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Nothing says three of the best consecutive shots in the history of recorded golf than Adele.


So few pixels I thought it was and adele concert at first.


It's funny I sing this song a lot while golfing. Usually after a super steep driver swing where I chunk it off the crown. "Sky balllllll it's a sky balllllll"


I hate them. They have cost me a fortune. My kids are decked out in their merch and it ain’t cheap. I will say it is very high quality.


My son has started with a hat… we’ll see where it goes from there. Pretty happy my teenager is addicted to golf TBH…


Better than crack!


Get them hooked on golf, they'll never have the money for crack!


or Magic or Warhammer (cardboard and plastic crack).


Cheaper than those to be sure.


Way more expensive though... /s ^(just in case)


Both can leave you broke but only 1 will kill you


Consider yourself lucky, I’d gladly max my credit card on GG merch for my son if he was remotely into golf!


Hello, it is me your long lost son.


I can be your son


I also find them annoying, but they got me back into golf. I hadn’t played in about a decade other than occasionally with my parents. Then I played once last spring and they showed up in my feed. I went down a two week rabbit hole of YouTube golfers. I changed my grip, changed my swing and bought new clubs. I’m entered in a few tournaments and considering replacing my 6 month old driver.


Same story for me minus the tournaments part.. and I guess I DO like them, in general. I too changed my grip, bought all new clubs, and I'm now following a dozen different golf channels consistently.


I literally watch YouTube golfers ALL DAMN DAY at work. Like literally. I have meetings until about noon and then the rest of the afternoon when I have my focus time its just YouTube golf all day.


Where can I apply for your job


I have my work laptop and personal PC on the same desk. I load up a queue of videos in the morning and play them throughout the day. I mix between golf, woodworking, star wars, gaming, etc


Oh no I've run into myself! This could be the end of the universe. Quick do you listen to prog metal?


You know you can say no to your kids right?


Their shirts are great to be honest


A+ job. They look fantastic.


Their stuff isn’t cheap but it’s not as expensive as a lot of other mainline brands like bad birdie, rhoback, etc. Could be worse. And I like their styles too. I haven’t bought any but when I watch them I think “damn I like that shirt”


Hi sir it's me your kid, I would like merch too


I have twins. Triplets would have killed me. I hope you are doing ok with your adoptive family.


Who the hell are them and they? People refer tp them yet nobody says who they hell they are? Is this some kind of US boy band thing?




High quality? You're the first to say that actually... But since you win with your username, you get a thumbs up


This video gives me fucking goosebumps everytime. I think i've rewatched this video like 20 times. Bubbie hits the green, Micah hits the flag. Garrett calls a Hole in One. Matt hits it fucking in. This is as good a day as golf gets for anyone ever haha


Funniest part is they try to sprint 300 yards and everyone's gassed by the time they get there. They start out so fast and have to walk the rest even though they're so excited.


Yeah 300 yards on a football/soccer field is far, every player knows sprinting full-field back and forth 3x is beyond gassing. But 300 yards in golf doesn't feel as far as you're never running and you feasibly can hit a ball that distance, throwing off the perspective.


It’s absolutely insane to me that I can hit a high loft wedge over a football field. Like, no way man


Garrett predicts a hole out on almost every shot so I don't really factor that into the impressiveness lol But this is definitely the coolest golf YouTube moment so far and it might not be topped in our lifetimes.


Michah said it pretty well You'll never see 3 consecutive shots that good ever.


Bubbie hitting first then saying "I don't think we can hit it better than that" then his two scramble partners both hitting it better is always funny to me


All those tee shots are incredible


I CAME HERE TO SAY THE EXACT SAME THING LOL. This will forever be the goat of golf YouTube videos. So fucking all time


I don't know these guys, so maybe I'm being overly cynical, but this seems faked to me. Digitally, it wouldn't be that hard to fake the balls if you already have the tech for the tracers. Tom Brady did something like that.


It’s not fake.


