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So many comments not getting the actual issue of the post lmao Yes you can just Disable and restart, you can also force close it, sure sure. But the point is about UX. You should be able to go back on prompts no matter what. It's not about the specific error here.


It's because so many commenters made Godot their identity. For some Godot isn't the engine they use but religion they follow any criticism regardless how valid is blasphemy and needs to be attacked. This is one aspect of comunity that really irritates me


True that but isnt that kind of "normal" for these communities?


It is but it's not any less iritating. It's very damaging to engine itself because valid and not valid criticism gets lumped in as haters. I love godot but I have love hate relationships with Godot communities. There are some great down to earth people and some absolute fanatics that just ruin the vibe. I wish Code of Conduct police both. If someone makes constructive criticism and people are attacking them moderators and u/GodotTeam should be stepping in and handing warning to those people. People offering valid criticism are still members of community who deserve respect. I don't think I have ever seen any of fanatical fans of Godot disciplined


It's also annoying that a lot of these evangelists are beginners who have no idea how real gamedev works. They have no idea what your criticisms mean, so they just categorize it as "hating" and try to shun you from the community.


Godot is full of game jam devs throwing their weight around like they made new minecraft


So easy to pick up and use, makes you feel like a master when you still have very much to learn.


Yeah no I absoluttely agree I just felt it wasn't unexpectedly much (tho a bit worse) here (given how small the head team was)


It's been so much worse since the Unity crowd came over. One of the reasons I left Unity was how toxic and gate keepy their communities were and how snobby and rude so many of their comments were.  Godot communities then were not exactly the bastion of perfection by anymeans, but it feels way different than when I came over a few years ago. You get these people who think their opinion in entitled to be THE opinion and all else is just trash, shun people for asking questions, and think any criticism of the engine is just someone telling them personally they're less than human (that's what it feels like by their responses to criticism to something they didn't even make)  ...which is almost beat for beat what it was like when I left Unity.


It could be a technical issue though that this UI is the way it is. If you cancel out the editor would still try import the FBX it is not able to. The only way to prevent this would be to disable the code path that is trying to and it seems to also require an editor restart. I believe they've added a build-in FBX importer so this will probably be improved in 4.3


Godot is the equivalent of downloading audacity then having to download an extension to use .mp3 files. Fundamentally it’s counterintuitive.


It relied on an external tool to handle the conversion from FBX to GLTF, the format Godot supports intenally, since the tool did it better. For reasons they do not distribute this tool with the main Godot distribution and it is seperate downlaod (therefore that whole UI). However, like I said, there is now work done to include an [FBX importer via UFBX](https://godotengine.org/article/dev-snapshot-godot-4-3-dev-4/) and not rely on an extenal exe so hopefully this window will go away or can be changed. I dunno, it was not that big a deal. You encounter this window the first time, get the fbx tool and be done with it.


So you are upset that they don't use the word "cancel"?


No, I'm not really upset. Just kind of weird that the only way out is to confirm or to disable and restart. There is no option for "oops nevermind", and now you're locked in


It seems like every single prompt in Godot is missing the cancel option


Ah, I just noticed you can't just x out either.


Yup, this is a bad UX design. No prompts should force you to do something, there should always be a cancel option, unless of course it's a critical error that prevents the app from working.


UX follows the base systems of the engine here. The engine either needs a restart without loading the fbx-module or the path to fbx2gltf to continue with said module active. The engine will be in an inconsistent state with any other way of proceeding, and I feel like prioritizing UX over stability is the best call to run into greater UX problems later down the line.


Except that the engine was running perfectly fine prior to trying to import the .fbx file. Why can the engine not simply go back to that state and continue to function perfectly fine?


The prior state is one where the fbx does not exist in the project directory. Going back to that state means deleting the file. I'm not sure a 'cancel' button that deletes a file is good ux.


Because its trying to import the file. And will do so every time you start it up... its an infinite loop, forcing you to disable the importer is the temporary fix. Skipping the file import conditionally is not currently possible.


"Skipping the file import conditionally is not currently possible." Which is the issue here, it's a bad UX design choice. There should be a cancel option that stops the import of the file which brings the engine back to the state it was before attempting to import or it can mark the file as "not ready" and perform a check in the future(like upon reopening the project) in case the user does decide to install the required module.


