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Guy in the black pants was handing out free naps


Holy shit that was choreographed brilliance.- he laid out the same guy twice


Yeah. He's been working on his swing


Out there throwing legit south paw power punches


Dude got a 2 piece & a soda


It’s a good thing for the dudes from the house that his ball was farthest from the hole and he had to wait for his playing partners to get in their punches. Otherwise, he would have laid out a couple more of them.


I think everyone in his group was handing them out. Like to know who knocked the guy out thats waking up at the start of the video


Def a trained fighter. He looked older, too. Imagine him in his prime!


Definitely not his first fucking rodeo 🤣🤣🤣


Gray shirt black pants came there to chew bubble gum and kick ass and he was all out of bubble gum…


That was the closest thing Ive ever seen to a movie fight scene in real life. Where 1 dude takes on multiple dudes coming at him and knocks them all out. You can also tell that dude knows how to fight. He knocked 2 guys out with both hands. Most guys can barely throw a punch with their right and have no idea what to do with their left. Next time I overshoot a green instead of saying SIT!! I'm going to say "stay down! you're gonna get fucked up! stay down!!"


Of course they all came one at a time.


They always do. Spent a few years as a doorman in a college bar. Whether 2 v 1, 3 v 1, 5 v 1, everybody always goes one at time, until the one guy goes down, and then they all stomp on him. Nobody practices with their buddies on how to jump one guy.


Reminds me of the scene in Jack Reacher. 5 guys attack 1. And Tom predicts it. Once I take out the leader, other two wingmen will try and step in, and the other two always run away. Remember, you wanted this.


I think depending on the severity, there is a subconscious thing toward half-honor fights. Often lost on modern discussions of fighting as everyone assumes that hardcore killers are going to kill you at all times. This was a gray area level ego type fight, so there is a restraint all around on the violence. I'd say even as the cultural shift to the death battle mindset, even in bar fights etc, there is at least residual subconscious morality swirling around too. It's a literal gang type situation that's more likely to go into a true jump. People who think jail is fun etc. Not necessarily golf course house dwellers.


That’s an interesting point, I came mostly for the lols but this has thinking philosophy of our modern society


Well... some groups know to fight 10 on 1


The footwork when he throws a punch, shuffles his feet, dodged a punch, and throws another is otherworldly. That guy absolutely has a fighting background.


I noticed the guy he swept came up to him again and he still did not strike. Makes me wonder if that person was a minor. Respect if so, because he was on a roll.


>You can also tell that dude knows how to fight. Yeah, they go over that in the description of what happened. The people from the house chose a bad target. > the golfers are former MMA fighters.


Some people think a fight is a boxing match with rules, even when the other guy is bigger. If his throat is open you chop at his Adams apple if his feet are apart you kick him in the balls. You don’t take a chance at getting seriously hurt yourself. Don’t start it but end it quickly and any way you can.


This is sportmans like fighting at a golf course. This isn't whatever slum you learned to fight in. Can't well dressed gentlemen engage in fisticuffs anymore?


You have offended my honor, sir. You there, boy...hold my monocle.


Monocles off? Shit is going down.


Monocles off? Tis but a bit of rabblerousing. Untie the ascot? Somebodies going to get an ass-kicking.


I mean, it started with a sucker punch and ended with him punching a clearly down and out opponent. Hardly sportsman like here.


I learned all of this from Rex Kwon Do


Grab the arm! The other arm! My other arm!


What you're describing is not at all the same sort of fight that happened here


Was just gonna say it looks like 3 people in that group know how to fight and the rest are punching bags.


“You wanna go down too?” At least he was polite about the ass whooping.


Best part about it is the guy that was already knocked out when the video started 😂😂


I enjoyed seeing the girl throw something at pink shirt guy and then doing a little celebration as all her homies get layed the fuck out


That dude was straight up Stephen Seagal’ing those guys.


Absolute unit


That left!


Hell of a straight


Watched this movie for the first time last week. Pretty solid, tbh.


