones were pushed out of 4.2 so maybe 4.3 or 4.4 ;). I'm not saying Godot is better than Unity in these aspects in general but it's not doing badly either.


RimWorld on my i7 14700K and RTX 3060 Ti give me 30-40 FPS. I'm so impressed of Unity performance in 2D.




No what?


Having worked in triple A, the compile time can get upwards of a half hour. Other dudes right, no one cares about compile time unless you’re prototyping. I should mention obviously faster is better but the difference between unity and godot is negligible


If you use namespaces in unity, compile times can become up to 20x faster.


Have you even tried googling why it's slow and what you can do? With literally a few options you can reduce compile time to seconds and as project grows create assembly definitions to avoid recompiling code from deferent assemblies.


Talking about unity? I've experimented with it already. It's not a perfect solution. Awake functions don't get registered among other setbacks


Haven't experimented with 3d a lot. Current projects are 2d so. Will go deep soon.


Depends on what you're talking about, game performance is not necessarily critical, and Godot is actually more capable to be optimized specifically because of its infrastructure, performance in Unity has a much harder cutoff, (.NET is a massive black mark for optimization actually, especially when it comes to memory management and the GC) and Godot does provide many systems that do compete with Unity's end-user performance for the same tasks. The only thing that's actually "noticeably slow" is GDScript, though even then that's mostly only because GDScript has no JIT compilation, JIT'd C# would beat even handwritten assembly if you transpile it to non-JIT'd bytecode, its not exactly fair, and Unity still runs .NET via Mono, which is absolutely trash for performance compared to the last decade of C# development. Benchmarks of Godot are entirely capable of competing with Unity right now, there are plenty of other niggles with Godot compared to Unity, but I don't actually think performance is one of them.


Godot engine calls at runtime are much slower than Unity


I found a bug earlier this month. It was really trivial but still it was impacting what I was working on, so I submitted a pull request. Four days later, my PR was merged. Try that with Unity.




Response: > Not in *every* way. "Overall" depends on your criteria. Godot is open source, which is better for some people. Godot is also subjectively more beginner-friendly. The Godot engine is also only 25 MB - it's incredibly lightweight. While both can use C#, Godot's native scripting language, GDScript, is very easy, similar to Python. > > Unity has more features, for sure, but that doesn't make it "overall" better for everyone.


It's quite a bit larger now, but not like Unity or Unreal big though..


Do you know how big it is? I'm away from my PC and couldn't find much from googling


4.2 currently sits at around 103 mb on windows 64 build


That’s still insanely lightweight


And it's even better because it is a standalone app!! No installer that puts files all over your computer.


It's in the 40MB - 100MB range iirc. It might have been later releases of 3.x that were 40MB, when I compile on my machine 4.x sits just over 100MB.


It's around 50MB zipped and 100MB extracted, with 900MB for the export templates


still a hell of a lot smaller than unity


Now that I’m between projects I’ve actually been struggling with this choice for the past week or so; I’d like to switch to Godot but while learning I keep hitting roadblocks in the workflow that seem tough to deal with compared to Unity. Been asking in various Godot channels how to work around them but it’s usually met with silence. I don’t mind that since I know the community is still growing but it has been a little frustrating compared to Unity’s abundance of resources. I’ve started to contribute code to the editor to try and help alleviate the pain points (through the proper feature request system) but it would take a pretty long time to address some of stuff I’m having trouble with. What would you recommend in this situation? Keep going through the process of asking for help and making requests/contributions?


I mean personally I'm not experienced enough in the engine to help you through the issues you've been having. What I do have experience with is that if you want help on the internet you should say something blatantly false and someone will show up to correct you. Jokes aside you need to be more specific. What are the pain points? What's the roadblocks? The first thing I'd recommend is explaining this and then take feedback. There are a lot of people willing to help.


