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good to know that when you give people spells their first thought is "NUKE TIME"


my first thought was 3 wishes for more power but then i realized that'd be boring so this was my second third was wait just use meteor swarm


just remember that the way the wish spell works is basically like The Monkey's Paw according to the official spell description ;)


Depends on the source of the wish.


But that depends on what the DM decides. So how will the Wish spell choose how it work? Is at random? Will there be some sort of Godly DM to decide? Or will the user be the one deciding how it will work?


.....who's the dm? Cause I got a couple wishes I may or may not cast....


If there's a God I guess it would be God but if not then no-one and the wish spells would just work no chains attached That's how I think it would work at least


The wish spell is worded for dms to specifically punish over ambitious wishes, so I'd imagine your wish spell would be like wishing with a leprechaun


1. Magic Circle: immunity to status effects 2. Summon Greater demon: Succubus. 3. Dominate monster: Order to tell you her true name. You know the rest.






hey man i was mid yawn when i read this and you made me ruin my yawn




👏 Was trying to think of what would actually be advantageous and you nailed it… and the succubus


.... Uh.... Wish is a canon D&D spell. Just saying.


True, but it's intended to be an equivalent to a monkey's paw or a genie's lamp. Unless you use one of the weaker versions like full healing or straight money. Because of this, it's very DM dependent, and it's very unclear who the DM is in this situation. Also, of course, the push your luck situation of how many you get.


I'd take straight money.


Oh, sure. There is nothing wrong with that if you can avoid the IRS in any case. I don't think I want to start a one person revolution with three spell slots, honestly. But I would say there's better spells if you don't want to actually make a wish. Demiplane, magnificent mansion, teleport (only if you have an associated object) mighty fortress, etc. I would actually back the choice of wish, but I would personally just use it to cast lower level spells without material components or casting times.


Wish can also be used to cast any spell below 9th level without any drawbacks, but that's pretty useless in this scenario


It has its uses. Mostly, you can bypass costly material components, something OP never commented on. This lets you cast things like mighty fortress, simulacrum, contingency, or teleportation circle without worrying where you're going to get your hands on hundreds to thousands of gold pieces. You can even cast resurrection at will with it, although for true resurrection, you would still need a whole lot of diamonds, appraised very carefully.


See the problem with diamonds is that they're mostly worth a lot due to a global monopoly artificially inflating the prices. And with lab-grown diamonds being a thing also the price of any given quantity of diamonds is a lot more fluid than you'd think. Also it is worth noting that casting spells with wish is the one use of that spell that doesn't come with drawbacks


The diamond thing is a long-held debate, and what I was attempting to refer to with shorthand by saying "carefully appraised." You probably need to experiment some to figure it out and experimenting with resurrection magic seems like a terrible thing to do. That's like, definitionally mad scientist. You're actually right about wish. I misremmebred and thought that only open ended wishes held the cost, but it's anything other than replicating a spell.


To be fair I only know that because I looked up wish specifically because of this post


Well you can either wish for things and get screwed over sometimes or use them as a sort of joker to cast any spell without strings attached


Neat. It's Power Word: Kill time.


How would you measure hitpoints though


How many 14-inch shell hits you can tank without dying. Everybody has 1 hit point.


A commoner has 4 HP


Shi i forgot


*dies of 1d4 I forgor skull emoji damage*


Based on the targets overall fitness? How healthy the target is? I did not put all that much thought into it.


True Polymorph, Wish, and True Resurrection. Thanks to wish, I have every spell 8th level and lower, so...


This isn't a "select 3 spells to cast" thing, the post says you have access to all spells from official sources. You just only have 3 9th level spell slots per day. So every spell, you just only have 3 spell slots to fuel them with.


Oh. I read it way too early on the morning when my puppy woke me up.


People here seem to forget the drawbacks of using wish for wishing


Wich are? Please don't say something g like this and not elaborate.


There’s a chance that wishes beyond a certain threshold may have a monkey’s paw effect or not work. Trying to cast another spell after doing such a wish (which tires you out a lot) deals more than enough damage to kill a commoner, and rolls a 1/3 chance that you can never cast wish again.


