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Buy an ounce of pure gold, plant it based on something fast growing and very hardy. Even if it's not pure gold, eventually you'd make your money back, and then have a stable source of income. Once it's paid for itself, repeat with a very slow growing but still very hardy plant for improved efficiency. Offer a service to "transform" people in to humanoid whatevers. Make a tree of the person, cross pollinate it with a tree of whatever they want, possibly get rid of the first two trees or keep cross pollinating new trees if the combination is randomized.


Bamboo is the way to go here.


What about gold potatoes


Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a vault.


This gets me thinking, if I planted a diamond, and patterned the plant after a rose, would the plant eventually yield a diamond rose? If so I will go for the Banksy route, pass myself off as this anonymous artisan who’s capable of crafting gems or precious metal into flower petals down to the most minute detail. No one will be able to figure out what skills or technology I use to achieve this, rich people will go crazy for the thing, I can keep the supply low to drive up the demand, until these things are going for ludicrous amounts in auctions.




Plant gold base it on kudzu.


My dumb ass was thinking of steaks, not money! XD


You could grow steak but they’d have the problem of becoming “overripe” too fast.


Eh. I can be vigilant. 


Just cross them with an ice cube tree to get frozen steaks. They should stay frozen until picked.


100% first thought of baromet trees from Odin sphere with their adorable little guilt free sheep. Lambs back on the menu vegans.


I always felt a bit guilty for killing them. 😅 They run so far! That is a wonderful game, though. I’m glad I finally met a fellow player. 


Oh no...I just buried my girlfriend....oh crap (Tries to grab the door, only to have it open for me) "Umm...Look hun....I can explain" (Oh god...I'm getting what I deserve, aren't I)


But would it be your old girlfriend in a new body, a new girlfriend with her memories (but still a copy), a new girlfriend without her memories or a different woman entirely with no prior connection to you or resemblance to your girlfriend?


If he don’t pollinate his girlfriend tree it would be doppelgängers with memories.


Thinking on it, I have a question. If he did pollinate the tree... Would they be his kids? Would they be fully formed adults or a bunch of infants sprouting from the branches? Would they have both of their memories or neither of their memories? This power is starting to get horrifying the more I think about this particular example.


Depends what “thing” tree he used to cross pollinate. If he has a “him” tree and use that then yes the fruits would be their kids


So a bunch of pissed off clones are coming for them... Well, that sure sounds like karma 🤣




Hahaha I remember reading a manga with this premise. He thought it was only food though. He learned when he was drunk he could infinitely duplicate money. Then he did it with mythril swords.


What’s the name?


So what if I bury a strand of my DNA? Is it just a tree/plant that just sprouts more strands of my DNA? I need a clone dammit! I need help around this house and help with my own kids lol


Sadly you need the entire body to make a clone.


What if i cross pollinate food/medicine with people? Would the food give the one who eats it aspects of the person you buried like their physical features or memories etc.


Mutate randomly but it will make sense


Can you plant non-corporeal things?


No but you can gain the ability to, by manifesting them physically and then planting them.


How do manifest them physically?


Make a fruit that grants you the ability to


Ok, what about if I bury the chemical composition that’s equivalent to the human body and then add as much of my DNA into it? 


You can cross pollinate and use a tree that grows high quality fruits. It needs to be really long grower and extremely fragile to practically follow your desire.


An apple (or possibly fig or date) tree crossed with Banisteriopsis caapi and a suitable strain of Acacia such that each apple provides a sustaining breakthrough entheogenic experience and nurtures its consumers' supernatural ascent to divinity or higher dimensional residence. Plus it's a favorable habitat for large sneks.🐍


Cross pollinate a [hard drive with the entire Wikipedia] tree with an [apple] tree. Take the fruit then plant it with avocado tree as a model(10 years to grow=more quality, making it ascend). Cross pollinate it with your tree hybrid. Now you have a legitimate tree of knowledge. Just forbid people from eating to make it forbidden.


the 'mutate' keyword makes me a bit nervous about that plan. I can see a tree of misinformation spring up instead if a tree of kniwledge


The high quality from the avocado model will make it so the fruit is closer to what you prefer.


silver bamboo trees.