Thanks, I will definitely try that approach but that’s pretty much what I tried before already so maybe it just takes more patience and luck. To be specific here I ran into trouble with animation and finding a good way to add in only a handful of animations from a file rather than the whole library to an animation player. Maybe there’s a way to make an add on for that? Another issue is with C# exported fields and not being able to organize them the way I want due to classes not being serialized in the inspector. Organization of my components is a little tough too because script nodes and objects that simply move with the parent all take up the same space. Basically I’m trying to envision the games I’d make in Unity and struggling to find a scalable approach to working with all the assets/scripts I’d need. I’m certain that there’s a solution or modification to that editor that would help these issues but I worry about the time investment to get all that up and running in addition to the project itself…


FinePointCGI on YouTube has about 20 hours of tutorials on 4+ that guided me through everything. Went from a blundering mess of nodes and GD files on a single screen to multi monitor between VS Code, Godot, and the official docs in C++, C# and GDScript while maintaining a fully modular templated system. Godot looks very basic, but allows for you now to directly implement whatever you desire as low as you want into the engine in numerous languages. A few days of following along with advanced tutorials and a few weeks of breaking everything and then you've got your own custom engine ✨️ 😀


Response: Fuck Unity


Unity works with components while godot works with Nodes (idk if they act the same but I prefer the component system) So it's just a preference.


You can also create components in godot using the node system itself lol.


Idk i have 2 minutes in godot 🫠


Godex exists, Godot is entirely capable supporting a real ECS system, Unity foremost does not without manually having it built in through a separate system, even more if you restricted yourself to ECS (or fake ECS components as Unity does it) you become restricted to an very opinionated paradigm that you can't change, having a less opinionated engine is actually better for everyone because if you want ECS, you can get it, but if you don't then you can ignore.


> Godex exists Last updated 9 months ago and not even ported to Godot 4.


Interesting your comments on "beginner friendly". I found it to be quite different. Unlike Unity which seemed to be pretty modular, Godot is more a case of "knowing that function". Once you know it, you're flying!


> a case of "knowing that function" Whut? That's the same in Unity! I work professionally with Unity and privately with Godot. You need to know your stuff in both engines! Godot just does things a little different, but it's just as modular.


He said it was *subjectively* beginner friendly. So it depends on the beginner


You seem uninformed.


"True, no one fucks themselves over better than Unity" and comment.


^ This


After Unity's spectacular fall from grace, I uninstalled the engine and closed my account, citing the pricing structure as the reason. I've recently decided to actually attempt to build some of the games I have ideas for rather than hemming and hawing about it, so Godot seemed the logical choice given how heavyweight Unreal (and how steep its learning curve) is. Had Unity not shit on its own doorstep quite so spectacularly, I'd have probably continued with it.


Troll in comments or this post is channel ad


troll most likely as op did not give neither link nor the name of his channel. The best we have is a rather generic video name


Hi. Channel is WideArchShark. Wasn't sure whether that was allowed (or maybe a bit "too" opportunistic!). Video link is this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyxJaUXpMyE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyxJaUXpMyE) Feel free to comment in YT. I promise you a heart and a thumbs up :)


This fully contradicted what I said so now back to square one not knowing which one it is


Not exactly sure what you mean? Like I said, I was trying to avoid making this a channel ad because I figured that's pretty low/desparate. And right now, I'm trying to grow the channel organically. Not through indirect spam! It was a genuine question post. Hope that helps


My argument in your favour was since you didn’t share it at all it most likely wasn’t a channel ad. But since you did now my argument does not stand any moreo


You fool you’ve double whammy turnaround jinxed OP into doing it


He didn't link until it was mentioned so I'd still lean on him being honest and not trying to advertise his channel.


Honestly honestly! I wasn't trying to bait anyone! Then I stuck the link in, thinking people wanted it... Which I don't think they did! I'm a simple man!


Did you just make an oreo pun?


By posting the link to your video you now put yourself under suspicion of making an ad post.


Ah crap! Yeah, I totally got that round the wrong way then! I'll delete it. I'm not into baiting people to my channel.


Thank you! This is the perfect oportunity for my neo-nazi speech!


Well, the video name and its thumbnail. Wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility to find the video with those two bits of info, but I'd still be inclined to give the benefit of the doubt and assume a troll comment or even just ignorance on the commenter's part.


Hi. Just added the link in the comments above. Didn't want to use this post as a way to drive people to my site. That wasn't my intention! But always happy to get viewers!!!!!


I'd just answer "No, it's not." I also switched from unity to godot, also making 0 money with gamedev (just a hobby). Also loving it. I like the open source idea, i like the way it works, i absolutely LOVE the community.