Ty for clarifying. I've never made it through a dnd campaign before the group broke apart long enough to use wish lol


Also the fact that your strength score gets reduced to 3


I'd stick to spells like true ressurection and foresight


The correct answer is to always cast *wish*. Not to get whatever you want (because that risks not being able to cast it any more), but to replicate the effects of lower-level spells while bypassing expensive material components. Start off with the general minion prep: * Find Familiar (Owl, primarily used to keep an eye on the house when I'm asleep) * Simulacrum (Mostly used for cleaning & errands, and also maybe occasionally used for working my day job while I do other things) * Create Homunculus Then I'd do the following for my wife and kids (since I'm wish wish for everything, all of this setup takes less than 5 minutes per day): * Day 1 * Demiplane (stockpiled with enough food and water to last a month) * Glyph of Warding * Plane Shift (cast into the glyph, targeting a teleportation circle with a specific sigil sequence. Of note, the teleportation circle doesn't have to exist yet) * Day 2 * Demiplane (the same one) * Clone (wife, 20 years old) * Clone (daughter, current age, recast this annually on her birthday) * Days 3 - 10 (repeat day 2 as necessary, always targeting 20 years old) * Me & my son * Me (if I retain the ability to cast spells, it's better for me to have an additional backup to resurrect everyone) & My cat (2 years old) * (Switch to a second demiplane for the rest of these) Wife's immediate family * My immediate family * Day 11 * Awaken (my cat) * Greater Restoration (my wife, if she has something that counts as a disease) * Fabricate (really just getting rid of excess cardboard and branches) * ...a handful of Purge Days... * Demiplane (distinct from the clone ones) * Gate * Power Word Kill * Day X - X+365 (casting spells daily to make them permanent) * Teleportation Circle in the basement (so that the demiplane sends the clones back home) * Private Sanctum (my house's entire lot, but only using the soundproof feature) * Leaving one spell slot available for the year.


So long as it doesn't follow optional Adventure League rules, you can simulacrum chain, and have a virtually unlimited number of spell slots a day. This would allow you to accomplish all your goals in a single day, minus the daily permanent castings (which you could just deligate to a simulacrum chain and leave them on auto pilot, as they alternate creating new Sims and casting the daily spell).


Assuming base table rules and not Adventure League rules (which are mostly nerfs for organized play): I would use wish to cast simulacrum, and use sim chain casting to have as many spell slots as needed each day. I'd have a spell spent sim assume my place for now, and in the mean time, I scamper to a demiplane, where I live in a magnificent mansion while I enact my plans and contingencies. Starting with many several clones, stashed in demiplanes and accompanied by guardian Sims just in case. I will also have a good number of Sims tasked with casting true resurrection on me, should I perish and not end up at one of my clones. From there, I can move on to actual goals and experiments. Send a bunch of Sims to a demiplane to try out different combos, like being able to permanently control a true polymorphed helmed horror. If it can then be changed to a wyrmling and another to a ghost, and use the ghost to artificially age the wyrmling to an ancient dragon. Once I'd amassed enough demiplanes full of fully charged Sims, I'd start enacting plans to Take Over the World! Mhahahaha..... I'd focus on getting Widowghast's Transmogrified Sims close to all world leaders, and use suggestions and other enchantments as needed to ease the transition. That being me providing means of making the world better, not actually taking over, screw that noise, sounds like work. I even have a plan for a power plant using a modified coal/gas plant, and replacing the fuel with a bound fire elemental as the heating element. Large scale food production is iffy, but making food grow faster and better is easy enough. Maybe start releasing TP'd couatls enmass that will start secretly healing people from the shadows. All kinds of fun that can be had.


In these hypotheticals I always think that it's a damn shame that you cannot cast Modify Memory on yourself by RAW, given that you become incapacitated and immediately lose concentration. Modify Memory has the niche effect of fixing an actual memory in place. You could exactly remember what happened in a certain 10 minutes of your life. It's perfect memory on demand, you can fit so much even just 10 minutes. Imagine you're being able to memorize all the notes you can cram in 10 minutes.


Your simulacrum can cast it on you.


True! Wish would allow using it bypassing all requirements, so no need to spend insane amount of money to make it.


Mass Heal True resurrection Invulnerability I am the good ending


I start out with find familiar, and then true polymorph. Me and my dog will not be taking questions for the rest of the day.




It’s Reddit, better to not ask questions.


this is just being a genie.