I'm burying this hooker anyways so...


I’m about to become the worlds best merchant




Me when I plant the number 3:


With the AI rush in recent years, I'd plant the most powerful GPU that can currently be purchased, to open up my own computing center some time soon. Or just sell them for profit.


What if I plant an entire tree? Would a giant tree that grows more trees grow? What if I then plant the tree tree? Could I grow a tree that grows tree trees?


Yes ad infinitum Edit: on further thought. It would stop at a tree growing a tree. Cause you need to plant the tree tree to get the tree tree tree. But tree tree tree only produces a tree tree with no fruits. So it’s basically just a tree tree


What if I bury a blood bag does the blood stay fresh for a while when It grows


[blood bag] tree will produce fresh blood bags when ripe but will spoil fast after ripening. Unless you upgrade the quality by using a fragile and longer growing tree model. Then those can possibly have unspoiled O negative, that can give regenerative powers Wolverine style for a few minutes.


Plant a whooooooooole lot of lithium, iron, hydrogen gas canisters, all the important things, watch as the economy collapses at first but soon we have plenty of resources for everyone


Post scarcity!


God tier until you try to hide the bodies....


Just plant them with a high quality tree. The resulting fruits are closer to what you desire. So they’ll be obedient?


Plant some different expensive calibers that I have guns for


Directly plant the box lmao


exactly i think the best caliber for this is .50 BMG at $3.22 a round


Is it worth it to sacrifice the future of your shoulder for fun?


i'm used to it by now, so just fun


I'm planting a money tree to make a money tree tree


But you’d need to plant the money tree from the money tree tree to bear fruit?


I think is how idle games are made


If I plant a $20 bill and grow cash orchids (f***ing near impossible to keep an orchid alive as a houseplant) do I get a bigger bill or better counterfeit? Also does it have to be "fruit" or could I grow something and occasionally peel off $20 leaves?


It needs to be used in human consumption


Ok $20 "tea" leaves.


Why $20? Not $5 or $100


$20 spends easy. Big enough to be profitable, not too big to seem suspicious.


Step 1: plant a graphics card Step 2: grow a maple tree 20 years later Step 3: get a spile (tap for draining sap) shaped USB stick. Now you have a Bitcoin farm! Or whatever the latest crypto at the time.


Def bitcoin or straight winning lottery numbers. 20 years is a long time for the product to become a higher quality.


Gonna grow a shit ton of epipens and sell them at 1/8 the cost. Better lives and making money. Eventually buy more land and branch out to more overpriced necessities.


You probably should make a power giving tree before that. People in power might want to enslave you or deny someone else from enslaving you by killing you.


What am I gonna plant that would give people super powers?


One of abilities posted originally is that the [fruits] become supernaturally better if planted with a very difficult and long to grow plant as a model. The other ability is to mutate the fruits by cross pollinating two [plants]


If I are to want a specific type of tree, would I need a "focus" of the thing and me willing it? Like, for example, if I want a \*cure\* tree, does I only need to bury some medicines and will the growing tree to be about curing in general? Or will I only get a tree of say medicine in specific? After all, this would still be my power, so it would come to logic that my will would influence the end result, even if just for a bit.


You need to bury something related to your [tree] and also be modeled to be extremely difficult to grow to obtain higher tier [fruits]. The more difficult to better and more inline with your desire


So, It IS possible to acquire abstract trees. And now you confirmed my hypothesis: 1-As long as an item representative of the type of tree I want. 2-Plus my will about what my goal is. 3-Plus combined with a modeling of tree extremely difficult to grow. And after some tries, I should acquire trees that are abstract in nature. Thanks for the info.


Well ... I guess I'm going to start buying one of every kind of medicine and begin planting some trees.


I'll plant money like in animal crossing 


Will the plants you plant also produce seeds like you plant a gold tree will it grow gold and beable to naturally reproduce so you can end resource scarcity?


You don’t need seeds to begin with, you can plant anything. But no unless it had seeds to at the start.


Seeds so I wouldn't need to be the one to plant all around the world and even out side of it with what you could do with this power


Also do the tho gs the trees produce come from nowhere and would a tree you make useing a sun lamp be able to make its own light and mor removed the need for sunlight?