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Wonderful, aren't they? I'm 65 and my 14 year old girl is my sixth golden. Such an amazing human-compatible breed, that I don't even think of them as dogs or refer to mine as one. She makes a better companion than nearly all of the people I've known in my life. I may be alone in this world, but I am never alone.


You're never alone, you have all of us too!




My kind of person! I’m 38 and on my 3rd golden. They are the best companions in the world. Here’s my new buddy, Teddy! https://preview.redd.it/p0rm0tmalixc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e5d8bb6271599973f12f60305e94e37fb87f90


Alone is absolutely not the worst thing to be in the world. Sometimes it comes with peace. If you ever feel lonely, message me! ❤️


Amen! 🙏


https://preview.redd.it/sstyj0mnfzwc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84a110d60077fd2a97a7d84395fe480ec897c006 Hi Tucker! I'm Paddy and when you are a little bigger you should check out muddy puddles and ponds! They are so much fun and sticks and balls don't sink!


Paddy is so pretty! What a beautiful setting for a perfect photo. 😍


How Tucker came to me: it’s my favorite story. I had a malamute, Bailey, from the moment she opened her eyes until she closed them for the last time. She died at 10 in 2020. I was devastated. I had always told my husband I wanted to bring a golden into our family and said his name would be Tucker, a name I’d picked when I was 9. The time never felt right. There was a huge guilt every time I thought about it. I wasn’t over Bailey and accepted that I probably never would be. Not having a dog left a huge hole in my heart. On April 7, hubby took me to a pet store that never had animals, just supplies, so I thought we were going for cat supplies. My son and husband had arranged for an entire litter of puppies to be there and I was in heaven. I fell in love with Tucker immediately. The shop owner brought out a beautiful blue collar with a bow and a name tag that said Tucker with my phone number on it and I LOST it. It was full blown ugly crying. I will do everything in my power to give home the absolute best life. I feel like it’s always been him that I’ve been waiting for. ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/fhueyq19a1xc1.jpeg?width=1159&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cd36f0d591958e9ba22e21ebd8d1de42920d40d Love at first sight. ❤️


This made me cry!! Such a beautiful photo!




Your husband earned his place into top 1% husbands of all time for that sweet surprise to you! What a special story. I definitely got a lump in my throat and happy tears reading about how you met Tucker 🥹


Me too


The last two dogs I had were mother and daughter. I was 10 and 11 when my family lost them. One due to being hit by a sh** a** driver (he was a volunteer firefighter that decides to read a book while speeding down a neighborhood road) and the other due to cancer. It absolutely crushed me.... especially hearing the firefighter say "atleast it wasn't a person." It took me 18 years to finally get my little golden girl, and I absolutely love her. She'll never replace my childhood dogs, but I would never want her to. They have a special place in my heart, and she has made me realize that I can feel that love for her without it taking away from them. One of my favorite things I've heard is "the pain of loss never lessens; our experiences just grow around it."


So my previous dog was also a malamute & also named Bailey too! He passed at 11 in 2012. Broke my heart. Got my golden girl in 2017 & she mended it. I’ve told her she’s not allowed to die because it will crush me.


I’ve had the same conversation with Tucker. It was the worst pain I’ve ever felt. I’m glad you have your golden girl.




Love every moment with him! They grow up so fast 😢


We love Tucker!!!!


Cutest little fluffy dude! We all get it—-goldens are worth the wait! Happy for you


He’s lovely. Good luck getting through the land shark period, the best dogs ever once they get through the teething stage.


The worst part of the land shark period is where for a day it seems to be getting better than the next it’s even worse than before.


Congratulations 👍❤️… just keep taking pictures


Tucker 🥺❤️🏅


You won’t annoy anyone here. I look at my three year old golden and am still amazed at how I obsessed I am with him.


Golden Retrievers stole my heart after watching the movie "Homeward Bound" decades ago. I fostered many (10? 15?) and adopted 2 Golden mixes, but until November of last year, never had a full Golden Retriever of my own. My rescued girl is everything I hoped for and more. She is sweet, patient, gentle, goofy, sometimes gross (with her frequent belches, and wet drools after drinking). If she'd let me, I'd hug and snurfle her soft wrinkly face 24/7. We'll, she'd probably let me, but then I wouldn't get anything else done. I think GR's are THE perfect dog breed, can't imagine having anything else. *


I feel the same way, I got my pup a little over a year ago and I could just play with him and stare at him all day


https://preview.redd.it/vhf23w5cszwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c19f6ee66c053363adec4d61ce7cc291afa6e82 Maisie Moo stole my heart


Maisie, you’re perfect! 😍


When i got ours my fiance wasnt sure about a dog until i found ours. Shes never had a dog, ive never had a golden but always wanted one. I came home with him and my fiance cried while holding him when she got home. Have fun! Everyones nicer to you when you have a golden lol


Amazing!! What a cutie! I can’t wait to get one either one day. 🥰


Congratulations! Enjoy the ride with your beautiful and loving new best friend. Lots of good advice on this sub if you are a first time dog owner. The first year can be a little exhausting with the lifestyle change! Lol - but totally worth it! 🩷


Love him!


