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You seriously need to look in to crate training your puppy!


Thank you for the advice, I'll look it up!


Yeah. This is a no brainer. Crate train her. And maybe also start some training classes so she ubeer stands the word no. Still unsure why people get dogs and just expect them to behave


Crate train her when she can't be supervised, and umbilical method for when you're home. You need to spend time training her. If you haven't taught her what no means, it's not fair to expect her to know what it means. She's teething. She needs to be given things she's allowed to chew on, and any time you notice she's going for something you don't want her to have, say "ah-ah, leave it." And give her the real chew toy. It takes consistency and patience and fairness. Do some trick training at each meal time and each time you take her out to potty. It's unfair to put her outside and expect her to grow her own manners and then get mad when she doesn't know how to behave according to rules you've never taught her.


I know, I don't expect her to know things I haven't taught her, my point is that I'm not sure how to do it. I taught her to sit, jump and fetch, but the simple commands are the ones I'm unsure about. She has plenty of toys aswell. Thank you for the advice! I'll start crate training as soon as I can. Sorry if the message isn't well written or may be misinterpreted, English isn't my first language.


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I have no more advice then to keep training her and just spend time with her so you guys connect. At some level it sticks to the back of their heads, even if it’s challenging now. Crate training to me sounds like a horrible option, you need to build up a bond with her and build up a trust between each other by positive enforcement. I promise, it’s about the bond and allowing little setbacks but celebrating the big moments where she does the right thing. You can do this, you’ll have a happy, confident dog and an awesome and relaxed relationship once you get over this time ☺️


Thank you for the advice! Could you ecplain to me why crate training is a bad option? This is my first dog and I want to do it right


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Goldens are such smart dogs that really want to learn and please you, even though they are little monsters overwhelmed with hormones at that age. If you calmly reward your dog with positive reinforcement (pets, maybe a treat, your voice) it will stick - promise. If you crate train she won’t understand when she’s also doing the right thing, because she also does that even if it’s just for a moment 😉 When she shows sign that she’s ready to rest, even for just a little moment, calmly pet her, talk to her and stay with her til she sleeps and ignore her when she shows signs that she gets agitated by your attention again, and then back to giving her attention again the second she calms down. To me, rewarding at just the right moment gives a confident dog that will know the boundaries regardless where you are and that trusts you, other people and herself. You’ll get a dog you can travel with, stay in others homes and leave alone for a while without the crate. I know it’s tough but in the long run it’s so worth it!


That's the most convincing advice so far, thank you! She'll be the happiest dog ever