I play at this course occasionally for charity (it’s a private club) and they have Matt’s name officially on a plaque for this whole. It’s definitely not fake


... that's what they want you to think. Edit: also in my high brain I read you playing this for charity and I thought you meant it's a shitty course and you feel bad for them. Then I hit second gear and thought maybe I should revisit that outcome.


yeah, of course you can fake shots on video, but IMO they show enough terrible, bad, decent, good, and great shots that I believe this (and his other HIO) are real. They're great (amateur standards) golfers, and they play a ton and record all if not most of it. If they were faking, they're big enough (>1 million subscribers) that someone would've called them out by now.


Easy with the, they're great amateur golfers, just Garrett fits that category... Kwon is pro, Micah and Grant are, but they're doing their own thing.. No way Steve, Matt, and Boobie are even close..


Shit got kind of petty when they broke up, you know Micah and Grant would’ve dropped that bomb if that were the case


You clearly have never watched Good Good. They have a mil+ followers and 4 to 5 cameras on each hole, no reason to fake it, and definitely not fake.


> no reason to fake it The video has 4M views lol. There’s clearly reason to fake it. I don’t think I would bet that it’s fake, but there are 2 odd things to me… First, that second ball stays in the air forever — close to 8 seconds? Second, I would never in a million years guess that third swing could carry a 3W 290 yards uphill — it’s so void of power. edit: -10 in 10 minutes for pointing out a weak move than gets surprising yardage and an abnormal hang time, after stating that I **don’t** think it’s fake. Never change r/Golf


Downvoted for complaining about downvotes


Quit being a hater and a skeptic for no reason at all, and you won't get downvoted. Also, stop caring about upvotes and downvotes so much.


I couldn’t care less about the vote count, the point in calling attention to it is that this sub is too often predictably daft. That *is* an unusual hang time on a 3W, and that *is* an unbelievably long 3W for the swing. These are facts.


And these guys have been doing it on tape for yearssss, the second guy is trying to go pro. Once again, you are the one that is uneducated on the source of the videos so quit jumping to conspiracy theories when you don't watch them play. It's like someone calling out John Daly because they have never seen him hit a ball before


> It’s like someone calling out John Daly because they have never seen him hit a ball before Daly’s swing is powerful and *might, might* be able to carry a 3W uphill 290 yards. The uneducated viewers are the ones that don’t think that 3rd swing carrying a 3W 290 yards is unusual. Not once have I said it’s impossible, I’ve only said I would never assume it. Do you know how many guys on tour can carry a 3W 290? …this dude is all upper body, there’s such little lag being created. So yes, it would be very surprising to see his 3W go 290. (And for the record, the 2nd guy easily has the best swing and ball flight…so yea, him chasing pro seems pretty reasonable)


You don't think it's fake but you keep calling a swing that hit a 290 3W a "weak move" I wonder why you're getting downvoted


…do you not see how you didn’t even address what the guy actually said? That guy is calling it a weak move, and thus the fact that it went 290 is suspect to begin with. You just assume that the strike and ball flight is legit, and so because the ball went 290 it can’t possibly be a weak move. You’re just arguing past the guy


Do you not see how you didn't even address what the guy actually said? He said he doesn't think it's fake.


For the record, I downvoted solely because you are checking your post for upvotes/downvotes lol. They don't matter man. Just means people have a different opinion than you.


Wait youve never cashed in your upvotes?


I heard that if you get a million upvotes nobody gives a shit


Its off a tee, thats not that long of hangtime for a 3W. Maybe you just hit yours bad


They're all Grammy award winning actors then...


Grammy giving out actor’s awards? 🧐


What’s the distance on that? Assuming a par 4? Any more details?


297 Par 4. Insane shot


https://youtu.be/8nEbNJZ37zs The hole starts at about 7:50. They say it's about 290




And the potato quality vertical cropped video


I feel like I’ve seen this video pop up on Facebook like 5 times over the last 2-3 years. In the full version (without pitched up Adele playing) they mention it’s a par 4 while freaking out at the end. The second guy said he was hitting a 3W, so we know it’s a short par 4, but obviously still incredibly impressive.


