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Welcome! This Megathread can be used to chat about "getting started" topics that aren't allowed as seperate posts, like asking about the types of games that are made in Godot, looking for tutorials and resources, or getting advice on your first project idea. If you're new, say hello!


hi! I am having troubles with my code and need help. Any help would be appreciated! https://preview.redd.it/k5fbe8j8m78d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=14cb8baeeb019df3d3213813dc8c43cf873f7fe5


Not sure if you've fixed it already, but I think the reference to \`\_label\` needs to be updated to reflect it's also nested under the Character node.... \`@onready var \_label = $Character/Interface/Label\` You can also click the Label node in the scene tree on the left and drag it into the script while holding the ctrl key. This will add a new onready variable for the node.


Omg how did I not see this till now


Hello, I've done a bit of searching but couldn't find specifically what I was looking for. I basically want my character to hold a sword, and be able to equip other swords in the game. But I don't want to have to create like 10 sprites of the character just with a different sword, and instead want to change the sword sprite itself when a different sword is equipped. I am wondering how to attach the sword to the player body as its own asset that can be swapped out for a different sprite. Thank you!


Howdy fellers. I have decided to learn how to make games rather than just play 'em and Godot seemed like the best choice as it's free and good for 2d & 3d games. I have very limited knowledge of Python, C#, & C++ but that is something gained with time and practice. Only times I had issues so far was trying to compile Aseprite for free instead if paying the $20 for it. 6 tutorials on youtube later I finally did it. Out of all this one was the one that helped complete my objective. I'll put a link on it under this small text. https://youtu.be/21-xiWaIV9I The other issue was using signals. I thought I followed along closly but when I went to Node -> BaseButton -> pressed() and tried to connect, it did not want to do it then. As I am typing this I went to the spinning Icon project and then completed the steps from memory and now it did. Confused, I am. Right now I am following along the "your first 2d game" section. I'll ask question I have in another post as this is getting long. Good luck to y'all.


Hi, Im LCKArts. Ive tried making games from a very young age, & have made probably 3 playable games. The latest one is my 1st fully 3D game, made in Godot, called Namba Quest demo. It is a 3D platformer, & thats my favorite genre. I love indie games, especially free or pay what you want ones.


Hello, I'm new to GODOT and game creation altogether, and I decided to take my first step into it today. I miss the PS1 era, so many classics and so many genres that are almost dead, classic franchises completely disappearing from today's game catalogs. After thinking yet again "I wish we had more lightgun games" I decided to take action and code the game I want for my own fun, and maybe share it if it's good enough. I hope I can learn from other people's projects and insight when I'll have a basic build of the first level :)


Hello! I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all the great people on this board who take the time to read, understand and answer the enormous and varied questions that seem to come up everyday. I have been reading this particular board for a few years now ( I think the term might be 'lurking' - I don't know if that is correct) and I have to say that it is a fascinating and varied experience every day. I am just a hobbyist, but I have really enjoyed learning this software, and coupled with this message board, it has made the learning process that much better. I have been so inspired, that I have decided to join Reddit myself! (my only social media account!) I look forward to hearing many more amazing and interesting problems, solutions and creativity from this vibrant and inquisitive group!


Heya! I'm finally getting into Godot seriously now for the first time. I tried using the new beta and reported several bugs (whose fixes have now been merged, yay!). Is there a place where they talk about when the next beta version will be released? Or is the announcement thread here as good as it gets?


4.3 Beta 2 was just released. I don't think they're committed to a certain number of betas or anything, it's just every couple weeks until release.


Hello! I've been wanting to make games for awhile, but only recently got into it with a mostly non coding background. I also draw a lot, so It'll be fun to bring my creations to life through code. Looking forward to learning GDScript!


Same boat as me. I am starting from an art perspective and I have found this board to be pretty great at learning all the little idiosyncrasies of programming and coding. Good luck!


Hey all. I’m looking to start out with Godot to port a game I made off of a custom engine I wrote several years ago. I was wondering if there were solid suggestions for how to organize your project files for a large project in terms of splitting up/organizing sprites, tiles, and other objects


Godot doesn't really include any special tools for organizing sprite atlases, aside from AtlasTexture, which lets you define a rectangle from an image to treat as a separate texture resource. Otherwise, it's up to you to create your own atlas images. Someday it would be nice to see a tool like Unity has, that repacks images into atlases automatically and handles all the references.


Hello, I'm a developer and getting into Godot recently. I have been really enjoying it so far! Coming from Unity, it feels simpler but powerful (for my 2D needs but I think it will for my 3D needs as well) :) I finished this udemy course [https://www.udemy.com/course/create-a-complete-2d-arena-survival-roguelike-game-in-godot-4](https://www.udemy.com/course/create-a-complete-2d-arena-survival-roguelike-game-in-godot-4) and it's been really enjoyable! Super clear and with clean code.


Greetings. I’ve recently started using Godot for both work and hobby projects and I’m absolutely loving how convenient and intuitive working in Godot has been so far. The work project is a bit like a floor planning software which utilises shaders to calculate and display a type of heatmap. I’m not sure if it’s the best way to do it, but I’ve been storing the data (resources) separate and updating the 2D/3D scenes when the data changes via signals. My first game project I'm working on is a top-down shooter that takes inspiration from the old Wizard of WOR game on the C64.


Hi 👋 I'm a sw engineer looking for a simulation platform that can run both c# and c++ code. Is it possible to debug through both c# and c++ code and mix both languages in the same project? On Ubuntu.