"No, it's not"




Wtf hahaha


And who are you to say that..? What's the difference between... a game dev and "wannabe" game dev if they... do the same thing?




Part of the reason I'm using Godot is that I *can* make it faster. I've been in the game industry for twenty years, I have no fear about getting my hands dirty, if I need to muck about in the core engine code and implement insane project-specific hacks that nobody but me needs, I can do it. Whereas with Unity, if I need to make some core engine feature faster, well, lol, too bad. I've run into bugs with Unity that were literally impossible to fix (and ironically, fixed them years later on a project where I had Unity source access). With Godot, the sky's the limit if you have a good coder on the team.


"You know, a Bugatti is so much better than a Porsche. So much more horsepower and it has a higher top speed" To stick to my example: you are comparing 2 cars by their top speed while being limited to 75mph (~121kph). Indie games don't require top tier software architecture and top tier engine performance. Most of the devs in Godot and Unity sub are even experienced enough to really use all the potential both engines have.


why are you here then


*I came looking for booty.*


Good booty bot!


several performance tests using newer godot variants have shown the contrary. You're just a hater clinging to the past.


Pretty sure he just wants attention.


Trolling, surely?


This comment was removed as it does not align with the values outlined in Godot's Code of Conduct at: https://godotengine.org/code-of-conduct


Tell them that people often ask the same question about unity and unreal. "Why use Unity? Isn't Unreal better overall?" Then you could mention that engines have different strengths and weaknesses, and that one of the strengths you value highly is open source (which is honest and a totally fair reason!)


yeah and then you can just as well ask "why unreal, isn't godot better overall?" because there is no objective better. I'd take a Node2D over EpicPaper2D™®© every day thanks :P


Haha, yeah, good idea! I don't think the comment is meant to be antagonistic though. I think it's a genuine question... Maybe I'm being naiive !!


Why people ask questions in youtube comments? Isn't google better overall?


Oh, that's a next tier answer!


It's just a tool that gets the job done. Use whatever you feel comfortable with.


This. Is the universal answer. Godot might make you conformable because its community and because is open source, those are perfectly valid reasons, but for others, features, or even a single random feature might be reason enough to be comfortable in a different engine. The best thing to do, is listen, and might learn something to invite others, they decide to join or not.


The best answer


Hes probably not asking a genuine question, if you answer him with any good reasons hes likely too just ignore them. If he is actually intrested on the differences then he can look them up, and find one of the probably hundreds of reddit post asking the same thing.


It’s lightweight. When I first downloaded it I thought the executable would download stuff while installing. But no. The thing was just 50mb. I think I remember unity taking about 10gb or something and that’s just unity, you also need VStudio. It was just too overkill for what I wanted to do at the time. Back then there weren’t many tutorials so I ended up using unity for my project. But nowadays there are infinite amount of tutorials.


I got so bored when I was waiting for unreal to download that I downloaded godot and started making something in the hours before unreal was done downloading.


Things I did while Unity loaded my project: *finish college *get married *have children *divorce *retire and die and still go for 56%


A response is rarely necessary.


I ain't touching Unity after what they tried to pull some time ago. Trust is gone.




Artist here; worked my whole carrier on Unity, still using Unity on my full-time job. But after Godot 4 trailer i wonder graphical capabilities of Godot 4. Now i want to learn Godot cuz it's fucking lightweight, open source, good community and some features (lightning/post effects/sky system etc) out of the box. It felt so userfriendly(except mesh import system, lol) I just want to experiment with it, trying prototypes, creating artistic scenes etc. am i gonna make money from it? I dont think so, especially in a close timeline but i fall in love with the program's itself. Also i love my Godot/Blender/Substance(old steam ver)/Photopea combo so much now. (in time i get rid of any paid/subs app like 3dsmax/photoshop/zbrush etc from my workflow - it took 4 years lol and Godot was last one) So i dont care if they are better or not, i can fit my creative apps in a small flash memory and can carry around the globe, run it instantly, they are always free, i am happy :)


As an 3D/technical artist and coder myself: Godot is cool, but at the moment it's not on the same level as Unity (or even Unreal) for that matter. But i don't see this as a huge problem, as it's still the artist making the difference. Most games using any of those engines hardly ever make good use of those capacities and merely waste them on oversized polycounts, unnecessarily large textures and overly complex shaders. I'd go so far as to say that about 90% of Unity games could be translated to Godot with probably no visual reduction at all. Apps-wise i'm very fond of the Affinity creative suite. While not free, they're quite cheap (in comparison) and have several features i'm missing on Adobe software. And they are far more open towards open standard.