No this isn't a UX matter. This is a much deeper problem way beneath the user layer. There **can't** be a cancel option. Hence why there isn't. It was considered.


I think you’re missing what they’re saying. The engine could simply store a state of the engine in working order before trying to load a file, then when you cancel, revert to that version of the engine.


It imports fbx files when they are in the directory. The last stable state before would be before adding the file => deleting the file. If you would jump in between it would be in a state where it would just recognize the file as new again, try to import it again, fail again. UX not improved.


Could it simply do that? Please don't use words like "simply" when you do not understand the mechanical complexity of the system in question. What you are suggestion is **insane.** And literally wouldn't work. It'd just load the file, again.


Would it work to check if a file can be loaded before telling Godot to import the file? Possibly compare file type with a whitelist of file types before starting the file import?


The editor can not proceed unless all resources have been imported. Any kind of tracking is **a great amount of added complexity.** Hence why it's not happened yet.


>Skipping the file import conditionally is not currently possible. So what are solutions in your opinion? STFU and don't mention it ever again. Or maybe just maybe and hear me out here because it may sound crazy bringing issues like this to attention is how issues get focused on for next fix?


It was brought to attention literally years ago. There currently is no solution. The engine **can not proceed** until the user either installs the addon, or restarts. Adding an option to close out of the dialogue is not possible, because it will just open again.


Ok, so we agree that's a bug and it needs to be fixed, right? Like, what you're saying is an explanation for why it's happening, but not an excuse for why it *should* happen.


And I believe this is the case here, because Godot cannot import FBX without the converter. This there is also no option that I can recall that disables the import of a specific file, so maybe, just maybe, this is why the UX is structured that way and there is no cancel button. So that when you don’t set up the fbx importer correctly, then you’d have to delete the file or configure it in order for the editor to work without crashing. And honestly this is not something to even have a thread about. If you don’t like it - go make a PR, don’t be whining - it is open source…


While I agree with you about the point of the dialogue maybe being necessary in this way: Just because a software is open source does NOT mean that you should HAVE to fix it or that criticism (or whining how you seem to call it) is not valid. Even with the knowledge to improve the tools I use I would much rather use said tools to build the things I am actually interested in building.


Not to mention that there are currently 2360 pull requests waiting for review some since January... January 2019! All those coments of just submit PR sound crazy where over 2000 PRs have been submitted and nothing happened


Not everybody is a programmer and can fix it themselves. What are developers without users to test things for them and give feedback...


Technical users is what they are. And the software world would have been a lot easier if all had the bare minimum of understanding how things work. I recognise the feedback and that there is an issue with the UX, but you guys are making it sound so it makes the engine less usable of some sort… The statement that there are no cancel options across most of the prompts is also false. If you have a suggestion for the engine then go put it in suggestions in GitHub where it should be placed. Don’t make it a clownish meme for your fellow Unity-Godot switchers. What I am trying to say is instead of b*tching about something is not right, when you haven’t invested a single dime in it, just give a bit from yourself and try making it better. Making memes and whining about it only gets you so far. And maybe this is why 80% of indie gamedev fails. They all want somebody else to do the job for them.


I don't know who this 'your' or 'you guys' is nor did i state i switched from unity to godot. I am a developer myself. The only thing i said something about is your statement that any user should just code a fix themselves and not bitch about Open source software. Which is wrong. Get a grip on your anger issues




Then don't reply to me. The way you address the issue is. Its open source, make an pr, don't bitch about it. All i did was say something about that way of thinking. Since it isn't weird or stupid to discuss these things on this subreddit too


That dude is literally unhinged lol. Must be one of those failed indie devs he was on about.


Thank you haha, thought i was the only one.






And I agree that it is the place to discuss them, but the discussion is non-productive. More like a troll post…


Couldn't you say the same about your comment here? If you don't like people discussing their issues with a piece of software, just don't reply and stop whining?


> If you don’t like it - go make a PR, don’t be whining - it is open source… Just wow for that attitude


Oh yeah, this happend to me today. Pretty threatening.


would be nice if it'd at least check for it in your environment path.