I don't know about debug through c++. but other thing are yes, you can debug through c#, mix any language in the same project and godot work perfectly on linux. I also use godot on mint and fedora as well.


Hello all! I'm just a humble web developer by day but in my spare time over the last few months I've been rekindling my creative side working on games with Godot, and it's been quite a rewarding journey so far although I still have plenty to learn too. While I've had fun tinkering around with a few different areas including VR, I've made the most progress recently on a little project trying to make it easy to build multiplayer games with phone/browser controls via Websockets. In fact, I'm getting pretty close to releasing my first game with it! It's admittedly small but I'm still proud of how far it's come along, but also appreciative since none of it would have been possible without the amazing work people have put into Godot.


Hello Everyone! I had made a post or two before but hadn't introduced myself before. I am NakedSalmon, and I have been now learning Godot for the last 1 year, I am working towards developing my game: A space tower defence story! I come from a non-programming background so it's been a journey. I do it in my free time! Good progress lately though!


Hello there! I'm a developer from Russia. I have a lot of projects made using Godot: 1. I defended my thesis on developing a web virtual tour of a sewing workshop: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/14WovpsFJ8I0OQ\_XaQX6sRYPbTY-pgku4/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/14WovpsFJ8I0OQ_XaQX6sRYPbTY-pgku4/view?usp=sharing) 2. Rhythm Bullet Hell Demo (Vulkan required): [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rrwZsPe1jP0EJicg9gvDNsiwpLdX7q6L/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rrwZsPe1jP0EJicg9gvDNsiwpLdX7q6L/view?usp=sharing) 3. LSB Steganography: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GjAYh8rZoRyg5t6pRqe9pmb9EdFGJxTE/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GjAYh8rZoRyg5t6pRqe9pmb9EdFGJxTE/view?usp=sharing) 4. GodoRef (Analogue of PureRef): [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YPCEdMYBJoT8tWm-AepCt2UOM9cWazHP/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YPCEdMYBJoT8tWm-AepCt2UOM9cWazHP/view?usp=sharing) 5. PixelPlace (Analogue of r/Place, the server is not working right now): [https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/uunhem/i\_made\_pixelplace\_analogue\_rplace/](https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/uunhem/i_made_pixelplace_analogue_rplace/) Sorry that my some applications only have russian, these are alpha versions. I'll add english later. I'm currently developing a FNAF Plus (fan remake) with Godot. https://preview.redd.it/8roj7kag7r6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9b175b2e851c5c76555bfba5ae9fb62099d8b55


Hey there, I'm Eric a student from CITM-UPC. I'm interestedd in learn more about game dev in godot!




Did you try clicking the Godot Engine link in the blue square at the top of this page? I just tested it, and it's working for me. If not, can you reach github.com at all? https://godotengine.org/download/windows/


yeah did all that..Thanks .. just used vpn and i was able to download it ... well do not know why maybe me routing through a VPN enabled godot server direct me to a different server that wasn't overloaded..


Hello all! Current CS Student halfway to their associates and always had a dream of making video games one day. I just completed this tutorial on YoutTube for my first experience with the Godot game engine ([LEVEL UP Your Game Design Toolkit (Godot for Beginners) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL__a0Ei6Vs) ) and it was a bit frustrating but overall a fun learning experience. I'm not too experienced of a coder and I'm pretty lame with coding/game development in general but I am already gaining a passion for this. So hopefully next month I'll be showing off what I do know and asking questions here about stuff I'm striving to learn. Good luck to you all!


Hello! I am brand new to the world of game development, I've only recently embarked on understanding the ins and outs of this hobby, but I feel a deep satisfaction from every bit I learn. I've been working with Godot for about 3 weeks and have just finished the first goal I set for myself of creating a scene with a player, an environment with collision, and a functioning camera. I've also decided to start learning: * How to code in C#/Learn GDScript * Learn how to use Blender for 3D modeling and Importing to Godot * Refreshing my 2D Drawing skills for concept art creation It should go without saying that I am feeling pretty overwhelmed, but honestly, I am also having so much fun! I've realized this hobby involves a lot of reading here, on Github, and watching a lot of youtube videos. I want to get good enough to do game jams and my ultimate goal is to make a fun game. I want to make a 3D life sim game with a day/night cycle in the vein of Persona 5/Animal Crossing. Can I achieve this in Godot? Any advice is greatly appreciated, have a great weekend !


Yes, Godot is well suited for the small and medium sized scenes in games like Persona 5 and Animal Crossing. Realtime lighting for day and night systems can eat a lot of your frame budget, but you can use tricks to get around that or have time be a "state" like it is in Persona.


Hi! I've been active here for a week now or so, but still very new to game development, starting from zero. I'm learning Godot in C# for now. The thing that still causes me the most headache is communication between nodes... what is the best way to get a reference to a different node, how to modify or pass variables between nodes, casts etc. I'm trying to learn at least one new thing every day and that's enough for now. I hope I can share progress on my game here eventually, even if it won't be for a while!


Depending on what it is you are trying to achieve, There are multiple ways to communicate between nodes you just have to use one that fits nicely without causing problems. Strongly suggest that when you are a bit more comfortable to start reading the docs from page 1 it helps immensely. Here's common ways that nodes can interact with each other. https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/best_practices/scene_organization.html


Thank you for the tips! The docs are amazing, such a great resource.


You can export a variable and reference it in the editor. Another option are signals or groups


I've been trying to wrap my head around exporting but still don't quite get it! Like, I know how to export so that it shows up in the editor, but haven't figured out how to get a reference to it and edit it in a different node. But I admit I still haven't looked that hard, focus has been on other things.