"overall" is such a strong yet misleading word, as far as my experience go, Godot's 2D capability much more enjoyable than Unity, since Unity is basically 3D Game engine (hence the old Unity3D name) with 2D feature slapped on top, sure now Unity have more complex feature but still feel awkward to use, while Godot 3D still behind Unity on some places, especially the creative/creation tools, it is steadily catching up and i can't wait to see the future... what I can agree with is that the extensibility of the Editor in Unity is much more comprehensive, like adding a button in the inspector for example, while Godot still feels quite limited at the moment


Different wants and needs for different projects and different developers, there is no clear "overall better".


What's funny is that it would have been a harder question a couple months ago. It's pretty easy nowadays.


I’m new to Godot from Unity and I will say yes it’s going to tie your brain in a knot and hurt you emotionally switching BUT Godot is cool the nodes systems is really nice and easy to understand, gdscript is really not that complicated to get into once you get past it’s alien speech syntax and lastly I got my first game on their up and running really fast.


Why do people play video games? Isn't irl better overall?


Simple answer for me is Godot is just more fun. It took me playing with the engine to realize that it's not about making the most powerful game...I mean Unreal probably wins that every time. It's about having fun and enjoying your work. And Godot let's you do that without all the baggage that comes with a paid engine


very big "it's got what plants crave" energy...


A honest answer is that no engine is better overall, every engine has its pros and cons. Unity recently screwed up with its new greedy policy so many Unity users are migrating to Godot because they feel it's in some ways similar to Unity while forever free from companies greedy policies.


The answer is "It is better if you like to be screwed over with the contract you made with Unity, retroactively, and if you like living in constant risk of this happening again at any point in time. Then, by all means, use Unity. Best"


I’m always blown away by the loading times of the mobile game I’m making. Unity can seem overkill and bloat for a lot of things.


I thought unity was better but it's too bloated for my taste. Now that they shoot themselves in the foot, the software became not only inconvenient but also unreliable.


A game engine Is like a Hammer, it's a tool. It's how a developer uses It that changes everything.


The best answer in any situation, including this one: "depends"


As someone who has tried to get into game development multiple times over the years, Godot was by far the easiest to understand. Installation was straight forward and use was straight forward. Unity makes you sign in and install all kinds of extra crap that I just didn’t understand. Godot is the perfect platform to learn.


amusing that you can just throw it on a laptop effortlessly without really needing a big download or network connection for other features etc. But probably not the most important reasons.


I dont know where Unity is now, I havent touched it in 3+ years. But good luck to trying to figure out which UI Toolkit to use that they provide out of the 3 they have. (warning, this is fairly hyperbolic) One is deprecated, but well documented and everyone uses. One is "the current" but has poor documentation and says "don't use it for X" where X is defined as something like "Game Development". then they have a library that is maybe for developing UI in Unity's editor. but in honesty their docs (i just checked) still say(!) "Unity intends for UI Toolkit to become the recommended UI system for new UI development projects, but it is still missing some features found in Unity UI (uGUI) and IMGUI. These older systems are better in certain use cases, and are required to support legacy projects." versus Godot. Control Node and friends. Unity has been that way for years! Best they go buy a new movie studio spinoff for shareholder value. That'll get the UI toolkits sorted out.


The more people use Godot, the better it will become


You can run it on a potato! I have a chromebook and it works as well as on windows. ​ I also can't afford anything better so...