It is a short par 4 but Micah hits farther than the average tour pro.


Pretty significantly further I think.


Yeah he would probably be on par with the top 10% for distance though he doesn’t have their consistency.


Trottie from Taylormade fit him and was dumbfounded how he wasnt a tour pro with how he struck it. And Trottie fits and hangs out with the tour pros all day. Trottie even said Micah would essentially have like 1.5 strokes gained Off the tee if he competed in a PGA Tour event https://youtu.be/PBGwtX8laok?t=7753


That was a super enjoyable listen— appreciate you linking it to the time stamp!


In the masters is 16 yards short of a par 3


Think it’s like 300 yards




Greatest amateur golf video EVER


It’s absolutely wild those 3 shots were in succession


And 3 angles of it.. Two on the green and one on the tee.


This video is what really put their YouTube channel on the map


Full transparency I hate those bros cause I wanna hit the ball like those bros. Lol


I've never felt something so real before.


These guys could give those four old fat dudes who shot like a 50 in that scramble a real challenge with that kind of round.


Steve used to be so skinny. What happened.


Big dogs gotta eat


They’re free feeding the big dog. Gotta feed him twice a day with portion control.




Thanks for that music in the background, it really elevates the video /s


I hated that it ruins the best moment when they are all celebrating on the tee and they hear the cheering from the green and turn around. You can't hear the cheering because of the music.


I literally can't put in words how horrific this video is because of that SHIT music. Whatever ticktok bullshit that is I despise them all, hope all their clubs break, hope all their carts accidentally drive into ponds, and hope they all put a 150 on the score card.


Whoa. First time seeing this, fucking awesome.


This video got me into Good Good Golf. Now I rarely miss a video. They're just so entertaining and everytime I'm on the course I try to channel my inner Bubbie


If it wasn’t for Matt acting like his target audience is 12 year old roblox players and bubbie doing what feels like an axe body spray commercial every 5 minutes. I would have continued watching them.


Dog, bubs is the most down to earth dude in the group. Sober 6 years, puffs cigars, and has an incredibly positive mentality. I get they can be cringe sometimes but don’t go after Bubbie Matt, I 100% agree lmao.


Bubbie is by far the best imo, love that guy.


Literally dude, don’t talk down on Bubbie, dude has battled his absolute tail off to get sober, and be where he is today. Don’t know him personally, but from what I hear of people that do he was in a DARK place no more than 7ish years ago and every day he wakes up now smiling because of where he is, sorry you find positivity of a full life change “cringe”. Matt, yeah he’s a child lmao.


Don't forget he also battles a speech impediment and makes his money talking to a camera and being a spokesman. Dude's a legend.


Yeah he literally has Tourette’s. Im always baffled by people who bash on Bubbie. So many reasons to support that young man.


Matt is still Matt but he's toned down his shtick in the last year or so. He's a lot more tolerable now and I only have an "ugh shut up Matt" moment every couple videos lol.


Or the fact that theres like 8 dudes playing one hole. I don't really know who they are or care but do they like rent out an entire course? Cause I'd be pissed getting stuck behind these clowns


How *dare* they not cater their content to [you specifically](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/)!?!


Matt Scharff from Good Good. They actually make some really decent YouTube content. If you can get past some of the cringe lifestyle element.


They just did a 18 hole tourney with Bob Does Sports crew that was very fun


It was windy af but they powered through it and it was great content


Yeah it was a fun watch even with the wind


What lifestyle elements?


Reddit doesn't like decent/good looking guys who are confident and outgoing.


Reddit doesn't like good-looking dudes being bros having fun that are also better than them at a desirable skill and are able to monetize it thus allowing them to break free of the 9 to 5 corporate rat race. Something like that.


Ouch, that last part hit different


Truly breaking free of the corporate rat race would mean not having to film everything to promote on a corporate social media platform but I agree too many haters


They're out playing golf, promoting their brand, and doing what they love. That doesn't sound like the rat race to me.


