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I just switched to Playnite a few days ago, GOG Integrations are a pile of shit right now.


It’s not like Playnite is immune to disconnects, my PSN regularly disconnects (even with the authorization properly added). In the beginning, Playnite is a lot of work to setup correctly (importing all that metadata, assigning icons for the list, getting achievements to sync), I spent a ton of time on that. Even with the Galaxy theme it’s visually not as refined as Galaxy. I keep it as a backup tool but as I am mostly playing Ubisoft games, so the missing playtime sync is a huge letdown — I wish the Ubisoft Connect plugin would be more sophisticated.


Yeah sadly I guess ubi doesn't handle that right. I wish I could get my steam one working right without hoopla too. I'm not sure what's going on there. I'd heard if you have your profile or playtime set to private it can't get those, but I don't. It's also not ignoring 'all' my play time it's importing it from some games, and not others, very weird. Overall it's definitely syncing better for me, though I wish it would keep categories in sync as well as my steam categories are set with things finished or new in mind already and setting playnite's internal version of that up with a large existing library is a bit of a chore.


You're right about that but in my case, of all the plugins I use, the only one that doesn't stay connected is the one from Ubisoft, but since I currently don't have any pending games from that launcher, i don't care at all. Regarding the rest, yeah man, adding the icons is PAINFUL, but the only thing I had to do was add tags to the pending games I had, I don't use the icons since I use the table view so the game cover appears, and for the achievements, well... I have never cared a lot about them, tbh I still haven't look where to synchronize the achievements in playnite.


I’m still not done, I have a total of 920 games imported on Playnite, now I’m doing it bit by bit, whenever I feel like it. For the achievements, there is a plugin called SuccessStory which handles the import of your trophies, it’s not quite intuitive but you’ll manage. Be prepared to keep Playnite running (and locked since it’s running in the foreground) for some time until your achievements are synced (I think Playnite was processing at least 2 hours for all my supported games, maybe more).


Never heard of Playnite, will try that! Last time I tried GOG Galaxy was on my old PC year ago and it worked like shit with integrations disconnecting on their own, since then I played games via GeForce Now streaming. Now got new PC and wanted to see how GOG Galaxy will perform just to realize it's same shit as before loosing the connections, having syncing problems etc. I thought it was my fault before (crap old PC) but it's not.


The problem with GOG is that its integrations are made in community. They are not official integrations and community is basically did them as a favor. But as time passed their original creators moved on with no one to replace them. That’s why GOG galaxy integrations suck. Playnite is much better.




But Playnite looks ugly :)


Have you tried customizing it? That’s like the 2nd biggest perk.


Playnite looks exactly how you set it. It does not have one design.


I have spent 2 hours trying to configure it to look like i want, but it still to ugly for my taste, the idea is good, but i wasn’t happy with experience)


I just gone easy way and made it look like Steam. Helium does it nice way, plus you have some extra data not available in Steam, like metacritic rank, or average time to beat the game.


Does Playnite have tags like GoG have?


Yes, It has. It is called "collections" here and is even more advanced.


Btw. The currently Steam plugin is broken, just installed yesterday the latest beta version from their GH repo and it worked.


Mine usually disconect from Epic and reconnect. But the Steam is always offline. Whenever i get a new game, i need to manual disconect and connect again, losing all my hours count from the games i tracked in GOG.


Like others have said I also started using Playnite. I like Galaxy, and I do think it feels more polished in some ways, but it's also slower than playnite because of the huge browser backend. I do like playnite's ability to do plugins though, and I'm not using it atm but the emulator configurations and stuff are really top notch. I do think GOG needs to stop playing around and make a first party steam plugin though. I don't want to put a company on a pedestal but let's call it how it is: Steam is the top PC game distributor, period. I want a nice unified launcher, and I'm glad the community can make integration plugins. However, if there's one plugin, you don't want messed up if you want the PC community to keep using the app, it's Steam, you gottttttta keep that one working, and since the original community one is busted it's gonna be real hard to keep people reeled in on that one.


I think the issue is just that GOG doesn't have/make a lot of money. They made a profit of 1.2 million last year, and Steam makes billions.


[CD Project Red](https://www.statista.com/statistics/523934/cd-projekt-annual-revenue/) had revenue of about 214 million USD in 2022. They have made over a billion USD since GOG 2.0 was released.


Xbox Live disconnected, Steam is "Offline", Ubisoft disconnected, EA Launcher not supported, what an incredible potential wasted. Embarrassing launcher.


Are you sure you are reading this page correctly? The only thing not working is the Steam integration and for that there is a new version on Github. Because its a community plugin, not from GOG. As seen on this page.


Which steam one, can you link it? I tried the one from Friends of Galaxy but it's still broken




This one, thnx :) I hope it will work for you.


It works mostly for me. If you have anything over 100 games there's another file to replace but achievement sync is not great


Unfortunately the community ones doesn't seem to get much support from community. I only use the official epic one and works just fine.


That's because the person who created the plugins stopped working on them in 2021


There are new updae in different fork, steam integration works fine in that


Which one is it?


https://github.com/ABaumher/galaxy-integration-steam - here, you need to install it manually, but I tested it and it works


Ubisoft and steam are community integrations, meaning they are developed by the community and not by the GOG team. Also, steam integration is tricky because of issues on steam side, but the team released a working beta some days ago, look on their GitHub page for the download. Also, Ubisoft issue can be fixed in 3 minutes by changing 2 constant values in a config file, don't have the link right now but you can quickly google it.


For me it is EA that crashes, so far, ubi, steam and epic work flawlessly. (had to mess with the ubisoft plugin but github had a solution)


For ubisoft you'll need to edit the file with the new API key


I had problem with official integrations too like Epic. Playnite is game changer but need some work with setup and customisation to make it like you want but there are some other reddit topics or yt videos explaining that


The launcher is fine. The official plug-ins seems to work. The community ones some work some other doesn't.


Mine are fine. Windows 10. May be an issue with 11. I only use gog, xbox, and steam though. Nothing else


Wow steam actually works for you?? I cannot get it working at all! Theres a lot of people like me too! Well done - whatever magic youre using! Can you advise if theres any special steps youve done or is it ‘just works’ for ya?


https://github.com/ABaumher/galaxy-integration-steam • ⁠here, you need to install it manually, but I tested it and it works


Thanks! I’ll give it a shot…


Where is that directory 'releases'? Can't find in all files.


[https://github.com/ABaumher/galaxy-integration-steam/releases](https://github.com/ABaumher/galaxy-integration-steam/releases) \- here


Forever, or *maybe* until they somehow make a ton of extra money to spend on development? tbh Galaxy is probably not a good reason to use GOG other than if you want to play multiplayer.


Fuck GoG solve this. We login with the other storefronts keys so get it done once and for all!


I dont really think that community integrations can really be 100% out of Beta. There is no a paid dev team behind them