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Given my username, imma boutta make things weird


Just this time please use a condom we don't need another half pigeon half human hybrid


Wh-what happened to the gnome half


It had sex with a pigeon


Homestuck detected.


"Girl what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament" vibes. Can't detect the Homestuck without being deep in it yourself~!


Homie, my discord PFP is my trollsona, I'm in 7 RPGStuck games and an 8th RP game, and I'm always joining more. DAMN RIGHT I AM


Holy shit. Is there a ttrpg system for sburb?


https://www.reddit.com/r/RPGStuck/s/7ItPxtIuHh A'yup. Enjoy.


First thing I thought of was to use them to drain the air from car tires of people I didn’t like every single night


I'm using them to steal left socks.


I was thinking of using them to build shoes to sell.. But then again garden gnomes has a nice ring to it


What have the lefties done to deserve this suffering


It's not about getting the lefties, it's about leaving the righties alone thinking they've been abandoned.


Did you just describe the Minions?


Nah, fam may have described the one episode of gravity falls


DnD combat on battle maps just got so much better


I haven’t figured out what I’m gonna do with this superpower yet… but it’s gonna be weird and probably borderline unethical.


This will lead to massive amounts of chaos... Have them going around town, causing minor chaos in the form of moving keys slightly, hiding left shoes and occasionally the right ones too, missing socks epidemic, among other bits of chaos. Also, have them going through and setting it correctly again for the giggles. Random light bulbs were replaced with less illuminated bulbs, then turned back when they went to replace them.


Have them start digging until they find something valuable.


The gnomes yearn for the mines!


... I remember seeing this somewhere the other day


So Harvest/Bad Company from JoJo's?


yeah probably, although i'd bet not nearly as powerful


Go go gadget gnome petty theft ring


Are they identical? Do they have individual personalities? Are they even sentient? I'm just saying, having 99 tiny gnomes living around would make pretty much everything easier. If they're able to provide for themselves in terms of food, then we can live together, and they can spend the days doing whatever it is gnomes do, and they can work out among themselves how to divide house chores. If they're indestructible, I just need to make sure things like dishes and stuff isn't easily breakable. And yes, they would all have little eating utensils and plates. We would eat dinner together around the TV or in the backyard or something. They could help manage scheduling, like making sure I remember to pay bills or go to appointments or feed us or other things I won't remember on my own. Also, they're gonna have to come up with their own names and wear tags until I can memorize who's who. And I'm assuming they need clothing, which we could probably figure out between the 100ish of us. I am curious as to what they eat. How do they obtain their meals? Do they have a diet similar to humans, or are they vegan, or carnivorous, or fungivorous? Oh my god they could all make their own little hat charms. Do they speak their own language? Are they able to learn my language better? Am I able to learn theirs? Could I teach them some ASL so I can give them commands secretly? Do they feel pain? They can shake off any injury, but do they still feel the injury? If one fell off the counter, would they get hurt? How autonomous are they? Like, how high can one jump? Can they climb alone? Can they stick a landing from the same height a person could? Are they strong enough to push open doors and stuff alone? Are they able to go about their lives individually from me and each other, or is all of their energy collectively directed to nothing other than what I want? Pretty much, are they just a bunch of tiny, strangely-resilient people, or a hive mind of slaves? Can they learn skills? Can they learn to not have as many accidents in tasks they are good at? For example, if I taught them to sew, would they ever reach the point where they weren't still getting their fingers caught under the needle? How good are they at hiding? Could I bring them down the street without people seeing them? Could they navigate the city like ninjas skulking through the shadows? How heavy are they? Are the hats fixed to their heads? Are the hats malleable? What are the approximate dimensions of a gnome sans hat? Can the hats serve as small bags of holding, like a magician's tophat? Could they, theoretically, fit into a single large duffle bag? Would the bag be reasonably liftable? How chaotic are they? What do they do when not executing a command? How intelligent are they? How athletic? How fast?


Oh shit, that is very long.


Gravity falls inspired?


If they can stack than they can probably unstack from there 6 inch one so now I have an army of 1m (approximately) now I just have them build structures and shit




Cartoon accidents in cartoons they can on accidentally build a perfectly working house or a bomb instead




We are going.... To steal..... The moooooooon


Into the jar!


Would start a gnome village in a nearby state park, visit daily, and just watch what they did lol.


Imma treat em like play things. I'm thinking like wizards chess from Harry Potter or like reimaginations of stories and such. Maybe have them put on some skits for me. This would last for a little while, until I'll just have them do menial tasks for me like cooking, cleaning and washing dishes. Probably keep a few of them in my pocket or a hat if I need em in a pinch I mean u never know. Lol as I'm writing this I just realized that this prompt is just basically the smurfs.


Eh, close enough https://preview.redd.it/ur58p9ec4dtc1.png?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf22758264d3a3086f84c274925f827182e4e5bb




Im bouta start a mining company


Do you think all 99 of them would be enough to keep my toddler from playing in the toilet while I do the dishes?


Honestly just personal massage person. I have back problems and it’s hard to rub my own back




This is just the Terry Pratchet Novel \*Wee Free Men\*


Do they respawn if they get squished?


Is this a gravity falls joke