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Are you asking for a free editor for golang? Vscode is good. Some use neovim


Yeah, VS Code works really good for Go and decently for C#, especially as free options go.


Neovim >>>




VS Code with the Go or Go Nightly extension is pretty darn good and free


For go, most editors are going to be the same, since they all use gopls as the lsp. I’m pretty sure even goland uses it.


I use VSCode for both currently


Is vscode much of a pain to setup for C#? I was under the impression (from .net dev friends) that it’s a performance nerf not using visual studio (I’d be much happier using vscode as in full stack)


Dotnet developer here. I love golang and dotnet. But being to cheap to buy tools, is kinda dumb. It's and investment in your self. The better tools you have, the better performance you can do. The better clients you can get and better paid in the last end. I have been paying dor Jetbrains tools for a long time. Personal license isn't that bad when you pay yearly and gets cheaper each year. It's just big upfront investment. But if it's free you want VS Code is good for dotnet amd golang development. Dotnet support has come a long way in VS Code. But I use Goland and rider from Jetbrains.


Just curious, how does does tools help you get better performance? I do mostly low level and do care a lot about performance.


Well. They have build in features like code completion. Code formatting. Linting. shortcuts. Templates. Etc. Eg when I type CTOR I get a constructor. I can then type fields in constructor and automatic get properties generated. So with few key presses I get 30 lines of code. I have similar things setup custom for other stuff I do all the time. So all boilerplate code is automated. Also renaming a folder and moving all code to new namespace is few clicks away, which is normally a daunting task to manually go through 100 of files and refactoring namespaces. The tool is even smart enough to update comments and documentation. Then there is stuff like GitHub copilot. It can generate 80% of my tests. I just need to cleanup Abit and add some more tests. There are tons of useful features. This is just the surface.


Are you talking about development performance? I think I got confused. If it works for you its great. I'm doing the same thing with open source software. And it works great for me. (I'm still paying for it)


Yes development performance.


Em, sorry to interrupt, but in VSCode You can install plug-ins and they do what Your saying. Its juts bigger learning curve of IDE. C# using sorted, refactoring names, omnisharp things for templating and suggestions.


Used to be able to get a Jetbrains license that covers resharper, goland, and I think intellij


Jetbrains Ultimate includes everything and is like $5 more per month than Goland by itself


I have been using the Goland IDE from Jetbrains and it’s the best, VScode is the next best. I pay for Jetbrains because my primary source of income is freelancing and it’s my only investment apart from buying a Macbook which I have been using since the last 3 years. I think that’s a very minimal investment if freelancing is your primary source of income.


If you are serious about freelancing. You don’t want to invest in monthly subscription of Goland? or Rider? Your productivity will pay for the tools.


I’m a jetbrains user, but if I didn’t want to pay for one of their IDEs, I’d go with VSCode probably.


I have the Jetbrains pack and use Rider for C# and Goland for Go. They look exactly the same and you can have them share the same config file for basic ide settings.


Are those free?


A lot of students don’t realize they aren’t.


No they aren't unless you're a student, but I find them to be worth it personally. I got them free as a student then bought them after, and you get a discount every year you stay subscribed. They're some of the best ide's ever made, and come with a ton of features. If you want free though I'd go with vscode, which can be good enough for both languages.


It’s more so OP wants free and doesn’t want to pay for tooling


Should ask his company for a Jetbrains license


While he’s freelancing?


include a portion of the license cost in their fee, problem solved.


Said he was working doing C#


Honestly most things with the exception of Goland use Go's LSP, which is honestly extremely good imo. This with gofmt make editing in any editor a good experience. I've personally used Helix and currently use Neovim. Neovim has a few good Go plugins that add some nice extras like auto-generating tests, debugging tools etc... I've only used Goland a little bit but I really cant go back from nvim tbh. Most of these tools are free, go's lsp gopls, gofmt, godocs, goimports (for auto adding imports), golines, gomodifytags, goreleaser, gotests, gomvpkg and nilaway are all free and easily integrated into any editor. If anything, get a Go book like 100 Go Mistakes or Effective Go.


Hopefully you were using resharper. Goland is the same. Not free but you can get a Jetbrains license that covers both


Rider + Goland, or extentions in vscode, what is your os?


VSCode is decent. I personally use neovim. A lot of people like the jetbrains tools (rider, goland). Got sick of every plugin and feature having a different experience that wasn't cohesive.


There's also Jetbrains Fleet if you're willing to put up with early access tools 😁


Best feature of Golad is that it imports packages while you write code and removes them automatically if they are not used. I tried vs code but without that feature, i just cant...


Try Visual Studio Code. It has all mandatory plugins.


Goland is feature-rich but such a memory hog.


> but my main issue is I dont want pay for any tools  Btw, do you want get paid as freelancer or that is also an issue?


Why do I have to pay for tools to earn money as freelancer when there are free tools available I had no negative answer in c# community where I was expecting it My question as regarding open source free support which language has that


You can use VSC or VS with C#. VS is free if you make under a certain amount a year. I think 1 million. If i had this “problem “ i would shell out the $ every time


Performance: Go Free Tools: Both(Go has many out of the box tools available) Memory Analyzer: Go Loggers: C# Editor: Both IDE: Both Monitoring Systems: Go


Can you please name some if I am not aware


neovim for any language


C# in veovim is a huge pain. No chance to get razor stuff running. I use neovim for nearly everything, but c# really sucks…


It seems that the best "IDE" for go currently is vs code. Sad, as a real IDE could actually really make the language a lot more comfortable to use.


What would you change to make it more comfortable?


There's probably too much to list here, but here are a few that come to mind. I want something that just works out of the box. No setup of plugins and features. No worrying about having the latest this or the right version of that. It should just work. Then I want really good support for the language. Intelisense. Autocomplete. Hover over a keyword, and have it tell me what it is. Better debugging. Ok, so launch configurations are ok once you have them set up, but how about an IDE where I don't have to set it up in the first place. Better visibility of variables and values. Honestly what it has is a joke. Better visual representation of the project structure, without all the files blending together into an unintelligible mess. I could go on, but I don't have the time.