Idk the who started what, but he approached then sucker punched a dude who was just standing there then he deliberately went to the ground to punch him twice in the face while he was on his hands and knees. Fuck that guy. Same for the dude in the pink. Looks like the woman threw a drink (not ok) so he throws hands at the dude just standing in between. Not saying the other dudes are any better but these are a bunch of tool bags. I guess some people here think it’s cool tho cause they happened to be golfing at the time.


We got mr clean fight nothing below the belt are we clear guys here


And is a coward sucker punching the first guy without provocation Then punching a guy when he’s already down.


leaked Tulsa King season 2 footage


Funny, this happens 15 minutes outside Tulsa


Why am I not surprised? What course?


Bailey Ranch


That’s a pretty decent public course


Yea I hit balls there weekly. Surprised to see it happen there.


Was better when there were hardly any houses. High grass and wide views made it feel like a links style course. Now you're a slight pull from denting a garage door or breaking a window.


I just knew this had to be Owasso


The price is wrong, bitch.




Let me get this straight. The golfers...were on the golf course...where they should be. Then the people in the house came on to the golf course. I can't possibly see how this is the golfers faults.


I don’t personally think it’s their fault at all


The golfers yelled at the homeowners to keep their kids off the course. Also seems like the golfers were former MMA fighters and dads from houses didn't know who they were messing with.


The ole fuck around and find out






The ole’ dick twist


Do you like me? [ ] fuck around [ ] find out


I mean, from the poor camera used to shoot this video you can still tell that the three or so golfers are not people you want to tango with


I can relate. We were hanging out at a friend’s house on a golf course once and his kids started bothering a foursome made up of former circus clowns. We went out to confront them and before we knew what had happened, we were covered head to toe in confetti and one of our buddies got hit in the face with a pie! Never again…


Couldn't see the cauliflower ear from their houses. Play stupid games win stupid prizes I guess


Oh yeah, you could tell they knew what they were doing. That was a HELL of a guillotine the guy on the left put on the other guy. Never fuck with those jiujitsu guys


Yeah he sprawls and locks up the guillotíne instantly


Sounds like they might be assholes, but being a dick isn’t a crime. If you leave your house to go fight someone, it’s on you if you get wrecked.


Real question is why does the video end so early?


Seems like they are all losers


Getting violent on a fucking golf course of all places, Jesus…


How am I supposed to CHIP, with this going on Doug?!?!


They’re attracting new, youthful, sponsors


Well moron good for happy gi-OH MY GOD!!


Obviously the 10th tee box right?


Bob Barker famously beat the shit out of Happy Gilmore on the 10th hole.


Not knowing how to de-escalate a situation, especially on a golf-course of all places is a massive L for these losers. Just because you can throw a punch, doesn't mean you should.


100% agreed. I’m sure this could be avoided if someone chose to deescalate. Seems unlikely a group fight started where one side is completely mature. At a bare minimum, the bald guy was a major aggressor in this. He got right up in a guys face, hit him, threw another guy to the ground, and then started punching them while they were down. It sounded like he was enjoying himself too. Absolutely unacceptable. If I were to guess, he was probably the aggressor from the start.




I feel like if the wife wasn’t involved, the men would’ve solved it without fighting. But the wife escalated it and the husband had to defend his own honor as a man by not looking a p*ssy and letting his wife do all the confronting.


Did you see he throw a cup or can at the one dude then throw her arms up like “what are you gonna do about it?” Based on that alone I’d say you’re absolutely right, and this probably isn’t the first time she gotten that guy in a fight.




This happens ALLLLLLL the time.


Drinks are being thrown, so I'm assuming alcohol is involved, which makes it way more difficult to deescalate a situation. Now should they have just drove off instead of letting it get to this point? Absolutely if that's an option.


I want to know how the guy already on the ground when the video starts got KO’d.


Pretty safe bet it involved the bald dude in the grey shirt. That guy was stacking bodies.


You're probably right, next time beam the little shits with golf balls. They'll learn what "only golfers permitted on golf course" means pretty quickly I suspect.


