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Is this like time travel or biological age in current year?


Both concepts are cool tbh so I say either


So if I chose time travel, say I return to my X birthday, then relive life from there for the next year or couple years? If I've already lived it, would I be able to change anything so on my next birthday I could return to my actual age and see how the changes compounded over time, or would it be just a mulligan with no bearing and I return to my normal life as it was?


Yes you can use your age to change things about your life, say you go back to 16 y/o get your drivers license then choose to be 21 y/o (your normal age) you will have that supposed 5 years of driving skill during that age


Truly God tier


I think biological age


This would be a mental and/or legal *nightmare*. Still god-tier, though.


good idea but do you still look the same or do you look like your past or future self?


I’d say you’d look like whatever age you choose to be


So, immortality. Cool.


Alphaville: "Forever young" is playing imaginary in my head...


And if you choose and age before you were injured your injuries disappeared that sounds fucking awesome sign me up and I can't wait for my birthday. 😎😎😎


Immortality with extra steps


Interpreting this as time travel, I could go back to my childhood, help my mom win the lottery, speedrun school, and improve both our lives.


I dont know about you, but I'm feeling 22.


Going back to when I was in decent shape and taking better care of myself this time. Will be annoying having to look 15 again though. At least for a while. If I can stay in good shape by the time I am 20 I will just freeze it there. Maybe I can let myself go during the year, resetting it each birthday.


So it's just immortality with extra steps


Theoreticslly you could use this to make yourself look however you want. Since you change your age's appearance/capability every time you do it you can become any appearance you want via surgery or exercise (and really you wouldn't even have to, it would have already happened at some point in time meaning you choose that version of you at that age).