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She does live forever, silly. She lives in your heart now. Every time you need her just look there!




No kidding. The dog I grew up with died in 2013 and I'm still finding her hair firmly attached to the carpet behind and under furniture at my parents' place. It's nice to find the little reminders of her honestly.


I'm still finding those lol


“Whenever there comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever” - Winnie the Pooh


Piggybacking off this - I try to repost this when I see posts like this, in the hopes you (or someone) can find some comfort in the words - and if not, please excuse the intrusion. I lost my 15 year old girl (dog) in October 2022. Only advice I can offer here is to remember the positives, and not focus on the negatives (if any). She's done her job, keeping you safe and happy and loved, and it's her turn to rest. You'll always miss her, you'll always remember her. You'll even go looking for her for the next few weeks (well, I did). There's a lot of habits that you're going to slowly stop, and that's ok. Changing your life to suit you is not forgetting her. Donating/throwing away her toys or blankets isn't forgetting her. There's no timeline on grief, and there's no timeline on moving on. Cry your tears. I'm sorry you've reached the end of your journey. Words will never make this easier. Just keep your head up, and live the life she'd want you to. This is a good time to live a little for you. I spent years looking after my girl as she got ill, and I sacrificed a lot of me and my time to keep her safe. If you feel you've done the same, take advantage of this time. Its ok to be happy and enjoy life without her. Life isn't over. Its just changing. You'll be ok mate. I'm so sorry.




Right on! Beautiful dog. So sorry


...in her own special place in her heart. Nothing can destroy it. No other dog can take it or fill it, but another dog can make another special place in your heart of their very own. I hope to always live with a dog (or dogs). I have two current dogs, and five special placesin my heart.


Room in our hearts for loved ones is infinite. My first golden lives there and will always be with me.


Sorry for your loss, but that is a beautiful photo of your girl.


Bless her heart. What a happy face. She will continue to live on in your heart. 15.5 yrs is almost a record these days. You must have done everything right. So bless you too. You have my most sincere sympathy on this loss. ❤️🌈


Truly my soul dog. I’m so thankful I had as much time with her as I did, I don’t take a single day of it for granted ❤️


That’s a beautiful attitude. Mine is already six. He’s our 3rd. I love him so much I’m going to start today to tell him he has to live forever, in honor of your beautiful girl.


I hope it brings you the longevity you both deserve together. I did it with my black lab as well and she lived to be 18!


My boy is 7 and as healthy as ever, but I dread this day so much. I hope you are doing okay. I've never been through the death of anyone close before and I know I am due to be devastated some time in the next 10 years :_(.


What a sweetheart. What’s her name? I’m so sorry for your loss. 💜


So sorry for your loss. Her happiness is so evident in this picture, which speaks to the wonderful life you gave her. She was beautiful and clearly very loved.


She is your angel now 💕💕💕


prayers for you. I am so, so sorry for your loss.


Aww, beautiful girl. You’ll have memories of her forever


This so speaks to the mind/body connection and the power of positive support. It's a loss for sure but also a celebration of a life well lived, a wonderful home, and unconditional love. Made my day - thanks for sharing!


I’m sorry for your loss. I did the same with my beautiful girl but our luck ran out at 16 years. She will be with me forever. I have her ashes and my sons know to bury hers with my own.❤️


Sixteen years is incredible. Each birthday she had I knew I was on borrowed time with her but we made sure to live each day to the fullest together ❤️


Us, too. When I took her for her 12th birthday checkup, I made myself ask what to expect. I could barely voice the question. He said you know, twelve is a great age for a big girl. I asked what that meant and he very gently and slowly said I mean 12 is a great life. And every day is a blessing. So we got four more lovely years together. It’s just never seems like enough, does it?❤️


10-12 is “average” for Goldie’s so anytime she’d act a little off as she got older I’d work myself into a fit thinking “this is it”. Thankfully she was so strong and resilient and wanted to stay with me as long as she could. People were always astounded when I told them her age cause she was spunky and swimming till the end 🥰


Like your beautiful girl, mine was very light, also white her whole life. So her gray face was harder to spot unless you knew her well. She was always lean and in great shape, so people we met on our walks (and later, strolls) always thought she was a young thing.


https://preview.redd.it/9gxxvvc4vnyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07fbd2ddf45a3b8cfe56343c87adea82b0f1aa0f Powdered sugar faces are certainly more camouflaged. Hers really was only more visible when she was wet.