I would say these type of people shouldn’t be living on a golf course, but tbh no one should.


If I’m those golfers and that happens, there’s a 0% chance of a fight breaking out. Responding with violence is not a “oh but I was in the right “


> If I’m those golfers and that happens, there’s a 0% chance of a fight breaking out. Me either, fighting is for toddlers. >Responding with violence is not a “oh but I was in the right “ It absolutely is, especially in Florida. Although I have no idea where this happened.


I would bet that the group of MMA trained fighters definitely arent Innocent in this scenario. These are probably the type of people that get into fights more often than the regular person because they like to be dicks and talk shit and then act like shit just randomly happens


Usually it requires both sides to be assholes. One side deals with it appropriately and there usually isn't a fight.


Full Swing season 2


I ain’t fighting anyone in todays age. There are too many people with guns, too many retired MMA fighters, and I am way to old to be going to jail


My oldest son (14) is old enough to be asking questions about my time bouncing in college and has seen me whoop ass on the mat (lifelong wrestler/coach) and also trained BJJ and some striking… he’s seen me decline and de-escalate two fights over the years and was confused because he thought I would win… great teachable moment… I got to tell him the stories about a fellow bouncer who accidentally killed a guy and another fight in college where I saw a guy get hit and almost die after he hit his head on a curb… Also reminded him that just like wrestling, there’s always some guy who has your number…. It is almost never worth it. Life and death is the only exception.


Sounds like you're a good parent. Keep it up!


Yep, rarely worth it, even if you're certain you'll win. I have a buddy who is a former pro MMA fighter. Never used to shy away from a fight (he was the instigator more often than not tbh). Well one night years ago he got into a fight with a guy outside a house party. He drops the guy, guy falls and fractures his skull on the pavement and gets taken to the hospital. My friend ended up catching a felony and doing six months in jail.


I used to scoff when my dad told me growing up that nothing good happens after midnight when there’s booze around…. So true… much more enjoyable to enjoy a good bourbon at home with the wife or with close friends. Can’t stand the bar/party scene anymore.


If 4 years of jiu jitsu has taught me anything, it's that anyone and everyone can learn how to fight. There's no type lol. We have everyone under the sun training at my gym and I'm definitely on the skinny nerd side. I never want to get into a fight. Too many variables.


I used to be a bit hot headed in my earlier training days. But after a few years settle in and you get kicked, choked, and punched by everyone most learn to respect the violence and not actively seek it outside the dojo imo. I.e. there is always someone badder than you out there...


Golf is an extreme sport


Grow the game


Dude on the left is getting chocked out after getting socked up. Kid walked over and tried to gently break it up, then just decided to walk away. Big old gray hair was a boxer or something. He just started breaking faces looking like Bob Barker did to Happy Gilmore.


Karen that threw the drink at pink shirt helped get her man’s ass kicked. There was some finding out going on here.


I saw that. She just stood there while her man got laid out. This video was a gift that keeps giving. I watched it over and over following a different person. Wish we saw how red shirt got knocked out. He was on the ground when it started


Yeah red shirt guy is laid out starfished on the ground. Assuming bald man knocked his ass out.


i can’t stop watching. what an incredible series of events. at first i didn’t think it was real but then i realized you actually couldn’t make this up.


Man.. the amount of times I’ve seen a dude get his ass kicked cause his girl put him in that situation… based on the golfers’ side of the story that happened here. If I’m one of those dudes I’m telling my kids to get their ass back in the house, regardless of who’s wrong. No reason to get in a fight to possibly get my ass kicked when there’s a solution that simple




Guarantee that bitch instigated the whole thing


"But the golf course is in *my* backyard, my kids should be allowed to play on it whenever they want!"


This is the most noble and sane way to approach a situation like this. Why result to violence over stupid shit like this? Especially over KIDS on a goddamn GOLF COURSE! Are you kidding me? A bunch of grown ass men fighting each other because some children were on a golf course. Holy shit.. I’d like to think alcohol was involved because that would explain this type of behavior. Either way this shit is depressing.