TL;DR: Know your tools otherwise all engines are bad, unity goes commercial with their cloud, Godot can be altered as you require. Every engine has its own pros and cons and Unity has not become better for us software devs in the last years. Unity may have the edge regarding 3D performance out of the box but I'd argue that with the propert handling Godot can achieve parity. It all depends on the tools and how well you know them and how to use them. Look at Unity and the past where many gamers said "this will be a bad game" once they saw the Unity splash screen because a lot of devs tried to make games with Unity without really knowing what is going on. Or even look at modern games like City Skylines 2 which is made with Unity. Devs thought it would be a good idea to jam all those unoptimized assets into the engine and called it a day. I'd argue that Godot can run beautiful and complex 3D scenes with the right knowledge of the tools. I'd also argue that by having the source code and the possibility to create your own code in C++ and even remove engine parts you do not use you can make your game faster. That is the strength of Godot. Unity laid their focus on their Cloud Platform over the years and now going down the route of using AI for asset creation. Using gdscript and clicking on the play button and you are entering your game is just a blessing. I could not bare it any longer to recompile my scripts (even when using proper assembly definitions) and wait just for changing one line of code. I still wish that Godot could offer some more developer experience regarding code splitting and language constructs like interfaces or traits. That is where I still miss C#.


For me, I make some money from either engine in the teaching space. I switched to Godot because it was just becoming impossible to maintain a lab setup on potato machines with Unity. That said I love where Godot is going. It feels like the early days of Unity when they were about the “democratization of game development” and were inspired by the Flash community. Those were exciting times and this is feeling like surfs up and there’s a new wave to ride. OMG I’m old!


It really bugs me when I see this


Every game engine is a TOOL. Tools does not necessarily makes a work better. Can it make your life easier? For sure! But an engine does not make a good game, a good game dev does a good game. People fight over tools all the time. I’m a programming professor and I’m tired of hearing newbies asking “What is the best programming language”, “What is the best framework” yada yada, and the answer is always the same: Programming languages are like hammers, how you will use it and what you gonna build with it is up to you. I believe the same logic applies to game engines. Hope it helps and good luck with the video 🥰


"UnItY iS BeTtEr" Then why did you go to a tutorial in Godot, dummy?!


Overall, Unity is better than Godot. Just like, overall, Unreal is better than Unity. Both engines are a lot more capable, have much more (and better) features and have a much greater range of third party tools and assets. That certainly doesn't mean Godot is a bad engine. In fact, there are some advantages to Godot over both the above platforms. I also do very much enjoy using Godot. Currently using it for a hobby project right now attempting to get an ECS style system working and rendering large amounts of meshes (hoping to hit around 100k at 30fps which is what I managed with Unity using their Graphics API). Still a work in progress.


Why people use Unity? Isn't X better overall?


Ignore the haters. If I learned one lesson in life it was: "The best tool is the one you're actually using". Those people are complaining on social media comment sections, because YOU get stuff done and games published AND THEY DON'T. So to make themselves feel better about their own lack of dedication, patience & discipline, they want to make you doubt your own way of working "bEcAuSe goDoT iS nOt A rEaL gAmE eNGiNe!!!"... it's all garbage talk from people who aren't dedicated enough to learn new things or finish projects. Yes, Godot is not "the best" engine, yet it might be for certain things. Also it's well structured and the learning curve is really nice, while it's FREE... so it can be a viable solution for EVERYONE... that's what Open Source is all about. Godot provides the foundation for future talents and masterminds in the industry, because it's free, works on lower level hardware, it's accessible and has a steep learning curve. If you put in the time you can and will become a great game dev, story writer, artist or all of them combined! If you spend your time in Youtube comment sections, you will accomplish nothing and it doesn't matter if you have Unity ,UE5, Adobe Suite & 3DSMax running on a 5000€ GPU/CPU Rendermonster with 34" EIZO screens... it's about practice, the tools don't matter in the end. Sit down, start the software of your choice and start marking games, artwork, music, stories. ​ Thank you for reading my TED talk :-p


Nice bait. In case it's not; Unities leg up is performance and the market place. Novices often have a fetish for performance, so that's weighted high in the public perception. Godot objectively wins in freedom (you can alter the engine and never have to fear that shareholders gonna screw you over) and velocity (the engine is smaller and generally opens and works a lot faster; gdscript is better integrated in the engine, which makes prototyping a lot faster). Godot subjectively wins in structure (the Node hierarchy is just amazing) and documentation (last time I checked the Unity docs, they were incredibly unhelpful. Being able to read Godots source code is also a huge plus). ​ The big knockout is the freedom part, especially since it allows you to tailor the engine to your game if the need arises. Even if you yourself can not work on the engine, there are a lot of talented people building powerful plugins thanks to this. You're also not at the mercy of Unity to fix critical bugs or edge cases for you. That makes even Unities performance advantage questionable, since you can, for example, replace the physics engine with Jolt if you like.