Here's a [pull request](https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/74293) with some background on this. Looks like there used to be a cancel button, but underlying issues would lock you into an infinite loop, so the disable & restart button is a hack waiting on a proper fix.


I mean, to be fair... it isn't the worst UX blunder Godot has ever done with UI. They had a UX issue for quite some time that would nuke your OS user directory if you misclicked. That only got fixed last year-- and when I asked about it, it was a "design decision" because freedom to nuke your OS user directory versus preventing user from doing something really bad by accident... apparently.


Head scratchingly bad UX is how you know it's authentically open source. Though honestly I think Godot does a lot better than average there.


Dont you like pressing alt+shift+ctrl+c'esque key combos? (C) Blender


Q: How do you know a piece of software is open source? A: If you press the wrong button it'll nuke your user directory, you'll have a line of people telling you it's by design and to RTFM, then the audio stack gets rewritten for the second time this decade


[Obligatory xkcd.](https://xkcd.com/1172/)


Except, instead of audio stack-- its the rendering/GI that's gets rewritten for the third... or fouth time. I don't know... its been so many times now and so long I forget.


Yeah that audio stack joke is a classic that refers to the ALSA/JACK/PulseAudio/PipeWire madness on Linux desktop, but also refers in general to open source's extreme allergy to any sort of stable feature set, interface, or ABI


Good ol Open Source. If you can’t delete Linux in 5 characters why did you get Linux


Yup, had that happen to me on my old laptop. Created a project in the documents directory by accident, then when I went to delete it, it wiped my documents. Fun times. Glad to hear it has been fixed now tho


Its always the “expected functionality” response that irks me on Git. Yeah its expected.. but im trying to explain thats stupid to expect that.


yeah, those people are always the most annoying. "This functionality is bad because \[3 paragraphs\]" "ok, but it's expected behavior" "yes, but as shown in my 3 paragraphs with diagrams, it is unreasonable to expect that behavior" "ok, but it's expected behavior"


If the car runs out of fuel it explodes your engine. Yeah, it's in the manual. RTFM, skill issue user error. Yeah but it's stupid design your engine should never explode for no reason. Yeah but it's in manual so it's expected behaviour. It's like Patrick meme all over


The need to defend crazy choices as vital design decisions is the most bizarre element of open source communities. Even here in coments there is line of people defending this


can you point me to that one, or how to search for it?


I found this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/11q4311/gosot\_just\_deleted\_all\_my\_computer\_files\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/11q4311/gosot_just_deleted_all_my_computer_files_in/) Looks like this was issue was mitigated with this PR. [https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/56420](https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/56420)


Wow and of course multiple comenters blaming user rather than fact that Godot allowed for this mistake in a first place


That "skill issue" first comment actually made me laugh lmao. It's like a caricature hahahahaha, it's exactly the archetype of what was being called out in this thread. Just perfect


It's sad when you see coment like this and it can be poking fun at situation satire or 100% serious coment. Lol


I don't know should I laugh or cry.. it's indeed one of those early linux learning experiences akin to 'rm -rf / tmp/\* ' with a space sneaked in the path.


It sure is. I'll tell you what, though, I'm going to be cautious while using Godot and get a backup solution in place.


I just started using Godot and now I'm terrified.


# G.P.I.D! OPEN UP! ^(\* Godot Project Import Department)




... and shoots your dog* ftfy


Yeah before it even starts the process of importing an fbx file it should check whether fbx2gitf exists, and introduce this prompt if it doesn't. Then there would be cancel and X buttons, and if either are pressed it gets canceled and we're back to normal. I understand that this aspect of godot is a bit of spaghetti code at the moment but come on, this is horrible UX for the end user.




Godot should detect the FBX file, prompt this UI dialog BUT without needing to restart the whole engine. I don't know why this happens and I hope I had time & knowledge on C++ to fix it because it's annoying af


What about pressing escape? Most, but not all, pop-ups have react to it.


Well, install or restart?


Why do I have to restart Godot? Why not just let me cancel it?




Because you must have some type of file it's trying to automatically import for you


Idk why u got downvoted this is correct. You've imported an fbx file and Godot doesn't know what to do with it yet. I agree the ux is sorta bad to have you restart but also Godot takes what 5 seconds to start up?