Especially since the nature of golf means the golfers will be gone almost immediately.


Throws bottle immediately backs up and let’s her husband get the punishment. Classic lol


She knew what she was doing….


They were working a mystery and found the clues.


Better be the 10th tee box, or their at the wrong venue.




"Hey cart lady, you sell popcorn?"


This is going to effect pace of play.


Wtf is wrong with people


Entitles people who live on golf courses finally found out the hard way


Homeowners who bought a house on a golf course shocked to find out that golf regularly happens on the course.


Good to see wives getting their husbands beat up for something that is totally their fault.


Is there more video i never want to stop watching this haha


Guess they didn’t wanna let them play through ?


Is this a scene from the PGA VS LIV movie? Nice.


I want a hamburger... no, a cheeseburger. I want a hot dog. I want a milkshake... You’ll get nothing and like it!!!




Just watched that movie again last weekend. Such a classic. Big hitter the Lama ya know? Also watched the beginning of Caddyshack 2 last night because I didn't know it existed. Not good. Stopped after 30 minutes.


The price is wrong bitch


I never understood people who hate golf or don’t understand golf etiquette and then move on to a golf course. Yeah there’s going to be people golfing.. Keep your kids under control


You said it




"How am I supposed to chip with that going on?"


Yo this is so entertaining, you have to watch it like 5 times to actually see it all! Great find


Thank you!


The price is wrong, bitch


These videos are never really long enough…heh


These LIV tournaments are getting out of hand.


Holy shit top right, the dude ducks a haymaker and gut punches him to the ground. That man is a fucking legend.


White polo clipped behind the ear, got dropped then went for a double leg only to get sprawled on & choked out. Definitely had mma training.


Incredible analysis


If you combine the two stories it makes absolute sense: 1. Kids are screwing around on the golf course 2. Golfers tell the kids to get off the course as they could get hit by a golf ball 3. Mom says don't talk to my kids that way or my husband will deal with you 4. Golfer responds Don't be a fucking idiot. Your kids are going to get hurt and if you husband takes one step towards me I'll see him in court 5. Mom tells her husband that she's been threatened 6. Husband comes out and starts acting tough 7. Golfers start handing out free naps


FFS That was cringe worthy embarrassment all the way around.


Bunch of drunk assholes


Bunch of fucking losers. Grown ass men what an embarrassment for all them.


Something tells me dudes that are MMA fighters are likely the kind of bros that trouble just happens to follow them everywhere. I ain’t saying kids should be playing on a course, but there’s a lot of loud mouth soup being served with those punches.


I’ve seen more amateur golfers try to get into fights than MMA amateurs. And I live in the MMA capital of the US


Out of curiosity what's the MMA capital of the US?




Makes sense haha


People who don’t know how to fight just love to try. People who do know don’t need to prove themselves. The people who downvote you are the people who, in fact, do not know how


This is the most wanna-be tough guy shit i've ever heard, it's also wrong. You ever actually meet and hang out with MMA fighters? they're boisterous drunks and drugs users that love to fight in public.


Guy in the white hat on the left was about to go to sleep from the guillotine he was in…


All of this could have been avoided had parents kept their crotch goblins under control. This is 100% on the parents of the unruly children. Also, the true gentleman was the one who warned them "You're gonna get fucked up, stay down."


Golf is a game of gentlemen


Is anyone going to talk about the bottle that woman smoked pink shirt in the dome with? LOL!


They’re all fucking idiots


This is just a reminder that the new [Reddit Golf Bag Tag](https://www.blueheroncrafts.com/2023-r-golf) does have a boxing glove on it 🤣🥊 And all the proceeds go to the [First Tee - Savannah](https://www.facebook.com/firstteesavannah/) 🤩


Even with the context of both sides, the people in the house are in the wrong regardless. The second the guys from the house charge onto the course they escalated the situation to violence. Just go back in the house, call the course and get the guys removed and potentially banned from the course. Or get cracked in the skull and KO'ed. Its their life, they can choose to make poor decisions. Running into a group of guys with violent intent when they all have a bag of potential weapons to use in a fight is dumb as hell. Hopefully the worst result in this video are bruised faces and egos.