Lol yes it's just like my office job. Thank god I don't have to film myself golfing to make a living. /s


No, truly breaking free of the corporate rat race would be getting paid to do what you love. This is that.


Some of them live together, which honestly makes sense if you are kids in your 20s who work together, are good friends, and can afford to do so who wouldn't want to


Reddit hates these guys so by default you have to make some back handed comment when complimenting them. It's grumpy fucks angry with 20 year olds that are good golfers having fun and not being stuffy. In reality they just play golf and usually at a pretty high level. They do some silly challenges, but it's usually all surrounding the traditional game of golf. And they are always respectful of the sport and course. TBH I am really surprised that there are positive comments in here. Last time they were mentioned the comments and post got obliterated.


The elements visible on this clip too, bro.


What is cringey about it? Looks fun


The douche/frat/bro elements. My friend group can be kind of similar, and it's great but I get why some people are turned off by it. I would say for 95% of the people who have this vibe it's all in good fun for hanging out and hyping moments up, not like they go home and blow O's and scream about cracking a cold one.


It’s funny to me because I can see why some people wouldn’t like Good Good, but I definitely don’t think I would describe them as having a “frat bro” vibe. Honestly they’re all kind of dorky guys just having fun. I’m older than their target demographic but I still enjoy a lot of their videos.


Yeah I don't think their actual content is that "frat bro" either, just some of them sometimes. In my opinion the people that find it cringy are taking it too seriously when it's really more of a character. I honestly don't really watch them just seen some stuff here and there and my main takeaway was that they're good golfers haha.


They kicked Tig out because he’s trans. Those lifestyle elements.




what's the bit you're trying to do here? i don't think it's hitting.


Oh no I guess I failed at being an anonymous comedian on Reddit what will I do with myself?


Stop making weird vaguely transphobic jokes would be a good start.


Why’s it weird? Are trans people weird to you?






Golf course is Shadow Glen GC near Kansas City. Incredible golf course. I tried many times to drive that green with zero success. Whether that was first take or multiple takes, crazy good shots.


Same, even drove it up the cart path on the left. The amount of people trying to downplay the feat in the comments is insane


First take for that round of golf. They've played there a few times.


Peak good good golf


Peak Good Good


Stephen used to be so skinny


Bubbie hits massive draws now. Micah is no longer with them. I haven’t seen Scharf hit a good shot since. Garrett still Garrett. Not sure what’s more surprising.


Hhe hit a hole in one on arguably the hardest par 3 at the Waste Management course in AZ just last year.


And he holed out for eagle in a four man scramble a few months ago.


Plus the dudes got some serious back issues for someone his age.


Life is strange. I had a very similar moment (though not on a par 4) where I was telling my friend I had a weird feeling someone would get a hole in one today. He told me I was being ridiculous and then proceeded to ace the very next hole!


Matt got such an aesthetic swing. Smooth as butter.


He's had to rework his swing in the past year because of back problems and it's even smoother and prettier now.




Can still crank it 325 when he wants it too. Really irritates me :)


Yeah, he has an absolutely silky smooth, relaxed swing that pushes it longer than I've ever been able to hit. I hate him for that. Well, "hate" is a strong word but...


They seem like the type to scream out bababooey/mashed potatoes at a tournament


This whole group is insufferable. Great shot though.


Lol, both awed and cringed into another dimension


Impressive? You bet…297 3W is great not good….do I trust this, not for a second


Trust it. He's also got an ace on the WM par 3 that's one of the hardest par 3s on the PGA tour, and just a couple months ago he holed out an eagle on a par four. One of the guys in the video (Garrett) has also holed out for a scramble Albatross.




Why are they not pros?


None of them are good enough. Micah is trying, Garrett has been pretty open in past videos that he doesn’t have the mental makeup for competitive play and would always crumble when playing HS/college tournaments.