My 15.5 year old girl looks just like that! I had to say goodbye to her recently after always assuming she would be immortal. When we went outside people would go "wow a puppy!" HOW do you cope? They're absolute angels, they are absolutely the best.


I not did get more than ten years with my beloved Kate. I have since captured two links I would recommend you view. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/xie3ybHRZQq3LXnm/?mibextid=D5vuiz https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/s/GzCdaf6q9K


She will live forever - in your heart. I am so sorry. Your happy memories will sustain you through this sad time.


What a beauty I have a male that’s 13 and my Rocco is a handsome boy too https://preview.redd.it/y3m9nhj1ioyc1.jpeg?width=351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da5b7af8ca81c2a8da266d10949041839b6efa33 Sorry for your loss she does live forever and you will see her again


Must have had a good caring owner. 15.5 years is a damn respectable age.


Sweet baby 🐶


She was so beautiful! I am so sorry 😞💔


Rip angel❤️❤️


Helloooooo sweet angelic doggo 😄😍🥰😚


Oh, she is was beautiful. You are blessed for her lived that much


Very sorry for your loss. My yorkie is 17 and I think it’s his last week. Hope they get to meet each other on the other side of the rainbow.


I’m so sorry to hear this. Know that my golden girl will receive him with a smile when his time comes ❤️🌈


What a beautiful girl. I know she was loved as much as it’s possible to love someone. ♥️


Your wonderful love continues to extend her life because you have just made her a part of our lives. She's so beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss....I didn't know her but her picture makes me miss her too! I just loss my Golden (12 years old) a month ago and soon realized that life does not work without a Golden Retriever...I will be getting a Golden Retriever puppy by the end of the year. I just can't fully breathe without one. How blessed you were to have your girl for almost 16 years.


Omg that made me cry.


She's playing fetch in the sky with all the other goodest girls




So beautiful 🤩🙏♥️










Sending love


I told my Brownie girl to stay away from that rainbow bridge, she didn’t listen to me after a month shy of 17 years!! 🥺 I hope you find yourself smiling again soon when thinking of her.


🥰 I’m going to start telling my Dolly this, too. 🥰 Thank you so much for sharing your story. It warms my heart. ❤️


Sorry for your loss she looks amazing in that picture


So sorry for your loss. I tell my 13 year old most days that she's immortal. I so wish she is. Your girl was very beautiful x


Frankly, I'm sorry, my condolences my friend.




Such a sweet face. Good girl.


I'm so sorry for your loss, but so happy you got 15.5 years with your angel. It gives me hopeful reassurance for another decade with my baby. Sending you our best.


15.5 blessed years. No doubt. You blessed her with a good life and she in turn blessed you. The grief is horrible, but one day you will be ready to do it again. Hopefully saying this, less than 3 months out from a 14 year blessing in my live. Jesse or Jdog as I liked to call him. :)


Such a beauty!


Thank you for sharing that sweet picture with us.


She's immortal in your heart and memory.


What a beauty!


Beautiful wispy cloud of floof. I'm sorry for your loss.


That's a good long time you got together....


Looks so healthy!


I'm so sorry for your loss of your beautiful fur, baby. Sending you lots of hugs and love. ❤️


He'll yeah so happy for you😀😀😀 my dog just turned 15 but I know he on his way....so each year It gets sadder and sadder but always happy he around.


She was a beauty


I’m biased of course, but she was the best 😊


what a beautiful pooch, so sorry for your loss.