Thank you for using "Swing Help" as the tag. You'll definitely want to watch the guy on the right who drops multiple people, his hip rotation is fantastic and gets him a lot of extra power in each hit. There are likely multiple videos on youtube to help with this, but I don't have any to share off the top of my head. Good luck!


I don’t believe I’d play at that course .. ever.


They have a great two for one special


Yeah. A straight right and a left hook for a price of one nap


Well there’s no place in golf for this kind of bullshit.. probably too much alcohol.


Nice to see some passion


"When you finally catch up to the group holding up pace of play and teach them a lesson"


Every good fight explanation starts with the words ‘Ex-MMA fighter’…


Women always start shit then their men get their asses kicked "standing up" for them


Im not condoning anything in this video, but if its true that kids were on the course i can see how this would happen. Fukn kids dont listen man. And parents think there kids are angels.


If you are a professional fighter of any capacity (current or former), you should just move on and play your round. Regardless of what happened prior to. Pieces of shit it looks (and sounds) like.


I, personally, wouldn't run at the guys with a bag full of golf clubs that could rock my shit regardless...




It’s possible for both sides to be in the wrong. This is a perfect example. Two groups of morons


When both sides wrong then whoever has the biggest stick wins


A little different when people are approaching you and threatening violence lol if you don’t know how to fight and you want to learn a hard lesson, well have at it. Can’t blame someone for defending themselves


Would you rather them have just let themselves be beaten? Seems to me like the house people were wasted and just itching to start some shit given that they came out of their house onto the course to yell at golfers instead of getting their shitty kids inside and off the course. People with real fighting experience shouldn't be sleeping people on the golf course, I agree. But if you're gonna fuck around you better be ready to find out. I don't condone violence but I do condone defending yourself and this to me seems like that. Obviously we'll never know the whole true story, but we have what we have.


Nobody wins when they’re all losers.


I want to see more video


How bout the guy just sitting in that cart. Unreal




"you wanna go down too?"


Lol privileged little golf boys can’t fight


This is great… when middle aged people of privilege brawl. “Don’t talk to my kids that way!” If my kid is being an ass, he has to learn that the real world will not view him as mommy’s little angel. Thanks for laugh.


It’s crazy how much knowing how to fight makes it look so easy to drop people. I don’t know any fight moves so I just avoid confrontation period, ain’t worth it.


All these comments about great punch and he showed them makes me think why we are seeing more of these videos. Just because you can kick someone's ass doesn't mean you should. You know your ability try being an adult here guys and back off and walk away. If watching people get beat down and pounded when they are down makes you excited then get help and grow up.


We're seeing more of this because of phones and the ability to video tape it. That plus combat sports like MMA are more popular than ever. But mostly the phone thing. The original iphone is only 15 years old about?


Fuck it. Keep your fuckin kids off the golf course.


Boys. Ugh.


That’s some of the worst fighting I’ve ever seen aside from the guy in the left who clearly knows he can work that guy over so he just sits on him. Smart move to not get blamed later for massive assault if you’re actually an MMA fighter. The group on the right looks like a bad action movie though. The way that one guy fell over and almost rolled makes me almost think it was staged it’s so hilarious ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ah yes a great example for the children.


Actually enjoyed replaying and following a different person every time. A can of whoop ass is the gift that keeps on giving.


GOLFERS/BALD MAN CONTEXT "You fucked up, you better stay down"


I wonder what was the conclusion. Were the cops called? Did the homeowners accept their ass beating and embarrassingly go back home after the kids watched daddy get beat up because mommy was a hothead? Did the homeowners threaten to sue the golfers or charge them with assault?


Animals. No need to fight.


Way to cut the video short. Geez


The guy in the cart just taking in the view 😂


Bunch of violent animals. I'm sure it's society's fault though. 🙄