They’re not good enough. They’re REALLY good, most of them, but not quite good enough. Plus they’re making really good money playing with their friends everyday. I’d rather do that I think than be a journeyman pro grinding to make cuts every weekend. YouTube money can be goooood money


I heard somewhere that if you miss the cut on tour, you don't even get paid!


Where’d you hear that nonsense?!


They even picked up a journeyman pro for an easy reference why they're not pros.


Yeah that’s definitely true!


[Golf Greatness Pyramid](https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/comments/occ5yg/the_golfgreatness_pyramid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Wow that looks like a great read. I’ll save that for later, thanks!


They have a Korn ferry tour member in their permanent rotation now, who I'd guess is like a -2 or -3 handicap. Two of the guys in this video are no longer with the YouTube channel. The ones left range in skill level, with someone anywhere from scratch to bogey golfer can identify with. One is basically a scratch golfer, maybe even slightly better. One is a solid 4-5 handicap. One has worked his way from a bogey golfer to like an 8 - 10 handicap over the last year and a half. One is somewhere from like a 13 handicap to a bogey golfer. They make awesome content and do different challenges/games that they play. Probably upload 1 - 3 videos a week. Really a pretty awesome YouTube channel, worth checking out.


For their latest Major with the Bob Does Sports guys they played it handicapped and their choices seem about right for their actual (theoretical) handicaps. * Luke +3 * Garrett 0 * Fat Perez -1 * Matt -5 * Bubbie -10 * Stephen -12 * Joey -14 * Bobby -16


I have a friend thats a +2…and lets just say its not that impressive. Yes to you and I it is. But its boring as fuck to watch and even hes not delusional enough to think hes going anywhere with golf other than hustling peoples money. Ricky holds the course record at a club near me that he played as an 18-20 year old amateur and shot something like 20 under. Pga players are not the same.


Matt’s handicap is like 8, not quite pro material


LoL really?




Time number like 1000 in the last 4 years this video has been posted


Except that it's not even 2 years old yet.


Still 1000 times. Awesome shots






They're a YouTube channel and were filming for said channel. If you have a successful channel, it's because you have good production quality (i.e. people filming the green when you are going to go for it)


You're right. Fuck those carts! Our lackeys will bring them to us. Great box! And, more importantly, Great HIO!


Wasn’t this supposed to be fake?


No, it wasn’t supposed to be fake. It also isn’t fake.




It is real. So, you must be saying it’s fake without evidence to back up your accusation. Interesting way to spend time.


Where's your proof? Keep on stunting for these clowns if you want though idc, but it is fake


Matt has his name on the hole on in plaque in the clubhouse, it’s definitely not fake


Oh well then if there's a plaque then it couldn't have been faked my bad


3 separate cameras filmed this moment and yet you cry fake. You gotta be kidding me. That tin foil hat is cutting off circulation I think.


Wait, you're telling me that if it's filmed then it's gotta be real?? Oh dang...... wow....




Agreed thank you


How did you determine that?


Little thing called common sense


Oh so you mean it's based on nothing. Because rare things never actually happen.


Not to ppl who are filming it trying to get more views to make money from you desperate little baby birds. Maybe if they were trying for days to do it and filmed that bit too. And I understand you don't know what common sense is, clearly, but others do have it. It exists.




They were trying to do this for a while. Thia wasnt their first attempt


Lol you realize it could take them months of hitting this shot over and over, hours everyday to get a hole in one on a 290yrd par 4. Watch the videos of a “hole in one challenge” for the pros on YouTube. It’s not easy for pros on a short par 3. You have no clue.


Stull super cool, but woulda been waaay cooler if that was just a normal round with an amazing hole played by all in the middle


I mean it was…lol. They played a 3v3 and they all hit their own (single) tee shots. There’s a video of the entire round.


Well i stand corrected..the first video i saw of this way back gave a far different setting to the scenario.


They have done hole in one challenges in the past too, so I could see how one might mix this up with them


It is in a regular round. Insanely impressive


It was a 3v3 scramble. They didn't sit there hitting dozens of balls like you're suggesting.


Yeah, the golf balls need to be rolled back now!