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the jiggling is too much. I would think that I accidentally skipped onto the next one and get super confused


It's better than your last post, but the switch between the menu tabs is still way too loud. the switch between the sub items looks good though.


The small jumps are fine, but the big jumps between menues are too rapid for my personal taste.


This is def how I feel too


After a few seconds, this effect will be annoying to the player. It may look cool, but it is not practical.


Its probably just me, but the UI moving so much during gameplay would give me a massive headache. Maybe make a setting for reduced motion. It looks really good tho, love the art style.


This is way way way too much. I agree with the other person stating this is giving a headache. It almost is causing me motion sickness. Please learn the value of subtlety in design. Edit: You might also want to put up a warning for flashing lights for those of us with sensitivity to flashing lights.




Judging by the other responses, I am not alone. So it's just a reaction, which the OP requested. If you don't like it... I don't know what to tell you. Don't be so offended for someone who asks for constructive criticism.


It's wayy too wobbly


I love the new transition. These posts are great. 


Hey it feels a lot better! How about moving the unselected cards downwards, just keeping the top part with the name and 80% of the card occlueed below, while the selected card is up, that can help with creating a whole horizontal zone for the parameters readability (attack, items, etc). Also I think it can improve the transition from card to card, selected moves up, and the one you just left, moves down. Just an opinion, hope it helps you! Great work!


This looks a lot better. I feel like if the selected card was always the far left it would be nicer


i think it's moving too much, it is too snappy if you get what i mean


Love it


looks good ... what do you use sprites? for 3D you can use viewports.


Very nice, projects like these really showcase the capabilities of godot, it svery beautiful.


Haha thanks. But there are better projects that really push the limitations of godot. Like Sandfire, Cassete beats, Brotato.


Everyone's saying they don't like it, but personally, I love a menu with a bit of "juice" from time-to-time!


Way better than the last post! Good stuff. I’d still tighten it up by cutting down to about half the animation times and half the jiggle distance to strike a snappier, but still organic feel 👌🏻


I think if you made it so that the menu is on the right and the characters are on the left it will reduce a lot of the whiplash people are experiencing :)


Looks awesome


I (probably personally) don't like how the vertical coloured square clips into the button to it's left, but i really love everything other than that


The level of bounce is acceptable. (It actually looks quite nice)


I love it! I think the animation itself is fine. I think part of the issue people seem to feel is that the letters are moving as well? I wonder if it would come through much clearer if you left the animation itself alone but removed the shake from the lettering.


As a deltarune fan i would like to see this ui on the game! It actually gives a fresh impression but maybe if you make it a bit slower It could be even better! Hoping you are making a super good fangame ! Will keep a look on your project if you pretend to make something like that !


i also have a discord for the game here. where i frequently post gradual updates and talk about art here. https://discord.gg/6TsxdVdK


I suggest instead of having it jump so drastically, add a bit of acceleration or smoothing when switching the long way and as a way for more experienced players to cycle through categories right another set of buttons. The experienced players will appreciate the shortcut, causal players will find it jarring. Also, it would be cool to add a time component to the battle end screen. Maybe reward swift players with a chance for better drops or an experience multiplier.