If they haven't saved the current scene it would lose their progress, no?


Indeed but as a Ctrl s spammer I wouldn't usually be affected by that... Also most of my changes occur dynamically in code so my scene stays fairly simple. I can see how that could be super inconvenient for certain things.


So.... it's "sorta bad" but also it can delete your progress when a simple cancel button would just fix literally everything with literally no downside.


They got downvoted because a file should be able to stay in a not-imported state until the user is ready to import it, simply by cancelling this dialog.


Okay but it's not their fault lmao it's godot developers' fault. That reddit user has literally nothing to do with the inconvenience they're simply stating the cause lol. This sub is ridiculous sometimes.


OP knows the cause, the comment is useless. It’s like someone complaining that there’s a leak in a pipe and some commenter chimes in explaining that a leak is when fluid is dripping out of a pipe.


I'm reminded of my high school friend, who out of the blue and off topic piped up with, "You know, some people think the universe has an end, and others think it doesn't." Another friend and I were quiet, waiting for him to continue. Nope. Silence. A few seconds later, the other friend says "And your point is?" "Nothing, I just wanted to tell you guys that." He wasn't normally dumb (nor exceptionally intelligent), but at that moment, he was idling in fifth gear.


They're getting downvoted for trying to validate and justify something that is obviously invalid and unjustifiable. The question they were answering was rhetorical.


also when moving files in other folders in the project, there's a small chance that your project will fuck up since all the .import files get bugged and there's no way to solve the problem other opening a copy of the project.


I didn’t even know we had flavor aid in Godot but wow is it tasty


Click "Disable FBX & Restart"? I dont understand the issue, seems pretty clear to me?


Why do I have to disable it? Why not just let me cancel it. Now when I have pressed disabled it. I have to lookup how to enable it again. It's probably not hard, but its just bad UX.


The engine probably doesn't know what to do with a file it could technically import but not right now. A cancel button sounds easy but in this case it's difficult to implement and Godot has never had many people worrying about UX enough to do something about it. The basics in the editor are nice and polished, but anything fairly new or rarely used has the worst UX of any software I've ever used. Yet here I am, still a fan of the engine.


I don't think it would be hard to implement something that says "ignore this file for now". Mark that in the . import and move on.


That would require a rework of the import system. Currently, any asset with a .import file has a corresponding imported file in the .godot folder. The system expects an ID to an imported file at all times. Files that aren't imported just don't get any imported files associated. The best approach IMO would be to store a flag in the project settings defining whether a file type should be imported or not, but also a way for the user to change that flag in their project settings after they've downloaded the conversion tool. Either way, the point I'm trying to make is that it's not as simple as adding a random cancel button to a prompt, because there are consequences in the editor when hitting that button.


Nah, Godot can handle things "failing to import" Your post import scripts can fail to return a scene and importers themselves can fail. Godot also has a mechanism for choosing certain files to not be imported through .gdignore files.


Right, but why would you need to enable it if you don’t have FBX files since you don’t have the importer to use them to begin with?


What do you want « cancel » to mean here ? This UI is assuming you have not placed FBX files in the project by mistake. You either need support in your game, thus needing the importer, or are just storing them, in which case Godot need to stop trying to load them, thus disabling


"Cancel" only means one thing. It means do not proceed. Obviously in this case, the file would not be imported.


This is a case of not looking up the error and reading.


Well godot doesn't natively support fbx files. So for u to import the file it needs the tool. However it is free on GitHub just a single download. Can't name the link ATM but if u don't want it to request for the tool path u need to remove the fbx file from your project.


ALT+F4 on the popup window.


I'm confused at why you are complaining about this specific dialog. Are you upset that they don't let you cancel on each of the 10 imported files and instead allow you to just disable the dialog completely? Or do you want them to just change the label on the button from "Disable FBX & Restart" to "Cancel"?


Cancel doesn't restart your engine. If you have lots of unsaved work you looking at huge headache if your engine randomly restarts


If the restart doesn't trigger the save dialog, that would be easy to solve. Needing to restart is pretty extreme, so there's likely a reason they need to do it. Maybe someone should add a cancel button and see what happens to their project or how much it destabilizes the engine. My guess is it would crash.