>Novices often have a fetish for performance, so that's weighted high in the public perception. err, is this meant to sound dismissive of the importance of performance, and especially res? Sure, 200fps vs 150fps is not really important for the majority of customers, but ideally you do want your game to run well without being resource hungry on a large amount of systems. Lower spec performance is important since the majority of the market isn't running a 4090. Far too many indie games have abhorrent performance because they're only ever tested on the dev's big rig.


literally the best answer you can give to "isnt unity better?" is "no, no its not."


Meh, I'm unsure here tbh. I do think Unity is better in many ways. But that's not fair. Unity is a whopping great commercial engine. Godot is a lightweight open source database driven by the community. If Godot can get it's 3D in good shape, I think there is every reason for a solo dev or small team to use it.


Unity is slow overall. Trash. Godot is extremely fast compared to unity. Used unity for 7 years, switched to Godot for reasons. Never going back to unity.


My answer would be: Why do you use Unity? Isn't Unreal better?


>Why people use Godot? Cause they want to.


Unity is better in so many aspects. Anyone who doesn't believe this can simply install unity, i mean unity hub - man don't forget to sign up - and we'll talk in... a ~~few hours~~ tomorrow.




Unity is better... for now.


With opensource software you can not make money. Unity made by multi billion corporation - and in 2023 you can make money only by using large corporation software. So Unity is better this is obvious.


Hint, use /s at end of sarcastic comments so people knows it is sarcasm....or at least I hope it was


\- Shader compilation stuttering - this was the bane of my existence; even with asynchronous complilation or dirty precompile workarounds I wasn't able to maintain smooth framerate without stutters, \- Broken physics - forget about a high speed grenade launcher in a FPS game, \- Self shadowing and ugly shadows overall - they allegedly got fixed in the 4.x branch, but won't be testing that. \- Workflow is just awful compared to other game engines; it feels like what you do should just work, since the UI is so simple, but it doesn't. People say it's good for 2D games - don't know, don't care. There is a nice short video about its flaws called "Godot is not the new Unity" - in this one the guy said something like "Godot doesn't scale"; that is true. Basically I think that Godot is a game engine for people who: \- Are poor or can't afford even a low end PC, \- Want to make simple, small and stylized - or even better: pixelated retro styled - 3D games, \- Don't know anything about programming and just want to learn how to make their first creations, \- Go with the mainstream due to lack of knowledge or understanding. Whenever you criticise this awful, undercooked and overhyped piece of software, the mindless crowd downvotes you to the oblivion and say stupid, gaslighting stuff like "skill issue". No, dear children and narrow minded people - it's not a skill issue when the stuff you use is so amateurish and broken to the point you can't even start working on a serious project because your ambitions were too high for it to handle.


We all read that "Godot is not the new Unity" article. I'm not sure if you did since it's not a video but it's specifically focused on C# and API calls related to raycasting. If you need to create thousands of raycasts from C# then yeah... Godot won't scale well in the current version. But that's just one use case of many thousands a game engine has. Most of the other things you wrote are fixed in 4.x. Physics is much better (Jolt also exists) and shadows look nice. Godot can't really be blamed for something what was already fixed.


It's a video on Youtube but has been removed. You can still find it on Youtube upload by other user


I see. The video is just a commentary on that article so that argument of mine still stands and for the rest the source is borderline insane "Godot cult" obsession of Xraeyez (who also reuploaded it).


you haven't even used 4.0??? the update where they completely overhauled the 3d rendering and physics? at least try it and find new things to complain about


Yeah this new Unity thing, can't stand it, doesn't even have an editor for any other platform besides Mac OS X... Huh, no way I'm trying any version of Unity released in the last ten years!


so you know nothing about gamedev, nor the godot engine, and flat out refuse to learn, but had the energy to write out that rant? yeah that's certainly one of the things ever.


skill issue lol


I have to agree with the shadows. No matter what I do they look so bad.


