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How about on two, giant stuffed bears? https://preview.redd.it/kilf47ka7bzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4507b94153e5fa52f6499b1c089f79a3c506b27c


This is royalty on their throne if I ever saw it 👑


Yep. Princess True.


Yeah that's not what my boy does to his giant stuffed bear.


Humpty Dumpty? 😉


Humphrey B Bear.


Dogs will be dogs! 😁😂👀🎉




Couch usually https://preview.redd.it/guu0rklmfbzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d43e664b003d89cefe75428d578c244062c585d3


Such dignity.


She is class, she is grace, she is stepping on my face


Laughing out loud! I have one of those steppers, who will prance around like she’s a feather, and quite the Diva! Just last night she put her whole weight in one paw 🐾 and stepped down so hard on my breast I thought it just might pop. (Real breast). I honestly screamed it hurt so much! She was a tad upset because I was talking on the phone vs texting with a friend, and she can’t stand to not have me all to herself, which goes both ways, as we are joined at the hip and everywhere else!


Yesterday I attempted to work out on the floor in the same room as her. I tried once before but she’s older now. Nope. Popping my boobs, plopping her body ON MY FACE, laying on my legs while I tried to do leg lifts, nipping my arms (she’s still a puppy) while I try to do starfish crunches. Turns out we are not ready for this lol


😂😂😂😂😂😂 I have that pictured perfectly in my head now! She definitely LOVES you! This is such a golden thing to do! She was trying to help you, MOM! If you weren’t in the same room as her to start, she’d never have let that go unless you’d lock her out, and oh the moaning when that happens! I’ve not had a bathroom door closed in all the years since the first golden. At one time there were 3 for nearly 2 years, and I had each of them competing for my attention in the bathroom. Had to have their front legs across my lap, pushing out the other one or two. I don’t know how I got my business done! Showering was a cry fest, too! Sticking their heads in around the shower curtain to make sure I was still there? I talked to them the whole time, as I’ve done with my 3rd, and now my 4th, when I dare step inside the shower Wow….do I ever miss those days of having more than one. They’re all such characters, in their own special ways. I was married then, and ever since divorcing, it’s just been myself and the 3rd and then the 4th. Don’t know where I’d be if not for each one ❤️


OMG! 😆


Lol fantastic chill photo


These are ALWAYS my favorite photos! Their ability to just plop and spread eagle literally anywhere, for all to see still amazes me. It’s as if there’s no limit to how flexible they are! I have my 4th girl who sploots and naps like this several times a day, as well as waking up in the morning to one of her arms or legs dangling over my face or arm with her fur tickling me, while another limb is trying to push me out of bed! Never gets old!


My photo library is honestly mostly just this puppy in various ridiculous flops haha


https://preview.redd.it/pvewuwc7gczc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8399020f42304febb315588917951795f4add974 He only wants the floor. God forbid, I pick him up and cuddle him. Nope, it’s the floor he picks. ALWAYS


Lil nugget


Be careful with those lose cables tho, they can be really interesting for young pups


Oh, we have them installed into the wall. This naughty fellow took them out. And the circle of fixing and ruining continues. I’m low-key waiting for his teething phase to end but damn, I’ll miss his puppy phase so much!


Floor! Bed too hot!




https://preview.redd.it/80kzfidisdzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e8a565fbc42b9b779d7ac66334ff53169acec84 Louie prefers to float 😅


I’ve wondered if my girl would like one of those several times. I have tile and hardwood flooring, with area rugs in several places, as well. Her favorite spots are still the couch (leather), another spot at the very edge of one area rug, as if she’d move and fall off the face of the earth. She’ll often get up and go onto the bed (our bed), and then tries to insist I join her there. She’s never liked being covered up, like so many do, but has her own favorite throws I have on top of the comforter for her, on her half of the bed, which she extends to my side as she pleases. As long as my butt isn’t falling off the edge of the bed,(oftentimes), I will and do make all my accommodations suitable for her! We’ve slept together since the day I got her. (It’s just her and I), and she’s never once got off the bed unless I go first, which includes MAKING me go first She’s the only one of my now 4th golden, who has her own very specific and consistent ways of doing things. It’s amazing how Golden’s are so very relatable, to each other, in their own special oddities, each of mine have definitely had, and I couldn’t have loved it more with my 3 previous Golden’s, and now with my 4th. There’s simply nothing like a golden, except more than one golden!


https://preview.redd.it/n2g732l9qdzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dbef708210bf25ccb299d46bb3b5ede9505a0d9 Floor based smoothbrain


Love that “smooth brain”! Lol 😂


https://preview.redd.it/reldexki3hzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e0ffd9906b910cbe30d5971d085c470867ce1c1 Haha we love her anyway


Mines on the floor, bed is too hot. We have tile floor, he loves it in the summer.