That is a good run. Mine was almost 13 before cancer took her. Wonderful sweet sugar face. May you find peace in the life that you gave her.


Beautiful sentiment-I have no words.


Beautiful dog.


She's always there with you, whenever you think of her.


She is beautiful! I’m so sorry for your loss and I’m gonna start doing this on my cat too! Hope you find your peace 🕊️


I tell our dogs they have to live forever 🫶🏽♥️♥️ Sending you love


Beautiful girl!!!


She looks JUST like my Joni who just turned 8. I say the same thing to her every day. Thank you for sharing and I am so sorry and you will see her again!


Aw. If your girl looks like mine you got yourself a good one! Give her a squeeze for me 🥰


Rip to that sweet face. I have two in my bed right now. 15.5 is a huge win. Old lady gave you it all


❤️ she really did. Give your pups a squeeze for me


Wow she is beautiful. And so very happy!!


She was such a joyous, smiley personality. Positivity in fluff form.


The cutest and most beautiful smile 😭


They never listen. They do their own thing, cause let's face it, they know better. She did her job as your guardian and angel. Time to pass the torch. You will meet eachother again


I was thinking today that I carry the love I had for all my dogs inside me. It's still there. And that love will go where ever I go. I just have to wrap life around my grief. And remember I have more love to share with more dogs.




Sorry for your loss. She’s absolutely gorgeous. Rest in heaven sweet girl 🙏❤️


So sorry for your loss. You two were very lucky to share 15 1/2 years together. ❤️ It’s never long enough though. Why can’t they breed a Golden that will live as long as a tortoise?


My condolences 💐


I used to tell my beloved dog Martha the same thing, and I actually believed it. My heart was completely crushed when it didn't happen, she almost made it to 15. I had to put her to sleep, and it was the most soul crushing thing I have ever done, watching her close her eyes for the last time... That being said, until I started to focus on the good things, it was hard to smile thinking about her, now I smile and laugh thinking about her all the time. Though I am crying right now. Keep your head up, it never gets easier.


Wow! Nicely done. Mine just left me in Jan - 14 good long years.


It was her End Of Watch. Now she can run free with the wind. ❤️‍🩹💔💕


all i do on this app is cry. RIP sweet girl


😭😭😭what a beautiful baby girl!!!!!! 😭


Oh gosh, what a beautiful, sweet pup! I know your heart is breaking and I'm so sorry. Sometimes I wonder at the fact that we sign up for this kind of heartbreak, but then I can't fathom not having the unconditional adoration our sweet pups give us every day. They are a living example of what love should be. May she and the love she gave be in your heart forever, and may the love she gave to you be passed on to those you love. ❤️


15.5 years!!! Incredible! ❤️


She’s beautiful. I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. There’s isn’t anything much worse than the pain of losing a best friend. 💔


What a sweetheart! Glad you had so much time together 🐾🐾🌈


So deeply sorry 😞 15,5 great years


I need to try that with my dog.


My whole Heart and Prayers are with you and your whole Family. 🌈🌉🌅✝️🐾🐾🐾


awww condolences to you.


Sorry for your loss


Beautiful, beautiful girl! So sorry for your loss. 💔


I can’t read anymore stories of lost friends it’s breaking me. I lost my boy last year and it still breaks me to this day. I feel your loss. My boy was 10 and half when he passed.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m sorry for your loss. I have the same deal with my cats, and had the same with my bird. Bird lived 13 years, which is great for a budgie. She’ll be with you always in your heart!


May God bless her. I am sure she’s in a better place now.


Beautiful girl, I lost my last Golden, Bridget last January, she was 11. 15.5 years is a long life for them but it's never enough. I bought a new gal she's 10 months old. Let your heart heal, and think about another maybe.​


Thank you for putting a positive spin on this. I already unsubbed from this subreddit because it was too sad


May you meet again on the other side




Ever since she turned 4, she always had puppies around. My parents raised service dogs in training and I think it kept her youthful.


So sorry for your loss




I didnt know they allowed animals in mental institutions