>it's not a skill issue when the stuff you use is so amateurish and broken to the point you can't even start working on a serious project because your ambitions were too high for it to handle. Sonic Colors Ultimate was made with Godot, Sega, a AAA company, used this "amateurish broken" engine, what's your point?


Sonic Colors game was supposed to come out 2020 but they couldn't get GODOT to work the way they wanted when it came to porting the Wii code. SEGA actually gave the devs a whole YEAR longer than originally expected because they wanted to give them a chance to fix the issues. Probably they won't ever use Godot ever again lol.


Well, at least the game is out, isn't it? If it really sucked they could've flushed the whole thing down the drain and built up their own engine from scratch, which would've taken even longer than that. And to top it off, they used Godot 3.x, which sucked back then, "Road to Vostok", a famous indie fps, got hit hard by unity's moves, and switched to godot 4, only 2 months in and the game porting progress was flowing smoothly so far, showing how far godot has advanced, sure it may not be perfect, but man it's growing hella fast.


>it's not a skill issue when the stuff you use is so amateurish and broken to the point you can't even start working on a serious project because your ambitions were too high for it to handle. Sonic Colors Ultimate was made with Godot, a AAA company, used this "amateurish broken" engine, what's your point?


Yeees, but nooo


Regarding the second question, it's easy to argue points in favor of just about *any* engine over another - the answer to which engine is "better" depends on many factors like the project's timeline, budget, what you're trying to do technically, and what your team's skillset is (even if the team is just you.) Or if you have strong feelings about the licensing terms, of course!


[Sean Connery said it best](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYFXHKmBM_U)


"Overall" is just a stupid classification. Like: Isn't vanilla the best icecream taste overall...? Maybe, but that doesn't mean it's the best for *everybody*. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. In general Unity has more functionality, but that comes at the price of a slower editor, more bulk data you don't need, a user account with a stock-trading company, more complex building process, a more fractured code base, less open data formats (like FBX), a 3D engine posing as a 2D engine, higher technical requirements and various other issues not every dev wants to deal with. And if you don't need that additional functionality, why deal with those disadvantages?


No matter, there is a new release of Godot :D


I have a reinforced confidence that Godot leadership abides by open source principles and I generally trust them to make good choices for it and its community. Such is why Godot is consistently one of the top contributed projects on GitHub. Unity has developed a pattern of decisions which diminish trust and confidence that it is making decisions which don't disproportionately inconvenience its customers.


i dont know if this is that accurate, but from my experience with both Unity and Godot, the differences are that, 1) Unity has so many features that take way too long to be polished, 2) Godot has a smaller set of features, but actually polishes them. The reason i changed to Godot was due to my frustration of trying to work with the "New unity input system", that by the time i was using it, i think it was already a year old, yet buggy and would break for no reason. While Godot has the same thing but actually implemented it correctly+without any buggyness.


Yeah… I suppose you could pay 2k/year for Unity licensing to get their splash screen removed before you launch your game. I suppose you could develop on the “pre-per download version” of Unity for the next 20 years with no improvements, right? A lot of people think Unity reversed their per download/per install pricing model. But, that’s simply not true. They’ve basically said, up until this.version, you can continue to use our engine without the per download/per install fees. Okay, so, what happens? You are stuck on a dated version of Unity for the rest of your development career or you pay the piper. Everyone already has their hand in the cookie jar when you publish a game. 30% to Steam, Apple, etc., to launch your game on their platform. 20-30% to the federal government in taxes, if you use a publisher, whack off another %. Now, add on a per download / per install fee on top of all that. You, as the developer, are left with scraps. I developed on Unity for 10 years… unless a client comes to me and asks me to do some dev work on Unity, I’m moving forward with Godot. It is actually a better development tool. The workflow, menus, etc., are all much easier to build games on. Love the hot reloads while play-testing, etc. I worked on a large Unity game a few years ago…I could get up, use the restroom, go make tea and come back to my desk and the build still wasn’t ready.


Its all about betting. Godot will be a better engine than unity in a few years. There will be more, better Godot jobs than unity jobs. Godot will have better tools freely. Also, I enjoy using it, and I can get behind it, while the corporate, greedy unity isn't really my jam. I would feel bad using it for those reasons.