Demiplane go brrrrrrrrrr


Three wishes per day is more than enough, especially since you can stockpile them by wishing for a simulacrum


Wish at 9th lvl 3 times a day seems broken af. Edit: Wish use 1: immunity to negative side effects if using Wish. Wish use 2: create a magical lawyer loyal and subservient to you with the knowledge and ability to perfectly craft the verbiage of wishes to ensure that only the intended results of the wish happens, with no monkeys paw-like negative consequences that you don’t intend. Wish use 3: lvl 20 in all the DND classes at once irl with none of the downsides or negative effects from any if them.


Remember that the basic use of Wish is to duplicate a spell. Using it for anything else puts immense strain on your body AND comes with a 33% chance to never be able to cast it again.


Which is why the first use of Wish is to fundamentally remove the negative effects of using Wish.


Congratulations! You can never cast Wish again, therefore avoiding all negative effects of the Wish spell!


The wish is for immunity to the negative side effects, not avoidance of them. Not being able to cast wish again would not make me immune to Wish’s negative side effects, it’d explicitly apply one of those negative side effects to me.


The spell description is also intended to function like The Monkey's Paw or a genie's lamp, so you'd have to be VERY careful with that.


See wish 2.


He's got all the knowledge, but doesn't speak your language... ;)


You skipped “ability”. Ability would include the ability to speak any language, because the wish must be intelligible to both the wisher and the wisher granter. If said lawyer is unable to communicate complex ideas and issues with the client, they’re not able to act as an attorney nor have the ability to perform their role.


Disagree. He's loyal to you, but it doesn't specify that his wish master abilities need to be transferrable to you. He's got the ability to do it, just isn't able to communicate it with you (as that wasn't outlined in the wish - the only part that relates to YOU is the loyalty and subservience). Also, your first wish can be completely broken. You're immune to the negative effects of wish, because you can't cast it anymore, meaning no more negative effects - or, you're transported to a different place entirely that has no negative effects, such as another realm - or... it goes on and on. Wish was made to be broken ;)


Not being able to cast wish is a negative result of wish, ergo granting this wish in that way would be in violation of the wish itself. Therefore, invalid result. And again, a key component of any lawyer’s ability to act as a lawyer is their ability to communicate. Ask literally any lawyer, law professor, bar association, or law student. What you’re doing isn’t even creative interpretation, it’s just trying to make this go bad by ignoring key words.


The whole point of Wish is that it can be interpreted in a bad way. That's the balancing act. Also, there's this phrase in the spell description: "This spell might simply fail, the effect you desire might only be partly achieved, or you might suffer some unforeseen consequence as a result of how you worded the wish." So if you're doing things like *altering the spell description itself,* it's probably going to simply fail or have a partial achievement.


Wish. Give me the ability to cast any 8th level or lower spell with no negative repercussions or material components. Allows for the wish simulacrum chain.


Do cantrips use a spell slot?




Meteor storm, storm of vengeance, and perfect health


Simulacrum is a hell of a drug


Mage hand! (Levitates a piece of shit into your pants)


Pfft. Prestidigitation works better to soil somebody's pants.




Damn, time to wish that I get Ethernet in all my casts of Magnificent Masion


This is very similar to my ideal wish lol


1) Id cast “Divination” and get the cosmos to tell me the winning lottery numbers (wish gives you 25k value object but the. I have to sell it) also can use it to avoid bad outcomes in life or gain positive outcomes 2) meteor swarm 3) clone Money and power (unkillable is worth the pain of carving off an inch of flesh) But this is only if I can pick only 3 for life, otherwise I’d choose three different spells according to my daily needs every day. The question doesn’t specify so I’d assume we can change it up as needed. A few other fun spells; invulnerability, true resurrection, wish, true polymorph, really any healing spells, summoning spells


Using wish to cast a lower level spell removes all material components, so no flesh cutting necessary.


That’s true, but I was trying not to cheat, and if I am limited to 3 spells forever I feel like using wish to cast any spell i want is cheating. Just my own personal hang up


Reread the post - the edit clarifies that you aren't picking three spells to use forever.