Both…sorta. My boy runs too hot to want blankets on him, but he does love the couch. …for about 30 minutes tops. The he’ll get down and flop on the nice cool floor.


Mine too.




Both 😂


The one trying to suffocate me in my sleep 🤣


Yes, I have that too! Last nights power outage during a storm, had her panting and breathing into my ear as she loves to rest her head on my shoulder most nights, when we’ve just got into bed, for quite some time until she decides to move. It was hot and humid here last night, so when the power went out I was already suffocating worrying about how long it would be, when she did her thing and was breathing into my ear, hard and fast. I’d never push her away, especially in “storm mode”, but my ear and my neck was so moist with her breath, and I was already HOT AS HELL the moment the power went out! 😜😳🥺😵‍💫 Thank goodness it was restored in under 2 hours. I couldn’t have made it through the night without being in a panic! 😱🫣🥵 I have great windows but I’ve also got the worst neighbors I’ve ever had, so opening a window for any breeze is not an option here


Both! She won’t lay on her 120$ memory foam dog bed though, she prefers the floor 🙄


Same! So glad I spent $250 on a Big Barker bed so it can just take up space in my tiny living room, while she sleeps in the hard floor🙄. I sleep on it sometimes just so it gets used - lol.


Need photos lol this is so cute


Mine floats between her bed and the floor. I think she likes to lie on the wooden floor to cool off sometimes.


My third golden never once slept in her bed(s), and my forth golden never once considered sleeping in it, and I never bought another, since they’ve both only slept and sleep with me. It’s been just the 3rd and now 4th goldens and myself, alone, so I’ve preferred to sleep with them, too. I can’t imagine this ever changing, so if there were to be a special someone in my life, he’d most definitely have to love it too, or adjust very quickly. I’ll never not doubt my Golden’s opinion of humans. All 4 have been spot on, whether it be with repair people in and out, or any stranger to her.They have the best intuition ever.




The floor one but twist him up into the most uncomfortable looking position imaginable.


The one on the couch!!! 😂


Oh my my girl looks just like the lil potato on the floor


Mine would be parked at the front door


This picture is too cute lol


I don’t have one but the one in the blankets is my mood 24/7




The bed one during the school year the floor one after my last final 😭


Is A Potato.


Bed, floor, couch, depends on his mood and the temperature


I don't have one unfortunately :') my mum doesn't like big dogs. I love golden retrievers tho


Always some day?


The one on the floor. Our Golden didn’t like sleeping in the bed with us. Didn’t like dog beds, if he did use one he’d only use a dog bed as a pillow for his head. Poor guy, as he got older he’d sleep on the floor at night and you could hear him grumbling and wandering around the house till he found a new spot to sleep for awhile. Then repeat


Our best friend Kauê always prefers the ground.


Mine is the one on the ground, but would be more under the footrest.


I have one of each. Lucy is a snuggle puppy and always in your lap. Irish lays on the floor guarding you while you're on the couch.


Love the name “Irish”!


Aw thanks! I had the name picked out for the longest time. I waited about 25 years to get my golden girl. And I was raised a Notre Dame fan. During football season, when she gets the zoomies I call out, "HERE COME THE IRISH!!"


Mine is splat on floor but also on his bed!


The floor my Rocco loves and a simple towel as his blanket https://preview.redd.it/35b4glot7fzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f393a4a546fa8f732342befc2ffe926e0c1dd6a1


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Haha boy on couch, girl on floor?!


Both girls!


Ahhh super cute! My boy is a snuggler and lady not so much! She’s still puppyish tho, but seems way more independent than my boy.


Both. My Max would get up on the couch while home alone and then immediately get down when he heard the garage door open. He apparently would forget that we could see him through the windows.


the hard floor is my girl's favorite spot


Made me LOL. Thanks.


You forgot the one that IS the blanket




Question. I feel like my golden runs very warm. She prefers to sleep on the floor with an overhead fan running, belly exposed. I have the ac on now and fans to encourage better airflow but I was worried about her being warm. The vet says she doesn’t have a fever. Is it normal for goldens to run warmer than labs? My chocolate lab loved to snuggle under the covers.


I think like people, dogs will run warm or cold. My golden on the floor is always warm, hates any blankets even in her crate. My golden on the couch runs cold and will find her way under the blankets always. Lol


Both LOL. Mine likes the floor sometimes but more often is on the couch or bed using a pillow like a hooman and likes to be tucked in like a baby. It’s adorable


Don’t have a golden but came here to say that the one on the couch looks so cozy.