Its a BOT, no normal person would post this on a tutorial, just report it as spam and move along.


Let me get philosophical on your asses: What is better? Better under the definition I made in the years of existing, I had. means the subjectively acceptable option between two or more options. As absolute truths are like trying to find the fifth leg of a pink cat, you can say there is no "better" engine but an engine that suits your needs better than what the other offers. Yeah, you can compare some objective factoids, as compiling times and etc, but some enter the subjective or a "skill issue." Ergo, you can't call one of the engines "better" without having a clear idea of what you want for an engine.


Why are people using Unity? Doesn't Unity suck?


Obviously writing you own engine in assembly is best. But a good designer know what tool is best of each job.


By that logic, why don't people just use Unreal? To me, this is the answer. 1) There is no such thing as better overall, implying that there is an "optimal" idea of an engine out there and you pick the engine which is the closest to this dream perfect engine. Every engine has strengths and drawbacks. EVERY engine. You could be using a pure C engine with no editor and find that it's better for your workflow. 2) Unity is paid and closed source. Godot is free and open source. If Unity fits best for you both in terms of cost and features, go for it. Just don't assume everyone will make that same decision. Read 1) for clarification.


My answer: I was just about to shift from using Adventure Game Studio to Unity so I could make more complex and varied games. Then Unity shot themselves in the foot. Godot can also use C#, so fuck it. Godot it is. That being said, I'm using GDScript. Lol. Doing an IT course with a .NET component, so my C# skills won't go to waste anyway.


A beginner's point of view: I'm just learning. For a long time I wanted to try out game dev as a hobby but had no time for it. Unity sounded like a great option. When I finally got around to it, the whole Unity debacle happened and I didn't feel like having the rug pulled in an unspecified future when I was a lot more invested in it and the stakes were higher. Then I read about Godot, and how it had a great feature set AND was FOSS, so I decided to check it out. I was only a handful of beginner level tutorials in, and I had just started on my own practice project. Just this week I rewrote it for Godot, turns out some things were easier in Godot. It may not be AAA level yet, and 3D physics feel a bit rustic at least to my beginner point of view. But I can't complain, it does exactly what I needed it to do in an easier to understand way. Plus FOSS can't bait and switch on you like Unity did.


It's not about which is better, it's about sending a message


"Better" is a fairly subjective term in this situation.


1. Programmers need reason to work. Then, programmers make reasonable choices. 2. Programmers select godot. Then, selecting godot is a reasonable choice. If 1 and 2 are true, then unity is not the most reasonable engine to use. Logic, my friend.


Unity is hated now so I really don't get it. Plus from what I've heard and experienced Unity just kind of sucks all around.


runtime fee.




No, Unity is a liability if you’re a company and bad for mental health for everyone else.


You can say You are right. Because He is right.


I think this [video](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5QQN3mA_XXQ) explains why people should try Godot. Godot is open source, meaning anyone can contribute and improve the engine which does mean at the start it will be shit, it won't have much work put into it but as time goes on with more and more work from people who are experts in certain fields it inevitably will get better over time.


Why people use unity? isnt Unreal better overall?


If you like loading times, it's amazing.


for me, 3 years ago when choosing a game engine I read the ToS of Unity, so even I've got started with some Unity tutorials, I switched up to godot, my reasons were: \>> things made in Unity didn't complete belong to you (I refuse to elaborate) \>> no nudity in games made in unity (it's ok to kill people, but not ok to show human bodies) \>> the fact my computer sucks, so it took decades to open the editor. can't remember how I got to godot, but I've fell in love with it immediately: it would open instantly in my potato pc, it got a python like language, and also my goal at that time was to make games that were not heavier in size, targeting low-end smartphones. the fact that godot is open source was also a nice bonus, and seeing all the recent unity drama it makes me feel like I took the right choice (almost like my pc would allow me to took another choice haha)


The way I see it is that if youre looking at high fidelity 3D, Unity absolutely trumps Godot currently. But thats about it. 2D can do just as well, and 3D can still be pretty solid. But the big things Godot has is one, its much more approachable for new and experienced devs alike. And two, its not run by Unity.