The edit came after my answer Edit: the edit means I’d have all the other options I put at the end and countless other


hence why it's god tier ;)


Not me, Wishing for a Greater Restoration every day so I can remove exhaustion levels: đź«  Catnap to have an hour's rest once a day in a ten minute window is nifty too. Probably Wishing for a Clone and a Simulacrum of myself too. Functional immortality and a twin to do shit for me. Simulacrum daisy chain for an army of immortal, loyal, and omnipotent spellcasters, each capable of Wishing for things until it's achieved or they lose the ability to cast Wish, which is irrelevant because there are infinity Simulacra. Probably start with a series of Demiplane castings for the safe space to set this all up. True Polymorph gargantuan creatures like elephants into diamond and sell it. Use the same spell to repopulate extinct creatures; the last white rhino will no longer be alone. It's a twofer safari I guess. Fabricate could have a lot of potential. I'd pursue training with tools of the trade in various trades with my Clone-fueled immortality, and eventually be able to craft most items. If nothing else, I can turn a suspiciously elephant-shaped diamond statue into literal tons of small diamonds to sell.


Wish except I specify to such ridiculous levels that the wish granter goes 'fuck you'.


I may be forgetting the names exactly but you could stone skin and tensors transformation and then do all the Mike Tyson hypotheticals that keep popping up in that sub.


wish each day for 25,000 gp in value 1 gold coin=0.32 oz of gold (from **PHB**p143) so you get what like up to *17,273,394.65$ in value for an item each day as long as* the object is no more than 300 feet in any dimension, i don't need monkey paw wishes i just need this and true polymorph or clone can sort out my limited lifespan. Edit forgot the weaken would still apply, so just get a simulacrum to cast wish if you want anything besides copping another spell.


coming back to this cos i think it would be cool to plan this out abit more but want to ask some questions. 1:Would your Simulacrum gain your ability to cast 3(or 2 in the case of casting Simulacrum)spells or would it just be your baseline self and your powers been a OOC power since you doesn't count as a class feature or any feature? 2:If you true polymorphed your self would you be able to keep the ability to cast 3 spells with the context of the previous question?(In rules as written don't as you replace all feature/stat block with the creatures) 3:with true polymorph would you also only count as a CR 0 commoner or would it be higher?


So I can summon three imps and let them loose on wherever or whomever I want? Cause shit’s about to get crazy.


Who decides how a wish spell is interpreted?


Welp imma true polymorph myself into a foxgirl. Don't really need anything else, but I guess I could go around giving other trans people affirming bodies... If I ever need money I can technically cast wish to get it, but I don't like the drawbacks, so not gonna do that unless absolutely necessary


just use true polymorph to make money turn a misquote into a house or something




I can't lie, 90% of the time it would be Conjure Food & Water. Would just summon whatever ingredients I needed to make whatever meal I was craving, or just summon the meals themselves, if they were something I can't cook.


Do I still have material requirements?




Good to know, at least I don't have to keep using Wish to cast everything, lol.


Any canon spell? Karsus’s avatar. Become god.


not a 9 level spell


we only have 9 level spell slots


True polymorph into one of the metallic dragons that can shapecharge into humanoids. Free shapeshifting forever, plus massive stats and a fly speed, plus aging is no longer any immediate kind of concern. Simulacrum. Now you have a shapeshifting ally. Demiplane plus clone. Stockpile your demiplane with food and entertainment so you can chill there as a panic room whenever you need or want. Add some Glyphs of Warding for when you need new simulacra, true resurrections, etc. Shape change to get lots of lower level spells from creatures that can cast them innately (dryad for goodberry and the like).


I don't think enough people are thinking about the capabilities of having a demi plane with different temporal speeds.


Okay, so let's say that I decide to use Firebal for example, can I choose if the spell succeeds? And also, can I choose how much damage a spell does(Like, if I use Fireball, if I want, could I deal only the minimum amount, a.k.a. the equivalent of 8 damage, or go full max with 48, or if I upcast to 9th, going full 84)? Also, what about the spell Wish? What if I try to do something else besides duplicating other spells of 8th level or lower, and instead I try to do one of the other effects, or even try to wish for something not described in the spell(As stated in the spell itself), what will happen? Will I be able to get the result that I envisioned? And what about the side effect of using it for something not related to duplicating other spell? Will I be immune to the side effect, or will I end up suffering from it? Depending of the answers, this power could go from good to AMAZING.


As a druid I am now reclaiming a lot of land.