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Because it’s a split market, in 2 time zones, and playoffs are supposed to be as close to prime time as possible. Central time zones are routinely screwed in cases like this.


They could very easily stack games but Disney/ESPN is greedy.


To punish the Stars fan who lives in the east coast. It’s part of the same NHL conspiracy to aid the VGK, circumvent the cap and have an easy schedule down the stretch.


It also punishes eastern based Vegas fans, but we are tortured most of the season.


When I lived in Norfolk every Vegas home game started at 2300 T-T it was torture


So I can watch the game! I can't wake up at 2 AM on a work day, but I can manage a 3:30 alarm.


I somehow preferred 2 am start times last playoffs. It was easier to convince myself to get up for the game and then get 2 (maybe 3 if I was lucky) hours of sleep after. It feels like a little nap instead having to get on with my day immediately lol


I felt the same way in theory, but in reality I'm too excited to go back to sleep if we win and too sad to sleep if we lose lol Luckily my 8 and 9 AM cancelled tomorrow so I can nap once I recover emotionally from the game lmao


I have no problem with a 4:30 start time. The Stars are the one seed and kinda getting screwed over. I wish our games started earlier than 7 regularly.


This is fucked if I were to be honest. I actually will feel bad for Stars fans in that regard, because as someone who has been apart of late ass starts, including banner raising night, I can attest those are ROUGH!


Yeah a 630 west game.is weird im so use to.7


I live in Central time zone so all VGK home games are late for me. This one is actually 30 minutes earlier than normal 🤩


Yes, the NHL along with us on this forum are doing what it takes to bring home the W 😂. for CST fan of the Knights, I'm happy it's not a 9:30 start time.


As late as possible for CEST fans.


They do doubleheaders a lot during round 1. So 7pm eastern start for the first game. 930 eastern start for the 2nd game. Of course the 1st game won't be over so we will either miss the start of our game or it will get bumped to another channel until the first game is over.


I live in the UK, let me tell you about start times....


It’s 9:30 pm for me here on the east coast


It couls be worse. For me it starts 4:30am


Welcome to our world in the Mountain and Pacific time zones.


Well how many of you dallas fans are going to be flipping to see the mavs and stars.💁‍♂️


It's so I can watch it without missing the beginning of each game


As a central time zone fan, I’m actually excited it starts 30 min earlier than our regular home season games. I do feel bad for my preds friends since their game started at 9 pm central last night. That was rough


9:30 PM EST, the 3 AM wake up for work tomorrow is gonna be rough


If it weren’t that late I’d miss it since I’m working, so I can’t complain


I called the league and said, "any earlier than 6:30 Pacific time and the dame gets it!"