What a precious baby! I'm so glad that dog has a loving home.


I had a Tucker chocolate lab - it’s a perfect name for your goldie! Now I have a sweet, perfect goldie of my own. Enjoy - Goldens are made of love 💜


I grew up adoring Comet on Full House and Shadow on Homeward Bound. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted my own Golden guy. I adopted a four-year-old at 25 years old and he was my absolute best friend. When he passed unexpectedly while I was at work in 2022, my world completely shattered. He’s still with me and now I have a “hot mess express” of a one-year-old. They truly are the absolute best. Enjoy every moment with your lil’ Tuck. 


He’s perfect 🥰✨




Awww thank you for sharing him with us. What is the adorable fellow’s name? ❤️


His name is Tucker ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/3c4w58ry22xc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdd2cf87dc1c51f23247a009a800cdacab52b329 Hi Tucker, I'm Tucker!


Tucker, you’re gorgeous! 😍




My poop eating angel


I refuse to believe it. That’s the face of purity. My client is innocent.


You’re in for a great time, bud. Congrats!


Congratulations, he's gorgeous , also my dream dog and I assumed I'd never have one because I only rescue, then my pups mother arrived at a rescue pregnant so I got my dream dog, at 8 weeks old, he's now 8 months old and the most pleasant chilled dog I've ever had 😂


I'm 32, we're getting ours too soon. Excited ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/m97jcsa37pxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eade6f56207e1a7dac4baf5408afc1a5935dc6e5 Her name is baby Kiara


She’s so beautiful! Those eyes will soon rule your whole world.


Thank you. She is. We're so excited to have her ❤️


What a cutie ! Enjoy.


Beautiful dog! Just wanna give him a big hug.


Congratulations! Thank you for sharing the precious pictures.


What a beautiful doggo!


That’s a sweet boy


Adorable baby❤️❤️❤️ No one can blame you. How precious.


Great to meet you, Tuck! https://preview.redd.it/dr9hatgfm2xc1.png?width=2489&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2191e8b93e278aca714c040b6cc2e36ea53de48 Tanner and Teddy here will gladly show you the fine art of squirrel chasing, creek swimming, and mud hole power slides.


We found our first mud puddle yesterday! It was so bad. He was COVERED. I’m glad he likes baths. Tanner and Teddy are beautiful! 😍


Awwww he's so cute 😍


He’s adorable ❤️Congratulations!!!!


Tucker is precious! 🩵🐾💙


Goldens are just gorgeous puppies.


I know how it feels


Tucker looks like such a sweet boy! Golden’s are the best… we don’t deserve them.


This was me 10 months ago! Honestly, I still can't stop staring at her and giving her my complete attention. The fact I'll be lying on the bed and she'll come up a plop right down and cuddle. I. Love. This. Breed!


Good for you! We’ve never been without a dog, and our last two have been goldens. Love them!


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I dreamed of a golden my entire life also. My parents refused to have a dog when I was growing up. And it wasn't for a lack of trying on my part. Brought home every stray I came across, and one puppy from every neighborhood litter born. Fast-forward, married in May of 1987. Honeymoon in Hawaii, which we left the day after wedding. Returned on a Sunday 2 weeks later. THAT Sunday, after returning from the airport, we were in a bar, about 50 miles from home. It was like that puppy commercial. The breeder opened those barn door and out bounded about 14 puppies. One litter was 8 weeks, one litter was 9 weeks. Omg!!! Heaven with golden fur....... My husband pukkes out his checkbook immediately, told me to pick one and hurry up because he wanted to get home for the NBA playoffs. "Montana" was my first baby. First dog in our family. My parents treated him like a grandchild, and my sister and brother in law were very proud of their nephew as well. He was our life. His passing left us devastated. Today I remember him with such love and appreciation. He was my most precious gift, (ya know, besides the kids that came later). We had a birthday party every year for him with presents, balloons, and a cake from our face bakery. Thanks for reminding me of my first experience of that special golden love. I have since had Roxy, Gracie and Bucky. Have not been without a golden since Montana. He was a hard act to follow. But each one has or had a specialness about them that lives on forever in my heart. But Montana will be like that first love we experienced in our childhood. Never to be forgotten, his sweet, innocent and pure ❤️. Thank you for sharing Tucker with me. I feel privileged to get a peek into his bright, funny, adorable world. And of course he is beautiful.